<$BlogRSDUrl$> Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. Author/Speaker/Consultant
Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. Author/Speaker/Consultant
Internet Happenings, Events and Sources

Thursday, January 29, 2004  

AwarenessWatch™ Newsletter V2N2 February 2004
http://virtualprivatelibrary.blogspot.com/Awareness Watch V2N2.pdf

Awareness Watch™ Newsletter

The February 2004 V2N2 AwarenessWatch™ is available as a 19 page .pdf file from the above URL. The AwarenessWatch Featured Report covers niched blog search engines, blog directories and web based news aggregators available currently on the Internet. The AwarenessWatch Spotters cover some excellent just released research resources as well as new identified Internet sources.

posted by Marcus Zillman | 8:52 AM
subject tracers™