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Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. Author/Speaker/Consultant Internet Happenings, Events and Sources |
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![]() Monday, June 30, 2003 Another excellent resource is The Weblogs Compendium. Here you will find everything you need to know about weblogs/blogs: hosting services, tools, directories, definitions, RSS readers and resources... The Compendium is owned and operated by Peter Scott, who is a consultant with Northern Lights Internet Solutions. Peter also maintains 1) Publishers' Catalogues - an index listing book publishers, 2) Libdex - an index listing libraries, 3) allrecordlabels.com - record labels worldwide, 4) Library Weblogs - by and for librarians and 5) Peter Scott's Library Blog - a service from xrefer.com Peter has been involved with the Internet for many years and his sites offer extremely high quality and competent resources. I have also just updated my May 2003 column Blogs Blogs and More Blogs to reflect Peter Scott's The Weblogs Compendium resource. posted by Marcus | 6:00 AM Saturday, June 28, 2003 Eric Ward featured listen to marcus™ in his URLWire yesterday June 27, 2003. The article and release is available by clicking here. I updated my May 2003 column Blogs Blogs and More Blogs with an excellent resource from Michael Fagan and his Fagan Finder. This excellent and very comprehensive resource on Weblogs, Journals and RSS is available by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 8:47 AM Friday, June 27, 2003 This edition of Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. (June 27, 2003 V1N5) is dedicated to the latest and most competent sources for Invisible Web Resources on the Internet. Click on the below audblog for additional information! Click here to request my complimentary comprehensive listing of Invisble Web resources and URLs on the Internet. ![]() Wednesday, June 25, 2003 All my 2003 columns as well as the archives for my columns from 1997 - 2003 are now available at the following site: Zillman Columns http://www.zillmancolumns.com/ Enjoy and please visit the site on a monthly basis to download my latest column. posted by Marcus | 12:49 PM Monday, June 23, 2003 These are some very interesting current statistics taken from the June 23, 2003 edition of NewsScan Daily "Above the Fold" on how the Internet is being utilized in various business and economic sectors: AUTOMOTIVE: One of every four car sales in the U.S. will take place on the Internet by 2007, says Jupiter Research... BANKING: Wells Fargo, the nation's 4th-largest bank, now has 4 million active online customers... B2B: Cisco does more than 90% of its sales to other businesses online... EDUCATION: The University of Phoenix Online now has a student body of 63,000... ENTERTAINMENT: RealNetworks has more than twice as many Internet multimedia subscribers as Microsoft... HEALTH: WebMD gets more than 17.2 million visitors a month... MEDIA: More than 120 million people visited Yahoo from home in April -- that's about the same number as tuned in all the major TV networks combined... REAL ESTATE: Realtor.com gets 9 out of 10 of the listings of houses for sale... RETAIL: Amazon's a giant, all right, but is still only the 54th largest retailer, well behind Sears, 7-Eleven, Barnes & Noble, and Wal-Mart... TRAVEL: Expedia leads the industry, with $5.3 billion in booking last year. The complete USATODAY article is available by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 4:05 PM Saturday, June 21, 2003 My July 2003 column is now available and is titled Listservs®, Message Boards and Forums on the Internet. These Internet resources have been available for many many years and I consider to be some of the most important and valuable resources that the Internet offers today! This column will guide you to some of the very latest available resources! You may download a complimentary copy of the July 2003 column ( a .pdf file) by clicking here. Enjoy! posted by Marcus | 4:38 PM Friday, June 20, 2003 This edition of Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. (June 20, 2003 V1N4) is dedicated to the latest and most competent sources for Careers and Jobs Resources on the Internet. Click on the below audblog for additional information! Click here to request my complimentary comprehensive listing of Careers and Jobs resources and URLs on the Internet. ![]() Thursday, June 19, 2003 I have received a number of requests and now have made available a site that contains all my 2003 columns immediately and freely available as a downlaodable .pdf file. You may reach the site by clicking here or clicking