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Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. Author/Speaker/Consultant Internet Happenings, Events and Sources |
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![]() Tuesday, May 31, 2005 ![]() EEVL Xtra Cross Database Search EEVL Xtra - Cross Database Search http://www.eevlxtra.ac.uk/ EEVL Xtra cross-searches 20 databases featuring content from 50 publishers, and facilitates access to articles, books, websites, eprints, industry news, job announcements, the latest research, technical reports and data, and more, in engineering, mathematics and computing. Essentially, its a deep-mining, subject-based meta search service of quality resources. Its a free service, and is an initiative of Heriot Watt University. Its produced by EEVL, the Internet guide to engineering, mathematics and computing. This has been added to Deep Web Research Subject Tracer Information Blog. and the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog.This will be added to Academic Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. This has been added to Academic and Scholar Search Engines and Sources Internet MiniGuide Annotated Link Compilation white paper. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ![]() Folksonomies Folksonomies - Cooperative Classification and Communication Through Shared Metadata by Adam Mathes http://www.adammathes.com/academic/computer-mediated-communication/folksonomies.html This paper examines user-generated metadata as implemented and applied in two web services designed to share and organize digital media to better understand grassroots classification. Metadata - data about data - allows systems to collocate related information, and helps users find relevant information. The creation of metadata has generally been approached in two ways: professional creation and author creation. In libraries and other organizations, creating metadata, primarily in the form of catalog records, has traditionally been the domain of dedicated professionals working with complex, detailed rule sets and vocabularies. The primary problem with this approach is scalability and its impracticality for the vast amounts of content being produced and used, especially on the World Wide Web. The apparatus and tools built around professional cataloging systems are generally too complicated for anyone without specialized training and knowledge. A second approach is for metadata to be created by authors. The movement towards creator described documents was heralded by SGML, the WWW, and the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative. There are problems with this approach as well - often due to inadequate or inaccurate description, or outright deception. This paper examines a third approach: user-created metadata, where users of the documents and media create metadata for their own individual use that is also shared throughout a community. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM ![]() MarketingProfs http://www.marketingprofs.com/ Founded in June 2000, MarketingProfs.com is an online publishing company based in Los Angeles, California. We specialize in providing both strategic and tactical post-MBA marketing know-how to Internet and offline marketing professionals in medium and large corporations, through a combination of provocative articles and commentary. Drawing on both the cutting edge marketing know-how of a broad array of analysts, marketing professionals, and professors who create marketing know-how and can bridge the gap between cutting-edge theory and business practice, we cut through the marketing hype and puffery that has become so prevalent in the Internet age. This will be added to Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() CodeGuru http://www.codeguru.com/ There are millions, if not billions, of lines of code in the world. Every day, more lines of code are being created. CodeGuru is a site where tips, tricks, and other pieces of useful code can be found. CodeGuru contains thousands of articles and thousands of pieces of code that you can download, look at, modify, play with, and use. You can simply plug-and-play or you can look at the code and learn. CodeGuru is about the sharing of code. Almost all of the code that you can find is presented as part of an article submitted by someone like you. These articles often explain the code and its use. Most of the people who contribute code articles to CodeGuru are the same people who found and used something from here. Sharing works. CodeGuru is dedicated to helping developers and programmers by providing the most robust and up-to-date technical information and code snippets on the Internet! This information comes from Gurus who are in the industry as well as Guru-"wanna-be's." If you are a Guru, then CodeGuru is a great community for sharing what you know. If you are a Guru-"wanna-be," then CodeGuru is the place to find the resources that will help. Unlike many other sites, CodeGuru also actively searches for additional articles on key industry topics from key industry leaders. Not only do they have standard categories of articles, but they also go beyond and offer a number of columns—columns written by industry leaders. This has been added to Script Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() CommonBits http://www.commonbits.org/index.php Search their directory for progressive political media: audio, video, photos, reports, transcripts and other files. Submit content links and files that benefit political work or just makes them laugh. CommonBits relies on community members like you to populate its directory. Please submit relevant content on a regular basis. Share content you find and contribute with our tell a friend feature. Subscribe to their content feed in your blog reader to keep up with the latest content submissions. CommonBits believes in the power of BitTorrent to enable activists and political groups to share and exchange large media files. Upload your files, and they will create and host them as BitTorrents for you. Visit their Tools page to download a BitTorrent client for your operating system. They have also written a how to guide to using BitTorrent to download files. This has been added to Reference Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() ClearEngine - Web Presentation Creation http://www.clearengine.com/ Logon day or night to their fully hosted, managed and secure web-based platform. Upload your PowerPoint™ slides and Clearengine automatically converts PowerPoint to Flash™. Rearrange your slides, rename them and add optional slide notes. Link to webpages, surveys and pre-produced animations. Pick up the phone, and dial their 24 hour automated recording system and add narration slide by slide (or to other supported files like Word™, Excel™, PDF™ or photos). Upload attachments to your presentation like brochures, spreadsheets and training material. You choose to add password protection or a registration page to capture viewer data. Merge existing presentations, create new ones without starting over and personalize them for your audience. Brand the presentation with your logo, message and photo. Your audience doesn't have to worry about firewall restrictions, downloads, software installs or hardware additions. Create in minutes - make available to your audience for months. This has ben added to the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Monday, May 30, 2005 ![]() White Papers by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. This mp3 broadcast edition of Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. May 30, 2005 V3N22 discusses my blog for White Papers by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A.. Click on the below audio mp3 broadcast to hear Marcus P. Zillman describing this resource for his many white papers on searching and information retrieval. View the site at: White Papers by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. http://www.WhitePapers.us/ ![]() ![]() ![]() NeuroGrid - P2P Search NeuroGrid - P2P Search http://www.neurogrid.net/ The idea behind NeuroGrid is to provide a framework for finding information within a distributed environment. NeuroGrid is based on the idea of automating the process we use in human society to find out things that we want to know, or the locations of things that we need. Imagine that you are trying to find out some information about rock-climbing. You ask your friends if they know of a rock-climbing club. Ideally you ask the ones who you think might have done rock-climbing in the past. One or two of your friends might put you in touch with people who might know, and eventually you will find a club. Of course you can search the phone directory, but the point is, in the absence of a centralized index you do a search using your wits, and the wits of your friends. You don't (as one might imagine from routing in some P2P systems) ask all your friends and rely on them to ask each of their friends propagating your question all around the world. NeuroGrid has wits. It uses them to try and help you find things. This has been added to Grid Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. This has been added to Deep Web Research Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ![]() SmallBusiness.com http://www.smallbusiness.com/ SmallBusiness.com is a collection of resources for those seeking information and assistance in starting and running a small business in the U.S. (although, they believe a lot of the information is universal and hope those in other countries will use this as a model.) Today, smallbusiness.com consists of three simple services: 1) smallbusiness.com, a focused search engine that seeks out answers from small business bloggers, and (coming soon) small-business news and information websites, and (coming soon) information found on the Small Business Wiki and (coming soon) from books published for small business owners, managers and employees; 2) The Small Business Wiki, a wiki-model encyclopedia of community-generated knowledge regarding all aspects of starting and running a business. This is knowledge from the grassroots and they invite you to participate; and 3) news.smallbusiness.com, a news resource (or, aggregator) tracking stories of interest to those who manage and work at small businesses. news.smallbusiness.com also provides RSS feeds of all news story links we post to the page, or RSS feeds by category. Currently there are six news categories, but we'll be adding more. This will be added to Business Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. This has been added to Entrepreneurial Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM ![]() Quanta Plus http://quanta.kdewebdev.org/ Quanta Plus is a highly stable and feature rich web development environment. The vision with Quanta has always been to start with the best architectural foundations, design for efficient and natural use and enable maximal user extensibility. They recognize that they don't have the resources to do everything they would like to do so their target is to make it easy for you to help make this the best community based desktop application anywhere. Pretty much everything in Quanta is designed so you can extend it. Even the way it handles XML DTDs is based on XML files you can edit. You can even import DTDs, write scripts to manage editor contents, visually create dialogs for your scripts and assign script actions to nearly any file operation in a project. You can even look at and communicate with a wide range of what happens inside Quanta using DCOP. Quanta is based on KDE so this means it is network transparent from any dialog or project. It can use not only FTP but other KDE KIO slaves from file dialogs or in project settings. For instance if you want secure access try the fish KIO slave that uses SSH. This has been added to World Wide Web Reference Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. This has been added to Script Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Real-time Forecast of Earthquake Hazard in the Next 24 Hours http://pasadena.wr.usgs.gov/step/ It is a time-dependent map giving the probability of strong shaking at any location in California within the next 24-hours. Scientists with the Swiss Seismological Service and the Advanced National Seismic System (ANSS) have collaborated to develop techniques that quantify the increased likelihood of future earthquake shaking from earthquake clusters in California. In this system, the probability of strong earthquake shaking (with a Modified Mercalli Intensity of VI or greater) in the next 24 hours is calculated and updated every hour. The system considers all the earthquakes, large and small, that are recorded by the California Integrated Seismic Network (CISN), the California element of the Advanced National Seismic System. For each event, the probability that it will be followed by an earthquake large enough to cause strong shaking is calculated from the known behavior of aftershocks and the possible shaking pattern predicted from historic patterns. These probabilities apply both to aftershocks smaller than the first event and to the possibility that the "aftershock" will be larger than the first event which will then become a foreshock. This has been added to Internet Alerts Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() IBM Blogging Policy and Guidelines http://snipurl.com/f4x9 An interesting blog posting by James Snell of IBM's Software Standards Strategy Group focusing on the prototype development of pre-emerging software technologies and standards. This gives their policies and guidelines for IBM blogging. Well worth the read and time for those interested in corporate blogging and the policies and procedures related. This has been added to my Bots, Blogs and News Aggregators presentation resources. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() Make: Technology On Your Time http://www.makezine.com/ MAKE brings the do-it-yourself mindset to all the technology in your life. MAKE is loaded with exciting projects that help you make the most of your technology at home and away from home. This is a magazine that celebrates your right to tweak, hack, and bend any technology to your own will. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Sunday, May 29, 2005 History and Evolution of Physics 1) The Physics Evolution http://www.physics.org/evolution/evolution.asp 2) High Energy and Nuclear Physics http://www.er.doe.gov/Sub/About/History/Program_Offices/HEP_hs.htm 3) A Concise History of Thermodynamics http://www.thermohistory.com/ 4) A Timeline of Mathematics and Theoretical Physics http://www.superstringtheory.com/history/index.html 5) History of X-rays and Synchrotron Radiation http://xdb.lbl.gov/Section2/Sec_2-2.html 6) Solar Neutrinos: History http://www.sns.ias.edu/~jnb/Papers/Popular/snhistory.html 7) Enrico Fermi and the Evolution of Nuclear Physics http://www.ambitalia.hu/fermi/pdf/ricci.pdf 8) Epact: Scientific Instruments of Medieval and Renaissance Europe http://www.mhs.ox.ac.uk/epact/index.htm This Topic in Depth explores the history and evolution of the field of physics. The first website, created by the Institute of Physics, offers an interactive timetable of the development of physics from the ancient philosophers during the Bronze Age to the present research in quantum mechanics and relativity (1). The website illustrates the links between scientists and eras. Second, the US Department of Energy provides a synopsis of the work of the nuclear physics research program and the high-energy physics program since the 1950s (2). Users can also discover current research highlights and papers. The third website features an excerpt from a biography of Josiah Willard Gibbs by a student of his, Lynde Phelps Wheeler (3). Along with a download of a paper discussing the history of thermodynamics, the website supplies a download of a paper Carnot wrote about power in 1824. Fourth, physicist Patricia Schwartz presents a brief timeline of the evolution of mathematics and theoretical physics since the Babylonians established the metric of flat, two-dimensional space (4 ). Students can find an additional timeline of string theory dating back to the Kaluza-Klein Theory in 1921. The fifth website, developed by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, is a section of an X-ray data book exploring the history of synchrotron radiation (5). The website discusses numerous historical aspects include the development of storage rings and the optimization of these with lower emittance and long straight sections for undulators. Sixth, John Bahcall, at the Institute for Advanced Study, offers popular papers on the history of solar neutrinos (6). Anyone interested in learning about the research of solar neutrinos should visit this website. The seventh website is a pdf file of a paper written by the President of the Italian Physical Society, Renato Angelo Ricci, detailing the work of Enrico Fermi and his contributions to the field of nuclear physics (7). This paper can help users who have some prior knowledge of nuclear physics understand the greatness of Fermi's work. Lastly, the University of Oxford provides images of scientific instruments from the medieval and renaissance periods of Europe held at four museums in Europe (8). Students can learn about the uses of the instruments and their origin. [From The NSDL Scout Report for the Physical Sciences, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2005. http://scout.wisc.edu/] posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ![]() The Chord Project http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/chord/ The Chord Project aims to build scalable, robust distributed systems using peer-to-peer ideas. The basis for much of their work is the Chord distributed hash lookup primitive. Chord is completely decentralized and symmetric, and can find data using only log(N) messages, where N is the number of nodes in the system. Chord's lookup mechanism is provably robust in the face of frequent node failures and re-joins. One way that we use Chord is as the basis for the CFS (Cooperative File System) storage system. CFS allows anyone to publish and update their own file system, and provides read-only access to others. CFS distributes the load of serving data very widely to achieve high performance despite flash crowds. It also replicates all data, and maintains that replication as nodes fail and re-join the system. This has been added to Deep Web Research Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM ![]() Media Ecology Association (MEA) http://www.media-ecology.org/ The Media Ecology Association (MEA) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting the study, research, criticism, and application of media ecology in educational, industry, political, civic, social, cultural, and artistic contexts, and the open exchange of ideas, information, and research among the Association’s members and the larger community. This has been added to Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Know Your Enemy: Phishing - Behind the Scenes of Phishing Attacks by The Honeynet Project & Research Alliance http://www.honeynet.org/papers/phishing/ Phishing is the practice of sending out fake emails, or spam, written to appear as if they have been sent by banks or other reputable organisations, with the intent of luring the recipient into revealing sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, account IDs, ATM PINs or credit card details. Typically, phishing attacks will direct the recipient to a web page designed to mimic a target organisation's own visual identity and to harvest the user's personal information, often leaving the victim unaware of the attack. Obtaining this type of personal data is attractive to blackhats because it allows an attacker to impersonate their victims and make fraudulent financial transactions. Victims often suffer significant financial losses or have their entire identity stolen, usually for criminal purposes. This KYE white paper aims to provide practical information on the practice of phishing and draws on data collected by the German Honeynet Project and UK Honeynet Project. This paper focuses on real world incidents that the Honeynet Project has observed in the wild, but does not cover all possible phishing methods or techniques. Attackers are constantly innovating and advancing, and there are likely to be new phishing techniques already under development or in use today. After a brief introduction and background, we will review the actual techniques and tools used by phishers, providing three examples of empirical research where real-world phishing attacks were captured using honeynets. These incidents will be described in detail and include system intrusion, phishing web site preparation, message propagation and data collection. Common techniques and trends are then analysed, including the growing integration of phishing, spamming, and botnets. Examples of the malware used by phishers to automate harvesting of email addresses and sending of spam email are reviewed, and we also present our observations on network scanning techniques and how compromised machines are used to spread phishing emails and other spam. Finally, we conclude this paper with an overview of the lessons learned in the last six months and suggest further research topics. This white paper includes extensive amounts of supporting information, with many hyperlinks to more detailed data on specific attacks available inline. Lastly, no confidential personal data was collected in the process of this research. In some cases, organizations involved in phishing attacks were contacted directly, or the incident data was forward to the local CERT. This will be added to Security Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() The Socialized.net http://www.socialized.net/ The Socialized.Net is a peer-to-peer network based with socialized peers. Routing in the network is thus based on knowledge about other node's interests, making it work much in the same way as humans cooperate. When you want to get information about used cars, you are more likely to ask a car-interested buddy than starting on the first page in the phone-book... The Socialized.Net is designed to work in both disconnected, weakly-connected (ad-hoc) and fully connected modes. The idea is that many of the future networking capable devices will be both very mobile. If we carry computers around, they should at least