SandBox(sm): Wiki Applications and Uses is a categorized registry of applications and uses of wikis by corporations, colleges and universities, libraries, and other select institutions and organizations. As defined by Ward Cunningham, the father of the wiki, a 'wiki' is a freely expandable collection of interlinked Web 'pages', a hypertext system for storing and modifying information - a database, where each page is easily editable by any user ...". 'Wiki' is derived from the the Hawiian phrase 'wiki wiki' for 'quick' or superfast'. SandBox(sm) is compiled and maintained by Gerry McKiernan, Science and Technology Librarian and Bibliographer, Science and Technology Department, Iowa State University Library. Ames, IA 50011. This has been added to my Bots, Blogs and News Aggregators presentation resources page.
posted by Marcus Zillman |
4:20 AM