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Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. Author/Speaker/Consultant Internet Happenings, Events and Sources |
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![]() Thursday, July 31, 2003 Opinion-Pages (Opinions, Ideas and Commentary) http://www.opinion-pages.org/ The best access to the most current editorials, opinions, commentaries and columnists from English newspapers and magazines on the World Wide Web. Search editorial and opinion pages from more than 600 publications around the world. Search more than 200 Letters to the Editor Web pages. Reindexed every night, the Letters to the Editor database includes the sites listed on the Opinion-Pages "Alternative Views" page. This specialized Web site is indexed each day for easy keyword search. An excellent resource for staying current on public affairs and events and I have included as part of my eCurrent Awareness Resources™ 2003. posted by Marcus | 12:31 PM BioMed Central is an independent publisher of biomedical and clinical journals and information services. It published more than 90 peer-reviewed Open Access journals. BioMed Central http://www.biomedcentral.com/ posted by Marcus | 10:20 AM A new research resource that looks to be well defined with competent backing has just entered the World Wide Web magazine scene. Named KeepMedia this fee-based site archives issues of over 140 magazines, newspapers and more and allows you to search for previous articles as well. Suggested article clipping service is available and you may browse, search, share and keep as many archives as you want. Free 7 day trial is mentioned on the home page. KeepMedia http://www.keepmedia.com/ posted by Marcus | 7:38 AM Two excellent search resources for the professional as well as the internaut who searches the Internet on a rountine basis: GeniusFind http://www.geniusfind.com/ The website states "GeniusFind categorizes thousands of topic-specific search engines and databases." The SuperSearchers Web Page http://www.infotoday.com/supersearchers/ This page features a growing collection of links to subject-specific Web resources recommended by the world’s leading online searchers. Learn what the experts are using to find resources on the Internet. posted by Marcus | 7:26 AM The Future of Human Knowledge: The Semantic Web http://www.technewsworld.com/perl/story/31199.html Some serious computer scientists, although cautious about the promise of the Semantic Web, are ultimately optimistic that it will be everything developers are hoping for -- an online source for all of the knowledge humanity has created in science, business and the arts. This is an excellent article that clearly and precisely defines the current happenings concerning The Semantic Web. posted by Marcus | 7:13 AM Wednesday, July 30, 2003 HubMed: PubMed Rewired - An alternative interface to the PubMed medical literature database. The HubMed Citation Finder is also a robust tool. Overall an excellent site that brings a number of unique searching interfaces together to assist the serious medical searcher. Definitely a bookmark! HubMed http://www.pmbrowser.info/ HubMed Citation Finder http://www.pmbrowser.info/pmcitation.htm posted by Marcus | 8:25 AM Biologging is a community website for biomedical researchers. Biologging allows you to create your own annotated store of abstracts, and to browse the logs of other users. The easiest way to submit posts to your personal weblog within biologging is by using the 'Blog This' buttons in HubMed. All posts are listed in the User Blogs section. Those that are considered to be relevant to a wide audience are promoted by the editors to the front page (at some point this should become a community-voted process). Biologging can also be used to bring important news items and events to the attention of the biomedical research community. The 'site cloud' and 'news feeds' sections contain content from external related sites, while the forum and polls allow discussion between users within the site. An excellent site for the biomedical researcher! Biologging http://www.pmbrowser.info/drupal/ posted by Marcus | 8:19 AM Tuesday, July 29, 2003 My August 2003 column is now available and is titled Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet . This column features the resources that I mention in my June and July Audio Editions of Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet. You may download a complimentary copy of the August 2003 column ( a .pdf file) by clicking here. You may listen to the weekly editions of the June and July Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet by clicking here. Enjoy! posted by Marcus | 5:23 PM Some very interesting sources that convert Google™ News Search into RSS feeds are listed below. We continue to observe the power of RSS feeds and the convergence of this technology into mainstream. Google News to RSS Feed http://myxo.css.msu.edu/danimal/portal/gnews2rss.pl Gnews2RSS http://www.voidstar.com/gnews2rss.php posted by Marcus | 8:06 AM PubMed Browser is an excellent tool for browsing 40 years of medical literature contained in the MEDLINE database, by