be able to help navigate the environment they are in. For example, travellers on a train should be able to find out about the train's schedule and progress. This can easily be done locally on the train, thus using local communication as opposed to global communication (through the Internet). So, a traveller might ask "does anyone in this train know our schedule?", and the train (or another traveller) can give a reply. The Socialized.Net is a PhD project, and is as such a work in progress and merely an experiment. This has been added to Social Informatics Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() Sort Price ShoppingBot http://www.SortPrice.com/ Shopping search engine provides easy search and price comparison of millions of products from your favorite online stores. Sortprice.com allows shoppers to browse items sorted by category and search for the lowest prices. This has been added to ShoppingBots Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Saturday, May 28, 2005 ![]() Kudzu May Help Curb Excessive Drinking Study: Herb Helps Curb Binge Drinking http://snipurl.com/f45u Chinese Herb Significantly Reduces Alcohol Intake, Study Finds http://www.mclean.harvard.edu/news/press/current.php?id=76 College Alcohol Study http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/cas/ Invasive Species: Kudzu http://www.invasivespecies.gov/profiles/kudzu.shtml Kudzu: The Vine http://www.jjanthony.com/kudzu/ Kudzu: A Digital Quarterly http://www.etext.org/Zines/Kudzu/ For more than 100 years, kudzu has been seen by many as a curse on the landscape of the American South, growing up to a foot in a single day, and extending over thousands of acres of land. This pervasive plant may be getting a better name soon, as recent research has indicated that the plant may be able to help curb binge-drinking. In a recent study conducted by researcher Scott Lukas at the Harvard-affiliated McLean Hospital indicates that those participants who took kudzu pills drank an average of 1.8 beers per session, compared with the 3.5 beers consumed by those who took a placebo. This research draws on many hundreds of years of anecdotal evidence from China, where various parts of the kudzu plant have been used in a variety of treatments. The initial reports seem to suggest that while kudzu won’t in fact turn heavy drinkers into complete teetotalers, it will in fact help them cut back. The first link will lead users to a news article from this Wednesday’s online version of Newsday that talks about these intriguing findings. The second link will take visitors to the official press release on the findings from Harvard Medical School-affiliated McLean Hospital. The third link leads to the homepage of the College Alcohol Study at the Harvard School of Public Health, which contains a number of helpful reports and news briefs about the state of drinking on college campuses and various alcohol abatement programs. The fourth link will take visitors to a website offered by the federal government that provides some insight into the world of the kudzu plant. The fifth link leads to a page which provides some dramatic photographic evidence of how kudzu envelops all types of structures throughout the South. The sixth and final link will take visitors to the online journal, “Kudzu”, which was founded in 1994 in Oxford, Miss. This will be added to the RestStress Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. [From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2005. http://scout.wisc.edu/] posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ![]() Consumerpedia http://www.consumerpedia.org/ Consumerpedia is the consumer information resource everyone can help build. Each topic has its own page where anyone and everyone can create a new topic or add comments and navigational suggestions to existing topics. Other users then rate how helpful those comments and suggestions are and the most helpful ones rise to the top. To start, simply enter your topic of interest in the search box at the top of the page. Consumerpedia has no built in category hierarchy, but rather uses a unique user-driven hierarchical tagging system. This lets users create and define the relationships between different topics, helping others easily discover and browse related information (this is similar to that mythical college campus that was initially built without sidewalks so that they could later be properly placed over the dirt paths created by actual foot traffic patterns). This has been added to Directory Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM ![]() Notemaking by Jim Burke http://www.englishcompanion.com/Tools/notemaking.html Academic success requires various competencies, among them the ability to know and use a variety of tools and techniques to generate and organize information and ideas. Jim Burke refers to the tools and techniques on this page as "notemaking" because "taking notes" is passive: just as we must make meaning, so we must make notes---in our head, on the page, and in our notebooks. None of the ideas here are new, though he hopes the way he has designed these "school tools" helps you use them more effectively. To see how long people have been using graphic notes and Cornell Notes, check out these excerpts from Leonardo da Vinci's journals. With few exceptions, the tools and techniques listed here are appropriate for all classes; many use them in grades as low as fourth and fifth with success, though he does not have exemplars. The tools here are intentionally free of directions because their intuitive design allows for multiple uses. Over time he will try to add more exemplars for the different techniques so you can see these different uses. This has been added to the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() ![]() FindNot - Anonymous Surfing, Anonymous Email & Anonymous Internet http://www.findnot.com/ They are an offshore company who believes that privacy is your right. It seems every day there are more and more infringements on your privacy. They are determined to give you your privacy back. For this reason they don't keep logs. It used to be that you could go behind the barn and have a conversation with someone and it was private and stayed private. Modern technology has largely eroded our ability for privacy. It is their goal to provide you with the ability to operate in privacy once again. This has been added to Privacy Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() Researching Medical Literature On the Internet - 2005 Update Researching Medical Literature on the Internet -- 2005 Update by By Gloria Miccioli http://www.llrx.com/features/medical2005.htm The proliferation of medical websites is good news for the researcher with a small to non-existent medical collection. Legal researchers often have to consult medical sources, so it is fortunate that the Internet provides free access to a great deal of the medical literature, either in full text or citation/abstract format, and that it offers search capabilities good enough to fulfill most information needs. In addition, public demand for medical information on the World Wide Web continues to grow. Many professionally-oriented health care sites have evolved to meet consumer needs, and consumer-oriented sites often include professional literature. Journals, dictionaries, textbooks, indexes - all can be found on the Net in growing numbers. The sources are varied; they include publishers, government agencies, professional organizations, and health libraries, to name a few.1 In addition, more and more of this information is being offered for free, which is not the trend in other subjects, particularly business and law. This will be added to Healthcare Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. This has been added to Healthcare Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. This has been added to Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() KM4D Journal KM4D Journal http://inasp.ilrt.org/journal_index.php?jid=3&ab=KM4DJ KM4D Journal focuses on knowledge management in development. It includes diverse knowledge management approaches in development organizations, large and small, in the South and in the North, and aims to facilitate cross-fertilization between knowledge management and related fields. KM4D Journal offers peer-reviewed practice-based cases, analysis and research concerning the role of knowledge in development processes, and provides a forum for debate and exchange of ideas among practitioners, policy makers academics and activists world-wide. By challenging current assumptions, it will seek to stimulate new thinking and to shape future ways of working. The journal is strongly related to the KM4Dev community of practice but aims to promote KM knowledge and approaches in the wider professional development community. Wherever possible, they will link up with existing kindred communities or networks. This has been added to Knowledge Discovery Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Friday, May 27, 2005 ![]() University of Minnesota Human Rights Center http://www1.umn.edu/humanrts/ The University of Minnesota Human Rights Center trains and assists the work of human rights professionals and volunteers through five primary programs: (1) Applied Human Rights Research; (2) Educational Tools; (3) the Upper Midwest Human Rights Fellowship Program, the Humphrey Human Rights and Law Fellowships, and other Field/Training Opportunities; (4) the University of Minnesota Human Rights Library; and (5) Learning Communities and Partnerships. This has been added to Reference Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ![]() FDA RSS Feeds FDA Sets Up RSS Feed http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/NEWS/2005/NEW01180.html The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has added a new RSS feed to its Web site that provides links to agency news releases and other press announcements. RSS – or Really Simple Syndication – is a burgeoning Internet technology that enables easy distribution of news and other Web content. Users can access the material through a news reader or “aggregator,” which downloads and displays the feeds. Users are able to get automatic updates on news items on topics of choice. The feed is available at: http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/news/rssPress.xml FDA also offers an RSS feed for information about recalls of products the agency regulates. It’s found at: http://www.fda.gov/oc/po/firmrecalls/rssRecalls.xml This will be added to Healthcare Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM ![]() IrfanView http://www.irfanview.com/ IrfanView is a very fast, small, compact and innovative FREEWARE (for non-commercial use) graphic viewer for Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003. It is trying to be simple for beginners and powerful for professionals. IrfanView was the first Windows graphic viewer WORLDWIDE with Multiple (animated) GIF support. One of the first graphic viewers WORLDWIDE with Multipage TIF support. The first graphic viewer WORLDWIDE with Multiple ICO support. This has been added to the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Documents and Content: Creating, Indexing, and Browsing http://rtp-doc.enssib.fr/ Networking and digitalising processes deeply transform the relations between documents, individuals, communities and companies. These transformations applies to shared access to information, organizations’ knowledge management, services’ added value (e-business, transport, leisure business, health, education) and cultural industries merging. Many reserachers in many different places work in this field. They go with many different approaches and it is only on specific points that they reach together. The number of keywords enlight the wide spectrum of questions. The network focuses on the establishment of relations, in particular between Humanities and IT, without opposing works in progress. For this purpose, the activities are developped in two direction: 1) Workshops focusing on particular problems with a strong stress on disciplinary crossing, and 2) Cross-disciplinary seminars and syntheses around strong events. This has been added to Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() The Document Academy http://thedocumentacademy.hum.uit.no/ The Document Academy is a worldwide project with the aim to create an online space for experimental and critical research on documents in a wide sense. As a starting point everything produced by a human being using some instruments in certain ways, can be considered as a document. It includes writing, music, images, architecture. clothes, etc. That means that the Academy is open for scholars, artists, businessmen, students and many other kind of people attempting to do the very best at the same time as one is still making "work in progress". This will be added to Academic Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() TSW - Tanggard Software TSW WebCoder http://www.tsware.net/ WebCoder is a full-featured Web editor, aiming at satisfying all your needs when it comes to editing and publishing of websites. It contains a large amount of useful features, that makes sure that both beginners, as well as the more skilled developers, will feel like home. WebCoder aims directly at creating a good looking and productive environment for your work, by supplying you with the right set of functions, the right way! This has been added to World Wide Web Reference Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Thursday, May 26, 2005 ![]() Index of Drug Specific Information Drug Specific Information http://www.fda.gov/cder/drug/DrugSafety/DrugIndex.htm FDA is in the process of updating its drug safety information and making it available to consumers in a new, user friendly format. Under the new format, clicking on a drug takes you to a "core page" with links to all information on that drug available on the FDA site. If you click on a drug whose information is not yet in the new format, you will reach a single information page on that product. This will be added to Healthcare Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ![]() Enviropedia Enviropedia http://www.enviropedia.org.uk/ Three Hundred plus topics on the environment. Categories broken into: a) Air, b) Climate, c) Weather, d) Pollution, e) Ozone, and f) Sustainability. This has been added to Reference Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM ![]() NASA Star Gazers http://stargazer.gsfc.nasa.gov/epo/index.jsp NASA created this educational website to "inspire and motivate students to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics." Students of all ages can learn about competitions, research opportunities and internships. The website presents pictorial explanations of the Sun's structure, solar winds, electromagnetism, electromagnetic spectrum, and other phenomena related to the Sun and Earth. Educators can find classroom activities, information on National Standards, and links to a host of educational websites and materials. This has been added to Astronomy Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog.[From The NSDL Scout Report for the Physical Sciences, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2005. http://scout.wisc.edu/] posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Working Drafts: Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 2.0 http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/WD-wsdl20-primer-20050510/ http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/WD-wsdl20-20050510/ http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/WD-wsdl20-adjuncts-20050510/ http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/WD-wsdl20-soap11-binding-20050510/ http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/ The Web Services Description Working Group has published Working Drafts of the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0: the first complete draft of the "Primer," updates to "Part 1: Core Language" and "Part 2: Adjuncts" and a First Public Working Draft of the "SOAP 1.1 Binding." An XML language, WSDL describes network services and is used to document distributed systems and automate communication between applications. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() Tigris.org http://www.tigris.org/ The Tigris.org mission is to promote open source software engineering. That means hosting projects to develop open source software engineering tools. It also means providing professional and methodological information. Their goal is to help open source developers do better by using traditional software engineering tools and methods, while at the same time highlighting the best practices of open source development. Tigris.org has about 10,000 registered members. These developers represent thousands of companies and universities in over fifty countries. Most users visit Tigris.org to download new development tools and provide feedback. The featured projects have developers from throughout the open source community. Everyone involved with Tigris.org has one mission in mind: promoting open source software engineering. Project leaders choose to start projects on Tigris.org because this site has a strong, focused community of developers and some very prominent, active projects. That means that new projects that are approved are likely to get good involvement from other developers. This has been added to World Wide Web Reference Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() GovernmentSecurity.org - Network Security Resources http://www.governmentsecurity.org/ A comprehensive listing of network resources in the following categories: 1) Network Security Jobs, 2) Consultants Directory, 3) E-Mail Security, 4) Encryption Information, 5) General Security, 6) Internet Anonymity, 7) Exploit Articles, 8) HTTP Protocol Security, 9) Linux Security, 10) MS IIS Information, 11) Downloads, 12) Exploit Archive, and 13) Exploit Discussion. This will be added to Security Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Wednesday, May 25, 2005 ![]() Awareness Watch™ Newsletter V3N6 June 2005 Awareness Watch™ Newsletter V3N6 June 2005 http://virtualprivatelibrary.blogspot.com/Awareness Watch V3N6.pdf Awareness Watch™ Newsletter Blog and Archives http://www.AwarenessWatch.com/ The June 2005 V3N6 Awareness Watch™ Newsletter is a freely available 39 page .pdf document (747KB) from the above URL. The Awareness Watch Featured Report this month features a comprehensive listing of online resources, sources and sites covering areas of Peer to Peer, File Sharing, Grid and Matrix Search Engines . The Awareness Watch Spotters cover many excellent and newly released annotated current awareness research sources and tools as well as the latest identified Internet happenings and resources. The paper review covers Know Your Enemy: Phishing - Behind the Scenes of Phishing Attacks by The Honeynet Project & Research Alliance. ![]() posted by Marcus | 1:28 PM ![]() South African Journal of Economics http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0038-2280&site=1 Since its beginnings in 1925, the South African Journal of Economics has established a reputation as one of the leading international regional journals, publishing economics research affecting African countries for a worldwide audience. The journal publishes papers from internationally recognised authors on a wide range of subjects and accepts contributions on all the known fields of the discipline, including methodology and economic history and, in more recent times, econometrics. Its editorial organisation has recently been extended to allow for a more effective editing of papers on specialised topics. This will be added to Business Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ![]() A Growing Dictionary of Old and New Words From the Fringes of English http://www.doubletongued.org/index.php/dictionary/guide/ Double-Tongued Word Wrester records undocumented or under-documented words from the fringes of English. It focuses upon slang, jargon, and other niche categories which include new, foreign, hybrid, archaic, obsolete, and rare words. Special attention is paid to the lending and borrowing of words between the various Englishes and other languages, even where a word is not a fully naturalized citizen in its new language. This has been added to Reference Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM ![]() Velocity for Life Sciences (VLS) http://vivisimo.com/html/bio Vivisimo, the creator of innovative clustering software for better search and discovery, introduced the Velocity for Life Sciences (VLS) search and discovery platform that includes meta-alerts, collaboration, document delivery and advanced reporting capabilities for improved knowledge sharing among functional groups across an enterprise. Velocity for Life Sciences 4.2 is the industry's first rapid-deployment, highly customizable enterprise-search platform that combines dynamic clustering, search and meta search into one solution providing a single point of access for all information sources - internal and external. The VLS platform is built on the widely deployed Vivisimo software and includes the company's award-winning Clustering Engine. Velocity for Life Sciences features also include: -- Meta Alerts: Velocity allows users to create alerts from multiple information sources from a single point of access. Users no longer need to access each source individually; instead, they can initiate and receive alerts from several sources in one combined email. Alerts can be initiated simply by clicking on a result or by adding them through user profiles. -- Collaboration and Exporting: With a simple click, Velocity users can export results into Endnote, Procite, Reference Manager, Documentum eRooms, or email reports in HTML or plain text format. It can also save reports as text, HTML or XML, making it easy to share, collaborate and preserve searches. Velocity allows users to save their searches and return to the results at a later time in order to better meet the work habits of individual users. -- Customizable Reports: Velocity's comprehensive reporting feature is entirely customizable and enables administrators to ask and answer critical business questions. For example, administrators can learn what "resources" (journals, feeds, etc.) are actually used and which should continue to be licensed. Administrators can also learn what keywords or phrases are found through the search application, and how and with