- the world's largest text, clause and field searchable online library of debt, equity, derivative and M&A prospectuses. Serving the global capital markets, clients using our service can find in seconds what would otherwise have taken days, if not weeks, to track down. Once they have identified a document (or clause) as relevant, our service automatically suggests documents (or clauses) of deals that look similar. We provide documents in many formats including PDF, Microsoft Word (for copying and pasting) and HTML which has online Hit-to-Hit text navigation and Key Term discovery. Currently we offer more than 250,000 prospectuses and add about 1,500 new documents each week. This hyperlink is a good resource for professionals who wish to find the prospectus of a security issue. This has been added to Financial Resources Subject Tracerâ„¢ Information Blog.
posted by Marcus Zillman |
4:05 AM