exploring links between related articles powered by TouchGraph. PubMed Browser http://www.pmbrowser.info/pubmed.htm posted by Marcus | 7:53 AM GetNetWise is a public service brought to you by Internet industry corporations and public interest organizations to help ensure that Internet users have safe, constructive, and educational or entertaining online experiences. The GetNetWise coalition wants Internet users to be just "one click away" from the resources they need to make informed decisions about their and their family's use of the Internet. More information is available. GetNetWise is a project of the Internet Education Foundation. GetNetWise http://www.getnetwise.org/ posted by Marcus | 7:40 AM An interesting article from Reuters reported on Forbes created by Harris Interactive and Teenage Research Unlimited last month for Yahoo and Carat North America. The report surveyed 2,618 youth ages 13 to 24 and reported that they "spend nearly 17 hours online each week, not including time used to read and send electronic mail, compared with almost 14 hours spent watching television and 12 hours listening to the radio". This definitely deserves watching and this could be the beginning of a culture shift that could affect all parts of the American psyche and economy. Forbes Article - Youth spend more time on Web than TV-study http://www.forbes.com/execpicks/newswire/2003/07/24/rtr1037488.html posted by Marcus | 7:26 AM Monday, July 28, 2003 This edition of Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. (July 28, 2003 V1N9) is dedicated to the latest and most competent sources for Search Templates and All-In-One Search Pages on the Internet. Click on the below audblog for my audio summary and additional information! Click here to request my complimentary comprehensive listing of Search Templates and All-In-One Search Pages on the Internet resources and URLs. ![]() An excellent online blog resource from Weblogs at Harvard Law. This Harvard Weblogs: News Aggregator is hosted by the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School. The site lists the most recent stories from news feeds that the Managing Editor of the site has subscribed to. Each hour the news aggregator scans subscribed feeds for new stories, which are displayed on this page from newest to oldest. An excellent resource that should be a bookmark for all! Harvard Weblogs: News Aggregator http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/aggregator/ posted by Marcus | 7:21 AM Sunday, July 27, 2003 The Internet is being used as a collaborative tool to speed up research and development. There are a number of projects currently being implemented including Star Tiger and SARS Accelerated Vaccine Initiative (SAVI). Private vendors are becoming more involved by offering software that is designed to accelerate research and development from years to months. One such private firm involved with SAVI is Knexa. This is a very exciting area and the benefits that will be derived will have untold advances in all areas of human involvement!! Another example of the power of the Internet as a collaborative tool! If you are interested in various collaborative tools one of the best websites on the Internet is Conferencing on the Web a comprehensive guide to software that powers discussions on the internet. posted by Marcus | 11:47 AM Saturday, July 26, 2003 An excellent international business resource that gives complete business data and statistics on 190+ countries. This is an excellent resource and has been listed as a top global business resource for years. I have continued to list in in my International Trade Resources 2002 professional Internet miniguide available from InternetMiniguides.com. Visit this comprehensive global business site and bookmark: GlobalEDGE http://globaledge.msu.edu/ibrd/ibrd.asp posted by Marcus | 8:19 AM Friday, July 25, 2003 How many blogs are on the World Wide Web? How many are increasing daily? How many people read blogs? Where can I find statistics on blogs? An excellent site that will answer those questions and more: BlogCount http://dijest.com/bc/ posted by Marcus | 8:35 AM TheBrain Technologies Corporation features a dynamic visual interface of thoughts that contains it all—your files, Web pages and applications—all linked the way you think! Their web site states: "PersonalBrain helps you organize all your Web pages, contacts, documents, e-mails and files in one place so that you can always find them—just like you think of them. This saves you time and makes your life easier! With PersonalBrain you can even find related items—that you worked on—but forgot existed." There are a number of virtual personal organizers available on the Internet and this one clearly is more robust and comprehensive than many of the others currently available. Worth a look and test drive especially if you need help in organizing your Web pages, contacts, documents, e-mails and files! PersonalBrain http://www.thebrain.com/ posted by Marcus | 7:52 AM Thursday, July 24, 2003 There are many search entities available today to search the Internet for audio and video files and streams. One of the overall best search