the 2003 Zillman Column link under the links on the right side of any of my various resource sites. I have also placed a column archive from 1997 to 2003 at the 2003 Zillman Column site. posted by Marcus | 6:06 PM Monday, June 16, 2003 Watch Marcus™ is now available and will be a site on the Internet where you will be able to watch previous television shows of Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A.. These shows as well as other Internet video and streaming programs will be archived at Watch Marcus™. posted by Marcus | 5:37 PM listen to marcus™ is now available and will be a site on the Internet where you will be able to listen to the latest edition of the Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet as well as many of my audblog postings that I do "live" from national and international conferences where I speak. posted by Marcus | 9:52 AM Sunday, June 15, 2003 My latest book Mining the Invisible Web - Leveraging the Vast Resources of Hidden Content on the Internet for Research and Intelligence is co-authored with Sundar Kadayam, creator of the InvisibleWeb.com. The book is scheduled for release in the Fall of 2003 and the table of contents is available here . posted by Marcus | 9:02 AM Saturday, June 14, 2003 I have created a ten minute sample overview of one of my keynote presentations titiled Searching the Internet: Using Brains and Bots This overview may be heard by clicking on the below audblog posting or clicking on the Key Note Presentation Sample link under my links on the right side of this blog. I would be more than pleased to respond to your association, corporate group and private meeting request for a keynote presentation or custom learning experience for your key administrators and officers.You may contact me directly by clicking here. ![]() Friday, June 13, 2003 eBusiness Trademark Reports™: Real-time competitive intelligence reports on online brands and trademarks to help your business succeed are now available for immediate purchase online. These reports will help you: a) find, attack and correct unfair uses of a brand and/or trademark. Such action boosts online sales and profits and leads to a safer online business environment. b) capture competitive intelligence on competitors and their major brands. c) research famous people and executives. d)conduct consumer brand research, especially in the pharmaceutical industry. Example: If you want a 360 degree understanding on all public issues for a specific drug, including complaints filed with the FDA, use our Specialty Database Reports. e) with specialized industry research. A Banking Industry Report, dated May 31, 2003, is now available. The new online system is easy to use. Select a brand and range of Internet Data Sources, pay by credit card, and activate a TrademarkBots® search that will generate, at 1am EST, an excel file containing real-time research on exact and/or partial matches of a corporate identity in these major data sources on the Internet, i.e., 1. Domain Names (Top Level and Country Level) 2. Visible Web 3. MetaTags 4. Message Boards 5. Usenet Groups 6. Newspapers 7. Publications and Catalogs 8. Trademarks 9. Specialty Databases (FDA) 10. Webfeeds (Blogs and datafeeds) 11. UDRP Arbitration Cases (Note: Unfair competitors use exact and partial matches of corporate identities to block, divert and or/defraud online customers and business.) eBusiness Trademark Reports™: Real-time competitive intelligence on online brands and trademarks to help your business is now available. Order now to tap into the power of TrademarkBots®. posted by Marcus | 11:55 AM Thursday, June 12, 2003 This edition of Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. (June 13, 2003 V1N3) is dedicated to the latest and most competent resources for "AutoResponders" on the Internet. Click on the below audblog for additional information! Click here to request my complimentary comprehensive listing of AutoResponder resources and URLs on the Internet. ![]() Tuesday, June 10, 2003 I have been requested to list my top five consultation and speaking profiles and experise areas. The below listing is a current description of these top five areas: Consultation Top 5 Areas 1) Bots and Intelligent Agents in the Workplace and Social Environment 2) Blogs and Wikis in the Workplace and Social Environment 3) Virtual Private Libraries - Consultation, Analysis, Creation and Implementation 4) The "C" Office (CEO,COO,CFO,CIO,CTO) Internet Short and Long Term Analysis and Vision 5) Online Corporate Brand Security Analysis and Recommendations including BrandBots® Speaking Top 5 Areas 1) The Future Killer Web Applications in Business 2) Discovering the Internet's