<$BlogRSDUrl$> Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. Author/Speaker/Consultant
Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. Author/Speaker/Consultant
Internet Happenings, Events and Sources

Saturday, December 17, 2011  

January 2012 Zillman Column - Entrepreneurial Resources 2012

The January 2012 Zillman Column is now available and is titled Entrepreneurial Resources 2012. This January 2012 column is a comprehensive listing of entrepreneurial sources and resources on the Internet that may be accessed freely. These sources and resources will help you to discover the many pathways available through the Internet to find the latest entrepreneurial resources that are being used in today’s highly competitive environment for both the New and Existing Economy! Download this excellent freely available record breaking 61 page .pdf (400KB) column today and begin your entrepreneur resource library now!!

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© 2012 Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A.

posted by Marcus Zillman | 5:10 AM
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