engines that consistently returns excellent results for audio and video is called SingingFish and has been around long enought to establish an excellent reputation in the field of search retrieval. I searched for some of my previous Internet-101.com thirty minute streamed television shows and found them with one click......nice search algorithms! If you are serious about searching for audio and video files/streams on the Internet this is an excellent resource: SingingFish http://www.singingfish.com/ posted by Marcus | 3:52 PM BlogChaulking is collaboratively mapping weblogs for smarter blogsearching. The site explains BlogChaulking in this narrative: We have our blogs, like to read each other's and it would be cool to discover blogs from people living next to us. But there isn't a good seach engine for that So, we visit here and use a simple form to generate a special HTML code to add to our blogs. It contains some geographical information. Then, we wait for search engines to index our blogs, with the new code. After that, we expect to be able to search for blogs from a specific place, using the search engines. BlogChaulk Search Only Search Engine: Brian St. Pierre's http://bstpierre.org/bc/ "Chaulked" Search Engines: All the Web http://www.alltheweb.com Google™ http://www.google.com/ DayPop http://www.daypop.com/ Altavista http://www.altavista.com/ And of course there is now BlogChaulking Reverse! First, we used offline signs to map the online environment. Why not do the reverse? BlogChalking Reverse is about using our online blogography to spread web signs over the world. posted by Marcus | 8:36 AM Wednesday, July 23, 2003 With the exponential growth in the last year of Blogs and now the keen interest in Wikis, it was only a matter of time that a site would be created to analyze and compare the characteristics and differences of both Blogs and Wikis. What also is very interesting about this site is that it also discusses in great detail with many hyperlinks what would happen if we would fuse together both Blogs and Wikis and why we would fuse them. An excellent site that may give us a glympse of the future of the WikiAndBlog sphere of happenings! WikiAndBlog http://ferret.bemidjistate.edu/~morgan/cgi-bin/blogsandwiki.pl?WikiAndBlog posted by Marcus | 7:34 AM A site that lists many computer programs for social network analysis. This site has a list with associated hyperlinks to a number of computer programs directly related to social network analysis. Computer Programs for Social Network Analysis http://www.sfu.ca/~insna/INSNA/soft_inf.html posted by Marcus | 7:25 AM Tuesday, July 22, 2003 Another excellent search engine for breaking news, current news and current weblog postings is available from the RocketInfo folks. Categories available from the drop down menu include: General, Business/Finance, Science, Technology, Health, Sports, Entertainment and Weblogs. I queried "current awareness" in "weblogs" and received all my postings on Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet from the last 5 days! RocketNews - Breaking News and Weblog Search Engine posted by Marcus | 4:05 PM An excellent resource for healthcare database and system developers as well as healthcare information research and retrieval professionals is the Unified Medical Language System® through the National Library of Medicine. NLM's Unified Medical Language System® (UMLS®) project develops and distributes multi-purpose, electronic "Knowledge Sources" and associated lexical programs. System developers can use the UMLS products to enhance their applications -- in systems focused on patient data, digital libraries, Web and bibliographic retrieval, natural language processing, and decision support. Researchers will find the UMLS® products useful in investigating knowledge representation and retrieval questions. I feel that UMLS® will be the foundation for the future of healthcare database and system development as well as healthcare information search and retrieval. Professionals interested in the healthcare information field need to monitor and participate in the development of this excellent resource. Unified Medical Language System® http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/ posted by Marcus | 2:56 PM Google™ has introduced Advanced News Search available by clicking here. Searching on Google™ for news is now available by source, location of source, headline, URL and Date. This should definitely give the serious news searcher added targeted results! Google™ Advanced News Search http://news.google.com/advanced_news_search posted by Marcus | 2:20 AM The RSS-IM Gateway allows any site with an RSS feed to make their feed available via an IM network. The gateway also has links to related docs, tutorials/examples, projects, resources and downloads. Both Instant Messaging (IM) and Blog Feeds (RSS) represent two of the fastest growing areas on the Internet and this gateway proposes to combine them! Very interesting site to watch in the future! RSS-IM Gateway http://www.duncanlamb.com/sdba/apps/rss-im.html posted by Marcus | 2:00 AM Monday, July 21, 2003 This edition of Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. (July 