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Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. Author/Speaker/Consultant Internet Happenings, Events and Sources |
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![]() Saturday, December 31, 2005 ![]() vSocial - Upload, Watch and Share Video Clips http://www.vsocial.com/ vSocial is an online community built around the singular objective of providing the fastest, easiest way to upload, watch and share your favorite video clips. Our focus is on enabling you to work with this dynamic medium to accomplish three primary outcomes: 1) TELL STORIES: If a blog post takes a thousand words to tell a story, and a picture is worth a thousand words, then video shall become the ultimate story telling vehicle on the web. Our mission is to provide you the tools you need to tell compelling stories, 2) START CONVERSATIONS: Unlike TV and cinema, the web is a two way medium. With vSocial, you can rate, review or blog about a movie that moves you, that makes you laugh, cringe, or just think, and 3) EXTEND THE WEB: Their vision is a web that is neither bounded by walled gardens nor limited to text and pictures. It is a web of movies and sound, that can be syndicated and subscribed to, shared by email, embedded in web sites and integrated into web services. vSocial makes extending the web to video single click easy. Their inspirations are services like Flickr, which provided a canvas and palette for working with photos online; Craigslist, which proved that delivering a rich user experience was more predicated on keeping things simple and focusing on community than getting bloated up by "features" for features sake; and eBay, which elevated the lowly offline garage sale to an online marketplace that generates billions of dollars, yields many tens of millions of transactions and has created almost half a million jobs. Are you an artist with a story to tell? Are there conversations you are looking to start that can best be told with video? Are you looking to express your individuality through moving pictures? vSocial was built for you! This has been added to Social Informatics Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Cyber Security Bulletin 2005 Summary - 2005 Year-End Index http://www.us-cert.gov/cas/bulletins/SB2005.html Information in the US-CERT Cyber Security Bulletin is a compilation and includes information published by outside sources, so the information should not be considered the result of US-CERT analysis. Software vulnerabilities are categorized in the appropriate section reflecting the operating system on which the vulnerability was reported; however, this does not mean that the vulnerability only affects the operating system reported since this information is obtained from open-source information. This bulletin provides a year-end summary of software vulnerabilities that were identified between January 2005 and December 2005. The information is presented only as a index with links to the US-CERT Cyber Security Bulletin the information was published in. There were 5198 reported vulnerabilities: 812 Windows operating system vulnerabilities; 2328 Unix/Linux operating vulnerabilities; and 2058 Multiple operating system vulnerabilities. This has been added to Internet Alerts Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() Finding Information On the World Wide Web: A Specialty Meta–Search Engine for the Academic Community by Yaffa Aharoni, Ariel J. Frank, and Snunith Shoham http://www.firstmonday.org/issues/issue10_12/aharoni/index.html Abstract The Web is continuing to grow rapidly and search engine technologies are evolving fast. Despite these developments, some problems still remain, mainly, difficulties in finding relevant, dependable information. This problem is exacerbated in the case of the academic community, which requires reliable scientific materials in various specialized research areas. We propose that a solution for the academic community might be a meta–search engine which would allow search queries to be sent to several specialty search engines that are most relevant for the information needs of the academic community. The basic premise is that since the material indexed in the repositories of specialty search engines is usually controlled, it is more reliable and of better quality. A database selection algorithm for a specialty meta–search engine was developed, taking into consideration search patterns of the academic community, features of specialty search engines and the dynamic nature of the Web. This algorithm was implemented in a prototype of a specialty meta–search engine for the medical community called AcadeME. AcadeME’s performance was compared to that of a general search engine — represented by Google, a highly regarded and widely used search engine — and to that of a single specialty search engine — represented by the medical Queryserver. From the comparison to Google it was found that AcadeME contributed to the quality of the results from the point of view of the academic user. From the comparison to the medical Queryserver it was found that AcadeMe contributed to relevancy and to the variety of the results as well. This will be added to Academic and Scholar Search Engines and Sources White Paper. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() Annenberg Political Fact Check http://factcheck.org/ They are a nonpartisan, nonprofit, "consumer advocate" for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics. They monitor the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews, and news releases. Their goal is to apply the best practices of both journalism and scholarship, and to increase public knowledge and understanding. The Annenberg Political Fact Check is a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania. The APPC was established by publisher and philanthropist Walter Annenberg in 1994 to create a community of scholars within the University of Pennsylvania that would address public policy issues at the local, state, and federal levels. The APPC accepts NO funding from business corporations, labor unions, political parties, lobbying organizations or individuals. It is funded primarily by the Annenberg Foundation. This has been added to the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Friday, December 30, 2005 ![]() Agraarteadus: Journal of Agricultural Science http://www.eau.ee/~aps/agraart.html The AAS was established in 1920 in Tartu Univesity (reopened in 1919). Members of the Society were the students (up to 449 in 1928) as well as the lecturers of the Faculty of Agronomy. The objective of the extracurricular activities of the AAS was to prepare the students for their future profession. Publishing activities were of great importance the Society¹s journal (³Agronoomia²) was published and manuals were compiled. The AAS was liquidated by Soviet power in 1940. The Academic Agricultural Society was re-established in 1989. The journal of Agricultural Science has been published since 1990, five numbers per year. Since 1996 the scientific annual conferences have been organized and two issues of the Transactions of the EAA Society have been published. To appreciate the scientific work of the members of the EAA Society three honoraria have been given and the honorary members have been elected. There are more than 250 members of the EAA Society. This has been added to Agriculture Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() e-Preservation Science http://www.morana-rtd.com/e-preservationscience/ The mission of the journal is to publish high quality papers in materials research: review papers, original papers, short communications, but also announcements and news. Topics should be of interest in the field of preservation research and should include studies in stability, environmental studies and condition assessment of cultural heritage, and studies of materials and procedures used for its conservation and preservation. The journal aims at dissemination of information to researchers, conservators, preservation officers, and other interested audiences. This has been added to Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() Applied Soft Computing http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/15684946 This is the Official Journal of the World Federation on Soft Computing (WFSC). Applied Soft Computing is an international journal promoting an integrated view of soft computing to solve real life problems. Soft computing is a collection of methodologies, which aim to exploit tolerance for imprecision, uncertainty and partial truth to achieve tractability, robustness and low solution cost. The focus is to publish the highest quality research in application and convergence of the areas of Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks, Evolutionary Computing, Rough Sets and other similar techniques to address real world complexities. Applied Soft Computing is a rolling publication: articles are published as soon as the editor in chief has accepted them. Therefore, the web site will continuously be updated with new articles and the publication time will be short. The scope of this journal covers the following soft computing and related techniques, interactions between several soft computing techniques, and their industrial applications: * Fuzzy Computing * Neuro Computing * Evolutionary Computing * Probabilistic Computing * Immunological Computing * Hybrid Methods * Intelligent Agents and Agent Theory: * Causal Models * Case-based Reasoning * Chaos Theory * Interactive Computational Models. The application areas of interest include but are not limited to: * Decision Support * Process and System Control * System Identification and Modelling * Optimisation * Signal or Image Processing * Vision or Pattern Recognition * Condition Monitoring * Fault Diagnosis * Systems Integration * Internet Tools * Human-Machine Interface * Time Series Prediction * Robotics * Motion Control and Power Electronics * Biomedical Engineering * Virtual Reality * Reactive Distributed AI * Telecommunications * Consumer Electronics * Industrial Electronics * Manufacturing Systems * Power and Energy * Data Mining * Data Visualisation * Intelligent Information Retrieval * Bio-inspired Systems * Autonomous Reasoning * Intelligent Agents. This has been added to Artificial Intelligence Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. This has been added to Bot Research Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() Coupon Mountain http://www.couponmountain.com/ Coupon Mountain is your one-stop shop for online coupons, offering you significant savings on the products and services that you use every day. As the premier online coupon clearinghouse, Coupon Mountain provides you with direct access to the best free coupons on the internet. It's simple. With over 1000 online stores to choose from, simply log onto CouponMountain.com and select by category or use their timesaving search feature to locate the deal that you are looking for. Alternatively, you may view all of the merchants listed with Coupon Mountain in alphabetical order and browse for coupon offers for your favorite stores. Whether you are in the market for everyday items or if the holidays are right around the corner, you owe it to yourself to log onto Coupon Mountain before you make your purchase. This has been added mto ShoppingBots Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Thursday, December 29, 2005 ![]() Podcasting 101 Podcasting 101 http://podcasting101.pbwiki.com/ Gerry McKiernan reports that Greg Schwartz of Open Stacks has created a wiki devoted to the basics of Podcasting titled " "Podcasting: An Introduction" and is available at the above URL. As Gerry stated " Wow !!!, The Best of Both Worlds [:-)" ...... posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Market Research Portal (MRP) http://www.marketresearchworld.net/ Market Research Portal (MRP)is an extensive resource for anyone with an interest in Market Research. You might be a research buyer, researcher or student, whichever the site will help you in a number of ways. The main resources included are: * Library of Articles: Feel free to search and use our knowledge bank of market research. In the section you will find a number of research articles written by professionals in the industry. And if you can not find what you are looking for, feel free to get in touch with us. We might be able to help. * Market Research Explained: You will also find that we have explained the main components of research (hopefully in simple terms!). These being qualitative research, quantitative research and that daunting word for some statistics. Also, if you are new to the industry our glossary of terms will help you to understand market research jargon! * Research Findings: This section is a valuable desk research tool. It is our library of survey findings sourced from around the world. If you are a client or a researcher it is an easy way to quickly find research data (for free!). For ease the information is sorted by industry sector. * Industry News & Events: Use this section to keep up-to-date with market research news and event information from around the globe. MRP has been set-up and is run by a team of market research consultants that are based in the UK: http://www.djsresearch.com/. It is run on a not for profit basis and any adverts that appear on the site just help to cover the running costs of the site. This will be added to Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations Resources 2005 InternetiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() Games and Culture: A Journal of Interactive Media http://gac.sagepub.com/ Games and Culture: A Journal of Interactive Media is a new, quarterly international journal (first issue due January 2006) that aims to publish innovative theoretical and empirical research about games and culture within the context of interactive media. The journal will serve as a premiere outlet for ground-breaking and germinal work in the field of game studies. Games and Culture's scope