Latest Happenings: Blogs, Wikis, News Aggregators and Bots 3) Business Intelligence and Competitive Intelligence on the Internet Using BrandBots® and Intelligent Agents 4) The "C" Office (CEO,COO,CFO,CIO,CTO) Executive InstaUpdate Workshops on the Latest Happenings on the Internet 5) Searching the Internet Using Brains and Bots Additional information by clicking on the various links at the right. posted by Marcus | 8:26 PM Monday, June 09, 2003 The Virtual Private Library™ is developing a number of Subject Tracer Bots™ based upon Marcus P. Zillman's Internet MiniGuides. These custom Subject Tracer Bots™ will allow for the active searching, monitoring and updating of the following Virtual Private Library™ systems: Healthcare Resources Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations Resources Business Resources Competitive Intelligence Resources Legal Resourcs International Trade Resources Education and Distance Learning Resources Security Resources Articles, Abstracts, Documents, Papers, Reports and Literature Resources Additional information on these professional Internet Miniguides is available by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 7:19 AM Thursday, June 05, 2003 I have just completed my latest keynote presentation titled Discovering the Internet's Latest Happenings: Blogs, Wikis, News Aggregators and Bots. This fast paced fact filled dynamic presentation targets corporate annual meetings, company and organization annual conferences, and special events. It is aimed to positively educate both youth and old as well as the newbie and veteran to the latest happenings on the Internet that can be used immediately for a more productive business environment or personal use. I am now booking this keynote presentation and you may contact me by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 3:17 PM Wednesday, June 04, 2003 TrademarkBots® has just released two reports available in .pdf format on Online Corporate Identity Risks: Global and North American Banks and May 31, 2003 Summary and Order Form for Online Corporate Identity Risks: The Top 50 North American Banks and Brokerage Firms. Both are available directly from the following site and URL: eBusiness Trademark Reports™ http://www.eBusinessTrademarkReports.com Corporate Identity Theft covering all areas of the Internet have been identified by using customed designed TrademarkBots® that monitor for corporate identity theft on the Internet as well as associated risks. posted by Marcus | 8:39 PM Tuesday, June 03, 2003 In my recent conversation with Sundar Kadayam, CTO of Intelliseek®, Inc., we discussed one of their latest projects BlogPulse™ automated trend discovery for weblogs. BlogPulse™ Key Phrases and BlogPulse™ Key People are mined daily from new entries in over 40,000 weblogs using machine learning algorithms and natural language processing techniques. BlogPulse™ Top Links are the most popular links appearing in weblogs today. BlogPulse™ is powered by technology from the Intelliseek® Applied Research Center. On Jun 3, 2003 BlogPulse™ crawled 33710 blogs that contained 16797 new entries. The Beta for BlogPulse™ is online and I highly recommend that you visit and see the absolutely amazing and competent results that have been generated. Visit BlogPulse™ by clicking here. Sundar and I are also collaborating on an upcoming book titled "Mining The Invisible Web" and the table of contents is available here. TrademarkBots® searching technology is based upon Intelliseek® algorithms and processing techniques and is available by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 2:58 PM Monday, June 02, 2003 My June 2003 column is now available and is titled News Aggregators on the Internet. News Aggregators have become one of the hottest topics on the Internet currently and this column will guide you to some of the very latest available news aggregator resources! You may download a complimentary copy of the June 2003 column ( a .pdf file) by clicking here. Enjoy! posted by Marcus | 11:16 AM This edition of Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. (June 2, 2003 V1N2) is dedicated to the latest and most competent resources for "finding people" on the Internet. Click on the below audblog for additional information! Click here to request my complimentary comprehensive listing of finding people resources and URLs on the Internet. ![]() This picture was taken on June 1, 2003 at 7:45pm EDST at Southwest Florida International Airport of Kelly, Brett and Joshua. This is Joshua's first "solo" airline trip to visit his grandparents in Indianapolis, Indiana. posted by Marcus | 7:12 AM |
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