21, 2003 V1N8) is dedicated to the latest and most competent sources for One Stop Comprehensive Search Sites. Click on the below audblog for an audio tour and additional information! Click here for the site mentioned in the audblog that offers one of the most comprehensive One Stop Comprehensive Search Sites on the Internet. ![]() Sunday, July 20, 2003 The Reference and Users Services Association (RUSA) Machine-Assisted Reference Section (MARS) of the American Library Association publishes a yearly listing of the best free reference web sites. The Best Free Reference Web Sites 2002 Fourth Annual List is available by clicking here. This is an excellent resource for reference sources on the Internet that are freely available and that have been evaluated by professionals in the reference fields. posted by Marcus | 10:25 AM Saturday, July 19, 2003 The Top Technology Trends Committee of the Library & Technology Information Association a division of the American Library Association has a website titled Tool Kit for the Expert Web Searcher. This excellent reference resource was developed and is maintained by Pat Ensor. A definite bookmark for those who have a serious need for searching the World Wide Web. It may be reached by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 8:45 AM Friday, July 18, 2003 An interesting paper and study has been authored by Irina Ceaparu and Ben Shneiderman with the Department of Computer Science & Human Computer Interaction Laboratory at the University of Maryland College Park. The title of the paper is: Finding Governmental Statistical Data on the Web: Three Empirical Studies of the FedStats Topics Page. A very interesting read especially for statistical researchers doing government research. The paper is available by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 1:05 PM In the last few days an article has been generating significant discussion and buzz about an eMail based search engine for economically disadvantaged countries that MIT has been developing. An excellent concept and email based search engine queries and results have been available over the Internet for a number of years. I am quite confident that the MIT project will be more robust and offer more bells and whistles. Here are some existing email based search engines that are available to everyone now: CapeMail - Asynchronous Google Access or Google by Email http://www.capescience.com/google/index.shtml ILIAD - An Offline Search Engine http://prime.jsc.nasa.gov/iliad/index.html Software Poetry - KBnow Knowledge Base Software http://www.softwarepoetry.com/kbnow/ This is just a very small sampling of the many email based search engines currently available over the Internet....enjoy! posted by Marcus | 6:20 AM Thursday, July 17, 2003 The Pew Internet & American Life Project released its latest report on July 16, 2003. The report is titled: Internet Health Resources: Health searches and email have become more commonplace, but there is room for improvement in searches and overall Internet access. All Pew Internet Project reports are based on the Pew Internet & American Life Project research, surveys, and analysis and I consider these excellent reports to be some of the very best available freely on the Internet! In the first comprehensive national survey on the scope of health topics that Americans are searching online, the Pew Internet & American Life Project finds that one in five Internet users has looked for mental health information, one in four has looked for health insurance information, and one in three has looked for drug information online. In all, 80% of Internet users have looked for at least one of 16 health topics. Additional information on this report including table of contents is available by clicking here. Download the full report in Adobe PDF format by clicking here. This is just another example of the power of the Internet to disseminate quality information resources! posted by Marcus | 10:19 AM I discovered these excellent research resources when reading the results from my NewsMonster the news aggregator of my choice. When one reads articles on health and healthcare in national newspapers i.e. New York Times you now can visit these academic sites to discover the citations the article is or is not based upon! This is absolutely a valid method to prove a healthcare article before it continues to circulate on the Internet! The citations are researched and made part of the article within a few days of the articles release by various newspapers throughout the world! These sites include: Biomedicine and Health in the News http://library.uchc.edu/bhn/ Health and Medicine in the News http://www.biomed.lib.umn.edu/hmed/index.html NeLH: Hitting the Headlines Archives http://www.nelh.nhs.uk/hth/archive.asp An excellent research source to determine information competencies and quality of public healthcare articles disseminated by national and international newspapers over the Internet. posted by Marcus | 8:50 AM Wednesday, July 16, 2003 My latest publication eCurrent Awareness Resources™ 2003 is now officially available. eCurrent Awareness Resources™ 2003 is a