will include the socio-cultural, political, and economic dimensions of gaming from a wide variety of perspectives, including textual analysis; political economy; cultural studies; ethnography; critical race studies; gender studies; media studies; public policy; international relations; and communication studies. Other possible arenas include: * Issues of gaming culture related to race, class, gender and sexuality; * Issues of game development; * Textual and cultural analysis of games as artifacts; * Issues of political economy and public policy in both US and international contexts. Of primary importance will be the bridging of the gap between games studies scholarship in the United States and in Europe. One of the primary goals of the journal will be to foster dialogue among the academic, design, development, and research communities that will influence both game design and research about games within various public contexts. A second goal will be to examine how gaming and interactive media are being used in contexts outside of entertainment, including in education contexts, for the purposes of training, for military simulation, and for political action. This has been added to Games Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() Cancer Genome Atlas http://cancergenome.nih.gov/index.asp NIH Launches Comprehensive Effort to Explore Cancer Genomics. The Cancer Genome Atlas Begins With Three-Year, $100 Million Pilot The National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), both part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), today launched a comprehensive effort to accelerate our understanding of the molecular basis of cancer through the application of genome analysis technologies, especially large-scale genome sequencing. The overall effort, called The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), will begin with a pilot project to determine the feasibility of a full-scale effort to systematically explore the universe of genomic changes involved in all types of human cancer. This has been added to Biological Informatics Subject Tracer™ Infortmation Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Wednesday, December 28, 2005 ![]() The Online Books Page http://digital.library.upenn.edu/books/ The Online Books Page is a website that facilitates access to books that are freely readable over the Internet. It also aims to encourage the development of such online books, for the benefit and edification of all. Major parts of the site include: a) An index of thousands of online books freely readable on the Internet, b) Pointers to significant directories and archives of online texts, c) Special exhibits of particularly interesting classes of online books, and d) Information on how readers can help support the growth of online books. The Online Books Page was founded, and is edited, by John Mark Ockerbloom, He is a digital library planner and researcher at the University of Pennsylvania. He is solely responsible for the content of the site. The site is hosted by the University of Pennsylvania Library, who provides the server, disk space, and network bandwidth for the site. They also employ the editor, and support him in his various digital library activities (of which this is but one). The online books listed on this page have been authored, placed online, and hosted, by a wide variety of individuals and groups throughout the world (and throughout history!). This has been added to Reference Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Manta - Premium Sources of Business Information and Research Manta - Premium Sources of Business Information and Research http://www.manta.com/ Manta is your ultimate resource for premium business intelligence. Manta enables you to find the business information that you need - bringing it to the surface and enabling you to purchase what you truly need when you need it. This has been added to Business Intelligence Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() FreeArcade Online Games http://www.freearcade.com/ A nice listing of free online games that is updated frequently. This has been added to Games Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() SMIL 2.1 Is a W3C Recommendation http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/REC-SMIL2-20051213/ http://www.w3.org/2005/12/smil-pressrelease.html.en http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/ The World Wide Web Consortium today released "Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL 2.1)" as a W3C Recommendation. With SMIL (pronounced "smile"), authors create multimedia presentations and animations integrating streaming audio and video with graphics and text. Version 2.1 features include a new Mobile Profile and an Extended Mobile Profile with enhanced timing, layout and animation capabilities. "Today, W3C makes good on the promise of first class multimedia presentations for the mobile Web," said Chris Lilley (W3C). posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Tuesday, December 27, 2005 ![]() Awareness Watch™ Newsletter V4N1 January 2006 Awareness Watch™ Newsletter V4N1 January 2006 http://virtualprivatelibrary.blogspot.com/Awareness Watch V4N1.pdf Awareness Watch™ Newsletter Blog and Archives http://www.AwarenessWatch.com/ The January 2006 V4N1 Awareness Watch™ Newsletter is a freely available 32 page .pdf document (596KB) from the above URL. The Awareness Watch Featured Report this month features Bot Research on the Internet including resources and sites for bots, intelligent agents and related sources. The Awareness Watch Spotters cover many excellent and newly released annotated current awareness research sources and tools as well as the latest identified Internet happenings and resources. The article review covers How Do Search Engines Handle Chinese Queries? by Haidar Moukdad and Hong Cui. ![]() ©2006 Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. posted by Marcus | 10:00 AM ![]() NetVibes NetVibes - Customizable Web 2.0 HomePage http://www.NetVibes.com/ Netvibes.com is a customizable web 2.0 homepage solution. This service is free and gives you the user the ability: a) to create a personalized page with the content you like, b) to put together data feeds and services from web 2.0 applications with a very simple interface, and c) to access your page anytime and from any computer. Key features of Netvibes: 1) Browse, modify, and import your RSS feeds with our integrated RSS/ATOM feedreader. You can easily import an OPML file as well., 2) Import, download and listen to podcasts without any additional software, and 3) Check your e-mail on one or many Gmail accounts; stick web notes and weather updates; and many more features to come! Netvibes is already available in French, English, Spanish, Russian and Portuguese - German, Korean and Chinese versions are on their way. This has been added to the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. This has been added to my resource section of Manage Information Overload Presentation and White Paper Resource. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Nutrition Noteworthy http://repositories.cdlib.org/uclabiolchem/nutritionnoteworthy/ Nutrition Noteworthy is a digital publication containing papers submitted by David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA medical students on topics pertaining to diet and nutrition. Nutrition Noteworthy was first published in 1998 by Felice Kurtzman who teaches nutrition to medical students attending the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. Students are encouraged to explore a topic of personal interest or relevance. Topics have included biochemical, psycho-social, epidemiological, clinical and public health issues of nutrition. Recently, papers have also included the use of herbs and drug-nutrient interactions. Nutrition Noteworthy enhances the medical curriculum by giving the students an opportunity to investigate nutrition research. This will be added to Healthcare Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() UNESCO Observatory on the Information Society http://snipurl.com/kqpp The phrase “information society” may not be well-known to all, but the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has been compelled to keep member states abreast of related developments in this area since October 1998, when the Observatory was created. Their initial objective was to provide information on the following issues: access to information in public domain, electronic commerce, privacy and confidentiality in cyberspace, and violence in cyberspace. Today, their mission is much the same, and those persons with an interest in these general and specific areas will find this site quite useful. The Observatory maintains a number of regional observatories in different regions of the world, and visitors can look through each of these areas to read topical news coverage and reports generated by each of these units. Visitors can also look through a thematic list of categories on the homepage that address such topics as e-governance, internet governance, frameworks for online communication, and several dozen others. [From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2005. http://scout.wisc.edu/] posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() Journal of Ecotourism http://www.multilingual-matters.com/multi/journals/journals_je.asp The Journal of Ecotourism (JOE) seeks to advance the field by examining the social, economic, and ecological aspects of ecotourism at a number of scales, and including regions from around the world. JOE welcomes conceptual, theoretical, and empirical research, particularly where it contributes to the dissemination of new ideas and models of ecotourism planning, development, management, and good practice. While the focus of the journal rests on a type of tourism based principally on natural history - along with other associated features of the man-land nexus - it will consider papers which investigate ecotourism as part of a broader nature based tourism, as well as those works which compare or contrast ecotourism/ists with other forms of tourism/ists. Other topics for consideration include (but are not restricted to): community development, human ecology, ecotourism typologies, parks and protected areas, impacts, policy, accreditation and certification, risk management, marketing, ethics and philosophy, interpretation, and education. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Monday, December 26, 2005 ![]() Statistics Education Research Journal Journal title: Statistics Education Research Journal (SERJ) http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~iase/publications.php?show=serj SERJ is a peer-reviewed electronic journal of the International Association for Statistical Education (IASE) and the International Statistical Institute (ISI). SERJ is published twice a year and is available free of charge as an Open Access journal on the Internet. SERJ aims to advance research-based knowledge that can help to improve the teaching, learning, and understanding of statistics or probability at all educational levels and in both formal (classroom-based) and informal (out-of-classroom) contexts. Such research may examine, for example, cognitive, motivational, attitudinal, curricular, teaching-related, technology-related, organizational, or societal factors and processes that are related to the development and understanding of stochastic knowledge. In addition, research may focus on how people use or apply statistical and probabilistic information and ideas, broadly viewed. The Journal encourages the submission of quality papers related to the above goals, such as reports of original research (both quantitative and qualitative), integrative and critical reviews of research literature, analyses of research-based theoretical and methodological models, and other types of papers described in full in the Guidelines for Authors. All papers are reviewed internally by an Associate Editor or Editor, and are blind-reviewed by at least two external referees. Contributions in English are recommended. Contributions in French and Spanish will also be considered. A submitted paper must not have been published before or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. This has been added to Statistics Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Center for Scientific Review (CSR) http://cms.csr.nih.gov/ The Center for Scientific Review (CSR) is the portal for NIH grant applications and their review for scientific merit. We organize the peer review groups or study sections that evaluate the majority (70%) of the research grant applications sent to NIH. We also receive all grant applications for NIH, as well as for some other components of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Since 1946, our mission has remained clear and timely: to see that NIH grant applications receive fair, independent, expert, and timely reviews -- free from inappropriate influences -- so NIH can fund the most promising research. CSR receives nearly 80,000 applications a year and recruits over 14,000 external experts to review its portion of them in its study sections, which often meet three times during the year. Additional scientists serve on other NIH advisory councils, which provide a second level of peer review and make funding recommendations based on priorities set by Congress, DHHS, and the public. For nearly 60 years, this peer review system has enabled NIH to fund cutting-edge research that has allowed millions to leave their doctor’s office with new drugs and cures for diseases that killed their parents or grandparents. This has been added to Healthcare Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() Eurekster Swicki Eurekster Swicki Search Engine http://swicki.eurekster.com/ A swicki is new kind of search engine that allows anyone to create deep, focused searches on topics you care about. Unlike other search engines, you and your community have total control over the results and it uses the wisdom of crowds to improve search results. This search engine, or swicki, can be published on your site. Your swicki presents search results that you're interested in, pulls in new relevant information as it is indexed, and organizes everything for you in a neat little customizable widget you can put on your web site or blog, complete with its very own buzz cloud that constantly updates to show you what are hot search terms in your community. How does my swicki work? Swickis are a new kind of search engine or search results aggregator. Swickis allow you to build specific searches tailored to your interests and that of your community and get constantly updated results from your web or blog page. Swickis scan all the data indexed in Yahoo Search, plus all additional sources you specify, and present the results in a dynamically updated, easy to use format that you can publish on your site - or use at swicki.com. They also collect and organize information about all public swickis in their Directory. Whether you have built a swicki or not, you can come to the swicki directory and find swicki search engines that interest you. This has been added to the search engine section of all the 2005 Internet MiniGuides. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() Building the Info Grid http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue45/buildinginfogrid-rpt/ The Danish Electronic Research Library (DEFF) [1] offered a two-day event, Building the Info Grid [2], focusing on the recent and upcoming developments in digital information management, more specifically on the possibilites and challenges of providing integrated access to scholarly content and communication, via distributed technological services and infrastructural software. In this report they do not cover all aspects of the conference, but rather focus on the specific topics that were the binding glue throughout the conference: Service-oriented Architecture (SOA); the Grid/Information Grid; Rights Management; Single Sign-on; and Google Scholar [3] development. The conference gave both overview and in-depth insights into terminology as well as more specific choices of solution such as Fedora [4] and Shibboleth [5]. The overall perspective of the conference bridged interests of libraries, computing centres, administration, scientific institutes, funding bodies, national research organisations and vendors, which contributed to a blend of participants and delegates from as many as nineteen countries. This has been added to Grid Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Saturday, December 24, 2005 ![]() Perceptions of Libraries and Information Resources (2005) http://www.oclc.org/reports/2005perceptions.htm Perceptions of Libraries and Information Resources (2005) summarizes findings of an international study on information-seeking habits and preferences. With extensive input from hundreds of librarians and OCLC staff, the OCLC Market Research team developed a project and commissioned Harris Interactive Inc. to survey a representative sample of information consumers. In June of 2005, we collected over 3,300 responses from information consumers in Australia, Canada, India, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States. The Perceptions report provides the findings and responses from the online survey in an effort to learn more about: * Library use * Awareness and use of library electronic resources * The Internet search engine, the library and the librarian * Free vs. for-fee information * The "Library" brand The findings indicate that information consumers view libraries as places to borrow print books, but they are unaware of the rich electronic content they can access through libraries. Even though information consumers make limited use of these resources, they continue to trust libraries as reliable sources of information. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Journal of Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences (JOPHAS) https://www.ajol.info/journal_index.php?jid=249&ab=jophas The Journal of Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences (JOPHAS) publishes original scientific and technical research works carried out on drugs and drug-related products, within and outside Nigeria in the fields of pharmacy, microbiology, biochemistry, biotechnology, pharmacology, medical sciences and veterinary medicine. The journal aims at serving professionals in these aforementioned areas. Readership scope covers the entire globe, as the journal is made available to scientists all over the world. This will be added to Healthcare Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() Get Safe Online Get Safe Online http://www.getsafeonline.org/ Expert advice for everyone ... Get Safe Online will help you protect yourself against internet threats. The site is sponsored by government and leading businesses working together to provide a free, public service. This will be added to Security Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() Codase - Source Code Search Engine http://www.codase.com/ Codase is the leading source code search company with advanced source code understanding and xml index/search technologies. Rather than treating code as text, Codase understands programming languages, and treats code as code, the way it's supposed to be. This unique and syntax-aware approach provides the most accurate and detailed search results with fine granularity levels of controls. With Codase, one can search functions, classes, strings, constants, macros, comments and other programming language constructs. Codase hosts huge amount of open source codes providing a much better coverage, as it covers codes usually hidden inside compressed files and source control repositories, where general search engines fail to find and index. In addition, Codase only indexes and searches high quality codes with every line of code literally validated and compiled by intelligent and powerful source code analysis engine. Codase is a privately held company based in silicon valley, founded by Dr. Huihong Luo and other veterans. We are a group of innovative and passionate professionals with diverse technologies, business background and proven track of records. We are committed to make Codase the world's best search engine for source codes in terms of features, quality, performance and code coverage. If you are a developer, you may find Codase useful, since improving your coding productivity is our goal. This has been added to Script Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Friday, December 23, 2005 ![]() January 2006 Zillman Column - Artificial Intelligence Resources January 2006 Zillman Column - Artificial Intelligence Resources http://VirtualPrivateLibrary.BlogSpot.com/AIResources Jan06 Column.pdf http://www.zillmancolumns.com/ The January 2006 Zillman Column is now available and is titled Artificial Intelligence Resources. This January 2006 column is a comprehensive list of artificial intelligence resources and sites on the Internet. The subject area of Artificial Intelligence has always intrigued both individuals and corporations and today with the advent of high speed computing and processing the field is ripe for major happenings and events. Download this excellent 15 page free .pdf (493KB) column today and discover the amazing field of artificial intelligence! © 2006 Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM ![]() Clipmarks - Clip Information Found Online http://clipmarks.com/ When you find something on the web that you want to save or share, you probably bookmark the page. But you usually don't want the whole page, right? Maybe you just want a couple of paragraphs from a news article, a photo, a recipe, or an excerpt from a blog post. With Clipmarks you can clip and save just the stuff you want from any web page. Then sign in with your free account at www.clipmarks.com to search, browse and share your clipmarks. You can also search the Public Clipmarks to see what's being clipped and who's clipping it. Find information that matters to you and connect with other members of the Clipmarks community who share your interests. This has been added to the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() blummy - Quick Access Via Bookmark Toolbar http://www.blummy.com/ blummy is a tool for quick access to your favorite web services via your bookmark toolbar. It consists of small widgets, called blummlets, which make use of Javascript to provide rich functionality (such as bookmarklets). It works on almost every page on the web. This is established by loading a small piece of Javascript to the currently loaded page. blummy was created by Alexander Kirk in 2005. This has been added to the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() ![]() W3C to Internationalize and Secure Voice Browsing http://www.w3.org/2005/12/ssml-pressrelease http://www.w3.org/Voice/ Following the Workshop on Internationalizing the Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML), W3C announces new work to extend SSML to Asian and other languages and to add speaker verification. Speaker verification is "the best biometric for securing telephone transactions and communications," said Ken Rehor (Vocalocity) Chairman of the VoiceXML Forum and participant in the W3C Voice Browser Working Group. Read the press release, join W3C and visit the Voice Browser Activity home page. This will be added to Security Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() Biological Research For Nursing http://brn.sagepub.com/ One of the greatest challenges in nursing today is how to integrate information from many basic disciplines‹biology, physiology, chemistry, health policy, business, engineering, education, communication and the social sciences‹into nursing research, theory and clinical practice. Biological Research for Nursing is the only publication that helps nurse researchers, educators, and practitioners meet this important challenge by focusing on biological and physiological changes in healthy and unhealthy populations from a nursing perspective. Published quarterly, this essential journal offers original peer-reviewed articles on: * Normal and abnormal biological phenomena, such as pain management and the effects of stress. * Improvements in health care techniques developed through biological and physiological research. * New methods, instruments, and techniques for biological and physiological health research. * Theoretical foundations that increase understanding of biological and physiological changes in health and illness. * Pathophysiology and the biological foundations of nursing practice. * Topics related to the teaching of the biological and physiological bases of nursing practice. Biological Research for Nursing features research papers, empirical and theoretical articles, editorials, abstracts of recent dissertations, and conference summaries that relate to nursing care written by scientists and researchers in nursing and the basic sciences, such as: Pathophysiology* Biochemistry* Medicinal Chemistry* Medical Physics* Microbiology* Cell Biology* Developmental Biology *Genetics* Reproductive Biology* Molecular Biology* Neuroscience* Pharmacology* Infectious Disease* Oncology* Cardiovascular Disease* Pulmonary Function and Disease* Dermatology* Wound Healing* Immunology* Anesthesiology* Endocrinology* Gastroenterology* Hematology* Neonatology* Nephrology* Pathology* Physiology* Nutrition* Pain Management* Anatomy. This has been added to Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Thursday, December 22, 2005 ![]() Marketing Letters: A Journal of Research in Marketing http://www.springerlink.com/link.asp?id=100312 Marketing Letters: A Journal of Research in Marketing publishes high-quality, shorter papers (under 20 pages in length) on marketing, the emphasis being on immediacy and current interest. The journal offers a medium for the truly rapid publication of research results. The focus of Marketing Letters is on empirical findings, methodological papers, and theoretical and conceptual insights across areas of research in marketing. Marketing Letters is required reading for anyone working in marketing science, consumer research, methodology, and marketing strategy and management. The key subject areas and topics covered in Marketing Letters are: choice models, consumer behavior, consumer research, management science, market research, sales and advertising, marketing management, marketing research, marketing science, psychology, and statistics. This will be added to Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() iPureSearch http://www.ipuresearch.com/ iPureSearch has launched a new search engine which caters to web-savvy searchers by ranking results based on what is important to the search audience. The site claims to reduce confusion over what is an organic search result and what is an advertisement. For iPureSearch, the priority is to return quality search results. Unlike linear engines that simply prioritize the sources that pay for prime spots, this new engine ranks according to importance to users, not the bottom line. PureSearch (http://www.ipuresearch.com) is a brand new website that offers users information in an easily accessible format, filling the void for a search engine adapting to changes in internet technologies and user demands. 'Highlight and Search' for example is a feature that lets users move seamlessly between different searches. By just highlighting any interesting text in a result with your mouse and clicking another information resource you get a whole new set of search results for just that text without any additional typing. At the heart of iPureSearch is a matrix of 28 distinct kinds of searchable resources, accessible by entering a search term only once. Searchers can go from web search results to news headlines to shopping and other information resources all in a single click and see what's relevant, not who's paying the most. This will be added to the search engine section of all the 2005 Internet MiniGuides. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM Fez http://sourceforge.net/projects/fez Fez is an open source project to produce and maintain a highly flexible web interface to FEDORA for any Library or Insituition to configure and publish or archive documents of any type sustainably. This has been added to World Wide Web Reference Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() Computational Paleontology Computational Paleontology http://www.notam02.no/~oyvindha/compal.html Computational Paleontology is devoted to the use of mathematical models, simulation, computer graphics and computers in general in paleontology including a) Simulation of ontogeny (growth and form), b) Simulation of evolution and population genetics, c) Population dynamics, d) Simulation in functional morphology (mechanics, fluid dynamics etc.), e) Computer graphics, and f) Statistics and data management. This has been added to Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Wednesday, December 21, 2005 ![]() Medical Image Databases On the Internet Medical Image Databases on the Internet http://www.library.uthscsa.edu/internet/ImageDatabases.cfm A comprehensive listing of Medical Image Databases on the Internet. This will be added to Healthcare Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Enformatika Enformatika http://www.enformatika.org/journals/1305-5313/index.htm Enformatika, is a scholarly peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, quarterly, international scientific and fully refereed journal focusing on theories, methods and applications in information technology. All submitted articles should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical, and will be peer-reviewed. Articles submitted to the journal should meet these criteria and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should follow the style of the journal and are subject to both review and editing. Enformatika covers all areas of information technology / information sciences, publishing refereed research articles, survey articles, and technical notes. Enformatika reviews papers within approximately one month of submission and publishes accepted articles on the internet immediately upon receiving the final versions. This has been added to Reference Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() Systematics and Biodiversity http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=SYS Systematics and Biodiversity is an international life science journal devoted to whole-organism biology, especially systematics and taxonomic biodiversity. It emphasizes the importance and multi-disciplinary significance of systematics. It records the diversity of organisms through descriptive taxonomic papers. The underlying basis of biodiversity is addressed directly and indirectly, through studies of taxonomic relationships, and of growth, form, adaptation and function, and through analysis and synthesis of biodiversity patterns in time and space, especially with respect to environmental and human factors. Coverage also includes relevant theory and methodology, and conservation biology. Each issue contains a main section devoted to formal peer-reviewed original research papers, and a shorter, more informal 'Perspectives' section. As well as taxonomic discovery, description, revision and recording, the research section carries studies of adaptation, anatomy, biodiversity patterns in time and space (including response to environmental and human factors, and to global change), biogeography, coevolution, conservation biology, development, evolutionary biology, functional morphology, growth and form, molecular science, phylogenetics, speciation, and systematic ecology. State-of-knowledge reviews, and papers on the theory and practice of systematics are also welcome. There are no restrictions on length of contributions, the geographical location of authors, their material and study areas, or on the institutional locations of their studied collections. The 'Perspectives' section covers a similar range of subjects to the main section but gives scope for news, debate and comment, through editorials and guest editorials, magazine-style articles, and reviews of books, CDs and websites. This has been added to Biological Informatics Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() Communication Research Reports http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/08824096.asp Communication Research Reports, a scholarly, academic journal sponsored by the Eastern Communication (ECA), publishes refereed manuscripts on a wide variety of topics pertaining to human communication. Communication Research Reports is philosophically committed to publishing the highest quality brief empirical articles derived from a variety of research areas within the discipline. Manuscripts considered for publication are short empirical reports, approximately 10 pages in length (including references, tables, and appendices). Although Communication Research Reports is supported by ECA, a regional communication association, it has a national and international readership and is considered by many leaders in the field to be the best source for short research reports on communication. As such, submissions from diverse geographic areas and cultures worldwide are encouraged. This has been added to Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Tuesday, December 20, 2005 ![]() Career.edu http://www.career.edu/ Career.edu is a nonprofit project of a Delaware-based Accrediting Commission. Launched in 2005, Career.edu aspires to provide international academic community with a dedicated, effective, and easy- to-use job board. The service is free to all participants – employers and job seekers. They are committed to building a true education-oriented community and providing superior customer service. If there is something that you don’t like about the job board and have suggestions on how to improve it, please let them know. This type of feedback is invaluable as it gives them an opportunity to keep the service in line with your current recruitment / job search needs. This has been added to Employment Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Field Methods http://fmx.sagepub.com/ Since 1989, Cultural Anthropology Methods (CAM) has been providing social researchers with useful tips on conducting a variety of field tasks. Now CAM has been transformed into Field Methods, a fully refereed journal containing methodologically-focused research articles, handy tips for working in the field, reviews of books and software, think pieces addressing key theoretical issues, and other important works for scholars, professionals and students who engage in fieldwork in the human sciences and the related professional fields. Field Methods is devoted to articles about the methods used by field workers in the social and behavioral sciences and humanities for the collection, management, and analysis data about human thought and/or human behavior in the natural world. Articles should focus on innovations and issues in the methods used, rather than on the reporting of research or theoretical/epistemological questions about research. High-quality articles using qualitative and quantitative methods-- from scientific or interpretative traditions-- dealing with data collection and analysis in applied and scholarly research from writers in the social sciences, humanities, and related professions are all welcome in the pages of the journal. This has been added to Social Informatics Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() Biometric Technology Today http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/09694765 The rate of change within the biometric industry is staggering. What was once a futuristic concept is here and now. Whether you are an end-user, a developer, a vendor, an integrator or an investor in biometrics, Biometric Technology Today gives you immediate access to authoritative information on key industry developments and covers the industry on a worldwide scale. Now, when you're asked for your opinion, when you need to back up your ideas, when you need inspiration you'll have access to the most up-to-date information from around the world on: * Fingerprint technology * Smart cards * Hand geometry * Banking * Law and order * Computer security * Physical access control * Legislation * E-commerce * Iris scanning * Voice recognition * Face recognition * Eyes, ears, veins, smell * Keystroke dynamics * Signature biometrics * Systems integrators * Standards and testing * Manufacturers Each issue of Biometric Technology Today features: Surveys and Market Trends You can now access essential information and data that is often difficult to obtain. * Regular surveys and reports cover: Finger scanning biometrics; Face recognition systems; Hand measuring systems; Voice verification; Signature biometrics; Eyes, ears, veins, smell, keystroke dynamics; Systems integrators - providing subscribers with a table showing which systems integrator works with a particular application along with full contact details; Standards and testing. * News: Covering all aspects of biometrics from Physical Access Control to E-commerce to Legislation, you'll find the key issues behind the major news stories from around the world. Plus, you'll find out who's launching what product and when, what the planned applications are and who is adopting the technology and much more. * News in Brief: Essential news from around the world, covering funding levels for particular applications, government initiatives, new legislation, new applications and the companies adopting the technology, strategic partnerships, joint ventures, contracts awarded and annual results. * Forthcoming Events: You'll find details of all the key industry events from around the world with full contact information so that you can act immediately to secure your place at these international forums. Biometrics Technology Today has been designed to enable you to access essential information quickly and easily via: * Cross references to previous coverage of companies, technologies, applications and other news stories that will enable you to source further information on a particular news story, product, supplier or application. * Tables of relevant information, for easy access and understanding, that you can copy and circulate to colleagues. * Full contact data so that whether you want further information on a particular application, technology or want to book places at an industry event, you can quickly and easily contact key personnel. End-users Whether you are in banking and finance, education, healthcare, law and enforcement, welfare, immigration, physical access control, computer security, telecomms, or other areas, your subscription to Biometric Technology Today will enable you to: * Determine the most appropriate technology for your customers' needs * Consider how other organisations are using biometrics and learn from their mistakes * Identify new products to the market and new applications in the field as soon as they become available * Track leading-edge technologies and ensure that your company is aware of the leading suppliers and ready to act as soon as new and more cost-effective technology becomes available * Identify possible co-operative partners * Share insights into applications testing in order to guarantee performance * Understand domestic and international government regulations that impact on the industry. Integrators Biometric Technology Today will provide you with straightforward access to essential information that will enable you to: * Ensure that you always find the right technology and supplier for any given application requirement * Identify the key users in your sector and the solutions that they are employing * Monitor who is entering your sector and their plans for the technology * Gauge which markets are rapidly developing into substantial earners * Pinpoint which products are currently in development and available for licence * Evaluate the latest legislation that could impact on your sector. Vendors Biometric Technology Today will enable you to: * Keep track of your competitors * Monitor the development of competitive products * Plan effective business strategy based on reliable, accurate and up-to-date industry information * Ensure that you are always fully aware of new international legislation that could impact upon the compatibility and accessibility of your products * Identify new distributors and keep track of existing distributors * Monitor the market perception of your products * Identify new business partners. Investors The commercial potential of biometrics promises to deliver in the next 2-3 years means the potential returns on investment could be staggering. * Track market trends and identify investment opportunities around the world * Keep track of who is adopting biometrics technologies and the implications for the technology * Ensure that you are fully aware of new legislation and its effect on opening up or closing down markets * Identify those technologies that offer the best returns - and those that don't * Follow research activities and identify potential investment opportunities for the future * Spot the 'killer' application early and make your own killing. ISSN: 0969-4765 This has been added to Biological Informatics Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() Juicee News http://www.juiceenewsdaily.com/index.html Juicee News has become a one-stop-source among the independent internet news organizations. Journalists and media players, everywhere from E! Entertainment Television to The New York Times to FOX News, admit to checking Juicee News Daily headlines and exclusives on a daily basis. Juicee News has been featured in such newspapers as The New York Daily News as well as The Philadelphia Inquirer. JND has also been mentioned in online articles by People Magazine, World Net Daily, and thousands of personal and corporate weblogs around the world. This has been added to Business Intelligence Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. This will be added to Competitive