Tuesday, May 27, 2003
Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. first edition (May 26, 2003 V1N1) is available by clicking on the audblog audio post below. This two minute update will be posted every Monday covering important current awareness happenings on the Internet. The resource that is mentioned in this first edition for a comprehensive listing of current awareness resources is available ( a .pdf file) by clicking here. This resource is a chapter from one of the latest InternetMiniGuides™ available from the following site. Enjoy and if you have any comments feel free to contact me at anytime by clicking here!
audblog audio post
posted by Marcus |
2:53 PM
Saturday, May 24, 2003
My May 2003 column is titled Blogs, Blogs and More Blogs and you can listen to my quick overview of the column by clicking on my below audoblog post. You may also download the column ( a .pdf file) by clicking here. Enjoy and looking forward to seeing you in the Blogging frontier!
audblog audio post
posted by Marcus |
10:44 AM
Friday, May 23, 2003
With the Memorial Day Holiday rapidly approaching I have activated my audio blog system so that I may update my blog from anywhere that I travel instantly using my cell phone! I will also be creating an audio blog each Monday morning on a new and exciting happenings on the Internet. It will be a two minute blast highlighting the latest greatest URLs and sites that will be relevant to many of you who read this blog! Our Top 50 bank reports covering their brand utilization on the Internet as discovered by our TrademarkBots® and will be available for purchase through Digital River from the home page of TrademarkBots® by clicking here.
posted by Marcus |
12:43 PM
Tuesday, May 20, 2003
audblog audio post
posted by Marcus |
4:20 PM
Sunday, May 18, 2003
I will be interviewed for 30 minutes on Southington, CT, WXCT Radio Talk Show "Best Morning Show in Hartford" on Tuesday, May 20, 2003 at 9:00am EDST by host Charlie Profit. I will be discussing "How Bots and Intelligent Agents Will Change Our Lives On the Internet" and will be using TrademarkBots® as a practical example of how bots are used in today's active business climate. Additional resources that I will be mentioning are available here. I will also be discussing the very latest happenings on the Internet including Blogs, News Aggregators and Distributing Computing. My latest column on Blogs is available in a .pdf format by clicking here. A complete directory of news aggregators is available by clicking here. A complete listing of Internet distributed computing and matrix computing projects is available by clicking here. My professional series Internet MiniGuides™ are available by clicking here. View one of my archived thirty minute television shows by clicking here (Note: Requires RealPlayer).
posted by Marcus |
9:00 AM
Monday, May 12, 2003
I will be keynote speaking at the Sunset Rotary Club of Naples, Florida on Thursday May 15, 2003. The title of my presentation will be "The Latest happenings in Cyberspace" and I will be discussing the hot topics today on the Internet including Blogs, Instant Messaging, Bots and Intelligent Agents! Some of the various resources that I will mention are available by clicking here. Also my May 2003 column titled "Blogs, Blogs and More Blogs" is available from my InternetMiniGuides.com page by clicking here. A complete directory of news aggregators is available by clicking here. A complete listing of Internet distributed computing and matrix computing projects is available by clicking here View one of my archived thirty minute television shows by clicking here (Note: Requires RealPlayer).
posted by Marcus |
8:53 AM
Monday, May 05, 2003
I will be interviewed for 30 minutes on Harrisonberg, Virginia WSVA Radio Talk Show on Wednesday, May 7, 2003 at 6:30pm EDST by host Mike Schikman. I will be discussing "How Bots and Intelligent Agents Will Change Our Lives On the Internet" and will be using TrademarkBots® as a practical example of how bots are used in today's active business climate. Additional resources that I will be mentioning are available here.
posted by Marcus |
2:08 PM