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Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. Author/Speaker/Consultant Internet Happenings, Events and Sources |
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![]() Sunday, August 31, 2003 Software Can Detect Text Inconsistencies http://www.washtimes.com/upi-breaking/20030826-010219-8041r.htm Scottish researchers have developed software based on Internet search engines that could help investigators rifle quickly through complex documents involving such controversial issues as nuclear power, genetically modified organisms, airplane disasters, health care policy and weapons of mass destruction. "These documents are often so long and complex that my techniques are intended to help identify or sketch the arguments that they contain, in a way that makes it easy to identify omissions or contradictions," lead researcher Chris Johnson, a computer scientist at the University of Glasgow, told United Press International. posted by Marcus | 2:36 PM ITU Strategy and Policy Unit Newslog http://www.itu.int/osg/spu/newslog/stories/2003/07/25/rssChannels.html A fine example ( ITU Strategy and Policy Unit) of how an international association uses blogs and RSS feeds to actively disseminate information to their membership and the public at large from one of their units/committees. posted by Marcus | 12:43 PM Urban Dictionary http://www.urbandictionary.com/ The Urban Dictionary is a slang dictionary with words contributed by users. By soliciting contributions from the community, the Urban Dictionary is much more timely than printed dictionaries posted by Marcus | 9:59 AM Saturday, August 30, 2003 kids.us Launches On September 4, 2003 http://www.kids.us/index.html Finally, there's an Internet domain that parents and children can trust for educational and appropriate online fun: kids.us! All content on affiliated sites is thoroughly and regularly screened and monitored, making kids.us the most "youth-friendly" space on the Web. Get a complete synopsis of kids.us policies and rules, as well as general information on the kids.us domain. posted by Marcus | 9:26 AM e-Learning: Research and Resources http://www.bbk.ac.uk/ccs/elearn/ This research programme aims to explore the future of ICTs and education in relation to pedagogy, policy and teaching and learning practice for post 16 education and training. These pages include current research, resources and a diary of past and future events. posted by Marcus | 5:55 AM The Gender Genie http://www.bookblog.net/gender/genie.html Inspired by an article in The New York Times Magazine, the Gender Genie uses an algorithm developed by Moshe Koppel, Bar-Ilan University in Israel, and Shlomo Argamon, Illinois Institute of Technology, to predict the gender of an author. Read more about the algorithm at nature.com. posted by Marcus | 5:33 AM Friday, August 29, 2003 Internet Astronomy - RoboScopes http://www.zillmancolumns.com http://virtualprivatelibrary.blogspot.com/Internet Astronomy RoboScopes.pdf The September 2003 Zillman Column is now available and is titled Internet Astronomy - RoboScopes. It lists all the resources available on the Internet for viewing the universe with remote telescopes from the comfort of your computer and then taking pictures of your observations. Example picture included. posted by Marcus | 10:59 AM Peter's PolySearch Engines http://www2.hawaii.edu/~jacso/extra/poly-page.html These PolySearch Engines allow you to run simple queries across several open access ready reference databases or publishers’ abstract archives in one fell swoop. This is especially convenient for corroborating information in different dictionaries, and encyclopedias, and for comprehensive literature searches. Results are shown simultaneously from the sites in adjacent panes. The original query brings to you each selected target sites (instead of merging their results), so if you want to broaden or narrow the search, you can refine the simple query using truncation symbols, Boolean and proximity operators, field limiters – whatever is allowed by the native search engine of each site. It is not perfect, but better than to hop from site to site, drill down to the search template, and type in the query time and again Biographies PolySearch Engine http://www2.hawaii.edu/~jacso/extra/egyeb/poly-bio.htm General English Dictionaries PolySearch Engine http://www2.hawaii.edu/~jacso/extra/egyeb/poly-eng-dic.htm Energy PolySearch Engine http://www2.hawaii.edu/~jacso/extra/egyeb/poly-energy.htm posted by Marcus | 8:49 AM ACM Portal http://portal.acm.org/ A searchable bibliography of over 600,000 computing publications and a digital library containing the full text of all articles published by the Association for Computing Machinery appearing in journals, magazines, proceedings, newsletters, and publications produced by special interest groups and affiliated organisations. The portal also offers technology news for IT professionals and a suite of online courses, free to ACM members with the aim of encouraging personal development. Users can register for limited service provision free of charge but must subscribe for full access. posted by Marcus | 7:33 AM Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia http://www.wikipedia.org/ Wikipedia is a multilingual project to create a complete and accurate free content encyclopedia. They started in January 2001 and are currently working on 152,432 articles in the English version. Visit their help page and experiment in the sandbox to learn how you can edit any article right now. posted by Marcus | 7:00 AM Campus Communications & the Wisdom of Blogging by Sarah Roberts http://www.syllabus.com/article.asp?id=7982 This article from SYllabus Magazine discusses the advent of "blogging"—online journaling that has breathed new life into the Web. A contraction of the term "Web logging," blogging