The Beta Phase of Classifieds Worldwide classified ads are free of charge. Classifieds offer classified ads in 1225 categories and 196 countries. In recent years the term classified advertising has expanded from merely the sense of print advertisements in periodicals to include similar types of advertising on computer classifieds services. Like most forms of printed media, the ad has found its way to the Internet. Printed ads are typically just a few column lines in length, and they often filled with abbreviations to save space and money. Internet ads don't typically use per line pricing models so they tend to be longer. They are also searchable, unlike their offline brethren. Example: Entering the keywords Jobs by language would return all ads that contain the keywords Jobs by language. In 2003, the market for classified ads in the United States was $15.9 billion (newspapers), $14.1 billion (online) according to market researcher Classified Intelligence. The worldwide ad market in 2003 was estimated at $100 billion. This will be added to Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide.
posted by Marcus Zillman |
4:05 AM