Intelligence Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Monday, December 19, 2005 ![]() British Library Research Archive British Library Research Archive http://sherpa.bl.uk/ British Library Research Archive is a database of papers and materials by researchers who are not affiliated to an academic institution. Those submitting documents here are usually the author or editor or have the necessary permission to make the documents available via this archive. Some of the material may not have been peer-reviewed. Examples include papers from conferences hosted by the British Library. This has been added to Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() ARTstor http://www.artstor.org/info/ ARTstor is a non-profit initiative, founded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, with a mission to use digital technology to enhance scholarship, teaching and learning in the arts and associated fields. The ARTstor Digital Library Charter Collection is: * A repository of hundreds of thousands of digital images and related data; * The tools to actively use those images; and * A restricted usage environment that seeks to balance the rights of content providers with the needs and interests of content users. The roots of ARTstor, as well as its name, can be traced to the Foundation's creation of JSTOR, another independent non-profit initiative. JSTOR's goal is to serve the scholarly community by building, making available, and preserving a reliable and comprehensive archive of important scholarly journal literature. As of April 2004, the JSTOR archive contained over 14 million pages, with almost 400 journals from 230 publishers. The JSTOR archive is available to authorized users from more than 2000 institutions in over 80 countries and is still growing in scope and participation. This has been added to Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. This will be added to Academic Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() Article Destination http://www.articledestination.com/ A source for articles and article distribution. There are now 867 Original Articles in their Database from 225 Authors. This will be added to Academic Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. This has been added to Reference Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() Torrent Finder Torrent Finder http://ts.kurtubba.com/ Torrent Finder is a Torrent Search Engine which searches top torrent sites from one page. Write your torrent Keywords and then check on your favourite search. A convenient and time saving search engine for the torrent world. This has been added to the P2P section of Deep Web Research Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Saturday, December 17, 2005 ![]() Index to Military Periodicals http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/aulimp/index.html The Air University Library's Index to Military Periodicals is a subject index to significant articles, news items, and editorials from English language military and aeronautical periodicals. The Index contains citations since 1988 and is updated continuously. A comprehensive list of all journals covered by AULIMP since 1949 is available as the Historical Index of AULIMP titles. The Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) hosts this web-based version of the AULIMP via its Scientific and Technical Information Network (STINET) web services. This has been added to Military Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() SFEU - Information Gateway and Learner Guides Scottish Further Education Sector - Information Gateway and Learner Guides http://www2.sfeu.ac.uk/ This Information Gateway is a directory of electronic learning resources available on the World Wide Web. It is a resource for anyone involved with the delivery of education or training in Scotland. These resources have been evaluated to set criteria and mapped to the Scottish qualifications structure (SQA) by subject specialists from the Scottish Further Education sector. To navigate the site select either the Core Skill or Subject Specific buttons at the top of the page. Menus will then be displayed, on the left-hand side of the screen, to help you locate resources by subject areas. The Information Gateway also provides access to exemplar Learner Guides. These Learner Guides illustrate how websites, described in the Information Gateway, can be used to deliver and achieve particular learning objectives, or parts of outcomes. Learner Guides are online digital learning objects, where learning is achieved through web-based resources. This will be added to Education and Distance Learning Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() Chmoogle - Open-Access Chemistry Search Engine http://www.chmoogle.com/ Chmoogle is the leading open-access chemistry search engine. Chmoogle's mission is to discover, curate and index all of the public chemical information in the world, and make it available to the public for free. Chmoogle distinguishes itself by extremely fast searches, an appealing presentation of results, high-quality chemical drawings, and powerful advanced search capabilities like persistent hitlists and hitlist logic operations. Chmoogle puts the world's most powerful cheminformatics system into the hands of the "common chemist." This has been added to the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() Splunk http://www.splunk.com/ Splunk is the new way to see inside the data center. It’s search software that indexes all your fast moving IT data as it happens. From one place, make sense of logs, configuration files, message queues, JMX, SNMP and database transactions from any system, application or device. Splunk can: a) Diagnose problems faster, b) Improve service quality, and c) Reduce the cost of incident response. This has been added to World Wide Web Reference Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Friday, December 16, 2005 ![]() gnovis: a Peer-Reviewed Journal of Communication, Culture and Technology http://gnovis.georgetown.edu/ As Georgetown University¹s peer-reviewed journal of Communication, Culture and Technology (CCT), gnovis strives to foster innovative research and design, reward scholarly excellence, and celebrate the exploration and understanding of technology as it both shapes and is shaped by political, economic, social, and cultural actors and institutions. gnovis seeks to place disciplinary paradigms into dialogue with each other, illuminating the clarity and contradictions therein and the manner in which they are codified into our social fabric. As an online journal, we have the opportunity to explore the dialogue between disciplines in new and creative ways. gnovis Multimedia Feature Articles seek to move classroom learning off the page, to explore CCT-related themes as they occur in other academic and professional settings. Feature Articles recognize CCT student¹s ability to extend classroom learning beyond the CCT boundaries by molding cutting-edge scholarship with multi-media journalism. Feature Article Writers participating in this initiative submitted proposals for consideration articulating their unique approach to developing these themes. Those chosen sought to reach beyond the format of a traditional printed scholarly journal and proposed a creative use of text and technology to articulate their theme. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() P2P News from Topex http://www.topix.net/tech/p2p P2P News continually updated from thousands of sources around the net from Topex.net. Excellent resource for keeping up to date on all the activities and happenings in the world of Peer to Peer (P2P). This has been added to the P2P section of Deep Web Research Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() Best of the Best Business Web Sites http://snipurl.com/kfa8 The Education Committee of the Business Reference and Services Section (BRASS) of the Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) of the American Library Association (ALA) began in 1998 to identify several long-term educational projects that would be developed to fulfill the committee's role of providing educational and developmental opportunities for librarians involved in providing business reference services. The 'Best of the Best' Business Web Sites project was the first of the projects completed in 2000. The Committee subsequently has published the Core Competencies for Business Reference pages on the BRASS website. This has been added to Business Intelligence Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. This will be added to Business Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() Biotechnology Journal (BTJ) http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/jhome/110544531 Biotechnology Journal (BTJ) is the new, international resource for both biotechnology researchers and professionals in related disciplines. Fully comprehensive in its scope, the journal publishes strictly peer reviewed papers covering novel aspects and methods in all areas of biotechnology, especially those focusing on healthcare, nutrition and technology. Special attention is also paid to the public, legal, ethical and cultural aspects of biotechnological research. Each issue is devoted to a special topic, providing the latest comprehensive information on the most crucial areas of research and technological advances. Alongside each highlighted topic, the journal contains original papers in the form of full papers, short communications and technical reports, illustrating the latest research results. In addition, special review issues bring readers up to date on developments in all areas of biotechnology. Focus: * Healthcare Good and long-lasting health is the most important quality in the life of a human being. Modern biotechnology is increasingly contributing to advancing the diagnosis and therapy of diseases, many of which are life threatening or currently incurable. Only biotechnology can transform data from basic science into marketable products. Therefore, healthcare stretches from basic science to product development, clinical testing and modern marketing. * Nutrition The growing world population and the demand of the individual for nutritional food requires better crops and new methods of food production and quality control. Increased food production needs to develop in line with environmental protection with respect to biodiversity, soil and water. Such ambitious goals can only be realized by using traditional and molecular biotechnology. Only these techniques can guarantee a food supply that is cheap, tasty and healthy. * Technology Technology is the art of transforming theoretical concepts into useful products. Fermentation using living organisms has a long tradition in the production of pharmaceuticals, food and other consumables, but it needs continuous improvement with respect to the organisms used and the technology applied. Only very advanced technology can guarantee that healthcare and nutrition be supplied to many, yet at a fair price. Technology based on chemistry or biology has to be performed in such a way that environmental protection is maximized. This has been added to Biological Informatics Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Thursday, December 15, 2005 ![]() P2PNet - Updated P2P News http://p2pnet.net/index.php p2pnet.net went online in August, 2002. It was the first Internet web page to carry daily, frequently updated news stories, features and commentaries discussing developments in the p2p and digital media arenas. p2pnet's focus is on digital media and file sharing, but the ultimate goal has always been to help launch a non-profit, collaborative and censor-free international news service through which on- and offline community print and electronic media outlets can access and exchange news which hasn't been spun, filtered and pre-digested by vested corporate interests. Because that's what p2p is really all about - sharing information and data - and it'll become increasingly important to the way world societies and cultures interact and function with each other. This has been added to the P2P section of Deep Web Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Signals - Online Magazine of BioTechnology Industry Analysis http://www.signalsmag.com/ Signals is an online magazine of analysis for biotechnology executives. Our mission is to provide comprehensive, timely analysis of major trends and new developments critical to the pursuit of novel new medical therapies and diagnostic products utilizing advanced technology. Our main areas of emphasis are alliances, financial trends, technology developments, and profiles of interesting people and companies. This has been added to Biological Informatics Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() ResearchZilla http://www.researchzilla.com/ Interested in research? Whether you're just starting out or have been at it for years, ResearchZilla welcomes all researchers. Read their community blogs or browse their pro research guide. Interact and learn with other researchers to keep up on the latest resources and happenings. This has been added to Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() Virtual Hospital® Virtual Hospital® - A Digital Library of Health Information http://www.vh.org/ Virtual Hospital® is a digital health sciences library created in 1992 at the University of Iowa to help meet the information needs of health care providers and patients. The goal of the Virtual Hospital digital library is to make the Internet a useful medical reference and health promotion tool for health care providers and patients. The Virtual Hospital digital library contains thousands of textbooks and booklets for health care providers and patients. This has been added to Healthcare Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. This has been added to Healthcare Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Wednesday, December 14, 2005 ![]() NoodleTools Noodle Tools - Online Research Tools http://www.noodletools.com/ NoodleTools is a suite of interactive tools designed to aid