can best be described as a form of micropublishing. Featuring no or very low start-up costs, few basic infrastructure requirements, and ease-of-use, it has enabled users to publish their thoughts and ideas without barriers. In a very short time, blogging has moved beyond a niche activity for the hyper-extroverted to becoming the backbone of a new Internet communications movement. Although often deeply individualized, Web logging has revitalized the idea of online communities: many blogs have moved from obscurity to having a large and devoted readership—many blogging sites enable people to link their blog to other blog clusters, based on topic and the interests of the authors. posted by Marcus | 6:40 AM Thursday, August 28, 2003 Internet Use by Region in the United States http://www.pewinternet.org/reports/toc.asp?Report=98 The Pew Internet & American Life Project has tracked the growth of Internet usage in the United States, from just under half of American adults in 2000 to about 59% of adults at the end of 2002. These statistics have continually shown that Internet penetration in the United States has been and continues to be uneven...This report explores the reasons behind the uneven distribution of Internet penetration by geographical region. This report released on August 27, 2003 does an excellent job of highlighting and detailing Internet usage and penetration by geographical region. It is a quite large .pdf file of 105 pages but well worth the read and reference! posted by Marcus | 12:30 PM Digital Book Index http://www.digitalbookindex.com/ Digital Book Index provides access to more than 73,000 titles records. It is the sole index that gathers both commercial and non-commercial eBooks from more than 1800 publishers and private publishing organizations. Titles range from the Ancient Agriculture to Space Flight— in most major disciplines—Literature, History, Science and the History of Science, Social Science, Medicine, the Arts, Religion, and various Area Studies (Native Americans, Afro-Americans, Women's Studies), etc. An extensive Reference section includes more than 2000 Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Thesauri, Glossaries, Bibliographies, Timelines, Chronologies, Literary Histories, and includes, as well, a section on Writing & Style Guides that would be hard to surpass anywhere. posted by Marcus | 9:53 AM Digital Reference Services Bibliography by Bernie Sloan http://www.lis.uiuc.edu/~b-sloan/digiref.html The more than 600 items listed in this bibliography relate to the topic of online or virtual or digital reference services, i.e., the provision of reference services, involving collaboration between library user and librarian, in a computer-based medium. These services can utilize various media, including e-mail, Web forms, chat, video, Web customer call center software, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), etc. posted by Marcus | 7:01 AM MIT OpenCourseWare http://ocw.mit.edu/index.html MIT and the OCW team welcome you to the pilot site of MIT OpenCourseWare. This initiative supports MIT's fundamental mission — to advance knowledge and education to best serve the nation and the world. MIT OCW is large-scale, Web-based electronic publishing initiative funded jointly by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and MIT. Its goals are to: 1. Provide free, searchable, coherent access to MIT's course materials for educators in the non-profit sector, students, and individual learners around the world. 2. Create an efficient, standards-based model that other universities may emulate to publish their own course materials. posted by Marcus | 7:00 AM Wednesday, August 27, 2003 IIGR/CNFS Documents Database http://www.iigr.ca/browse_documents.php The Institute of Intergovernmental Relations (IIGR), in cooperation with the Canadian Network of Federalism Studies (CNFS), maintains an online collection of government documents relating to federalism and regional and global multilevel governance. The documents are all in PDF format and cover a broad range of policy areas both in Canada and internationally. posted by Marcus | 3:01 PM I have just completed my latest research white paper titled "Using the Internet As a Dynamic Resource Tool for Knowledge Discovery" and the 18 page research paper lists many resources both new and existing that will help anyone who is attempting to do information and knowledge research on the Internet. It is freely available as a .pdf file (1.29MB) from the below link from the Virtual Private Library™. It was updated 03-20-05. Other white papers are available by clicking here. Using the Internet As a Dynamic Resource Tool for Knowledge Discovery by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. http://virtualprivatelibrary.blogspot.com/Knowledge Discovery Resource Tools.pdf ![]() Workshops By Marcus™ http://www.WorkshopsByMarcus.com/ My new blog titled Workshops By Marcus will freely disseminate information about my one and two day professional Internet workshops and discuss opportunities for workshop sponsorship, joint ventures and registrations for upcoming workshops. posted by Marcus | 7:28 AM Tuesday, August 26, 2003 Use and Users of Electronic Library Resources: An Overview and Analysis of Recent Research Studies http://www.clir.org/pubs/abstract/pub120abst.html This Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) report by Carol Tenopir with the assistance of Brenda Hitchcock and Ashley Pillow summarizes and analyzes more than 200 recent research publications that focus on the use of electronic library resources (digital libraries and digital resources) and were published between 1995 and 2003. Eight major ongoing studies (each with multiple publications) are identified as Tier 1 studies and are analyzed in detail, while about 100 smaller-scale studies are classified as Tier 2 studies and are