It has been announced that the first public release of Semantic Planet's RDF Library and Carp RDF Processor is now available. These are .NET/Mono libraries for fetching, parsing, munging and writing RDF and have been tested on win32, Linux and FreeBSD platforms. Both libraries are released under a liberal, attribution-only, open source license. SemPlan.RdfLib provides foundation RDF services for other applications such as parsing and writing RDF. Iyt can be downloaded here. SemPlan.Carp uses RdfLib and conceptually sits in a layer above it. Carp stands for Convenient API for RDF Programing and is designed to provide a simple API for programming with RDF without losing the power of the underlying model. Carp can be downloaded here. There is a longer introduction with some examples of usage here. This has been added to the semantic web research section of Deep Web Research Subject Tracer™ Information Blog.
posted by Marcus Zillman |
4:10 AM