twenty seven page e-Document listing all the very latest current awareness resources and sites(URLs) on the World Wide Web that have been compiled over the last ten years by my surfing, browsing and using my Subject-Tracer™ Bots. It is considered to be one of the most comprehensive resources for current awareness sources and sites on the Internet available today. ![]() Purchase eCurrent Awareness Resources™ 2003 by clicking here. eCurrent Awareness Resources™ 2003 http://www.ecurrentawareness.com/ posted by Marcus | 3:00 AM Tuesday, July 15, 2003 The NITLE Blog Census is an attempt to create and share a regularly updated database of all known weblogs. The site describes itself as: "Our crawlers search the Web for weblogs, and attempt to categorize them by language and authoring tool. Data gathered during the census is archived every two weeks, and is available for non-commercial use. Our software respects the usual robots.txt exclusion rules." As of this posting the site identified and indexed 628,741 weblogs on the Internet. It identified this blog as part of its database of weblogs. Interesting site with potential to identify and show very relevant information on the growth trends of blogs on the Internet. NITLE is the National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education, a non-profit national consortium supported by the Andrew W. Mellon foundation, and dedicated to helping liberal arts colleges make effective use of technology. NITLE Blog Census http://www.blogcensus.net/ posted by Marcus | 3:57 PM TrademarkBots® is now a trusted partner with Hoovers. eTrademarkReports™ are now available on all 18,000 businesses at Hoovers with just a click of the mouse! ![]() Receive the latest competitive intelligence and business intelligence on your own business or your competition by visiting Hoovers and clicking on eTrademarkReports™ available on all 18,000 business listings in real time! posted by Marcus | 6:00 AM Monday, July 14, 2003 This edition of Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. (July 14, 2003 V1N7) is dedicated to the latest and most competent sources for How To Choose a Search Engine or Directory. Click on the below audblog for additional information! Click here for the site that offers the comprehensive listing of How To Choose a Search Engine or Directory Web resources and URLs on the Internet. ![]() A new shopping Bot named Kelkoo that does shopping and price comparison in Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom is currently operating in beta. Its goal is to compete against the Google™ ShoppingBot Froogle. Both of these ShoppingBots could definitely have a future impact upon eCommerce on the global Internet as far as the ease for the consumer to find and purchase items on the World Wide Web. Kelkoo ShoppingBot http://www.kelkoo.com Froogle ShoppingBot http://froogle.google.com posted by Marcus | 6:00 AM Sunday, July 13, 2003 The government OMB and GSA has just released the Draft e-Authentication Policy for Federal Agencies for 30 Day Public Comment Period. The draft policy is available by clicking here. The mission amd milestones of e-Authentication as stated on its home page is: e-Authentication Mission: Public trust in the security of information exchanged over the Internet plays a vital role in the e-Gov transformation. e-Authentication makes that trust possible. Milestones: In September 2002, the Joint Project Management Office launched the interim e-Authentication Gateway with e-Gov applications. The interim Gateway is now available for all e-Gov initiatives requiring authentication. An excellent resource that provides the latest information, standard and protocols for Authentication services to citizens, businesses and government. e-Authentication http://www.cio.gov/eauthentication/index.htm posted by Marcus | 10:44 AM In updating my Internet Hoax site I reviewed a posting on Tara Calishain's website ResearchBuzz on a Spam Laws Directory. For those interested in knowing what laws are written and what laws are being propsed this is an excellent resource. Spam Laws Directory http://www.spamlaws.com/ posted by Marcus | 10:14 AM Saturday, July 12, 2003 An excellent site that combines the power of Google™ with the power of a new web visualization technology. The web site states: anacubis™ has integrated the Google Search API and the anacubis™ Viewer to deliver an innovative and powerful new way to explore Google’s 3 billion plus web documents. anacubis™ has taken the same web visualization technology it has licensed to leading business information providers and connected it to Google to enable searchers and researchers to visually explore and navigate relationships between websites. The Google-enabled anacubis™ Viewer demonstration can be accessed free of charge, but is restricted to non-commercial usage. This is an excellent and new technology to visualize the results of Google™ and to allow researchers and searchers to discover new knowledge! anacubis™ http://www.anacubis.com/googledemo/googledemo.html posted by Marcus | 11:44 AM Friday, July 11, 2003 An excellent paper just released at First Monday titled Search Engine Personalization: An Exploratory Study by Yashmeet Khopkar, Amanda Spink, C. Lee Giles, Prital Shah, and Sandip Debnath. The abstract states: "Web search engines are beginning to offer personalization capabilities to users. Personalization is the ability of the Web site to match retrieved information content to a user's profile. This content can be set explicitly by the user or derived implicitly by the Web site using such user profile information as zip code, birth date, etc. In this paper we report findings from a study qualitatively and quantitatively assessing the current state of personalization on 60 search engine Web sites and the personalization features available" An excellent resource paper defining the many personalization capabilities offered by today's search engines on the World Wide Web. Well worth the time and read..... Search Engine Personalization: An Exploratory Study http://www.firstmonday.org/issues/issue8_7/khopkar/index.html posted by Marcus | 9:39 AM According to BioMed Central's web site BioMed Central has so far published 2489 articles of peer-reviewed biomedical research, all of which are covered by an open access license agreement which allows free distribution and re-use of the full text article, including the highly structured XML version. As a result, BioMed Central's research article corpus is ideally suited for use by data mining researchers. This is an excellent example of how the Internet is allowing researchers to discover the latest information using data mining of the freely distributed and reusable text articles that include the latest XML versions. BioMed Central's Open Access Full Text Corpus for Data Mining Research http://www.biomedcentral.com/info/about/datamining/ posted by Marcus | 9:10 AM Thursday, July 10, 2003 Gary Price, in his interview with Daypop's Founder Dan Chan, discusses a feature of Daypop called Word Bursts. In reviewing Daypop's Word Burst and News Bursts definition at Daypop's site we are given the following: Word Bursts are heightened usage of certain words in weblogs within the last couple days. They are indicators of what webloggers are writing about right now, in contrast to Top 40 and Top News which are indicators of what webloggers are linking to currently. Word Bursts can frequently indicate current events of interest that are not usually accompanied by links. Sample weblog posts accompany each word burst. News Bursts are heightened usage of certain words on the front page of news sites within the last couple days. Check out the Daypop Top Word Bursts page for an indicator of what webloggers are writing about. Both of these are excellent resources for staying current with the latest happenings on the Blog and Internet Scene and I will be placing them in my eCurrent Awareness Resources™ 2003. Daypop is a truly excellent resource for bloggers as well as for searchers of information on the Internet! Gary Price's fine interview is available by clicking here. Word Burst http://www.daypop.com/burst/ News Burst http://www.daypop.com/newsburst/ posted by Marcus | 2:30 PM "A rich site with strong database, remains as the biggest search engine among engines and directories on Bangladesh. Search.com.bd is completely devoted to Bangladesh & Bangla on the net - zh." This quote was taken from the Asia-WWW-Monitor List describing this niched country search engine. It is very slow but does have resources on Bangladesh and Bangla that other search engines do not. An excellent example of a truly niched search engine! Search Engine on Bangladesh and Bangla http://search.com.bd/ posted by Marcus | 12:02 PM Wednesday, July 09, 2003 If in the morning you really need to find out what is new in the "traditional" hard copy newspapers through out the world then there is a site! This site called Today's Front Pages will allow you to read the front pages in color of 250 newspapers in 32 countries! Click here and enjoy! Today's Front Pages http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/ posted by Marcus | 11:46 AM A new report has been released titled: The Internet under Surveillance, 2nd Annual Report . This report is about the underlying attitudes to the Internet by the powerful and influential in 60 countries between spring 2001 and spring 2003. This report by Internet pioneer Vinton Cerf has the following contents: Reports on the censorship/surveillance of the Internet in: Afghanistan, Algeria, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Burma, Burundi, Canada, China, Cuba, Denmark, Egypt, European institutions, France, Germany, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Laos, Liberia, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, New Zealand, North Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Somalia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, and Zimbabwe. Report Title: The Internet under Surveillance, 2nd Annual Report Organization: Reporters Withour Borders Download the complete .pdf report by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 7:48 AM Tuesday, July 08, 2003 The Pew Internet & American Life Project has just released its new report, "Let the Games Begin: Gaming technology and