examined together. The goal of this report is to provide information that librarians can use to make important decisions about collections, services, and product design. It is available only on the World Wide Web and the .pdf document can be downloaded by visiting the site or by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 2:52 PM All About Wikis and More http://www.infotoday.com/searcher/apr03/mattison.shtml Quickiwiki, Swiki, Twiki, Zwiki and the Plone Wars - Wiki as a PIM and Collaborative Content Tool by David Mattison. This is an excellent article in the April Issue of Searcher magazine. It will give you all the information and then some about Wikis and related collaborative tools on the Internet. posted by Marcus | 12:17 PM RSS 0.92: A Step-by-Step Beginner's Guide to Creating Your First Document http://www.jamsterdam.com/rss092/ In this article by by Matthew Trump, Ph.D., Jamsterdam, you will learn the basic nitty-gritty details of RSS 0.92, how it can help your site content reach a wider audience, and step-by-step instructions on how to write an RSS document for you own site. Of course if you just want to make it happen and not interested in "how" it works then you could use the automatic RSS Creator from WebReference by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 11:57 AM Device Independence Glossary of Terms Published http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-di-gloss-20030825/ http://www.w3.org/2001/di/ The Device Independence Working Group has released the first public Working Draft of the "Glossary of Terms" used in the group's publications. The glossary definitions are maintained with unique identifiers, and can be linked to from documents new and old. Read about W3C work on device independence and single-authored content for all Web access devices. posted by Marcus | 6:41 AM How Search Engines Interpret the Net http://microdoc-news.info/home/InfoSeekerNews/2003/08/25.html/1 Search engines are human constructions and as such display a bias of some type. Particularly as search engines are cultural artefacts as well as being information tools, they display a cultural and social perspective of their maker in they way they obtain, manage and deliver their information as a product we use online. A very interesting article and well worth the time to read.... posted by Marcus | 6:10 AM Aggregators Attack Info Overload http://www.wired.com/news/infostructure/0%2C1377%2C60053%2C00.html Wired News article Aggregators Attack Info Overload by Ryan Singel states: Maniacally wired netizens who read a hundred blogs a day and just as many news sources are turning to a new breed of software, called newsreaders or aggregators, to help them manage information overload. Many now say that their news aggregator is as indispensable as their e-mail client. Excellent article on the latest happenings with news aggregators. My June 2003 column titled "News Aggregators on the Internet" is also available by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 6:00 AM Monday, August 25, 2003 This edition of Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. (August 25, 2003 V1N13) is dedicated to the latest and most competent sources and will be discussing six sites: Online Corporate Identity Risks http://www.OnlineCorporateIdentityRisks.com/ Information Futures Markets Portal http://www.InformationFuturesMarkets.com New RSS Feeds from NewsIsFree http://www.newsisfree.com/?page=4 Online Document Search Reveals Secrets http://zillman.blogspot.com/2003_08_01_zillman_archive.html#106164946528913565 The Planet Mars Current Happenings http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2003/8/23/133723/157 Click on the below audblog for my audio summary and additional information! ![]() ![]() posted by Marcus | 7:09 PM RSS - A Primer for Publishers & Content Providers http://www.eevl.ac.uk/rss_primer/ These guidelines have been produced by EEVL, the Internet guide for engineering, mathematics and computing, as part of JISC a funded PALS Metadata & Interoperability project which aims to encourage the sharing of news and alerts in machine readable formats. This document is aimed at publishers and content providers with the intention of introducing & explaining the concepts behind RSS and addressing some commonly expressed concerns. It is primarily intended for a non-technical audience who require an overview of RSS in order to allow them to make decisions regarding the possible use of the technology. However, the guidelines do provide recommendations for good practice, case studies on RSS production and links to tools and specifications which will provide useful starting points for those tasked with actually producing RSS feeds. posted by Marcus | 9:34 AM The Semantic Web is Closer Than You Think http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2003/08/20/deviant.html An excellent article written by Kendall Grant Clark which discusses the current exciting happenings about the Semantic Web and how it will very soon be involved in everything that we do on the Internet. posted by Marcus | 9:07 AM Sunday, August 24, 2003 The Planet Mars Current Happenings http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2003/8/23/133723/157 On Wednesday August 27th, skywatchers the world over will have a special treat. The planet Mars will be a mere 34.6 million miles (55.7 million kilometers) from Earth. This astronomical stones-throw represents the closest Mars has been to Earth in nearly 60,000 years, and the best chance for a really good look at a planet that has tempted humanity since ancient times. This is an excellent article with many associated links on Mars and the latest and current happenings about the planet Mars. posted by Marcus | 9:46 AM Spam Filtering Software Comparisons http://freshmeat.net/articles/view/964/ From a recent posting by Timothy on SlashDot: "Those