Seek and you may win. Blingo is a brand new Internet search engine, is offering users something extra along with their search results. Every time users search on Blingo, they also have a chance to win a prize instantly. Visitors to the Blingo website search for words or phrases, just like on other popular search engines, but at Blingo each search is also a chance to instantly win prizes like a Canon digital camera, a one-year subscription to Netflix, an gift certificate, or a music CD. There's no user registration, no spam, no annoying pop-up ads, and no catch to win -- just instant search, instant entry, and instant gratification. Currently in Beta testing, the Blingo site is offering hundreds of prizes in December and will begin offering thousands every month when Beta testing is complete. Prizes will change frequently and will include popular consumer electronics, gift certificates, movies, music, and more. This has been added to the search engine section of all the 2005 Internet MiniGuides.
posted by Marcus Zillman |
4:10 AM