Monday, April 28, 2003
I will be keynote speaking at the Rotary Club of Marco Island, Florida on Thursday May 1, 2003. The title of my presentation will be "The Latest happenings in Cyberspace" and I will be discussing the hot topics today on the Internet including Blogs, Instant Messaging, Bots and Intelligent Agents! Some of the various resources that I will mention are available by clicking here. Also my May 2003 column titled "Blogs, Blogs and More Blogs" is available from my page by clicking here.
posted by Marcus |
8:53 PM
Friday, April 25, 2003
I have just finished my May 2003 colum titled "Blogs, Blogs and More Blogs". With blogs becoming one of the latest happenings on the Internet I decided to revisit the subject that I wrote a column on back in 2001 stating that it would become one of the exciting areas on the Internet. Allowing Internauts to be interactive definitely will empower cyberspace the way that it was originally envisioned! You may download a free .pdf copy of my May 2003 column by clicking here
posted by Marcus |
11:24 AM
Tuesday, April 22, 2003
Created a "New Look" for my blog by importing a new template and adding a link section on the right side of the page. Looking at the latest updates in the creation of our in depth research on the top 75 U.S. banks and identifying their brand and trademark risks on the Internet including corporate identity theft. The initial research summary will be available through TrademarkBots® under the Internet Brand Policy tab in May 2003.
posted by Marcus |
11:02 AM
Wednesday, April 16, 2003
I will be interviewed for 25 minutes on Wichita, Kansas KCTU-TV TV55 Radio/Television Talk Show "Your Host" on Thursday, April 17, 2003 at 6:30pm CST by host Sheryl Nutt. I will be discussing "How Bots and Intelligent Agents Will Change Our Lives On the Internet" and will be using TrademarkBots® as a practical example of how bots are used in today's active business climate. Additional resources that I will be mentioning are available here.
posted by Marcus |
8:43 AM
Tuesday, April 08, 2003
I am in the process of updating all my Internet MiniGuides for 2003. I am also writing my May column and preparing some new presentations and speeches on "How Bots and Intelligent Agents Can Change Your Life". Also in the process of doing in depth research on the top 75 U.S. banks and identifying their brand and trademark risks on the Internet. Corporate identity theft is now becoming quite pronounced on the Internet and it has the capability of creating significant problems.
Internet MiniGuides™
Marcus P. Zillman's Internet Column Archives
posted by Marcus |
7:28 PM