Two competing weblog formats could solve their differences simply by merging, says Dave Winer, a fellow at Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet & Society who is generally considered the arbiter of the RSS (Really Simple Syndication) format. The competing format, known as Atom, was launched last summer and scored a major victory recently when Google said it would support its feeds. The two technologies do essentially the same thing and would not be difficult to merge, according to proponents. The work of combining them could be done under the auspices of the Internet Engineering Task Force, an idea that seems to appeal to both parties. "As long as it's under the IETF, it's fine," says Sam Ruby, the IBM engineer behind Atom. "The IETF has a good history of dealing with personality disputes of all types, and I imagine we'll work through them." (CNet 9 Mar 2004) [Copyright 2004. NewsScan Daily ®]
posted by Marcus Zillman |
4:05 AM