what frequency users reformulate their queries. -- Full-Text Document Delivery: Velocity has interfaces with leading document delivery organizations such as Infotrieve. Now through a single solution, Velocity users can access full-text documents with the advantages of third-party providers that maintain document ordering quotas for document cost control. -- LinkOut: Velocity incorporates the Entrez LinkOut feature providing full-text access to journals and databases that have been licensed by the organization. -- Document-Level Security: Velocity document-level security provides administrators complete control over access to individual documents or groups of documents. It allows only authorized users access to search results involving sensitive information. This has been added to Biological Informatics Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware (Beta) http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/spyware/software/default.mspx Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware (Beta) is a security technology that helps protect Windows users from spyware and other potentially unwanted software. Known spyware on your PC can be detected and removed. This helps reduce negative effects caused by spyware, including slow PC performance, annoying pop-up ads, unwanted changes to Internet settings, and unauthorized use of your private information. Continuous protection improves Internet browsing safety by guarding more than 50 ways spyware can enter your PC. Participants in the worldwide SpyNet™ community play a key role in determining which suspicious programs are classified as spyware. Microsoft researchers quickly develop methods to counteract these threats, and updates are automatically downloaded to your PC so you stay up to date. This has been added to the antihoax/antivirus section of Internet Hoaxes Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() Information360 http://www.information360.com/ As you work at your computer (PC or Mac), in any program, the Toolbar sits unobtrusively at the top of your screen. You may be working in word, building a presentation in Powerpoint or simply reading an imported document, whatever program you are working in, the software is continually searching for contextually related information. Each button represents a different information source. As information becomes available the Toolbar changes colour and a red asterisk indicates which button has the information. Simply pointing the cursor at the button delivers a dropdown box showing a precis of the information available. A click on any of the precis will deliver the complete information to your screen. The Toolbar has buttons delivering information in text, video and audio from a variety of sources. Buttons allowing the creation of Smart Folders, have the opportunity to communicate with other users that have similar interests, and recieve information from other users. The world's first, real-time information exchange, powered by the world's number one information intelligence software. Produced by Autonomy and delivered by a user friendly interface developed by GateWest New Media. Working in your desktop environment, eliminating the need to open a browser the user is automatically delivered precisely related and relevant contextualised information. The software combines advanced pattern matching techniques (non-linear adaptive digital processing), utilizing Bayesian Inference and Claude Shannon's principles of information theory, developed to support the world-wide intelligence community and the first technology to be announced for procurement by the US Department of Homeland Security following 9/11. As you work on your PC or Mac in the normal way, DORIS is working in the background. You simply see the Toolbar at the top of the screen. This has been added to the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM Working Drafts: Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/WD-swbp-skos-core-guide-20050510/ http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/WD-swbp-skos-core-spec-20050510/ http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/WD-swbp-thesaurus-pubguide-20050510/ http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/ The Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group released three First Public Working Drafts: "SKOS Core Guide," "SKOS Core Vocabulary Specification," and a "Quick Guide to Publishing a Thesaurus on the Semantic Web." The drafts explain how to express classification schemes, thesauruses, subject heading lists, taxonomies, terminologies, glossaries and other types of controlled vocabulary in RDF. Previous SKOS work was supported by the European project SWAD-Europe. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Tuesday, May 24, 2005 ![]() June 2005 Zillman Column - Knowledge Discovery Resources June 2005 Zillman Column - Knowledge Discovery Resources http://VirtualPrivateLibrary.BlogSpot.com/KD Resources June05 Column.pdf http://www.zillmancolumns.com/ The June 2005 Zillman Column is now available and is titled Knowledge Discovery Resources. This June column is a comprehensive listing of knowledge discovery resources and sources on the World Wide Web. These resources will allow you to discovery the latest knowledge about knowledge discovery as well as learn what is happening now that will affect the way that you utilize this phenomenal resource we call the Internet! Download this excellent 19 page free .pdf (402KB) column today and begin your path to knowledge discovery! © 2005 Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. posted by Marcus | 4:30 AM ![]() Google Special Features http://www.google.com/help/features.html In addition to providing easy access to more than 8 billion web pages, Google has many special features to help you to find exactly what you're looking for. Click the title of a specific feature to learn more about it. Special features include: 1) Book Search, 2) Cached Links, 3) Calculator, 4) Definitions, 5) File Types, 6) Foogle, 7) I'm Feeling Lucky, 8) Local Search, 9) Movies, 10) News Headlines, 11) Phonebook, 12) Q&A, 13) Results Prefetching, 14) Search By Number, 15) Similar Pages, 16) Site Search, 17) Spell Checker, 18) Stock Quotes, 19) Street Maps, 20) Travel Information, 21) Weather, 22) Web Page Translation, and 23) Who Links To You? This will be added to the search engines section of all the 2005 Internet MiniGuides. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ![]() beHidden - Anonymous Web Surfing and eMail http://www.behidden.com/ beHidden.com is committed to protect ordinary web users from being spied on, monitored, or taken advantage of on the Internet. They monitor others' privacy invading techniques and create countermeasures to protect users. It is increasingly easy with new advanced technologies to invade personal privacy. They educate, support, and provide solutions to allow ordinary users to protect themselves on the Internet. beHidden.com first started operating in March, 2003 and is operated by a team of professionals with extensive experience in systems security, encryption, privacy, and many of Internet related technologies. The service offers free anonymous web surfing and eMail. A fee based premium service is also offered allowing for more daily bandwidth, access to all security features, unlimited & full access to Anonymous Emailer. This has been added to Privacy Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM ![]() iamFreelancer.com - Freelancer Portal http://www.iamfreelancer.com/ This site is best for you if you are a freelancer, job seeker, self-employed entrepreneur, those who running SOHO type of business and not forgetting those that have extra free time to earn some extra income through freelancing. iamFreelancer.com is dedicated to help freelancers to find their prospective employers or vice versa. We also committed to bringing you all the latest freelance jobs and projects. This has been added to Employment Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Outfoxed - Personalize Your Internet http://getoutfoxed.com/ Outfoxed is the implementation side of Stan James's master thesis at the University of Osnabrück, Germany. The thesis title is Trusted Metadata Distribution Using Social Networks. In a nutshell, he is exploring ways for you to use your network of trusted friends to determine what's good, bad, and dangerous on the internet. Outfoxed does this by adding functionality to the Firefox web browser. Coding began on Dec 27th, 2004. This document first discusses the current features of Outfoxed: incorporating metadata information into web pages, internet searching, file downloading, and running processes. Next he gives a little insight into how it works. And finally, he answers a few possible objections and criticisms and speculate about future possibilities. Note that this is an evolving document, and will certainly grow and change as his thesis proceeds. The essential idea of Outfoxed is that people make decisions based primarily on a few people whom they trust. The average person has a set of experts whom they consult in designated areas: the computer expert, the car expert, the fashion expert, the financial expert. If the opinions of these experts can be collected, they are incredibly useful: it is this metadata (data about other data) that gives the most intelligent filtering and sorting of the information on the internet. This has been added to Social Informatics Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. This has been added to the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() Dojo Toolkit Dojo Toolkit http://www.dojotoolkit.org/ Dojo is an Open Source effort by an invited set of contributors to create a UI toolkit that allows a larger number of web application authors to easily use the rich capabilities of modern browsers. Contributors to Dojo have been the authors of such antecedent projects as nWidgets, Burst, and f(m). This has been added to World Wide Web Reference Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() The Journal of Medical Investigation The Journal of Medical Investigation http://medical.med.tokushima-u.ac.jp/jmi/index.html An Official Publication of The University of Tokushima School of Medicine This journal will consider for publication manuscripts of original investigations including clinical and experimental researches, case reports and high quality of review articles in medicine. These reports include full-length papers on original research, rapid communications of new discoveries, letters, commentaries, and invited reviews. Manuscripts are written in English. This will be added to Healthcare Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM ![]() V3N21 Current Awareness Happenings On the Internet - Zillman Columns This mp3 broadcast edition of Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. May 23, 2005 V3N21 discusses my monthly Zillman Columns. Click on the below audio mp3 broadcast to hear Marcus P. Zillman describing this resource that he has been writing for the last ten years! View the site at: Zillman Columns http://www.ZillmanColumns.com/ ![]() ![]() Monday, May 23, 2005 ![]() Journal of International Entrepreneurship http://www.springerlink.com/link.asp?id=112039 Competition in international markets was traditionally the realm of large companies, with smaller firms tending to remain local or regional. Internationalisation was an expansion option of interest to some enterprises, but seldom was it a competitive necessity. Many opted to avoid the uncertainties of competing in foreign markets, and simply kept their firms small and local. Traditional internationalisation theories, therefore, focused mainly on large multinational corporations, and were less pertinent to smaller firms. With the liberalisation of trade, however, domestic firms are threatened by international competitors that are penetrating formerly protected markets. Nowadays, internationalisation affects everyone, whether or not they wish to internationalise themselves. The threats and opportunities of internationalisation must be addressed. Globalisation is transforming the competitive environment of small and large players alike. As a result, internationalisation issues will continue to be increasingly important to business. Public policy agendas already include programmes to help entrepreneurs become successful at internationalisation. There is a growing need to understand internationalisation in the context of entrepreneurship, as well as large multinationals. Knowledge of how, when and why firms internationalise - either incrementally or not - will surely be the focus of energetic researchers. Yet, up to now, academia has been lacking a journal dedicated to internationalisation issues. To fill this niche, the aforementioned editorial team wishes to offer an outlet for high-quality research addressing the opportunities and challenges intrinsic to internationalisation. The primary audience for this journal will be researchers of entrepreneurship and international business. In addition, readership is certain to include business-people and policy-makers. This has been added to Entrepreneurial Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ![]() Investopedia http://www.investopedia.com/ Investopedia is your complete, unbiased, and easy-to-understand educational guide to investing and personal finance. The site has the biggest financial dictionary on the web, hundreds of articles and tutorials, and an investing simulator where where you can practice managing a portfolio without putting your money at risk. This has been added to Financial Sources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM ![]() Journal of Computer Security http://www.iospress.nl/html/0926227x.php The Journal of Computer Security presents research and development results of lasting significance in the theory, design, implementation, analysis, and application of secure computer systems. It also provides a forum for ideas about the meaning and implications of security and privacy, particularly those with important consequences for the technical community. The journal provides an opportunity to publish articles of greater depth and length than is possible in the proceedings of various existing conferences, while addressing an audience of researchers in computer security who can be assumed to have a more specialized background than the readership of other archival publications. The journal welcomes contributions on all aspects of computer security: confidentiality, integrity, and assurance of service - that is, protection against unauthorized disclosure or modification of sensitive information, or denial of service. Of interest is a precise understanding of security policies through modelling, as well as the design and analysis of mechanisms for enforcing them, and the architectural principles of software and hardware systems implementing them. This will be added to Security Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM W3C Launches Mobile Web Initiative http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/ http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/Sponsoring.html http://www.w3.org/2005/05/mwi-testimonials http://www.w3.org/2005/05/mwi-pressrelease The World Wide Web Consortium launched the Mobile Web Initiative (MWI)to make Web access from a mobile device as simple, easy, and convenient as Web access from a desktop device. "MWI recognizes the mobile device as a first class participant of the Web," said Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director. W3C thanks MWI Founding Sponsors France Telecom, HP, MobileAware, Segala M Test, Vodafone and Volantis. Read about MWI, how to sponsor MWI and the testimonials and press release. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() MATRIX MATRIX: The Center for Humane, Arts, Letters and Social Sciences Online http://www.matrix.msu.edu/ MATRIX: The Center for Humane, Arts, Letters and Social Sciences Online at Michigan State University seeks to advance critical understanding and promote access to knowledge through world-class research in humanities technology. Humanities technology brings together the humanist's quest for deeper understanding of human nature, thought, expression, and behavior with the tools, methods and applications of computer science, engineering, and information and library sciences. MATRIX researchers use networked technologies to advance, mediate, and inform the humanist disciplines of history, literature, language, philosophy, as well as disciplines within the arts, social sciences, and education. At MSU, MATRIX partners in music, speech and audiology, history, education, international studies, museum studies, and libraries are building new, global, networked resources and services that give life to the metaphor of "matrix" as the multiple intersections and applications of interdisciplinary research. MATRIX therefore applies humanities technology to all the elements of MSU's mission: research, education, outreach, and service to multiple public and professional communities. Guided by basic scholarly and humanist values of excellence, education, access, and inclusiveness, and conducted according to proven, collaborative, scientific methods and principles, MATRIX aims to be one of the top humanities technology centers in the world. This has been added to Reference Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM WISE: Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer http://wise.ssl.berkeley.edu/ This University of California-Berkeley website discusses the goal of the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) to "map the sky in infrared light, searching for the nearest and coolest stars, the origins of stellar and planetary systems, and the most luminous galaxies in the Universe." After reading an overview of the mission, users can find out about the science behind the mission including WISE's part in studying brown dwarfs. Professional astronomers can examine technical information about the spacecraft, its instrumentation, and data analysis. Educators and students can find classroom activities, interesting images, and informative movies and simulations. This has been added to Astronomy Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. [From The NSDL Scout Report for the Physical Sciences, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2005. http://scout.wisc.edu/] posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Sunday, May 22, 2005 Robotic Surgery 1) FDA: Robots Lend a Helping Hand to Surgeons http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/2002/302_bots.html 2) How Stuff Works: Robotic Surgery http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/robotic-surgery1.htm 3) USC Robotic Surgery Institute http://www.cts.usc.edu/roboticsurgery.html 4) Science Daily: Penn Researchers Use Robotic Surgery http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2005/05/050514205958.htm 5) Current Science and Technology Center: World's First Telesurgery http://www.mos.org/cst/article/1623/2.html 6) The Engineer Online: Easily Led http://www.theengineer.co.uk/Articles/290523/Easily+led.htm 7) Brown University: Robotic Surgery http://biomed.brown.edu/Courses/BI108/BI108_2005_Groups/04/ 8) PBS: Cybersurgery http://www.pbs.org/safarchive/4_class/45_pguides/pguide_605/4565_cyber.html Surgical robots, now used in operating rooms worldwide, are not performing surgical tasks on their own, but "lend a helping hand to surgeons," as discussed in this article from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)(1). How Stuff Works (2) provides a nice overview of some of the robotics systems currently in use and how they are used. This next website from the USC Robotic Surgery Institute (3), which was founded by the cardiothoracic surgeon who was one of the first "to see the potential for robotic surgery," discusses the medical procedures benefiting from this technology and includes a few videos of the surgeries (not for the faint of heart). This next article from Science Daily (4) reports on two studies from UPenn "that demonstrate the effective use of the daVinci Surgical Robotic System to perform Trans-Oral Robotic Surgery (TORS) which greatly reduces surgical trauma for patients." Another way that robotic technology is used in surgery is to allow doctors to perform surgery remotely. The history of this development known as telesurgery is described on this next website (5). This article from The Engineer Online (6) describes a project by researchers in the United Kingdom that aims to develop an image guidance system that uses 3-D images to improve the range of medical procedures for which robotics can be used. Brown University's website (7) also provides a nice overview of the history of Robotic Surgery as well as some basics on costs and demographics, and interviews with doctors and patients. Finally, PBS (8) offers this lesson idea, pro viding students a "journey to the operating room of the future." Thnis has been added to Healthcare Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. [From The NSDL Scout Report for Math, Engineering, and Technology, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2005. http://scout.wisc.edu/] posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ![]() National Geographic Sustainable Destinations Resource Center http://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/sustainable/ The travel and tourism business is now perhaps the largest industry on Earth. While tourism can build understanding, tourism managed poorly can ruin a place. Yet if handled well, tourism provides an incentive to preserve the best things a destination has to offer: wildlife habitats, historic districts, great scenery—even a style of music or a unique local cuisine. That's why the National Geographic Society has a program to increase knowledge about sustainable tourism and destination stewardship. In this website, you'll find some useful resources: a) Sustainable tourism resource directories, b) Honduras announces world's first national geotourism strategy, c) World Legacy Awards, d) 2004 Scorecard of Destination Stewardship, e) TravelWatch articles archive, f) Geotourism Study, g) The Untold Story: Travel Writer's Guide, and h) Creating a Geotourism MapGuide. They want to help residents, visitors, and professionals practice what is now being called geotourism: tourism that supports the geographical character of the place being visited—its environment, culture, heritage, aesthetics, and the well-being of its citizens. Awareness is the key. Residents who benefit from tourism tend to value and conserve what tourists are coming to see. Visitors reinforce that link when they support businesses that sustain the destination. They hope these web pages help, and welcome your comments and suggestions. This has been added to Reference Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM ![]() H-Net: Humanities and Social Sciences Online http://www.h-net.org/ H-Net is an international interdisciplinary organization of scholars and teachers dedicated to developing the enormous educational potential of the Internet and the World Wide Web. Their edited lists and web sites publish peer reviewed essays, multimedia materials, and discussion for colleagues and the interested public. The computing heart of H-Net resides at MATRIX: The Center for Humane Arts, Letters, and Social Sciences Online, Michigan State University, but H-Net officers, editors and subscribers come from all over the globe. This has been added to the Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. This will be added to Academic Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() ScrappyGoo ScrappyGoo - Google News Search and RSS Feed Creator http://timyang.com/scrappygoo/ ScrappyGoo lets you search Google News and generate a unique RSS feed of your results. This persistent news search delivery is offered as a free service. By default, each feed has 16 entries. It uses standard boolean operators. This has been added to the online resources section of my presentation Bots, Blogs and News Aggregators. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() The Wall Street Journal Briefing - Vital Intelligence on China http://briefing.wsj.com/ Providing you with a single, consolidated source of essential China news, insights and intelligence, The Wall Street Journal's authoritative new China Business and China Manufacturing Briefings arm you with the information you need to do business in China. Their experienced and objective China Reporting team will give you access to unrivalled business, financial and macroeconomic insights. With timely and trustworthy briefings delivered direct to your desk every fortnight via email, there really is no more powerful source of China business intelligence than The Wall Street Journal Briefings. This has been added to Business Intelligence Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. This will be added to International Trade Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() Information Search Strategies on the Internet: A Critical Component of New Literacies by Laurie A. Henry http://www.webology.ir/2005/v2n1/a9.html Abstract:The ability to effectively search and locate information on the Internet is an important skill for education and essential for success in the 21st century. The results from a single search task can produce an overwhelming amount of information. Without the new literacy skills and strategies that the process of searching and locating information on the Internet requires, this can quickly become a daunting task. The purpose of this exploratory study was twofold. First, it set out to identify the specific new literacy skills and strategies that are required to successfully access information on the Internet. The second focus was to determine how the participants learned to search for information on the Internet. This qualitative study was conducted in a rural school setting in the northeast with seven middle school level teachers. Collected data consisted of observational field notes and interviews with the participants. Five main themes emerged from the data analysis: literacy skills, other skills and strategies, learning technology, emotional reactions to technology and issues of digital divide. These findings will be useful in aiding researchers and classroom teachers who seek to more accurately define the new literacies required for success in online environments. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Saturday, May 21, 2005 ![]() DAREnet DAREnet - Digital Academic Repositories http://www.darenet.nl/ DAREnet gives digital access to academic research output in the Netherlands. It is accessible from home but also from both North and South Pole. The top of the bill, the cream on the cake can be found through Cream of Science. The publications of over 200 top scientists in the Netherlands can be found here. As of May 2005 DAREnet harvests over 40,000 digital records from the Institutional repositories of sixteen institutes. DARE: a new, rapid form of communication academic research results. DAREnet is the network of Digital Academic REpositories. It is a result of the national DARE programme involving all Dutch universities and several academic and research organisations as well. Its aim is to coordinate and stimulate a network of Dutch repositories (= digital ‘treasure chests’ ) containing academic research information. It thus enhances the accessibility to and visibility of this information, both national as international. DARE is a national initiative coordinated by the SURF Foundation. This has been added to Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. This will be added to Academic Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ![]() Business-China.com http://www.business-china.com/ Business-China.com opened its virtual doors in 1996 with a mission to use the Internet to bridge China with other foreign countries to promote trade, establish and increase connections and communications on both business and personal affairs. They have provided services and information as detailed and specific as possible, so their readers could start the talk in no time. Developed by a team of industry experts and library scientists, the Business-China.com directory contains more than 100,000 listings in five world major languages within 5,000 industry, product and service subcategories in China. So whether you're seeking general China industry background or specifics about a particular product line, Business-China.com will deliver the useful and relevant results every time. This will be added to International Trade Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM ![]() Urban Dictionary http://www.urbandictionary.com/ Urban Dictionary is a slang dictionary with your definitions. Define your world in this unique site! An interesting site offering the latest slang words definitions by anyone who feels like defining their slang! This has been added to Reference Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Fundable http://www.fundable.org/ Fundable is a new service that lets groups of people pool money for various purposes in what are called "group actions." Similar to an online auction, a group action has its own page, describing how much money will be collected and what the money will do. No participant takes a risk: if the collection for a group action falls short of its target on deadline, all money is refunded. Fundable's all-or-nothing approach to collecting money lets you participate in a group purchase or fundraiser without worrying about what other people will do. You will either get what you paid for or get your money back. This has been added to Grant Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() Xinhua Finance - Chinese Investment Tools http://www.xfnn.com/en/main/index.html Xinhua Finance is China's premier financial services and media company providing the best investment tools developed to international standards for the China markets. They instill investor confidence, transparency and market efficiency in China's financial markets as the first and only comprehensive source of financial information, actionable data, media and analytics. Through their four core divisions: indices, financial news, ratings, and investor relations, they form the definitive investment infrastructure for China. Headquartered in Hong Kong, Xinhua Finance has more than 570 staff around the world. They serve the global marketplace through their 21 offices and 19 regional news bureaus across Asia, Australia, North America and Europe. This has been added to Financial Sources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM Xtra-Google - The Best of Google On One Searchable Page http://www.xtragoogle.com/ Xtra Google - Search all of Google's most useful resources from one page. A nice little organized start point for Google to remind newbies as well as Internauts of all the excellent resources available from Google. This has been added to the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Friday, May 20, 2005 ![]() Manage Information Overload ![]() Bots, Blogs and News Aggregators Manage Your Information Overload by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. http://www.ManageInformationOverload.info/ Bots, Blogs and News Aggregators by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. http://www.BotsBlogs.com/ I will be in Orlando, Florida today presenting my above two keynote presentations for the Speakers Success Showcase produced by the Professional Speakers Bureau International at the Wyndam Orlando Resort. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Thursday, May 19, 2005 ![]() Conversate - Personal Online Discussion Space http://www.conversate.org/ Conversate gives you your own online discussion space for any topic, with anyone you want to invite. It's totally free and ideal for talking about articles or websites and for organizing projects and events. Conversate lets you create instant online discussion spaces. It's simpler, faster, more polite, and less annoying than group emails. This has been added to the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ![]() Reference Extract Search Engine http://ref.syr.edu/ Reference Extract is a targeted web search engine. It is built from the expertise of over 60 AskA services geared to the education audience. The Virtual Reference Desk team has identified high-quality archives of FAQ's and previously asked questions. These sites were then indexed, and the result is an easy to use, quality oriented search engine: Reference Extract. This has just been released and is a beta site. This has been added to Reference Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM ![]() Boxes and Arrows Journal http://www.boxesandarrows.com/ Boxes and Arrows is the definitive source for the complex task of bringing architecture and design to the digital landscape. There are various titles and professions associated with this undertaking—information architecture, information design, interaction design, interface design—but when we looked at the work that we were actually doing, we found a “community of practice” with similarities in outlook and approach that far outweighed our differences. Boxes and Arrows is a peer-written journal dedicated to discussing, improving and promoting the work of this community, through the sharing of exemplary technique, innovation and informed opinion. This has been added to Reference Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Digital World Research Centre http://www.surrey.ac.uk/dwrc/ The Digital World Research Centre (DWRC) is a multidisciplinary research centre in the School of Human Sciences that investigates the relationships between people, society and digital technologies. DWRC brings together researchers from all branches of social sciences to undertake academic and commercial projects. This multidisciplinary approach enables it to deliver unique insights into the social shaping of technology and in particular: a) what new technologies people might want and find valuable, b) how new technologies change our lives and how our daily lives change technology, and c) how new technologies interact with society, government and the marketplace. As well as undertaking projects sponsored by the UK Research Councils and the European Union, DWRC has undertaken projects for mobile phone operators and blue-chip technology companies. Past and present projects cover issues such as how people communicate, how they work and play, and how they shop. This has been added to Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() TechBriefs TechSearch http://www.techbriefs.com/techsearch/ Search more than $2.5 billion of technologies available for license now. Find your solution by searching by keyword, across all or specific categories. Categories include: 1) Aerospace, 2) Agriculture, 3) Automotive, 4) Biological Sciences, 5) Chemistry, 6) Communications, 7) Consumer Products, 8) Education, 9) Electronic Data Processing, 10) Electronics, 11) Energy, 12) Environmental, 13) Finance, 14) Foods, 15) Fuels, 16) Geology, 17) Health, Wellness, Personal Care, 18) Instrumentation, 19) IP Professionals, 20) Manufacturing, 21) Materials, 22) Mechanical, 23) Medical, 24) Optics, 25) Physics, 26) Public Administration, 27) Techniques, and 28) Transportation. This has been added to Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() Sailing to the Future: Infographics in the Internet Era http://www.albertocairo.com/index/index_english.html This 50-page .pdf document (21 meg zip file) was created for the Multimedia Bootcamp 2005 in the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. It contains a brief introduction to infographics, its history and rules, and a discussion of several real cases of elmundo.es online special and breaking-news presentations. The 1.1 version will be released by the end of 2005. This has been added to Reference Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Wednesday, May 18, 2005 ![]() EverNote - A Single Place For All Your Notes EverNote - A Single Place For All Your Notes http://www.evernote.com/en/ With EverNote 1.0, you can easily store and quickly access typed and handwritten memos, webpage excerpts, emails, phone messages, addresses, passwords, brainstorms, sketches, documents and more! With EverNote, all your notes are stored in one convenient place: an endless digital roll of paper. No need to search through folders, files, bookmarked web pages or scraps of paper. EverNote works with all types of notes, including Text Notes, Web/HTML, Digital Ink, and many types of images. Multiple methods for finding notes: visually, by time, categories, automatic labeling and keywords. No need to limit your notes to one folder and be stumped when it’s time to find it. With EverNote, you can assign multiple categories to your notes for easy organization and retrieval. No need to limit your notes to one folder and be stumped when it’s time to find it. With EverNote, you can assign multiple categories to your notes for easy organization and retrieval. verNote is currently available in a free beta for Windows 2000/XP/XP Tablet PC Edition. This has been added to the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ![]() Security Resources http://www.SecurityResources.info/ SecurityResources.info is maintained by Robert Gowans - an information security specialist based in Stockholm Sweden. The portal on Security Resources covers the following areas: 1) Computer Forensics, 2) Honeypots & Honeynets, 3) Intrusion Detection, 4) Intrusion Prevention - Host, 5) Intrusion Prevention - Network, 6) Monitoring & Surveillance, 7) Network Security, 8) Password Management, 9) Patch Management, 10) Penetration Testing, 11) Phishing, 12) Spam Protection, 13) Spyware, 14) Virtual Private Networks, 15) Viruses, Trojans & Worms, 16) Vulnerability Scanning, 17) Web Application Security, 18) Web Content Filtering, 19) Windows Security, and 20) Wireless Network Security. This will be added to Security Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM ![]() NanoRobotics http://www.nanorobotdesign.com/ Initial uses of nanorobots to health care are likely to emerge within the next ten years with potentially broad biomedical applications. The ongoing developments of molecular-scale electronics, sensors and motors are expected to enable microscopic robots with dimensions comparable to bacteria. Recent developments on the field of biomolecular computing has demonstrated positively the feasibility of processing logic tasks by bio-computers, which is a promising first step to enable future nanoprocessors with increasingly complexity. Studies in the sense of building biosensors and nano-kinetic devices, which is required to enable nanorobots operation and locomotion, has been advanced recently too. Moreover, classical objections related to the real feasibility of nanotechnology, such as quantum mechanics, thermal motions and friction, has been considered and resolved and discussions about the manufacturing of nanodevises is growing up. Developing nanoscale robots presents difficult fabrication and control challenges. The control design and the development of complex nanosystems with high performance can be well analysed and addressed via simulation to help pave the way for future use of nanorobots in biomedical engineering problems. This is an excellent portal on NanoRobotics with sections on: 1) NanoRobotics Papers, 2) NanoRobotics Articles, and 3) NanoRobot Design - News Network. This will be added to Healthcare Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Journal of Grid Computing http://www.springerlink.com/link.asp?id=111140 Grid computing is an emerging technology that enables large-scale resource sharing and coordinated problem solving within distributed, often loosely coordinated groups-what are sometimes termed "virtual organizations. By providing scalable, secure, high-performance mechanisms for discovering and negotiating access to remote resources, Grid technologies promise to make it possible for scientific collaborations to share resources on an unprecedented scale, and for geographically distributed groups to work together in ways that were previously impossible. Similar technologies are being adopted within industry, where they serve as important building blocks for emerging service provider infrastructures. Even though the advantages of this technology for classes of applications have been acknowledged, research in a variety of disciplines, including not only multiple domains of computer science (networking, middleware, programming, algorithms) but also application disciplines themselves, as well as such areas as sociology and economics, is needed to broaden the applicability and scope of the current body of knowledge. This has been added to Grid Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() Ta-da List - To Do List http://www.tadalist.com/ Ta-da List: To do list, simple, easy, fast, sharable. Ta-da makes it easy to: 1) Keep track of all the little things you need to get done, 2) Make lists for other people (co-workers, friends, family), 3) Share lists with the world ("My favorite movies of 2004"), 4) Subscribe to your lists in RSS so you're always on track and 5) and more! See the screenshots, details, and a movie onm the site. This has been added to the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() MnM MnM - Annotation Tool http://annotation.semanticweb.org/Members/cobu/annotationtool.2004-10-08.8079905412 MnM is an annotation tool which provides both automated and semi-automated support for annotating web pages with semantic contents. MnM integrates a web browser with an ontology editor and provides open APIs to link to ontology servers and for integrating information extraction tools. This has been added to the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Tuesday, May 17, 2005 ![]() International Journal of Economic Theory International Journal of Economic Theory (IJET) http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1742-7355&site=1 The International Journal of Economic Theory (IJET) publishes original articles for international audiences in all fields of economic theory. It also publishes empirical and experimental analyses and mathematical techniques where there is strong relevance to economic theory. Specifically it covers: a) microeconomics, b) macroeconomics, c) game theory. d) general equilibrium, e) welfare economics, f) public economics, g) industrial organization, h) inter-temporal economics, i) international economics, j) development economics, k) behavioral and experimental economics, and l) mathematical methods for economics. IJET aims to be a leading outlet for theorists' work. An international board of editors is determined to reduce editorial turnaround time and encourage submissions of the highest quality. It also intends to encourage the work of young researchers who are not yet established in the profession. IJET is produced in co-operation with Keio University and Kyoto University as a joint project of the research programs funded by the Ministry of Education. This has been added to Business Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ![]() RSS Mix RSS Mix http://www.rssmix.com/ RSS Mix - Mix any number of RSS feeds into one unique new feed! You can then point a parser at the new feed and display a mix of stories from various sources on your website. To create a new RSS Mix, copy and paste the URLs of the existing source feeds into the box and hit Create! This has been added to my Bots, Blogs and News Aggregators presentation resources. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM ![]() Quick Online Tips: Absolutely Del.icio.us Del.icio.us Tool Collection http://pchere.blogspot.com/2005/02/absolutely-delicious-complete-tool.html del.icio.us is a social bookmarks manager. It allows you to easily post sites you like to your personal collection of links, to categorize those sites with keywords, and to share your collection not only between your own browsers and machines, but also with others. RSS feeds, tags and bookmarklets make bookmarking your links a treat !! You can also view the currently most popular bookmarks. A Beginner's Guide to Delicious can get you started quickly. There are several quick alternative ways of posting at post.icio.us. Decoding del.icio.us makes interesting reading incase you are curious about this peculiar domain name del.icio.us. You can fix up your own tools with the del.icio.us API. A post at The Farm does a good detailing of the del.icio.us API. BTW the owner Joshua Schachter has left his job and is now working full time on del.icio.us. Just incase you are wondering why it became so popular - it was a recommended usage for the new live bookmarks feature of Firefox. This collection of useful tools makes your Del.icio.us experience better and more effective. This has been added to the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() KIM Semantic Annotation Platform KIM Semantic Annotation Platform http://annotation.semanticweb.org/Members/cobu/annotationtool.2004-10-04.2595486734 KIM provides a Knowledge and Information Management (KIM) infrastructure and services for automatic semantic annotation, indexing, and retrieval of unstructured and semi-structured content. Within the process of annotation, KIM also performs ontology population. As a base line, KIM analyzes texts and recognizes references to entities (like persons, organizations, locations, dates). Then it tries to match the reference with a known entity, having a unique URI and description in the knowledge base. Alternatively, a new URI and entity description are automatically generated. Finally, the reference in the document gets annotated with the URI of the entity. This process, as well, as the result of it, are the KIM’s offer for semantic annotation. This sort of meta-data is later on used for semantic indexing, retrieval, visualization, and automatic hyper-linking of documents. KIM is a platform which offers a server, web user interface, and Internet Explorer plug-in. KIM is equipped with an upper-level ontology (KIMO) of about 250 classes and 100 properties. Further, a knowledge base (KIM KB), pre-populated with up to 200 000 entity descriptions, is bundled with KIM. In terms of underlying technology, KIM is using GATE, Sesame, and Lucene. This has been added to the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() Central Asian Gateway http://www.cagateway.org/ This portal provides access to research, publications, news and events on the issues of socio-economic development and integration of the Central Asian countries. This is a comprehehnsive site covering all aspects of the region. This will be added to International Trade Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() Study Guides and Strategies http://www.studygs.net/ The Study Guides and Strategies web site was created is maintained by Joe Landsberger as an educational public service. It is collaboratively maintained across institutional and national boundaries, and last revised December 20, 2004. It has the following caregories: a) Preparing, b) Learning, c) Studying, d) Classroom Participation, e) Learning With Others, f) Project Management, g) Reading Skills, h) Preparing For Tets, i) Taking Tests, j) Writing Basics, k) Writing Types, l) Webtruth, m) Math, and n) Science and Technology. This has been added to Student Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Monday, May 16, 2005 ![]() Manage Information Overload This mp3 broadcast edition of Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. May 16, 2005 V3N20 discusses my latest keynote presentation Manage Your Information Overload!. Click on the below audio mp3 broadcast to hear Marcus P. Zillman describing this latest keynote presentation that he delivers to associations and private groups. View the site at: Manage Information Overload http://www.ManageInformationOverload.info/ ![]() ![]() ![]() Reference Guide To the Geneva Conventions Reference Guide to Geneva Conventions http://www.genevaconventions.org/ Use the alphabetical index on this site (or click on a letter of the alphabet below) to find out what the Geneva Conventions say about everything from access to grave sites to wounded prisoners of war, fully linked to the original treaties. You can also read about the history of the Geneva Conventions, see the full texts of the Conventions, or glance at the author's note written by Maria Trombly. This has been added to the Reference Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ![]() Podcasting News http://www.podcastingnews.com/ Podcasting News bring you the latest and greatest information on the ever expanding field of podcasting including the following sections: a) Audio and Music News, b) Articles, c) Podcast Directory, d) Forum, e) Podcasting Gear, f) Popular Pages, h) Resources Pages, and i) Links. If you are in to Podcasting this is an excellent bookmark and resource for you .... posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM Robots Processing Instructions (RPI) http://atrus.org/writings/technical/robots_pi/ As XML content formats mature, more and more robots are archiving XML documents. The robots processing instruction is the general XML equivalent of (and replacement for) the Robots META tag defined in HTML 4.0 and 4.01. It can be used in any XML format, including Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), any version of RSS, Atom, XHTML, and many others. The robots processing instruction specifies whether or not the document may be indexed, archived, and links within it followed. Note that this instruction controls permissions; a robot may implement as many or few of these functions as it likes. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Ontomat OntoMat-Annotizer http://annotation.semanticweb.org/ontomat/index.html OntoMat-Annotizer is a user-friendly interactive webpage annotation tool. It supports the user with the task of creating and maintaining ontology-based OWL-markups i.e. creating of OWL-instances, attributes and relationships. It include an ontology browser for the exploration of the ontology and instances and a HTML browser that will display the annotated parts of the text. It is Java-based and provide a plugin interface for extensions. The intended user is the individual annotator i.e., people that want to enrich their web pages with OWL-meta data. Instead of manually annotating the page with a text editor, say, emacs, OntoMat allows the annotator to highlight relevant parts of the web page and create new instances via drag?n?drop interactions. It supports the meta-data creation phase of the lifecycle. It is planned that a future version will contain an information extraction plugin, that offers a wizard which suggest which parts of the text are relevant for annotation. That aspect will help to ease the time-consuming annotation task. This has been added to the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer&trader; Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() del.icio.us Tag Search del.icio.us Tag Search http://trainque.com/code/delicious_lookup.php This search form allows you to look up del.icio.us links that are tagged with one or more subjects. Example: entering art and design brings you to the url http://del.icio.us/tag/art+design which has links to pages about both art and design. (Of course, you can also simply navigate to the url of your choosing to get the same results, but I prefer a painlessly simple user-friendly form.) Currently, this only allows a maximum of 7 tags. Keep in mind that the more tags you enter, the more filtered your topic becomes and so the smaller the result set. This will be added to the search engine section of all the 2005 Internet MiniGuides. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() DShield http://www.DShield.org/ DShield.org is an attempt to collect data about cracker activity from all over the internet. This data will be cataloged and summarized. It can be used to discover trends in activity and prepare better firewall rules. Right now, the system is tailored to simple packet filters. As firewall systems that produce easy to parse packet filter logs are now available for most operating systems, this data can be submitted and used without much effort. More complex patterns, such as are used by application level firewalls may be handled in the future. The graphical banner showing the top attacker and top port is displayed on Internet Alerts Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Sunday, May 15, 2005 Exploring Caves 1) National Speleological Society http://www.caves.org/ 2) Explore Caves http://interactive2.usgs.gov/learningweb/teachers/explorecaves.htm 3) The Cave of Lascaux http://www.culture.gouv.fr/culture/arcnat/lascaux/en/ 4) Virtual Cave http://www.goodearthgraphics.com/virtcave.html 5) Naracoorte Caves National Park http://www.environment.sa.gov.au/parks/naracoorte/ 6) Matienzo Caves http://www.geography.lancs.ac.uk/Matienzo/page1.htm 7) The Jamaican Caves Organisation http://www.jamaicancaves.org/ First, the National Speleological Society (NSS) promotes its efforts to "study, explore, and conserve cave and karst resources; protect access to caves; encourage responsible management of caves and their unique environments; and promote responsible caving" (1). The website provides descriptions and pictures of many cave preserves, information on cave-related events, and numerous links to outside educational materials. The second website, produced by the USGS, allows students to investigate America's caves, cave animals, and cave types (2 ). The website provides a teacher's guide and fun fictional cave stories. Third, the Ministry of Culture and Communication presents a virtual tour of the Cave of Lascaux in France (3). Users can learn about the cave's creation and importance during prehistoric times. Next, cave researcher, Dave Bunnell provides a virtual tour of solution caves, erosional caves, sea caves, and lava tube caves (4). Through in-depth descriptions and enlightening images and figures, students and educators can obtain considerable knowledge about cave features and formations. Fifth, the government of South Australia furnishes virtual tours of the many caves in Naracoorte Caves National Park (5). The website offers an enlightening tutorial on the accumulation of sediment layers and fossils within the caves. The sixth website, produced by Lancaster University, describes the 26-square-kilometer cave of Matienzo in Northern Spain (6). Visitors can find descriptions and images of 2,286 cave sites, view surface photos, and learn about scientific work that has taken place at the cave. Lastly, the Jamaican Caves Organisation promotes its mission "to further the exploration, and preservation, of the caves, sinkholes, and underground rivers of Jamaica" (7). The website presents the latest news, field notes, current projects, and guidance for cavers in Jamaica. [Copyright 2005 Internet Scout Project - http://scout.wisc.edu] posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ![]() Fill That Job http://www.fillthatjob.com Fill That Job is the full service job site dedicated to guiding you through your next career move. Their site has been designed by IT and human resources professionals with experience dating back to the early 1980’s. Having their roots in the IT industry, they understand the business and have made their living standing right next to you for more than 20 years. Their mission is to make your job search experience the best and easiest it can possibly be. This has been added to Employment Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM ![]() iPodder http://www.ipodder.org First of all, it's still in development, and may not live up to all expectations. But it does work and hundreds of thousands of people are using it every day. iPodder is small program that runs on your computer. Its only purpose is to download audio files, usually mp3's, directly to your mp3 device. Currently iPod is supported on both Windows and Mac. And it's not just for iPods! Other devices are supported through Windows Media Player. Any device that can exchange files with WMP will work with iPodder. iPodder.org is home to the community that develops iPodder applications and programming to subscribe to. All the Current Awareness Happenings On the Internet mp3 broadcasts have an icon to Ipodder to allow one to download the program. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Journal of Sociocybernetics http://www.unizar.es/sociocybernetics/Journal/ The Journal of Sociocybernetics responds to the growing interest evinced in "sociocybernetics" over the past two decades and the concomitant demand for a venue expressly dedicated to disseminating work in the field. Indeed, sociocybernetics has attracted a broad range of scholars whose departmental affiliations represent the entire spectrum of the disciplines and whose countries of origin attest to the wide international appeal of sociocybernetic approaches. Within this highly diverse community, there is ample agreement on some general issues, for instance, on developing strategies for the study of human reality that avoid reification, reject reductionism and dualism, and eschew linear or homeostatic models. Not surprisingly, however, there are also wide divergences in subject matter, theoretical frameworks and methodological practices. With its appearance, the Journal of Sociocybernetics becomes the official organ of the Research Committee on Sociocybernetics, RC51, of the International Sociological Association. This has been added to Social Informatics Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() The Red Ferret Journal Red Ferret Journal http://redferret.net/ The Red Ferret Journal is a weblog which looks at gadgets, software, web sites and trivia in what is hopefully a fun and offbeat way. You won’t find coverage of every single MP3 player or mobile phone launch listed here - for that type of comprehensive reporting you need to visit the excellent Gizmodo or Engadget sites - but you will be able to read about wacky, unusual or downright bizarre technologies, products and events. They pride themselves on two things: a) giving early warning on potentially important new technologies and trends and b) on digging out the weirdest, silliest and most arcane news from around the world. This will be added to my eCurrent Awareness Resources 2005 Business Intelligence Report. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() Learn Marketing http://www.learnmarketing.net/ Learn Marketing gives users a basic introduction to the subject of Marketing. The site covers theoretical marketing topics such as marketing mix, research, segmentation as well as other topics. The site has the following categories: 1) Marketing Lessons, 2) Marketing Excercises, 3) Virtual Lectures, 4) Marketing Online Quiz, 5) AVCE (UK), 6) Educational links, 7) Marketing Glossary, 8) Student Notice Board, 9) Powerpoint Slides, 10) Marketing Clipart, 11) Marketing Chat Room, 12) Home, 13) About, 14) Marketing Lecturer Login, 15) Newsletter, and 16) BTEC National Marketing (UK). Free marketing lessons are also available with a complete list available from their home page. I posted on this site back in 2003 and it constantly gets many post views from my site so I decided to repost and update this fine site. This has been added to my Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Saturday, May 14, 2005 ![]() osCommerce - Open Source eCommerce Solutions osCommerce - Open Source E-Commerce Solutions http://www.oscommerce.com/ osCommerce is an online shop e-commerce solution under on going development by the open source community. Its feature packed out-of-the-box installation allows store owners to setup, run, and maintain their online stores with minimum effort and with absolutely no costs or license fees involved. osCommerce combines open source solutions to provide a free and open e-commerce platform, which includes the powerful PHP web scripting language, the stable Apache web server, and the fast MySQL database server. With no restrictions or special requirements, osCommerce is able to run on any PHP enabled web server, on any environment that PHP and MySQL supports, which includes Linux, Solaris, BSD, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows environments. This has been added to eCommerce Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ![]() International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science http://ejournals.wspc.com.sg/ijfcs/ijfcs.shtml The International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science is a bimonthly journal that publishes articles which contribute new theoretical results in all areas of the foundations of computer science. The theoretical and mathematical aspects covered include: a) Algebraic theory of computing and formal systems; b) Algorithm and system implementation issues; c) Approximation, probabilistic, and randomized algorithms; d) Automata and formal languages; e) Automated deduction; f) Combinatorics and graph theory; g) Complexity theory; h) Computational biology and bioinformatics; i) Cryptography; j) Database theory; k) Data structures; l) Design and analysis of algorithms; m) DNA computing; n) Foundations of computer security * Foundations of high-performance computing; o) Logic in computer science; p) Model checking and computer-aided verification; q) Models of computation; r) Quantum computing; s) Semantics, concurrency, and type theory; t) Theories and models of internet computing; u) Theory of learning and inductive inference; v) Theory of parallel and distributed computing; amd w) Wireless networks and mobile computing. As computer science is an ever-evolving area, articles on other topics are also invited. The journal also aims to provide a forum for the communication and discussion of new fields needing more coverage and exposure, and thus hopes to publish new attempts and proposals for deepening the theoretical understanding of the nature of computation and information. This has been added to Reference Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM ![]() Dropload - Drop Off or Pick Up Files http://www.dropload.com/ Dropload is a place for you to drop your files off and have them picked up by someone else at a later time. Recipients you specify are sent an email with instructions on how to download the file. Files are removed from the system after 7 days, regardless if they have been picked up or not. You can upload any type of file, mp3, movies, docs, pdfs, up to 100MB each! Recipients can be anyone with an email address. This has been added to the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracert™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Journal of Digital Information Management http://www.dirf.org/jdim/default.asp Journal of Digital Information Management, the journal in digital information science, is sponsored by the Digital Information Research Foundation. It is a quarterly journal in digital information science and technology, concentrating on all aspects of digital information management. It broadly covers digital information processing, digital content management, digital world structuring, digital libraries, metadata, information management and other related fields. It is an international peer reviewed journal containing original research papers, ongoing research, technology, reviews, reports of progress, short notes and forthcoming events. It acts as a portal to the digital information world. This has been added to the Reference Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() NewsFilter.com - Snap News Search http://www.newsfilter.com/ Not only can you read news, you can search and interact with it as well. NewsFilter.com brings you all of the latest news and gives you the ability to filter and sort as well. Using their proprietary technology, you can browse, sort, refine and read the news all in one interface. They are just launching, so you have plenty of opportunities to suggest new ways to make NewsFilter.com work for you. Please take some time, try out their interface and complete their feedback form with any concerns, comments, criticisms and or suggestions you have. This will be added to the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() Semantic Web Technologies by Dr Brian Matthews, CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory http://www.jisc.ac.uk/uploaded_documents/jisctsw_05_02pdf.pdf The Semantic Web is an ambitious vision, first proposed by Tim Berners-Lee, to extend today’s Web – imbuing it with a sense of meaning. The articulation of this vision in a now famous article in Scientific American has led to a wide reaching research programme. This programme is resulting in the development of new technologies for describing items of Web-based information and their inter-relationships, but what impact is this development likely to have on Higher and Further Education? This TechWatch report provides an introduction to the Semantic Web – the vision, programme and technologies, but also explains where we currently are in its development and what the likely impact will be on education in areas such as information management and discovery tools, digital libraries, supporting Web-based interaction, and e-learning. It also proposes some realistic timescales for adoption and outlines the current and potential role of the UK F&HE community. This has been added to Deep Web Research Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Friday, May 13, 2005 ![]() BioForge - Community for Biological Innovation BioForge - Community for Biological Innovation https://www.bioforge.net/ BioForge is a dynamic protected commons of enabling technologies that will be available to the worldwide inventive community for use in improvement and new innovations through specially constructed BIOS licenses that will impose, instead of royalties, conditions to maintain the technology available for further innovation. This is part of CAMBIA's BIOS Initiative, which already provides informatics support for innovators who would like to survey the technology possibilities and intellectual property constraints around potential inventions using their Patent Lens™. BioForge is an Internet-based platform of tools to allow scientists in diverse locations to find out about and work together with those who are positioned to apply their research. Scientists working side by side in a lab or attending a scientific conference together have always been able to collaborate. Now BioForge will allow participation even where those physical meetings are not possible due to constraints of geography, time, money and other resources. Many great ideas and inventions are never practically applied, commercialized or used by those who need them, because of the lack of: a) connection with the people who have the testing facilities, farm fields, appropriate germplasm, etc., to try it out locally; b) the people who have the local expertise to recognize needs that the technology can fill; and c) the necessary information about previous work and the jurisdictions and status of patents on the technology. BioForge will enable more open innovation in all the life sciences. This has been added to Biological Informatics Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ![]() Backpack - Personal Information Management http://backpackit.com/ Backpack