students and professionals with their online research. From selecting a search engine and finding some relevant sources, to citing those sources in MLA or APA style, NoodleTools makes online research easier! This has been added to ther tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Liberty Arcade - Games for People In Complex Socities http://www.libertyarcade.org/ Liberty Arcade is a collection of interactive games that illustrate fundamental concepts from the social sciences. These games are designed to provide you with a better understanding of the underlying processes at work in modern, complex societies. Play the games, have fun and, by all means, think for yourself! This has been added to Games Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() Tax History Project http://www.taxhistory.org/ The Tax History Project was established by Tax Analysts in 1995 to provide scholars, policymakers, students, the media, and citizens with information about the history of American taxation. The project pursues its mission through a program of web-based documentary publication and original historical research. This has been added to Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() Istanbul Jewish Genealogy Project http://www.isfsp.org/istanbul/ The International Society for Sephardic Progress (ISFSP) is pleased to announce that one of the largest and most important collections of Jewish genealogical records, one that includes an extensive amount of Sephardic data, has been made available for public research. The material covers the period from 1870 to the present. The new online-accessible collection includes over 50,000 records, including more than 35 thousand Istanbul marriage records and some 15,000 death and burial records from other sources including the Chief Rabbinate of Turkey and the Ashkenazi and Italian community records. The data also comes from several Istanbul cemeteries. This has been added to Genealogy Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Tuesday, December 13, 2005 ![]() American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/jhome/99018626 Neuropsychiatric Genetics, Part B of the American Journal of Medical Genetics (AJMG), provides a forum for experimental and clinical investigations of the genetic mechanisms underlying neurologic and psychiatric disorders. It is a resource for novel genetics studies of the heritable nature of psychiatric and other nervous system disorders, characterized at the molecular, cellular or behavior levels. Neuropsychiatric Genetics publishes eight times per year. Neuropsychiatric Genetics is the official journal of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics. This has been added to Biological Informatics Subject Tracer™ Information Blog posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Knowledge Management for Development (KM4D)Journal Knowledge Management for Development Journal (KM4D) http://www.km4dev.org/journal/index.php/km4dj Publisher: KM4Dev-community An open access, peer-reviewed, community journal on knowledge management in development - for and by development practitioners and researchers. Spontaneous contributions are welcome. Any manuscript submitted to thejournal must not already have been published in another journal or be under consideration by any other journal, although it may have been deposited on a preprint server. Theoretical and practice-based contributions are welcome. Manuscripts that are derived from papers presented at conferences can be submitted unless they have been published as part of the conference proceedings in a peer reviewed journal. This has been added to Knowledge Discovery Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() Ontology Matching Ontology Matching http://www.ontologymatching.org/ This web site provides a repository of information devoted to different aspects of ontology matching. Ontology matching is a promising solution to the semantic heterogeneity problem. It finds correspondences between semantically related entities of the ontologies. These correspondences can be used for various tasks, such as ontology merging, query answering, data translation, or for navigation on the semantic web. Thus, matching ontologies enables the knowledge and data expressed in the matched ontologies to interoperate. An ontology typically provides a vocabulary that describes a domain of interest and a specification of the meaning of terms used in the vocabulary. Depending on the precision of this specification, the notion of ontology encompasses several data/conceptual models, for example, classifications, database schemas, fully axiomatized theories. Ontologies tend to be put everywhere. They are viewed as the silver bullet for many applications, such as information integration, peer-to-peer systems, electronic commerce, semantic web services, social networks, and so on. They, indeed, are a practical means to conceptualize what is expressed in a computer format. However, in open or evolving systems, such as the semantic web, different parties would, in general, adopt different ontologies. Thus, just using ontologies, like just using XML, does not reduce heterogeneity: it raises heterogeneity problems at a higher level. This has been added to the semantic web research section of Deep Web Research Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() African Journal of Information and Communication Technology http://epress.lib.uts.edu.au/ojs/index.php/ajict African Journal of Information and Communication Technology (AJ-ICT) is an international journal providing a publication vehicle for complete coverage of all topics of interest to those involved in computing, electronic communications and information technology systems. The Editorial Board will consider for publication any material that is of interest to the defined audience. Material on all aspects of the design, implementation, use and management of computer and communication networks including the Internet, communication subsystems (and all other supporting activities), computer science, software development and engineering, is published. Specifically included are non-technical but topical issues in the economics of ICT, legal and regulatory issues and e-Learning impacts. African Journal of Information and Communication Technology (AJICT) focuses on several broad areas of interest to its readers including: a) Telecommunications Theory and Systems b) Communication and Sensor Networks c) Computer Systems Engineering d) Computer Software, Hardware, Prootcols and Algorithms e) Wireless and Mobile Communications f) Information Systems g) Bio-Informatics and e-Technologies h) Artificial Intelligence The journal welcomes the following types of original research articles and contributions: 1) Research-based papers reporting new findings 2) Articles providing a comprehensive review on a scientific topic in ICT; 3) Fast Communications: Short, self-contained articles on ongoing research, or reporting interesting, possibly tentative, ideas, or comments on previously published research; 4) Technical tutorials on selected areas of interest to the journal audience. This journal provides open access to all of it content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Monday, December 12, 2005 ![]() Feed Validator Web Service API http://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/api The W3C Feed Validator exposes its Web service as a SOAP 1.2 interface, which you can use in your own applications. This has been added to World Wide Web Reference Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) http://www.csis.or.id/ The Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Jakarta is an independent, non-profit organisation focusing on policy-oriented studies on domestic and international issues. It was established in 1971. CSIS undertakes research in economics, politics and social change, and international relations, with topics selected on the basis of their relevance to public policy. Inter-disciplinary studies are encouraged. In the area of foreign policy CSIS’s research is complemented and strengthened by its relations with an extensive network of research, academic, and other organizations worldwide. This has been added to Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() CourseCafe - Academic Bookmarking and Collaboration Tool http://www.coursecafe.com/coursecafe/home.do CourseCafe is an academic bookmarking and collaboration tool, designed specifically for tudents, to tag and save Web content related to course work and homework topics. You also discover and benefit from saved searches of students who have taken the same course earlier. Inside CourseCafe you will find a list of all the departments at your school, and all the courses within each department. You can quickly personalize CourseCafe with selecting the courses you are taking, and start keeping track of your Internet search activity related to your courses. In addition, you can see courses that other students are taking. You can plan for courses for next semester by keeping track of a watch list - based on enrollment, reviews, and available research. You can read and write reviews and participate in wikis related to courses. CourseCafe, Inc is a Silicon Valley startup. We are located in Mountain View, CA. This has been added to Student Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. This has been added to the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() Wex - Legal Dictionary and Encyclopedia http://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/index.php/Main_Page Wex is a collaboratively built, freely available legal dictionary and encyclopedia. Wex is an ambitious effort to construct a collaboratively-created, public-access law dictionary and encyclopedia. It is sponsored and hosted by the Legal Information Institute at the Cornell Law School (http://www.lawschool.cornell.edu/). Much of the material that appears in Wex was originally developed for the LII's "Law about..." pages, to which Wex is the successor. More information about Wex, its aims, and project plans can be found in the Wex FAQ. This will be added to Legal Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Saturday, December 10, 2005 ![]() Play With Your Mind Games Play With Your Mind Games http://www.playwithyourmind.com/main.php playwithyourmind.com is a fast-growing collection of word games, typing games, logic puzzles and other mind games / IQ tests. If this is your first time visiting, consider reading through the site overview, taking a site tour or browsing the site FAQ before diving into the collection of over 45 original online games. playwithyourmind.com has games to challenge and enrich your mind. As you explore the different options, your brain will be challenged in all sorts of ways, from visual memory puzzles and dynamic search challenges to motor acquisiton tasks and speed/reflex games. Play with letters, numbers, images, sounds, time and space! You can browse the games by choosing one of the colored category buttons and you can also check out the top games / latest games. But really you should just enter the game portal. This has been added to the Games Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Phil Bradley's WebSite On Search Engines Phil Bradley's WebSite On Search Engines http://www.philb.com/ For librarians, information staff, information professionals and web designers. Information on search engines, searching the internet, keeping up to date on internet events, free articles on internet searching and web page and web site design. Phil has done a fine job over the years offering excellent resources on search engines and related internet resources. This has been added to the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() gada.be MetaSearch gada.be Search Engine http://gada.be/ It's a metasearch service, no matter where or how you view it. gada.be is for anybody with access to the Web and in need of immediate, impartial results: * Save time, page loads, and keystrokes * Get vendor-neutral results from fantastic resources * Output OPML for easy importing into news aggregators * Link your tags to gada.be for more comprehensive results * Load with slow connections, Treos, PSP, dial-up, cell phones * Search through an ever-expanding set of results * Navigate a simple subdirectory structure, quick to key-in * Run it on either desktop-based or mobile devices * View or subscribe to results in RSS * Get full access without needing to register You're going to save time and bandwidth immediately; imagine how long it would take to traverse all those sites just to find the one thing you were looking for!? If you tend to view only the top results for a cursory search, why not just feed you the top results in one easy spot (where you can subsequently subscribe to them)? Look for more gada.be features to roll out as the weeks march forward! This will be added to the search engine section of all the 2005 Internet MiniGuides. