Monday, February 24, 2003
I will do a taped 5 minute interview on Greenville, South Carolina WMUU's "A New Day" Talk Show on Thursday February 27, 2003 at 1:30pm ET by host Jeff Gainous. I will be discussing the many exciting facets of the Internet and how bots and intelligents agents will make our future truly exciting! The resources that I mention are available here. I will also be discussing the best ways to shop online and will be using the many sites listed in my December 2002 column titled "Shopping Online Using Brains and Bots" and available by clicking here. Archives of all my columns are available by clicking here.
posted by Marcus |
10:16 AM
Thursday, February 20, 2003
I have been asked by many folks to give a quick list of my various web sites and related links. Here is a small list and you can click on them and visit. I will repeat this monthly:
My Internet-101 Television Show My Column archives back to 1997 TrademarkBots® Internet Miniguides My Personal Blog Guest Finder Information on Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A.
I will continue to list others each month....
posted by Marcus |
5:32 PM
Friday, February 14, 2003
I will be interviewed for 30 minutes on Fort Dodge, Iowa KVFD's Chat Talk Show on Monday February 17, 2003 at 9:10am CT by host Jay Alexander. I will be discussing the many exciting facets of the Internet and how bots and intelligents agents will make our future truly exciting! The resources that I mention are available here. I will also be discussing the best ways to shop online and will be using the many sites listed in my December 2002 column titled "Shopping Online Using Brains and Bots" and available by clicking here.
posted by Marcus |
7:16 PM
Wednesday, February 12, 2003
I have been testing out a new free resource that allows you to save and implement on various schedules a google search. These searches are then returned to you via eMail with up to a total of 100 results if available. It will then continue to run the same search daily, every other day etc to monitor and bring back your search results. The site is called Googlert and is available by clicking here. You must have a Google API which is available directly from Google and does limit the number of searches that you can perform on a daily basis using the API. I will continue to monitor this free service and will keep all posted.
posted by Marcus |
5:59 AM
Saturday, February 08, 2003
My March 2003 column is complete and titled " What's New 2003". It mentions Internet "What's New" resources that I articulate in my various national key note presentations, workshops and television/radio interviews. Other resources are also available to my radio interview listeners by clicking here. The column is available from my column archive by clicking here. I have the column also available as a .pdf file and is available here.
posted by Marcus |
7:21 AM