is your personal information manager. It allows you to gather your ideas, to-dos, notes, photos, and files online. It also allows you to set emaiol and mobile reminders so you do not forget the little things! It also allows you to easily collaborate with others. Backpack is so flexible and easy, you'll use it to: a) Plan a personal/business trip, b) Keep track of what your competitors are doing, c) Plan a home improvement project, d) Collaborate on a new business idea, e) Keep track of houses you're considering buying, f) Gather information for a research project, g) Keep a list of gift ideas for friends and family, h) Brainstorm product/company names, i) Build a list of recommended restaurants, and j) plenty more... This has been added to the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM ![]() Guide To Disability Resources On the Internet http://www.disabilityresources.org/ Disability Resources, Inc. is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization established to promote and improve awareness, availability and accessibility of information that can help people with disabilities live, learn, love, work and play independently. They serve thousands of individuals with disabilities through a multidisciplinary network of service providers and consumers. In order to reach as many people with disabilities as cost effectively as possible, they target their services and publications to libraries, disability organizations, independent living centers, rehabilitation facilities, educational institutions, and health and social service providers. They disseminate information about books, pamphlets, magazines, newsletters, videos, databases, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, telephone hotlines and on-line services that provide free, inexpensive or hard-to-find information to help people with disabilities live independently. They monitor hundreds of publications, audiovisual materials, on line services, and other information resources every month. They maintain an extensive database of disability-related resources in order to perform customized searches, and an on-line guide to disability resources on the World Wide Web. This will be added to Healthcare Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() CvTips http://www.CvTips.com/ CvTips.com has been online since 1999 and helps candidates with information on interviews, CVs, Resumes and Cover Letters. They also have a job forum where people can post vacancies, jobs wanted and other career tips and advice. Their site is updated regularly with information on how to get a job. This has been added to Employment Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() A Simple Book Repair Manual http://www.dartmouth.edu/~preserve/repair/repairindex.htm The web version of the Simple Book Repair Manual was created by members of Preservation Services, Dartmouth College Library. Copyright 1996 the Board of Trustees of Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for copying and redistribution as long as this copyright notice is included. This has been added to Reference Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() eHow - Clear Instructions on How To Do (just about) Everything http://www.ehow.com/ eHow.com is the world's largest collection of information on how to do things. With 14 categories featuring 120 subcategories, and tens of thousands of topics, eHow offers staff-written, reviewed and edited step-by-step solutions. Every eHow was written to be clear, concise, and accurate. This has been added to Tutorial Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Thursday, May 12, 2005 ![]() METALIS METALIS http://metalis.cilea.it/ METALIS is a Service Provider for the Library and Information Science field. They collect (harvest) metadata from institutions that offer full-text papers and documents about Library and Information Science. The general framework is known as "Open Access Movement"; the AEPIC project mantains a list of useful resorces about all aspects of Open Access. The different options available have these meanings: a) Simple Search: To search by keywords in all fields. It is possible to filter by year, type of document, origin of metadata and class; b) Advanced Search: To search by keywords and phrases in different fields. It is also possible to filter by one o more years, type of document, origin of metadata and class; and c) Setup OpenUrl Resolver: METALIS builds an OpenURL with the metadata of the document. By default METALIS uses its resolver; if you prefer you can specify your local resolver. This will be added to Academic Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. This will be added to my annotated white paper link compilation Academic and Scholar Search Engines and Sources. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ![]() E-Archiving: An Overview of Some Repository Management Software Tools by Marion Prudlo http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue43/prudlo/ In recent years initiatives to create software packages for electronic repository management have mushroomed all over the world. Some institutions engage in these activities in order to preserve content that might otherwise be lost, others in order to provide greater access to material that might otherwise be too obscure to be widely used such as grey literature. The open access movement has also been an important factor in this development. Digital initiatives such as pre-print, post-print, and document servers are being created to come up with new ways of publishing. With journal prices, especially in the science, technical and medical (STM) sector, still out of control, more and more authors and universities want to take an active part in the publishing and preservation process themselves. In picking a tool, a library has to consider a number of questions: a) What material should be stored in the repository?, b) Is long-term preservation an issue?, c) Which software should be chosen?, d) What is the cost of setting the system up?, and e) How much know-how is required? . This article will discuss LOCKSS [1], EPrints [2] and DSpace [3] which are some of the most widely known repository management tools, in terms of who uses them, their cost, underlying technology, the required know-how, and functionalities. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM ![]() Free Biomedical Literature Resources http://www.nlm.nih.gov/docline/freehealthlit.html Free Biomedical Literature Resources from the National Library of Medicine National Insitiutes of Health. The free literature resources are categorized by a) Articles Via PubMed, b) PubMed Central (PMC), c) NCBI Bookshelf, and d) Other Resources. Biomedical Literature Resources for Libraries outside of the United States are linked as well. This has been added to Healthcare Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() ![]() ![]() ExpertNet - Helping You Locate Experts in Florida Universities http://expertnet.org/ Florida ExpertNet is a Web-based network of applied research expertise in Florida's public universities. This network can provide university-based resources and expertise to assist users in practical solutions for government, business, and industry. Produced and made available through the Clearinghouse for Applied Research and Public Service, ExpertNet will make it easier and faster for users to reach major groups of faculty in specialized fields in any of Florida's universities. A fully interactive site, ExpertNet provides comprehensive searching capabilities that include multiple field searching using boolean (and, or, not) as well as a "quick search" feature that allows the user to identify experts, centers/institutes and funded research projects all in one search. The site features the following information and services: 1) Experts, 2) Centers and Institutes, 3) Funded Research, 4) Speakers Bureau, 5) Internships, 6) Clearinghouse Research Assistance, and 7) Links to Florida Universities. This has been added to Internet Experts Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. This has been added to Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() Enterprise IA Roadmap http://louisrosenfeld.com/home/bloug_archive/000359.html Louis Rosenfeld's excellent Enterprise IA Roadmap has just been updated. Louis states the following from his blog: "What's the Enterprise IA Roadmap? A diagram that helps information architects and other designers make their enterprise's content easier to find regardless of which department maintains it. The goal is to integrate content from across departmental "silos" in ways that make sense to users. How does the EIA Roadmap Work? It breaks down the universe of IA design into four distinct tracks and numerous sub-tracks, and plots concrete steps within each track over time. Rather than suggesting specific phases, the Roadmap describes a continuum of actions, ranging from "Very Soon" tasks that can be performed by one or a few information architects with minimal resources to "Way Off" actions that require coordinated, funded EIA teams.". This has been added to Reference Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() Research Blogs ResearchBlogs http://www.ResearchBlogs.org/ ResearchBlogs is intended to be a creative community for researchers, particularly M.A. and Ph.D. students who are working on theses or dissertation. Established for graduate students, faculty, and librarians involved in the electronic thesis or dissertation process, Researchblogs.org provides a free writing space for the development of ideas and research, linking all in an international dialogue. Unlike other weblogs where individuals search the web for bloggers with similar interests, Researchblogs.org hopes to bring the community to the individual. On the homepage of Researchblogs.org the twenty most recent blog entries are posted allowing for the development of conversations among those with similar interests, and allowing for communication across disciplines. Researchblogs.org also groups the twenty most recent blog entries in one research area, allowing for the growth of more in depth conversations within a single discipline. This has been added to Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Wednesday, May 11, 2005 ![]() Critical New Vulnerabilities First Quarter 2005 SANS Top 20 Internet Security Vulnerabilities List First Quarter 2005 Update http://www.sans.org/top20/Q1-2005update/ More than 600 new Internet security vulnerabilities were discovered during the first quarter of 2005, according to the SANS Institute and a team of experts from industry and government. This group has identified the most critical vulnerabilities disclosed in Q1 that pose critical risks that need to be addressed through patching and other defensive actions. Individuals and organizations that do not correct these problems face a heightened threat that remote, unauthorized hackers will take control of their computers and use them for identity theft, for industrial espionage, or for distributing spam or pornography. The new report provides a quarterly update to the SANS Top 20 Internet Security Vulnerabilities list (www.sans.org/top20/ ) published annually in October. To be included on the new quarterly update, vulnerabilities must meet five requirements: (1) they affect a large number of users, (2) they have not been patched on a substantial number of systems, (3) they allow computers to be taken over by a remote, unauthorized user, (4) sufficient details about the vulnerabilities have been posted to the Internet to enable attackers to exploit them, and (5) they were discovered or first patched during the first three months of 2005. This will be added to Security Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ![]() W3C Holds Rule Languages Workshop http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/ http://www.w3.org/2004/12/rules-ws/ http://www.w3.org/2005/04/swrules-pressrelease http://www.w3.org/2004/12/rules-ws/cfp On 27-28 April in Washington, DC, USA, over sixty industry and research organizations participated in a W3C Workshop to discuss development of a uniform Rule language - the next layer in the Semantic Web development stack. Hosted by ILOG, SA and supported by DARPA, the W3C Rule Languages Workshop brought together the leaders in Business Rules development, customers, and Semantic Web developers in an effort to identify requirements for a common rule language. Read the press release and the Call for Participation. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM Wink - Tutorial and Presentation Creation Software http://www.debugmode.com/wink/ Wink is a Tutorial and Presentation creation software, primarily aimed at creating tutorials on how to use software (like a tutor for MS-Word/Excel etc). Using Wink you can capture screenshots, add explanations boxes, buttons, titles etc and generate a highly effective tutorial for your users. There is a good example of how you can create tutorials in Wink, by capturing screenshots, mouse movements and specifying your own explanations with them. And all this in a standard Windows-based UI with drag-and-drop editing makes it very easy to create high quality tutorials/documentation. It is estimated that Macromedia Flash Player is installed in more than 90% of the PCs. Using Wink you can create content viewable across the web in all these users' desktops. Similar applications sell for hundreds of dollars, while Wink is free with unrivaled features. So spread the word about Wink to your friends. This has been added to the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM Working Drafts: Specification Guidelines http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/WD-qaframe-spec-20050428/ http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/WD-spec-variability-20050428/ http://www.w3.org/QA/ The Quality Assurance (QA) Working Group updated two Working Drafts written for W3C editors. "QA Framework: Specification Guidelines" is designed to help make technical reports easy to interpret without ambiguity. The guidelines explain how to define and specify conformance and how a specification might allow variation. "Variability in Specifications" contains advanced design considerations and conformance-related techniques. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() Tweak Guides http://www.TweakGuides.com/ TweakGuides.com is devoted to providing a range of detailed tweak guides to help you maximize the performance of your computer. The place to start your tweaking is with the Windows XP Tweaking Companion (XPTC), a free 170-page PDF guide. They have also just released a freely available Firefox Tweak Guide. This has been added to World Wide Web Reference Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM Working Draft: XML Schema Datatypes in RDF and OWL http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/WD-swbp-xsch-datatypes-20050427/ http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/ The Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group released a First Public Working Draft of "XML Schema Datatypes in RDF and OWL." Posing questions and answers about XML Schema datatypes in the Semantic Web, the document discusses user defined datatypes, comparison of values, duration, and the use of numeric types. The group invites public discussion and feedback on implementations. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Tuesday, May 10, 2005 ![]() Language@Internet Language@Internet http://www.languageatinternet.de/ LANGUAGE@INTERNET will focus research on the pivotal role of language under the new medial conditions of use and interacting with the various societal domains. Linguistic concerns, including sociolinguistic, discourse analytic, and pragmatic perspectives will be at the centre of interest, but it will have to include the conditions, functions and constraints of the societal domains like law, economy or medicine, as they are factors in shaping language and are themselves transformed in their practice in the process. In order for society to be able to exploit and implement these new uses, there has to be a body of scientific knowledge for these domains to draw upon in application and teaching. The purpose of this journal is not only to enhance our linguistic body of knowledge, but also to make available a repository of knowledge for application. LANGUAGE@INTERNET is published as an open access, peer-reviewed electronic journal. This has been added to Social Informatics Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ![]() LabBook http://www.labbook.com/ LabBook's technology platform provides a foundation for the creation of tools and services to integrate, organize, annotate, communicate data and information as it is generated within the organization. LabBook Software provides several flexible information management platforms that can be: a) Used as-is, b) Integrated into your existing programs or products, or c) Used as a foundation for a new application or product offering for both bioinformatic and knowledge management solutions. Licensing the source code directly from LabBook Software can save thousands of hours of development time, helping you get your project completed more quickly and with more predictable results in leveraging BSML, XML, and internet technologies for your business or products. An Emerging Industry Standard for Linking Genomic Sequences to Biological Function: LabBook's Extensible Markup Language, Bio Sequence Markup Language (BSML), describe data in a way that captures the semantics of encoded genomic information. BSML is an extensible language specification and "container for bioinformatic data" for the life science community has been supported by leading organizations like TIGR, EBI, Fujitsu, and Bristol-Myers Squibb, among others. This will be added to Biological Informatics Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM ![]() Meta Research: Astronomy Research http://www.metaresearch.org/home.asp Meta Research, headed by astronomer Tom Van Flandern, fosters "research into ideas not otherwise supported solely because they conflict with mainstream theories in Astronomy." The website offers papers on alternative explanations in the fields of cosmology, solar systems, and gravity. Individuals can find out about upcoming solar eclipse expeditions and view images from past trips. Students and educators can find links to numerous astronomy-related animations including the Face on Mars, Fission Model, and Leonids meteor storm. Interested visitors can learn about membership opportunities and Meta Research publications. This has been added to Astronomy Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. [From The NSDL Scout Report for the Physical Sciences, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2005. http://scout.wisc.edu/] posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Top 75 Network Security Tools http://www.insecure.org/tools.html A comprehensive listing of network security tools both for the experienced internaut as well as the newbie. This is taken from the 2003 listing but is still worth a visit and bookmark as many of the sites are good tools for network security. This will be added to Security Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() All Online Coupons http://www.allonlinecoupons.com/ All Online Coupons is your one stop shop for online coupons, discounts and deals. With thousands of online coupons for hundreds of online stores, this is the place to save. This has been added to ShoppingBots Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() Economic Statistics Briefing Room http://www.whitehouse.gov/fsbr/esbr.html The purpose of this service is to provide easy access to current Federal economic indicators. It provides links to information produced by a number of Federal agencies. All of the information included in the Economic Statistics Briefing Room is maintained and updated by the statistical units of those agencies. All the estimates for the indicators presented in the Federal Statistics Briefing Rooms are the most currently available values. Areas covered: 1) Employment, 2) Income, 3) International, 4) Money, 5) Output, 6) Prices, 7) Production. and 8) Transportation . This has been added to Business Intelligence Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. This will be added to Business Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Monday, May 09, 2005 ![]() Healthcare Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog This mp3 broadcast edition of Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. May 9, 2005 V3N19 discusses Healthcare Bots and Subject Directories. Click on the below audio mp3 broadcast to hear Marcus P. Zillman describing this latest white paper link compilation that he authored and maintains. View the site at: Healthcare Bots and Subject Directories http://zillman.blogspot.com/2005/05/healthcare-bots-and-subject.html ![]() ![]() ![]() Bioinformatics - UCSC Science and Engineering Library Subject Guide Bioinformatics - UCSC Science & Engineering Library Subject Guides http://library.ucsc.edu/science/subjects/bioinformatics/ A very comprehensive bioinformatics subject guide prepared by the University of California - Santa Cruz - Science and Engineering Library. This has been added to the Biological Informatics Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ![]() BookFinder.com http://www.bookfinder.com/ BookFinder.com, the open marketplace for books online, is produced by 13th Generation Media, based in Berkeley, California. The company was founded by a couple of recent University of California grads with a taste for grassroots-driven ecommerce, and afflicted with severe cases of bibliophilia. BookFinder.com's goal is to provide fellow readers unbiased real-time information about books available online. Rather than selling books ourselves, our team of high-tech book geeks has worked to create a truly useful free book search tool for all kinds of readers. BookFinder.com is a one-stop search site that lets users view the collections of over 70,000 sellers of new, used, rare, and out of print books. The seventy million titles available constitute the largest book catalog available anywhere, either online or offline. This has been added to ShoppingBots Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM ![]() GreaseMonkey User Scripts http://dunck.us/collab/GreaseMonkeyUserScripts These scripts require Greasemonkey, which is an extension for Firefox. The Greasemonkey extension allows users to alter