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() IFPMA Clinical Trials Portal http://www.ifpma.org/clinicaltrials.html This service is provided by the IFPMA, on behalf of its Member Companies and Associations. The portal has been designed as a single entry allowing you to search for comprehensive information on on-going clinical trials (registry) or results of completed trials (database) conducted by the innovative pharmaceutical industry. This will be added to Healthcare Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Friday, December 09, 2005 ![]() Web Indexing SIG http://www.web-indexing.org/index.htm The Web Indexing SIG (Special Interest Group) promotes the human indexing of web sites and HTML documents. Its first objective is to serve the professional interests of indexers who seek to apply their skills in traditional human indexing to the nontraditional web medium. This includes the writing of alphabetical indexes for individual web sites, intranets, online periodicals, and collections of multiple web sites. Its second objective is to inform the web design and development community of the advantages of professional web indexing and the availability of freelance indexers. The Web Indexing SIG is an affiliate of the American Society of Indexers, but serves web indexers and web indexing worldwide. This has been added to the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() IPUMS-International https://beta.ipums.org/international/index.html IPUMS-International is a new project dedicated to collecting and distributing census data from around the world. Its goals are to: a) Collect and preserve data and documentation, b) Harmonize data, and c) Disseminate the data absolutely free! This has been added to Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() IPUMS-USA https://beta.ipums.org/usa/index.html IPUMS-USA is a coherent national census database spanning 1850 to 2000 including: a) High precision samples, b) Integrated microdata, c) Comprehensive documentation, and d) Free access and use! This has been added to Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() People Search and Genealogy Archive Postings People Search and Genealogy Archive Postings http://www.peoplearchive.org/names/ Locate missing people and find lost relatives and ancestors .. this area of their site is devoted to helping you locate people through the awesome power of "web-wide social net" .. they provide an interface to information on every name listed in the US Census data .. over 85,000 surnames in all .. and we combine this with some of the most popular first names and regions, schools, interests, and other geo and psychographic data. - If you are trying to locate someone who you have lost contact with, or looking for additional information on relatives and ancestors for family history research, you can post your request which will then be made available to 1000s of search engine spiders. This has been added to Genealogy Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. This has been added to Finding People Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Thursday, December 08, 2005 ![]() Asia-Studies Full-text Online http://www.asia-studies.com/ Asia-Studies Full-text Online is the premier database for the study of modern Asia Pacific. As the exclusive licensee for many of the region's most prestigious research institutions, Asia-Studies.com brings together thousands of full-text reports covering 53 countries on a multitude of business, government, economic, and social issues. This has been added to Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM W3C Group Links Semantic Web With Medical Industry http://www.w3.org/2005/11/hcls-pressrelease http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/ W3C is pleased to announce the launch of the Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group (HCLSIG). Chaired by Tonya Hongsermeier (Partners HealthCare) and Eric Neumann (Unaffiliated), the group is chartered to improve collaboration, research and development, and innovation adoption in the health care and life science industries. Aiding decision-making in clinical research, Semantic Web technologies will bridge many forms of biological and medical information across institutions. Read the press release and visit the Semantic Web home page. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() Merriam-Webster Open Dictionary Merriam-Webster's Open Dictionary http://www3.merriam-webster.com/opendictionary/ America's premiere online language center is debuting another innovative feature. Merriam-Webster's Open Dictionary is a real-time chronicle of new words and senses based entirely on contributions from its users. Developed to provide a forum for word lovers to share words they haven't yet seen in the dictionary, the new feature invites visitors to submit their lexical discoveries with definitions, example sentences, and documentation of words used in context. Though still in its development stages, the interactive Open Dictionary is already providing an informative and often amusing look at the latest words and phrases catching the attention of Merriam-Webster's online community. Some contributions to the Open Dictionary are words currently on the radar screen of Merriam-Webster's editors. Take, for example, the entry phish -- defined by a user as a verb to describe, "the sending of an e-mail which falsely claims to be from an established legitimate enterprise in an attempt to scam the user into surrendering private information." Equally topical are blame game (noun: "deflecting from your own guilt or culpability by blaming other people or circumstances that led to the situation"), fangirl/boy (noun: "a girl or boy that has an obsession with a person, place, or thing, sometimes stemming from a TV series, movie, or manga/anime"), and gastroporn (noun: "detailed descriptions and/or photographs of extremely delectable food as found in magazines, cookbooks, and television cooking shows"). This has been added to Reference Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() American Journal of Science (AJS) http://www.geology.yale.edu/journals/Ajs.html American Journal of Science (AJS), founded in 1818 by Benjamin Silliman, is the oldest scientific journal in the United States that has been published continuously. The Journal is devoted to geology and related sciences and publishes articles from around the world presenting results of major research from all earth sciences. Readers are primarily earth scientists in academia and government institutions. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Wednesday, December 07, 2005 Gantt Project http://ganttproject.sourceforge.net/index.php This java software started during studies at the University of Marne- la-Vallee (France) in December 2002. GanttProject lets you plan projects using Gantt charts. Over time several developers and contributors became involved with the project to help improve it. Now GanttProject is used in several companies, universities and also by individuals all over the world. Recently a French government department desired to improve the product. It contracted Actimage, a French computing company, to refine GanttProject and to add new features. A lot of development has gone into releasing version 2.0. It is developed in Java (SDK>=1.4) and includes some wonderful features for a project planner/manager. This has been added to World Wide Web Reference Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Investment FAQ http://invest-faq.com/ The Investment FAQ is a collection of Frequently Asked Questions and answers about investments and personal finance, including stocks, bonds, options, discount brokers, information sources, retirement plans, life insurance, etc. I invite you to use the FAQ as a comprehensive, unbiased introduction and reference to investing. Complete beginners might want to take the tour for beginners, which includes pointers to pages with advice, introductions to stocks and bonds, and helpful reading material. The FAQ was originally developed in late 1992 to improve the signal-to-noise ratio in the Usenet newsgroup misc.invest. The newsgroup misc.invest.stocks was created later, around 1994. The newsgroup misc.invest was renamed to misc.invest.misc in mid 1996. The Technical Analysis FAQ was added in late 1996. This has been added to Financial Sources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() Social Networks and Social Networking by Elizabeth F. Churchill - Palo Alto Research Center and Christine A. Halverson - IBM http://snipurl.com/jq86 Social networking is built on the idea that there is a determinable structure to how people know each other, whether directly or indirectly. Notions such as "six degrees of separation" — that everyone on Earth is separated from everyone else by no more than six intermediate personal relationships — have popularized the idea that people can be (however unknowingly) connected through common associates. This issue's theme includes three articles on research activities that have drawn on ideas from social networking to drive innovative designs. The focus stays close to our own intellectual home — the design, development, and study of social technologies at the level of individuals, groups, and organizations — although we refer to the broader issue of business, community, and societal impact in this short introduction. This has been added to Social Informatics Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() GoshMe – The Web Search Assistant http://www.goshme.com/ GoshMe is not a conventional search engine. That’s why they named it Search Assistant. GoshMe – The Web Search Assistant, allows every single person to take advantage of the wide variety of Search Engines and Databases available in the net, and mainly of the amazing amount of specialized ones. Search engines are among the most useful resources on the World Wide Web. Each search engine has its particularities: Exclusive content, way of measuring relevancies and classifying results, using interface, and in many cases specialization in a particular area of interest. Nowadays, the internet offers a great variety of specialized search engines, but this number is so gigantic that users feel sort of lost in front of so many possibilities. The problem of finding information on the Internet has been replaced by the problem of knowing where search engines are, what they are designed to retrieve, and how to use them. GoshMe assists users in that. Once the user sends us his/her query, we will check all Search Engines possibilities for him/her, and present it in the most comprehensive way, providing a list of all Search Engines and Databases appropriate to his/her query, ranked by relevance, divided by categories and sub-categories, and with a brief description about each Search Engine. GoshMe assists users in finding the best options (that is to say the best Search Engines) for his/her search. This has been added to the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. This will be added to the search engines section of all the 2005 Internet MiniGuides. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Tuesday, December 06, 2005 ![]() Issue Crawler Issue Crawler http://wiki.issuecrawler.net/bin/view/Issuecrawler/WebHome Issue Crawler is a network mapping software by the Govcom.org Foundation, Amsterdam. The IssueCrawler is web network location software. It consists of a crawler, a co-link analysis engine and two visualisation modules. It is server-side software that crawls specified sites, captures the outlinks from the specified sites, performs co-link analysis on the outlinks, returns densely interlinked networks, and visualises them in circle and cluster maps. This has been added to the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. This will be added to Academic Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. This will be added to Academic and Scholar Search Engines and Sources White Paper. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Guide to the Canadian House of Commons http://www.parl.gc.ca/information/about/process/house/guide/index-e.asp Every day, there is something in the news about the House of Commons. It may be about a bill that was passed, an issue raised in Question Period, or a statement by a Member of Parliament. Yet for all the attention the House receives, many Canadians still have questions about what happens there and the role that Members of Parliament play. The idea behind this guide is to answer some of those questions. It explains how the House of Commons fits into Canada’s parliamentary system of government. It also describes the work done in the Commons and gives a look at the day-to-day life of a Member of Parliament. The House of Commons is a fascinating place. It is a forum where all Canadians have a direct link to the governing of the country. In the Commons Chamber, the nation’s most critical issues are debated, and Members can express the views of the people they are elected to represent. By understanding how the House of Commons works, Canadians will be in a better position to judge the performance of their representatives and to see how they themselves can participate in our system of government. This has been added to Reference Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() Paremus - Redefining Enterprise Grid http://www.paremus.com/ The Infiniflow™ enterprise service fabric is a high throughput, transactional software platform ideal for a wide range of service-oriented, enterprise-class applications that require extreme reliability and maximum agility to meet rapidly changing conditions. These include: a) Transactional business processing, b) Application integration, c) Computational grid processing, d) Enterprise messaging, and e) Enterprise data caching. Designed to meet the most demanding SLAs while operating across a grid computing infrastructure, the Infiniflow enterprise service fabric offers fully autonomic operations that reduce systems management costs. The easy-to-use Infiniflow developer tools simplify construction of Infiniflow publications, lowering development expenses and accelerating delivery of new business solutions. Check their Product page to learn how Infiniflow can help you rapidly deliver grid-enabled enterprise applications to all of your users. This has been added to Grid Resources Subject Tracer&trade' Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() SQL Server Data Mining SQL Server Data Mining http://www.sqlserverdatamining.com/ Over the past year they have added 43 tips, seven downloadable samples, three tutorials, six downloadable samples, six webcasts, seven issues of “The Data Miner”, RSS feeds and a custom front end for their newsgroups to make it easy for you to get any help you need using SQL Server Data Mining. This has been added to Data Mining Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Monday, December 05, 2005 ![]() Search Engines Use Rapid Increase http://www.pewinternet.org/PPF/r/167/report_display.asp Search engines have become an increasingly important part of the online experience of American internet users. The most recent findings from Pew Internet & American Life tracking surveys and consumer behavior trends from the comScore Media Metrix consumer panel show that about 60 million American adults are using search engines on a typical day. These results from September 2005 represent a sharp increase from mid-2004. Pew Internet Project data from June 2004 show that use of search engines on a typical day has risen from 30% to 41% of the internet-using population, which itself has grown in the past year. This means that the number of those using search engines on an average day jumped from roughly 38 million in June 2004 to about 59 million in September 2005 – an increase of about 55%. comScore data, which are derived from a different methodology, show that from September 2004 to September 2005 the average daily use of search engines jumped from 49.3 million users to 60.7 million users – an increase of 23%. This means that the use of search engines is edging up on email as a primary internet activity on any given day. The Pew Internet Project data show that on a typical day, email use is still the top internet activity. On any given day, about 52% of American internet users are sending and receiving email, up from 45% in June of 2004. