Each Guide is compiled by a dedicated Resource Guide Adviser who selects the key resources for the subject area and presents them in both print and Web format. Advisers offer a programme of outreach activities in response to your subject needs, including hands-on workshops and training events. They also play a crucial role in soliciting community feedback, helping to ensure that communication about the provision and use of resources and support and advisory services remains two-way. The seven subject areas are:
Resource Guide Advisers compile each Guide in consultation with subject-based advisory groups comprising librarians, academics and other relevant parties. Resources considered for inclusion include those from partner organisations, such as the Learning and Teaching Support Network (LTSN) and the Research Councils.
The resources are arranged in six categories:
* Bibliographic, reference and research information
* Publications online
* Subject gateways
* Data services
* Learning and teaching
* Support services
posted by Marcus Zillman |
7:32 AM