the content and behavior of any website through user scripts which work inside the browser. Many scripts are available for you to install, like the ones below. For an overview of Greasemonkey, check out this screencast. Greasemonkey is a very powerful tool, which can allows you to fix website annoyances or add desired functionality missing from a site. Additionally, the scripts can bring content from other sites and resources and embed them into the page you are viewing. For example, you could create a script on that pulls the current Amazon.com price for a book when visiting a competitors site. You can use Greasemonkey to view Amazon's price right beside the competitors within the browser. This has been added to Script Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() On-Line Chinese Tools http://www.mandarintools.com/ These pages hope to provide tools to assist people in learning and using the Chinese language. From the novice Chinese language student to the advanced programmer, there is something here for everyone. Rather than being a Chinese language course, it provides tools to people who are already studying and using Chinese. It is divided into the following sections: 1) Tools for Learning Chinese, 2) Tools for Using Chinese, 3) China Reference Tools, and 4) Computer Tools. This has been added to the tool section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. This will be added to International Trade Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() Torrent Typhoon (TT) http://www.torrenttyphoon.com/ Torrent Typhoon (TT) is a revolutionary BitTorrent search engine created on April 18th, 2005 that is able to search the major torrent websites and pool their results onto one page. TT does not host any torrents, nor does it steal website source code. TT could be thought of as a dumbed-down version of Google News. Torrent Typhoon began development on April 18th, but went live April 21st. Since then, it has grown literally exponentially from its beginnings. Sites are being added to the engine whenever they are come across or if they feature a significant amount of torrents. Among the Torrent sites searched include TorrentSpy, TorrentReactor.NET, MiniNova, PQRT.org, MyBitTorrent.com, and The Pirate Bay amounting to over 425,000 torrents. TT resembles Google in its simplicity; this was done on purpose. PlugIn available for Mozilla/FireFox. This has been added to Deep Web Research Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() A Gentle Introduction to SQL A Gentle Introduction To SQL http://sqlzoo.net/ Interactive SQL tutorial, learn about: SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, DB2, Mimer SQL, PostgreSQL and Access by Andrew Cumming of the School of Computing of Napier University, Edinburgh, UK. 1999-2005. Sections include: 1) Tutorial, 2) Answers, 3) Assessments, 4) Reference Section: How To ....., 5) Other Information, and 6) Diversions. This has been added to Tutorial Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. This has been added to World Wide Web Reference Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Sunday, May 08, 2005 Data Mining 1) Data Mining 101 http://www.megaputer.com/dm/dm101.php3 2) University of Helsinki: Date Mining and Machine Learning http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/research/pmdm/datamining/ 3) Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval http://ciir.cs.umass.edu/research/itr-graphicalmodels.html 4) AZMY: Data Mining for Everyone http://www.azmy.com/wp1.htm 5) Weka Machine Learning Project http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/~ml/index.html 6) KD Nuggets http://www.kdnuggets.com/news/2005/n09/index.html 7) A Brief History of Data Mining http://www.data-mining-software.com/data_mining_history.htm 8) The Data Mine http://www.the-data-mine.com/bin/view/Main/WebHome Data Mining, also known as Knowledge Discovery in Databases, is a process used to extract implicit, previously unknown, but potentially useful information from raw data. This first website (1) provides a basic overview of Data Mining and some applications for the process. Common applications of data mining include fraud detection and marketing, but data mining has also been applied in paleoecology, and medical genetics as described on this website from the University of Helsinki (2). This website from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst (3) describes a project involving the development of new algorithms that will be applied to the creation of two large-scale databases to be used to "enable insight into government efficiency and the flow of scientific ideas." This white paper (4) provides a nice educational resource for Data Mining. If you are inspired to try your the process, the Weka Machine Learning Project from Waikato University (5) offers open source software that can be used for data mining tasks. KD Nuggets (6) posts articles on Data Mining, Knowledge Discovery, Genomic Mining, Web Mining that range from the serious to the silly, along with other resources. For a brief history of data mining and related fields, visit this website (7). Finally, The Data Mine website (8) is an excellent place to venture into further explorations on Data Mining. This has been added to Data Mining Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog.[From The NSDL Scout Report for Math, Engineering, and Technology, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2005. http://scout.wisc.edu/] posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ![]() Nextaris http://www.nextaris.com/ Nextaris is an entirely new concept; an all- in-one set of web-based tools for searching the Web, capturing content, saving/sharing files, publishing blogs, messaging and networking. This has been added to the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM ![]() Seacode http://www.sea-code.com/ SeaCode presents an innovative service which offers the reduced costs of distant-shore software development while providing the operational benefits and accessibility of a U.S. based onshore location. Another SeaCode benefit is that 90% of revenue stays in the U.S. instead of flowing out of the U.S. to distant-shore outsourcing locations. 3.1 Miles off the Coast of Los Angeles 600 world-class software engineers deliver software. Unsurpassed physical and virtual security, including the protection of U.S. Intellectual Property laws and only minutes from Los Angeles International Airport. 2X to 3X faster delivery of product as split teams of engineers work around the clock. On-board 'hotelling' for face to face collaboration and knowledge transfer, coupled with state-of-the-art conferencing facilities, ensure timely and responsive delivery even in dynamic design situations. This has been added to Outsourcing/Offshoring Information and Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Summarizer Ranks Sentences By Kimberly Patch, Technology Research News http://www.trnmag.com/Stories/2005/042005/Summarizer_ranks_sentences_042005.html Because computers don't understand the meanings of words and sentences, automating the seemingly simple task of summarizing a news story using several sources is a major computer science challenge. Key to meeting the challenge is finding a way to identify the most important sentences from a set of documents on the same subject. Researchers from the University of Michigan have developed a multi-document summarization technique that compares sentences and has the effect of sentences voting for the most important among them. The method, dubbed LexRank, combines the content-sorting concepts of prestige and lexical similarity to find the most important sentences in a group of documents on the same subject. This has been added to Artificial Intelligence Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() SDARTS - A Protocol and Toolkit for Metasearching SDARTS - A Protocol and Toolkit for Metasearching http://sdarts.cs.columbia.edu/ SDARTS was developed as part of PERSIVAL (an NSF Digital Library Initiative--Phase 2 project) at the Computer Science Department of Columbia University. SDARTS is a hybrid of two previously existing protocols, STARTS and SDLIP. SDARTS is essentially an instantiation of the SDLIP protocol with a richer set of metadata, which can be effectively used for building sophisticated metasearchers. SDARTS makes a wide variety of collections with heterogeneous interfaces accessible under one uniform interface. The SDARTS toolkit provides ready-to-use, configurable wrappers. They can be used directly for wrapping locally available text and XML collections, and for wrapping web-accessible databases. The SDARTS toolkit also contains two optional sets of applications: The OAI SDARTS Cooperative Suite, which can makes SDARTS OAI-compliant and enables SDARTS to access OAI-compliant collections. They provide the SDARTS Automatic Content Summary Extraction for remote web databases, which extracts statistics about the vocabulary and the word frequencies of web databases over which SDARTS does not have immediate access. This has been added to Deep Web Research Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() Bar Code Number Source - Subdivisions http://www.buyabarcode.com/ A bar code, also known as a UPC (Universal Product Code), is simply a tag that allows retailers to easily track sales of your product within their inventory system. When you go to sell your product at a retail establishment (i.e. Tower Records, Wherehouse Records, or Amazon.com), that establishment will have you fill out forms to get your product and billing information. On the forms, they will also ask for your Bar Code number which will act as a tag for these forms. This way, when a cashier scans your bar code in the future, the system will know to give your product credit for a sale. This site offers a fast, easy and inexpensive way to obtain your own UCC registered UPC Bar Code. This has been added to Reference Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Saturday, May 07, 2005 ![]() The World Factbook World Factbook 2005 http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/index.html The World Factbook 2005 is now available on the Central Intelligence Agency Web site. The World Factbook remains the CIA's most widely disseminated and most popular product, now averaging more than 6 million visits each month. In addition, tens of thousands of government, commercial, academic, and other Web sites link to or replicate the online version of the Factbook. Although this reference site provides information as of 1 January 2005, it will be updated biweekly throughout the year to provide wide-ranging and hard-to-locate information about the background, geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for countries from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. The nine primary information categories and the 139 subcategories for most entities include geographic coordinates, gross domestic product, number of mobile cellular telephones, natural resources, legal systems, political parties, illicit drugs, mortality rates, and much more. Included among the 271 geographic listings is one for the "World," which incorporates data and other information summarized where possible from the other 270 listings. The World Factbook 2005 contains six appendices with reference information ranging from abbreviations and descriptions of international organizations and groups to cross-referenced lists of country data codes. The 2005 edition includes 15 reference maps, which are available in both JPEG and PDF formats. Many country maps and flags have been updated to reflect changes and refinements over the past year. Six new entries have been added to The World Factbook 2005. In the people category, a major infectious diseases field has been added for countries deemed to pose a higher degree of risk for travelers. In the economy category, entries have been included for current account balance, investment (gross fixed), public debt, and reserves of foreign exchange and gold. The transnational issues category has a new refugees and internally displaced persons entry. Revision of some individual country maps, first introduced in the 2001 edition, is continued in this edition. This has been added to Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ![]() Behavior OnLine - The Mental Health and Behavioral Science Meeting Place http://www.behavior.net/ Behavior OnLine: The Mental Health and Behavioral Science Meeting Place aspires to be the premier World Wide Web gathering place for mental health professionals and applied behavioral scientists--a place where professionals of every discipline can feel at home. Behavior OnLine will thrive only if many people and organizations participate and help to shape it. Behavior OnLine is a registered trademark of Behavior OnLine, Inc. This has been added to Social Informatics Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM ![]() Blog Torrent http://www.blogtorrent.com/ Blog Torrent is software that makes it much easier to share and download files using the bittorrent protocol. Blog Torrent is easy to install on your website: we don't require MySQL so installation is as easy as uploading a folder to your web host, and all administration happens in the web interface. Blog Torrent is easy for users: even if they don't know what bittorrent is, they get an installer that downloads the file they want. But most of all, Blog Torrent makes publishing with bittorrent painless. Just click "upload", pick a file, and you're done. This is our preview release and it has a lot of bugs and rough edges... but we're smoothing them out for the next version, so stay tuned. This has been added to Deep Web Research Subject Tracer™ Information Blog.This has been added to World Wide Web Reference Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. This has been added to the resources section of my Bots, Blogs and News Aggregators presentation. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Farmer's Markets Listed By State Farmers Markets Listed By State http://www.ams.usda.gov/farmersmarkets/map.htm A nice resource when you are looking for frssh produce and products directly from the farm especially for the upcoming summer season! posted by Marcus | 4:12 AM ![]() Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy (ISERP) http://www.iserp.columbia.edu/ The Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy (ISERP) is the research arm of the social sciences at Columbia University. The mission of the Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy is to catalyze and produce pioneering social science research and to shape public policy by integrating knowledge and methods across the social science disciplines. This has been added to Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() Advancing Knowledge and the Knowledge Economy http://advancingknowledge.com/ The attention paid to the burgeoning "knowledge economy" continues to grow, particularly within the halls of higher education, the federal government, and in the private sector. This past January, the National Science Foundation (in collaboration with other institutions) convened a conference designed "to broaden and deepen common understanding of how difficult-to-measure knowledge resources drive an increasing virtualized economy and to assess prospects for advancing and regenerating knowledge infrastructure, institutions, and policies." While the conference itself is finished, users interested in these themes will appreciate this site, which offers some material about these various issues, along with material on the program itself and the work presented there. After examining these background materials, visitors will want to peruse the draft papers presented at the conference, which deal with networks of knowledge, measuring knowledge, and knowledge clusters. This has been added to Knowledge Discovery Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. [From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2005. http://scout.wisc.edu/] posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Friday, May 06, 2005 ![]() Image Seeker http://www.ltutech.com/Image-Seeker.htm LTU Image-Seeker™ is a comprehensive search and retrieval software for visual assets. Image-Seeker boasts: a) Fully configurable browser-based interface, b) Advanced visual and text search, and c) Highly scalable server-side software architecture. When Image-Seeker is used in conjunction with a Web "crawler" (or "spider"), it allows for surveillance of images on the Internet, in particular for applications such as: 1) Intelligence and monitoring of published/exchanged images, 2) Counterfeit monitoring and unauthorized Sales, 3) Visual trademark and copyright protection, 4) Brand abuse tracking, and 5) Market/Competitive intelligence. This has been added to Business Intelligence Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. This will be added to Competitive Intelligence Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ![]() Reveries Magazine http://www.reveries.com/ Reveries Magazine launched on October 15, 1996 and has steadily developed into a favorite of thought-leading marketers at companies and agencies, large and small, in America and around the world. Centered on the insights, ideas and energies that drive the future of marketing. This has been added to Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations Rersources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM ![]() Search Engines, Startup Media Sites Dream of Becoming Video Hubs by Mark Glaser http://www.ojr.org/ojr/stories/050426glaser/ Grassroots sites Ourmedia.org and Brightcove and search engines like Singingfish and Google try to bring order to online video chaos -- but big broadcasters are torn between Napsterization and "The Long Tail". Interesting and truly exciting times for videoizing the Internet and soon open source will be joining!! posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Journal of Online Behavior (JOB) http://www.behavior.net/JOB/ The Journal of Online Behavior (JOB) is concerned with the empirical study of human behavior in the online environment, and with the impact of evolving communication and information technology upon individuals, groups, organizations, and society. It is a peer-reviewed, behavioral science/social science journal, with editorial board members from several countries and disciplinary affiliations. The journal is published electronically on the World Wide Web, and in printed form. Each article published on the Web will be accompanied by an interactive discussion space, a pointer to which will accompany the article site. Significant comments from discussions may accompany the paper publication. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() The Webcomic List http://www.thewebcomiclist.com/ The Webcomic List primarily helps you keep track of which of your favourite comics have updated. To do this they monitor over 2300 comics, checking them several times a day; this enables them to keep you updated as fast as possible. This has been added to Reference Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() Defense Industry Daily http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/ Defense Industry Daily covers the daily happenings in the defense contracting business, providing a comprehensive resource for new systems, RFPs, government processes, new technologies and related developments. It is published each weekday by Watershed Publishing LLC in Chesapeake City, Maryland. This will be added to Business Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Thursday, May 05, 2005 ![]() CCRS - Chinese Company Research Services China Company Research Services (CCRS) http://www.ccrs.info/ CCRS provides accurate and detailed information on Chinese companies. The data is locally sourced by Chinese researchers, then edited and assessed by experienced Western company information analysts. The result is the best possible combination of Chinese resource and Western insight. This has been added to International Trade Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ![]() OpenRAW http://www.openraw.org OpenRAW is a group of photographers and other interested people advocating the open documentation of digital camera RAW files. After Canon dropped support for their Canon D30 DSLR in their latest software release and Nikon removed features of their own RAW converter Nikon Capture, plus the encryption of features in Nikon's D2x digital camera RAW format (NEF), some members of the mailing list D1scussion founded the OpenRAW mailing list to coordinate their efforts to motivate camera makers to openly document their individual RAW formats. This web site is the first result from this discussion and has the goal to gain public awareness of the RAW Problem. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM ![]() BSML - Bioinformatics Sequence Markup Language http://www.bsml.org/ An Emerging Industry Standard for Linking Genomic Sequences to Biological Function. Extensible Markup Languages describe data in a way that captures the semantics of encoded information, allowing more efficient access to information. BSML is an extensible language specification and container for bioinformatic data. BSML encodes biological sequence information and includes graphical representations of biologically meaningful objects such as sequences, genes, electrophoresis gels, and multiple alignments. This has been added to Biological Informatics Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Stanford Copyright & Fair Use Center http://fairuse.stanford.edu/ An excellent resource for copyright and fair use sponsored by Stanford University Libraries & Academic Information Resources (SULAR). It has the following categories: 1) Copyright and Fair Use Overview, 2) Primary Materials, 3) Copyright and Fair Use Guide, 4) Key Copyright Sites, 5) Current Issues and Legislation, 6) Resources for Librarians, and 7) Commentary and Analysis. This has been added to Reference Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() Cynthia Says™ Portal http://www.contentquality.com/ Cynthia is a web content accessibility validation solution, it is designed to identify errors in design related to Section 508 standards and the WCAG guidelines. The main purpose of this portal is to educate web site developers in the development Web Based content that is accessible to all. This online test only validates one page at a time. Note this demo will test about one (1) page per minute / per site. The goal of this service to provide a free, well supported, accessibility validation tester for those who need to test a page and to expose them to the underlying technology and the benefits of using the technology. The Cynthia Says portal is a joint Education and Outreach project of ICDRI, The Internet Society Disability and Special Needs Chapter and HiSoftware. This has been added to World Wide Web Reference Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() IMF: Financial Market Update http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fmu/eng/index.asp A series of informal Financial Market Updates has been initiated to cover global financial market developments. IMF: Financial Market Updates will be produced twice a year and timed to fall between the semi-annual publication of the Global Financial Stability Report. This has been added to Financial Sources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Wednesday, May 04, 2005 ![]() NERAC Nerac - Find Research Information - People Powered Searching http://www.nerac.com/default.htm Nerac delivers mission-critical information to busy professionals who need to make informed decisions concerning science, technology, intellectual property and business development. It is superior to other services because only Nerac provides nearly 100 engineers and scientists who work directly with you. Their collaborative approach uncovers vital information, saves you valuable time and allows you to perform more effectively. This has been added to Internet Experts Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. There new blog did a review on my Deep Web Research Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ![]() imgSeek imgSeek http://imgseek.python-hosting.com/ imgSeek is a photo collection manager and viewer with content-based search and many other features. The query is expressed either as a rough sketch painted by the user or as another image you supply (or an image in your collection). The searching algorithm makes use of multiresolution wavelet decomposition of the query and database images. This has been added to the search engines section of all the 2005 Internet MiniGuides. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM ![]() FDA Guidance Documents http://www.fda.gov/cder/guidance/guidance.htm Guidance documents represent the Agency's current thinking on a particular subject. They do not create or confer any rights for or on any person and do not operate to bind FDA or the public. An alternative approach may be used if such approach satisfies the requirements of the applicable statute, regulations, or both. For information on a specific guidance document, please contact the originating office. This has been added to Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Open Media Network (OMN) http://www.omn.org/index.htm Open Media Network (OMN) is a free public service designed to help you enjoy a broad selection of movies, public TV and radio, video blogs and podcasts while protecting producer's copyrights. The Open Media Network is powered by Kontiki Grid Delivery technology. Kontiki provides a secure, commercial alternative to BitTorrent. Kontiki has been deployed by many producers for delivery of authorized content. With OMN installed, users can download, view and listen to audio and video programs (Podcasts, Video Blogs, Movies, TV Programs, Music and News). A future feature will allow users to organize programs by entering personal tags as well as ratings and comments. Users can also automatically receive content directly in their OMN guide by subscribing to Season Tickets. This has been added to my presentation Bots, Blogs and News Aggregators resource listing. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() The PubChem Project http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ PubChem contains the chemical structures of small organic molecules and information on their biological activities. PubChem is intended to support the Molecular Libraries and Imaging component of the NIH Roadmap Initiative. PubChem's chemical structure database may be searched on the basis of descriptive terms, chemical properties, and structural similarity. When possible, PubChem's chemical structure records are linked to other NCBI databases. These include the PubMed scientific literature database, for example, and NCBI's protein 3D structure database. PubChem also contains the results of high-throughput biological screening experiments. PubChem is organized as three linked databases within the Entrez/PubMed information retrieval system. These are PubChem Substance, PubChem Compound, and PubChem BioAssay. PubChem also provides PubChem Structure Search, a fast chemical structure similarity search tool that links to the PubChem Compound and PubChem Substance databases. More information about using each component database may be found by links above. A PubChem FTP site is also available. This has been added to Biological Informatics Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() EPoCH - Excellence in Processing Open Cultural Heritage http://www.epoch-net.org/ EPOCH is a network of about a hundred European cultural institutions joining their efforts to improve the quality and effectiveness of the use of Information and Communication Technology for Cultural Heritage. Participants include university departments, research centres, heritage institutions, such as museums or national heritage agencies, and commercial enterprises, together endeavouring to overcome the fragmentation of current research in this field. This has been added to Reference Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Tuesday, May 03, 2005 ![]() Eternal Egypt Eternal Egypt http://www.eternalegypt.org/ Eternal Egypt brings to light over five thousand years of Egyptian civilization. Eternal Egypt is a living record of a land rich in art and history, people and places, myths and religions. The stories of Eternal Egypt are told using the latest interactive technologies, high-resolution imagery, animations, virtual environments, remote cameras, three-dimensional models and more. There are many ways to begin your journey through Eternal Egypt. The guided tour is a quick way to experience the best that the site has to offer. You can also begin with one of the cultural highlights below, or make your own discoveries using one of the many other ways to explore. This has been added to Reference Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ![]() EXPLORATOR http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Explorator/ EXPLORATOR is a free weekly newletter representing the fruits of the labours of 'media research division' of The Atrium. Various on-line news and magazine sources are scoured on a daily basis for news of the ancient world (broadly construed: practically anything relating to archaeology or history prior to about 1700 or so is fair game) and they are delivered to your mailbox free of charge every Sunday morning! This has been added to Reference Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM ![]() The 2005 e-Readiness Rankings http://www.eiu.com/site_info.asp?info_name=eiu_2005_e_readiness_rankings The past year was perhaps the first since the technology bubble burst that the global economy has felt comfortable in a digital skin. Spending on ICT showed renewed buoyancy in developed markets, while in emerging markets growth and connectivity-individuals' and organisations' access to voice and data communications-continued on a rapid ascent. Our e-readiness ranking measure a country's accumulated telecoms and computer infrastructure. The criteria we use also evolve with the infrastructure itself: this year we have increased the importance of broadband (both fixed and mobile), which is why many e-ready leaders have seen their ranking rise. Denmark has retained the top position it gained in 2004, but the US, which last year fell to 6th place has recovered the number two position. Switzerland has climbed to 4th place owning to its steady growth in broadband. The UK has slipped to 5th place this year from 2nd place in 2004; it continues to enjoy high levels of connectivity and benefits from government commitment to achieving information society objectives, but education is one area where the UK is weaker than previously thought. This has been added to eCommerce Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Universal Similarity by P. Vitanyi http://arxiv.org/pdf/cs.IR/0504089 Abstract: We survey a new area of parameter-free similarity distance measures useful in data-mining, pattern recognition, learning and automatic semantics extraction. Given a family of distances on a set of objects, a distance is universal up to a certain precision for that family if it minorizes every distance in the family between every two objects in the set, up to the stated precision (we do not require the universal distance to be an element of the family). We consider similarity distances for two types of objects: literal objects that as such contain all of their meaning, like genomes or books, and names for objects. meaning, like genomes or books, and names for objects. The latter may have literal embodyments like the first type, but may also be abstract like ``red'' or ``christianity.'' For the first type we consider a family of computable distance measures corresponding to parameters expressing similarity according to particular features between pairs of literal objects. For the second type we consider similarity distances generated by web users corresponding to particular semantic relations between the (names for) the designated objects. For both families we give universal similarity distance measures, incorporating all particular distance measures in the family. In the first case the universal distance is based on compression and in the second case it is based on Google page counts related to search terms. In both cases experiments on a massive scale give evidence of the viability of the approaches. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() Healthcare Bots and Subject Directories Healthcare Bots and Subject Directories ![]() http://virtualprivatelibrary.blogspot.com/Healthcare Bots and Subject Directories.pdf Internet MiniGuide White Paper Link Compilation titled "Healthcare Bots and Subject Directories" is a 20 page research paper listing selected resources both new and existing that will help anyone who is attempting to find the latest information about healthcare search engines and subject directories available on the Internet. It is freely available as a .pdf file (424KB) at the above link from the Virtual Private Library™ and authored by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. It was updated 09-12-06. Other white papers are available by clicking here. ![]() ![]() This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. posted by Marcus | 4:06 AM ![]() ObitsArchive.com - Newspaper Obituary Search http://www.obitsarchive.com/ ObitsArchive.com is the largest and most comprehensive collection of newspaper obituaries and death notices in the United States. Each obituary or death notice is indexed by the name of the deceased person, to make searching easier and more precise. In addition, the text of each obituary or death notice is searchable, making it easy to find just what you're looking for using a place of residence, occupation, names of family members, or other personal information. This has been added to Genealogy Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems (IJCIS) http://ejournals.wspc.com.sg/ijcis/ijcis.shtml The paradigm for the next generation of information systems (ISs) will involve large numbers of ISs distributed over large, complex computer/communication networks. Such ISs will manage or have access to large amounts of information and computing services and will interoperate as required. These support individual or collaborative human work. Communication among component systems will be done using protocols that range from conventional ones to those based on distributed AI. We call such next generation ISs Cooperative Information Systems (CIS). posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Monday, May 02, 2005 ![]() Business Intelligence Online Resources This mp3 broadcast edition of Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. May 2, 2005 V3N18 discusses Business Intelligence Online Resources. Click on the below audio mp3 broadcast to hear Marcus P. Zillman describing this latest annotated white paper link compilation that he authored and maintains. View the site at: Business Intelligence Online Resources http://zillman.blogspot.com/2005/04/business-intelligence-online-resources.html ![]() ![]() ![]() AHRQ Patient Safety Network AHRQ Patient Safety Network (PSNet) http://psnet.ahrq.gov/ AHRQ Patient Safety Network (PSNet) is a new national web-based resource featuring the latest news and essential resources on patient safety. The site offers weekly updates of patient safety literature, news, tools, and meetings (“What’s New”), and a vast set of carefully annotated links to important research and other information on patient safety (“The Collection”). Supported by a robust patient safety taxonomy and web architecture, AHRQ PSNet provides powerful searching and browsing capability, as well as the ability for diverse users to customize the site around their interests (My PSNet). It also is tightly coupled with AHRQ WebM&M, the popular monthly journal that features user-submitted cases of medical errors, expert commentaries, and perspectives on patient safety. AHRQ PSNet and AHRQ WebM&M are both funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and edited by a team at the University of California, San Francisco, with the technical support of Silverchair. This will be added to Healthcare Resources 2005 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ![]() Blogspotting - BusinessWeek http://www.businessweek.com/the_thread/blogspotting/ We continue to see the mainstream become involved with blogs. One of the latest is BusinessWeek with their blog titled BlogSpotting featuring the writings of veterans Stephen Baker and Heather Green. It will be very interesting to watch the mainstream media and how they will end up using blogs and the exponential continuing growth of the blogosphere. This has been added to my presentation Bots, Blogs and News Aggregators. Feel free to contact me about giving this presentation to your company or association about the future of the Internet and how it will definitely affect everything that we do! posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM ![]() Government Gazettes Online Government Gazettes Online http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/gazettes/ Government Gazettes, which are published by federal governments worldwide, are the means through which the government can communicate to officials and the general public. Although most countries publish a gazette, their regularity and content varies widely, which is noted in the description of each gazette. Gazettes are useful not only to monitor the actions of the government, but also as primary source documentation in research. This website attempts to list all online government gazettes and their characteristics to aid researchers. A description of the contents and coverage are included for each gazette. Anyone wishing to do further research on foreign law will find useful resources in the bibliography. This has been added to Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() Design Directory Design Directory - An International Design Links Database http://www.dexigner.com/directory/ Design Directory - An International Design Links Database. 4361 design links in 1625 categories and 2,526,197 page views. This has been added to Directory Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() The Infinite Library By Wade Roush http://www.technologyreview.com/articles/05/05/issue/feature_library.asp?p=1 The Bodleian Library at the University of Oxford in England is the only place you are likely to find an Ethernet port that looks like a book. Built into the ancient bookcases dominating the oldest wing of the 402-year-old library, the brown plastic ports share shelf space with handwritten catalogues of the university’s medieval manuscripts and other materials. Some of the volumes are still chained to the shelves, a 17th-century innovation designed to discourage borrowing. But thanks to the Ethernet ports and the university’s effort to digitize irreplaceable books like the catalogues—which often contain the only clue to locating an obscure book or manuscript elsewhere in the vast library—users of the Bodleian don’t even need to take the books off the shelves. They can simply plug in their laptops, connect to the Internet, and view the pertinent pages online. In fact, anyone with a Web browser can read the catalogues, a privilege once restricted to those fortunate enough to be teaching or studying at Oxford. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Sunday, May 01, 2005 ![]() Meteor Showers 1) Comets and Meteor Showers http://comets.amsmeteors.org/ 2) IMO: The International Meteor Organization http://www.imo.net/index.html 3) The American Meteor Society http://www.amsmeteors.org/ 4) NAMN: North American Meteor Network http://www.namnmeteors.org/ 5) Association of Lunar & Planetary Observers (A.L.P.O.) Meteors Section http://www.lpl.arizona.edu/~rhill/alpo/meteor.html 6) The Meteoritical Society http://www.meteoriticalsociety.org/ 7) Meteorites from Antarctica http://www-curator.jsc.nasa.gov/curator/antmet/antmet.htm 8) Paper Plate Education: Meteor Shower http://analyzer.depaul.edu/paperplate/ First, Gary Kronk, sponsored by the American Meteor Society, provides information on the meteor shower, The Leonids, as well as a meteor-observing calendar (1). Users can also learn about the differences between comets and meteors. The second website features the International Meteor Organization's (IMO) research, news, software, and observational results (2). Students can learn about the many observation methods such as telescopic and fireball observations. Next, the American Meteor Society promotes meteor astronomy research activities of both amateurs and professionals (3). Visitors can view fascinating meteor images, learn about the Meteor Spectroscopy Project, discover recent meteor observations, and much more. The fourth website presents the North American Meteor Network's (NAMN) function to promote astronomy, teach the methods of meteor observation, and coordinate observations (4). Users can find data on recent meteor and fireball observations. Next, the Association of Lunar & Planetary Observers (A.L.P.O.) Meteors Section furnishes highlights of upcoming and recent meteor showers (5). Individuals can also find detailed descriptions of each week's meteor activities. At the sixth website, the Meteoritical Society offers materials on news, events, and resources about meteorites, asteroids, and other planetary phenomena (6). Educators can find a series of links to educational websites. Astronomers can learn about meteoritic publications, membership opportunities, and research. Next, NASA offers a database of Antarctic meteorites (7). The website supplies the _Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter_, sample request forms and guidelines, and information on meteorite collection and interpretation. Lastly, Paper Plate Education, supported by DePaul University, the Office of Space Science Center for Education and Outreach, the Space Telescope Science Institute, and the Great Lakes Planetarium Association, teaches students about the path of meteors through an entertaining hands-on activity (8). The activity, to be done during a meteor shower, requires only a star chart, which can be printed from the website, and a paper plate. This has been added to Astronomy Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. [From The NSDL Scout Report for the Physical Sciences, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2005. http://scout.wisc.edu/] posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ![]() Journal of Digital Information http://jodi.tamu.edu/ The Journal of Digital Information is one of the original open source freely available online journals on the Internet. This is an excellent resource both for research as well as reference for digital information and its related fields. This has been added to Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM ![]() PeerCast P2P Radio http://www.peercast.org/ PeerCast is a new, free way to listen to radio and watch video on the Internet. It uses P2P technology to let anyone become a broadcaster without the costs of traditional streaming. This means you get to hear and watch stations not normally found on commercially funded sites. This has been added to Deep Web Research Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Freetag - an Open Source Tagging / Folksonomy Module http://www.getluky.net/freetag/ Freetag - an Open Source Tagging / Folksonomy module for PHP/MySQL applications. Freetag is an easy tagging and folksonomy-enabled plugin for use with MySQL-PHP applications. It allows you to create tags on existing database schemas, and access and manage your tags through a robust API. This has been added to World Wide Web Reference Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM ![]() e-Service Journal http://www.e-sj.org/index.html The e-Service Journal is a multi-disciplinary journal aimed at publishing high-quality, original, innovative, peer-reviewed research about the design, delivery and impact of electronic services rendered using a variety of computing and communication technologies. The journal combines both private sector and public sector perspectives regarding electronic services and thus bridges e-business and e-government. This has been added to eCommerce Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() YouSendIt - eMail Large Files Quickly, Securely and Easily http://www.yousendit.com/ File to big for eMail? Try USendIt. Enter your recipient's email address, choose a file to store on YouSendIt server, click on Send It button to send a link. Your privacy is guaranteed and you can send up to a 1gig file! This free service is well worth the bookmark to use when you need to send big files normally and securely! This has been added to the tool section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM |
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