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() PIXresizer - Free Image Resizer http://bluefive.pair.com/pixresizer.htm PIXresizer is a photo resizing program to easily create web and e-mail friendly versions of your images with reduced file sizes. The reduced files are saved in a different folder, so your original images are not altered at all. PIXresizer offers several different resizing methods to choose from and can automatically recognize image sizes to calculate the best fit. In addition, it can convert between image formats (JPEG, GIF, BMP, PNG and TIFF), rotate images, convert to grayscale and resize multiple images in batch mode. A great companion for webmasters and digital photographers. This has been added to the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() Thérapie http://pt.wkhealth.com/pt/re/the/home.htm Thérapie publishes articles on all aspects of clinical pharmacology, therapeutics, pharmacokinetics, pharmacovigilance, pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacoeconomy and evidence-based medicine in French or English. Thérapie publishes original papers, review articles requested by the Editorial Board, letters to the editor, correspondence relating to articles or letters published in the journal, reports on adverse drug reactions or pharmacovigilance which should follow French guidelines concerning good practice in pharmacovigilance publications (date and address of notification of adverse drug reactions). Note: The majority of content for Thérapie is published in French. This includes the article titles that appear in eTOCs. This will be added to Healthcare Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/ The Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL, pronounced "smile") enables simple authoring of interactive audiovisual presentations. SMIL is typically used for "rich media"/multimedia presentations which integrate streaming audio and video with images, text or any other media type. SMIL is an easy-to-learn HTML-like language, and many SMIL presentations are written using a simple text-editor. For a more detailed description of the goals of the SMIL language, see the W3C Activity Statement on Synchronized Multimedia; a regularly updated report to W3C members that is also available to the public. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Saturday, December 03, 2005 ![]() How Do Search Engines Handle Chinese Queries? How Do Search Engines Handle Chinese Queries? by Haidar Moukdad and Hong Cui http://www.webology.ir/2005/v2n3/a17.html Abstract: The use of languages other than English has been growing exponentially on the Web. However, the major search engines have been lagging behind in providing indexes and search features to handle these languages. This article explores the characteristics of the Chinese language and how queries in this language are handled by different search engines. Queries were entered in two major search engines (Google and AlltheWeb) and two search engines developed for Chinese (Sohu and Baidu). Criteria such as handling word segmentation, number of retrieved documents, and correct display and identification of Chinese characters were used to examine how the search engines handled the queries. The results showed that the performance of the two major search engines was not on a par with that of the search engines developed for Chinese. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Journal of Research in Medical Sciences Journal of Research in Medical Sciences (JRMS) http://jrms.mui.ac.ir/Index.asp Journal of Research in Medical Sciences (JRMS) is a medical journal publishing original clinical research articles, short communications, review articles, editorials, letters to editor, and case reports. Contributions in any of these formats are invited for editorial consideration following peer review by at least three experts in the field. Submissions should conform to the 'Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals," the complete text of which is available at http://icmje.org. Unsolicited manuscripts will be reviewed for publication with the following understanding that: * they represent original work; * the paper, including its essential data, tables, and figures, has not been published elsewhere in whole or part; * the paper neither was published already nor is being under review elsewhere, * upon acceptance, the paper may not be published elsewhere without the written permission of this journal; * the published paper is the sole property of JRMS and may be edited before publication. Abstract or press reports of presentations at scientific meetings will not be considered prior publication. The editorial will not enter into argument with authors about papers considered unsuitable for publication and their decision is final. This will be added to Healthcare Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. This has been added to Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() PBWiki PBWiki http://www.pbwiki.com A wiki is a kind of free-form website that is easy to edit. On a pbwiki, any visitor with the site's password can edit any page on the site. pbwikis can be made public to allow anyone to read a wiki, while still restricting editing to those who know the wiki's password. But pbwikis are private by default. Edits are done in plain text and don't require learning fancy or complex codes like HTML. Just start typing! It's also easy to create new pages and make links to pages you've already made. Why might you want a pbwiki? Sharing notes on Mayan culture for History class. Brainstorming the new product design for Tuesday's client presentation. Taking notes to figure out which digital camera to buy. Keeping track of the projects you're involved with and your TODO list. It's profoundly simple to make a new wiki with pbwiki. It's totally free of charge and spam-free. With nothing to download, you'll be sharing information in a jiffy! This has been added to my presentation Bots, Blogs and News Aggregators resource listing. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() Omnibiography.com Omnibiography.com - The Largest Directory of Biographies On the Web http://www.omnibiography.com/ OmniBiography.com is the largest directory of biographies available on the Web containing information on more than 110,000 important people from antiquity to the present time. It includes biographies from the most important sites on the web in all languages. This has been added to Reference Resources Subject Tracer™ Infortmation Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Friday, December 02, 2005 ![]() Google Base - Online/Offline Content Submission http://base.google.com/ Google Base is a place where you can easily submit all types of online and offline content that we'll host and make searchable online. You can describe any item you post with attributes, which will help people find it when they search Google Base. In fact, based on the relevance of your items, they may also be included in the main Google search index and other Google products like Froogle, Google Base and Google Local. This has been added the search tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Teacher's Guide to International Collaboration http://www.ed.gov/teachers/how/tech/international/index.html The Teacher's Guide to International Collaboration was developed to help teachers use the Internet to "reach out" globally. These materials were prepared as part of the Department of Education's International Education Initiative. This has been added to Education and Distance Learning Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() Find A Grave http://www.findagrave.com/ Thousands of contributors submit new listings, updates, corrections, photographs and virtual flowers every hour. The site simply wouldn't exist without the 200,000+ contributors. When it comes to administrating, building and maintaining the site, Find A Grave is largely operated by its founder, Jim Tipton. In addition to Jim, there are a handful of folks who work behind the scenes, helping out with Find A Grave on a daily basis. This has been added to Genealogy Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() Ontologies for Education (O4E) http://iiscs.wssu.edu/o4e/ The O4E (Ontologies for Education) portal is a collaborative project between Winston-Salem State University, University of Pittsburgh and Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University. The main goal of the project is to collect and disseminate web resources in the field of application of ontologies and relevant technologies for the modern educational perspectives. The portal is topic map-driven. To structure the field we have developed the O4E ontology and have been indexing resources in the concepts of this ontology (listed under “Glossary”). They will appreciate any suggestions and comments on the present structure of the ontology and the portal. O4E currently contains the ontology-related papers presented at 6 Workshops and 3 special journal issues on Application of Semantic Web Technologies to Web-based Education. We rely on the O4E community support and contribution to make the portal a valuable aid in the work and research of the community members. This has been added to semantic web research section of Deep Web Research Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Thursday, December 01, 2005 ![]() Web 2.0 Workgroup http://www.web20workgroup.com/ The Web 2.0 Workgroup is a network of premium weblogs that write content exclusively about the new generation of the Web. Combined, these sites reach a large readership of influential technology and media professionals. If you would like to subscribe to all of these blogs, download and import the OPML file into your favorite RSS reader. This has been added to World Wide Web Reference Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Biomacromolecules http://pubs.acs.org/journals/bomaf6/index.html Biomacromolecules is an interdisciplinary journal publishing original research that explores the interactions of macromolecules with biological systems and their environments as well as biological approaches to the design of polymeric materials. Among the basic areas the journal covers are: * monomers and polymers from renewable resources * biomaterials * biomedical polymers * biocatalysis * biomacromolecular assembly * biomimetics * biomineralization * bioprocessing * recycling * biocomposites Application areas include packaging and consumer products, biosensors, biocompatible surfaces, multifunctional surfaces, polymeric drugs, and polymers for engineering applications. This has been added to Biological Informatics Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() Journal of Literacy and Technology http://www.literacyandtechnology.org/ The Journal of Literacy and Technology is an online academic journal exploring the complex relationship between literacy and technology in educational, workplace, public, and individual spheres. Articles and scholarly reviews span from the historical to the cutting-edge, from critical scholarship to applied theory to practice. Journal of Literacy and Technology provides a free, accessible scholarly forum for all interested parties to explore and debate issues pertinent to novel literacies and digital culture. With Journal of Literacy and Technology, they encourage new spheres of academic conversation, with the goal of making ideologies and assumptions apparent and considering possibilities and alternatives. Beginning in 2005, The Journal of Literacy and Technology will use rolling deadlines throughout the calendar year rather than publish "issues." The editors believe that publishing articles as they come in better reflects The Journal of Literacy and Technology's status as an online-only journal. The Journal of Literacy and Technology considers original research, teaching/personal narratives, and feature articles. Topics may include, but are not limited to the following: * Historical/Historicizing Studies * Workplace Literacy * School Programs * Funding Issues * Hypertext Theory * Literature Reviews * Theoretical/Philosophical Perspectives * Teaching in Electronic Environments * Distance Learning * Multicultural Literacies & Technology * Media Studies * Communication Studies This has been added to the Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() eHub by Emily Chang eHub by Emily Chang http://www.emilychang.com/go/ehub eHub is a constantly updated list of web applications, services, resources, blogs or sites with a focus on next generation web (web 2.0), social software, blogging, Ajax, Ruby on Rails, location mapping, open source, folksonomy, design and digital media sharing. This has been added to World Wide Web Reference Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM |
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