<$BlogRSDUrl$> Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. Author/Speaker/Consultant
Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. Author/Speaker/Consultant
Internet Happenings, Events and Sources

Tuesday, October 21, 2003  

Bots, Blogs and News Aggregators
http://virtualprivatelibrary.blogspot.com/Bots Blogs and News Aggregators.pdf

The November 2003 Zillman Column is now available and is titled Bots, Blogs and News Aggregators. This column brings together the many resources that Mr. Zillman has been presenting in his keynote presentation titled Bots, Blogs & News Aggregators. This convergence of bots, blogs and news aggregators have created the Subject Tracer™ Information Blogs.

posted by Marcus Zillman | 8:02 AM
subject tracers™