entertainment among college students." For the full text of the report click here. posted by Marcus | 12:39 PM Monday, July 07, 2003 This edition of Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. (July 7, 2003 V1N6) is dedicated to the latest and most competent sources for Searching the Internet Using Your Brain and Bots. Click on the below audblog for additional information! Click here for my complimentary comprehensive listing of Searching the Internet Using Your Brain and Bots Web resources and URLs on the Internet. ![]() Saturday, July 05, 2003 As I was finishing my updates for my latest e-document publication eCurrent Awareness Resources™ 2003 I received an email that alerted me to another excellent current awareness resource. This resource allows you to download a daily current awareness .pdf file that details the happening and current events/awareness activities from the National Infrastructure Protection Center. It is called the NIPC Daily Report and is available by clicking here. I will be including this in my latest e-Document publication as I consider it to be a very important current awareness resource! posted by Marcus | 9:28 AM Thursday, July 03, 2003 An excellent resource created by the fine people at the MIT Media Lab will be announced tomorrow July 4, 2003. The site to be called Government Information Awareness and is available by clicking here. The Mission of the newly created site is: " To empower citizens by providing a single, comprehensive, easy-to-use repository of information on individuals, organizations, and corporations related to the government of the United States of America. To allow citizens to submit intelligence about government-related issues, while maintaining their anonymity. To allow members of the government a chance to participate in the process. " The Technology for the project is descibed as follows: "The Open Government Information Awareness suite of software tools acts as a framework for US citizens to construct and analyze a comprehensive database on our government. Modeled on recent government programs designed to consolidate information on individuals into massive databases, our system does the opposite, allowing you to scrutinize those in government. Citizens are able to explore data, track events, find patterns, and build risk profiles, all in an effort to encourage and motivate action. We like to think of it as a Citizen’s Intelligence Agency, giving people similar tools and technologies to those held by their government. Central to GIA is its extensible model of data: Everything in its system is either an entity or a link -- a thing or a relationship. This allows the system to grow in any direction, and accommodate as-yet unimagined institutions, organizations, or threats. More information is available here. " I personally feel that this site will become one of the very best government information awareness resources that has ever been created and will expand its content in an exponential growth curve that will astound everyone involved as well as the public in general! This is a definite keeper and a bookmark for everyone! Government Information Awareness http://www.opengov.us posted by Marcus | 9:01 PM Wednesday, July 02, 2003 There have been a number of excellent updates lately on searching for information on search engines on the World Wide Web. One of the best report updates is by Cindy Carlson, Electronic Resource Librarian for Fried Frank Harris Shriver & Jacobson in Washington, D.C. and author of the column in LLRX Notes from the Technology Trenches titled Searching About Search Engines and is available by clicking here. Another report just issued by Consumer Web Watch titled: False Oracles: Consumer Reaction to Learning the Truth About How Search Engines Work Results of an Ethnographic Study highlights in detail the consumer's misunderstanding of the differences between paid driven research results and pure algorithmic driven search results in many of the most highly used search engines. The 66 page .pdf document is available by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 7:17 AM Tuesday, July 01, 2003 Dr. Jim Jansen and Amanda Spink both faculty and researchers from the Penn State School of Science and Technology IST discovered in their latest findings that the typical surfer after doing an initial query visit only the first three in the results brought back and amazing as this seems one out of five surfers actually spend less than one minute on each document read!! If the initial sites do not attract the surfer/searcher instantly with "instant gratification" they move on immediately. The research analyzed 450,000+ web queries that were submitted to All the Web search engine during a 24 hour time frame. Additional information on the research and study is available at the researchers web sites. I have been mentioning this phenomena for many years in my keynote presentations and always urge everyone to do proper searching by utilizing appropriate searching protocols and resources to obtain competent results.......just not click and fetch!! posted by Marcus | 2:08 PM |
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