Gopher is a well-known information access protocol that predates the World Wide Web, developed at the University of Minnesota during the early 1990s. What is Gopher? (Gopher-hosted, via the Public Proxy). As the Gopher protocol enters its first decade of existence, its support among many major browsers has declined (Netscape and other Mozilla-derived browsers), or has been expunged entirely (Microsoft Internet Explorer), if the browser even ever supported it at all (Opera never has). To allow Gopherspace to continue to be usefully accessible in the coming years, since it's still definitely a viable and useful (not to mention lightweight and efficient) information distribution protocol, the Public Proxy offers a standards-based, effective Gopher<->HTTP gateway to facilitate access even when your web browser doesn't. My first Linkseries Internet MiniGuides were created in 1993 that listed all the major academic gopher sites located throughout the world! This will be added to the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracerâ„¢ Information Blog.
posted by Marcus Zillman |
4:05 AM