Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. Author/Speaker/Consultant
Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. Author/Speaker/Consultant Internet Happenings, Events and Sources
Thursday, February 05, 2004
Roadmap to Security Tools and Services Online - Version 10 - Winter 2004
At SANS request, the 26 sponsors of the Roadmap to Security Tools & Services Poster are offering their newest white papers to SANS members. White papers are valuable learning tools and often contain analyses by industry experts. In developing their products and service, vendors acquire considerable understanding of their product area – white papers help them share that knowledge. This page also includes up-to-date information of tools and service offerings in 26 categories. They have made 15 new white papers available (free) from the above URL. They cover topics including DoS Protection, Security Legislation, Auditing, Event Management and more. Registration is required - that's why the vendors make them available free. I will be adding this to my Subject Tracer™ Information Blog Security Resources 2004.
posted by Marcus Zillman |
4:35 AM