<$BlogRSDUrl$> Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. Author/Speaker/Consultant
Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. Author/Speaker/Consultant
Internet Happenings, Events and Sources

Tuesday, January 24, 2006  

Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property

Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property

The Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property (the "Journal") addresses subjects relating to law at the intersection of technology and intellectual property, including law and biotechnology, copyrights, the Internet, media, patents, telecommunications, and trademarks. The format of this online Journal permits these rapidly developing issues to be addressed in a timely manner by combining scholarly analyses with an examination of the current news in intellectual property law. The Journal is dedicated to the analysis of the burgeoning body of academic, business, newsworthy and legal issues regarding the rapidly increasing and shifting field of intellectual property and technology law. Because intellectual property and technology law is an interdisciplinary field, this Journal addresses law at the intersection of domestic and international economics, ethics, and medicine, to name but a few, including but not limited to law and biotechnology, copyrights, the Internet, media, patents, telecommunications, and trademarks. The format of this Journal, which combines the traditional scholarship of law Journals with timely news features, best serves the Journal's mission to provide timely news and multidisciplinary legal scholarship by academics, policymakers and attorneys on a variety of emerging and/or important intellectual property and technology topics. The Journal does this by uniting the conventional Journal elements of articles, working papers, comments, and book reviews with the advantages of an online Journal, including news articles, interviews, columns, a connection to intellectual property and technology events at Northwestern Law, and more. The Journal provides insightful and timely perspectives on intellectual property and technology law, an important area in the academic, legal and business communities. Students involved with the Journal gain specialized knowledge of intellectual property and technology law, work with practitioners who provide valuable professional connections, gain leadership experience and Web site skills, and improve their legal research, writing and editing abilities. The Board of Advisors is an important resource for ideas about articles and news pieces, and provides connections to experts and leaders in those areas. The Editors of the Journal seek submissions in the area of intellectual property law - particularly copyrights, entertainment law, Internet law, patents, comments on pending legislation or recent IP case decisions, telecommunications, trademarks, and trade secrets . This has been added to Legal Resources 2006 Internet MiniGuide.

posted by Marcus Zillman | 4:15 AM
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