NHSE : National HPCC Software Exchange. The NHSE seeks to actively promote software-sharing and reuse within and across the High Performance Computing & Communications (HPCC) agency programs. The NHSE facilitates the development of discipline-oriented software and document repositories." Links to NHSE software repositories (under Software and Technology) include websites sponsored by government agencies (technology or defense): HPC-Netlib - high performance Math software; PTlib: Parallel Tools Library; BenchWeb - a repository for benchmarking software. Computational Chemistry and Materials Science Software Catalog; Computational Fluid Dynamics Software Catalogs (there are two); Grid Generation Software from ERDC MSRC; National Transport Code Collaboration (NTCC) Modules Library; Performance Case Studies; Programming Tools Catalog from ARL MSRC; Programming Tools and Environments Catalog (PTE) from NSF PACI; Scalable Programming Tools from ERDC MSRC; Signal/Image Processing (SIP) Software Catalog; This site also provide software-tools and legal-advice for building software repositories.
posted by Marcus Zillman |
4:15 AM