Thursday, October 31, 2002
I was interviewed for 20 minutes on Astoria, Oregon KSWB's Radio Talk Show "Someone You Should Know" on Wednesday October 30, 2002 at 9:10am PST by host Buzz Kelly. I discussed "How Bots and Intelligent Agents On the Internet Will Change Our Lives" and used TrademarkBots(r) as a practical working example. The resources that I mentioned are available here.
posted by Marcus |
8:24 AM
Sunday, October 27, 2002
I delivered "The Latest Happenings in Bots and Intelligent Agents" at the International LISP 2002 Conference in San Francisco, California on Wednesday October 30, 2002. The track wil be on Robotics and AI. The resources that I mention in my keynote presentation are available here.
posted by Marcus |
3:13 PM
Saturday, October 26, 2002
I was interviewed for 15 minutes on Mt. Pleasant, Michigan WUPS "C & C Morning Machine" on Monday October 28, 2002 at 8:10am by host Chris & C.J. . I discussed "How Bots and Intelligent Agents On the Internet Will Change Our Lives" and used TrademarkBots(r) as a practical working example. The resources that I mentioned are available here.
posted by Marcus |
5:38 PM
Wednesday, October 23, 2002
The last day of ACCA in Washington. D.C. is finishing up and will be shortly preparing to fly back to Naples. Then preparing for LISP2002 Conference in San Francisco next week.
posted by Marcus |
7:20 AM
Monday, October 21, 2002
Our booth at ACCA in Washington, D.C. was well received with over 2000 in attendance! A great show where we we demonstrated the power of TrademarkBots(r) to the top corporate counsels in America!
posted by Marcus |
11:59 AM
Thursday, October 17, 2002
We are presenting to a major law firm in Atlanta today as well as meeting with a large brand company discussing how our and our Trademark Risk Report will improve their ROI in eCommerce and brand clarity. URLs show areInternetBrandPolicy, TrademarkRiskReport, and TrademarkBots(r).
posted by Marcus |
7:20 PM
Tuesday, October 08, 2002
I was interviewed for 30 minutes on Newton, MA (near Boston) WBNW "Business and Sense Power Lunch on October 11, 2002 at 12:10pm by host David Cohen. I discussed "How Bots and Intelligent Agents on the Internet Will Change Our Lives". The resources that I mentioned are available here.
posted by Marcus |
1:52 PM
This was a "live" test that I performed during my SOCAP2002 Presentation. I demonstrated the power of blogs and how easy it was to set up and to publish your blog on the Internet. I demonstrated other tools including TrademarkBots(r). The resources that I mentioned are available here.
posted by Marcus |
12:02 PM
Saturday, October 05, 2002
My November 2002 column is complete and titled "GAMES: The Fun Part of the Internet". For all you gamers out there and wannabe gamers this column gives some excellent resources to enjoy and have fun on the Internet! The column is available from my column archive by clicking here. I have the column as a .pdf file as well and just email me to receive your copy.
posted by Marcus |
4:18 PM
I will be attending the SOCAP International Conference in Palm Springs from October 6th - October 9th and will be delivering "Using the Internet as a Dynamic Resource Tool for CRM" and the various links that I discuss are available here.
posted by Marcus |
8:57 AM