The O4E (Ontologies for Education) portal is a collaborative project between Winston-Salem State University, University of Pittsburgh and Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University. The main goal of the project is to collect and disseminate web resources in the field of application of ontologies and relevant technologies for the modern educational perspectives. The portal is topic map-driven. To structure the field we have developed the O4E ontology and have been indexing resources in the concepts of this ontology (listed under “Glossary”). They will appreciate any suggestions and comments on the present structure of the ontology and the portal. O4E currently contains the ontology-related papers presented at 6 Workshops and 3 special journal issues on Application of Semantic Web Technologies to Web-based Education. We rely on the O4E community support and contribution to make the portal a valuable aid in the work and research of the community members. This has been added to semantic web research section of Deep Web Research Subject Tracer™ Information Blog.
posted by Marcus Zillman |
4:00 AM