wondering how their spam filtering software performs in comparison to other's may want to read this article on Freshmeat, where Sam Holden performs comparative testing of various popular e-mail filters. The filters tested includes Bayesian Mail Filter, Bogofilter, dbacl, Quick Spam Filter, SpamAssassin, SpamProbe, and SPASTIC." posted by Marcus | 9:42 AM Global Media Journal http://lass.calumet.purdue.edu/cca/gmj/ The Global Media Journal is an electronic publication devoted to the exploration of the fascinating, evolving, and ever-expanding field of world communication. GMJ is hosted by the Department of Communication and Creative Arts at , Purdue University Calumet Hammond, Indiana, USA. posted by Marcus | 9:31 AM Saturday, August 23, 2003 A number of articles and papers have recently been published on the Internet concerning the problem of information leakage through hidden data in various published online documents. This has been know for a number of years and I highly suggest that everybody using .doc and .pdf to review the "properties" section where a large amount of hidden information is mentioned about your document that can be discovered quite easily according to the following articles and research papers: Online Document Search Reveals Secrets http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99994057 Crypto-Gram August 15, 2003 Newsletter Hiddent text in Computer Documents http://www.counterpane.com/crypto-gram-0308.html#8 Scalable Exploitation of, and Responses to Information Leakage Through Hiddent Data in Published Documents by Simon Byers http://www.user-agent.org/word_docs.pdf Recommendations vary from not publishing documents on the Internet to scrubbing all the documents prior to publishing online. A quick search showed very little available on documents scrubbers to protect against exploitation and if anyone knows of freely available and simple to use "Document Scrubbbers" please email me by clicking here so I may compile a list and publish on this blog. posted by Marcus | 10:37 AM A Treatise on Informational Warfare http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/334446 A public release of the publication "A Treatise on Informational Warfare" by Eric Knight is available for download in PDF format by clicking here and the table of contents is available here so that you can determine if you have an interest. This research paper involves making connections between informational warfare and enterprise security design. The research focuses on a proposed "Informational Warfare Model" that is based on strategic, operational, and tactical design. It builds on his previous publication "Computer Vulnerabilities" that was released to BugTraq about three years ago, and greatly expands on the conceptualizations that were originally presented. The research should be used to provide assistance on the construction of enterprise security models currently being developed as well as give security professionals a way to predict and understand computer security advancements in technology and their meaning in a networked environment. An excellent research paper that is a must to be read in todays ever changing security environment to keep your network and enterprise security at the leading edge. posted by Marcus | 7:40 AM Friday, August 22, 2003 Public Policy, Research and Online Learning http://www.acm.org/ubiquity/views/v4i25_downes.html E-learning is more than a new way of doing the old thing. Its outcomes can't be measured by the traditional process. This is an interesting article by Stephen Downes in the Ubiquity, an ACM IT Magazine and Forum. posted by Marcus | 3:29 PM GPO Access Training Manual and Booklet http://www.gpoaccess.gov/help/manual.html Available from this site is the latest GPO Access Training Booklet (July 2003 - Includes various updates, including gpoaccess.gov screenshots and URLs) and STAT-USA Appendix (this special appendix has been added that explains free public access to STAT-USA/Internet at Federal depository libraries). Also available from this site is the original August 2001 GPO Access Training Manual (GPO Publication 500.8). Additional excellent self-help searching and training tools for GPO Access is available by clicking here GPO Access is a service of the U.S. Government Printing Office that provides free electronic access to a wealth of important information products produced by the Federal Government. The information provided on this site is the official, published version and the information retrieved from GPO Access can be used without restriction, unless specifically noted. This free service is funded by the Federal Depository Library Program and has grown out of Public Law 103-40, known as the Government Printing Office Electronic Information Enhancement Act of 1993. posted by Marcus | 7:31 AM Consumers Rate Online Search, Portals, and News: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly http://www.foreseeresults.com/Press_ConsumersRate.html E-businesses are getting better overall in the view of their customers—but performance varies widely from company to company, according to the University of Michigan's American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) study released today. The report, which includes measurements of search engines, portals, and online news and information websites as part of the e-business category, identifies a few outstanding performers and shows that Google, Yahoo!, and others are pulling off the extraordinary feat of morphing their business models without losing customer satisfaction and loyalty, while other companies lag behind. posted by Marcus | 7:20 AM Thursday, August 21, 2003 Seed Wiki http://www.seedwiki.com/ A Wiki is a collaborative web site which visitors can edit directly in their browsers. Seed Wiki is a wiki farm where anyone can start a wiki. Seedwiki is also a development tool that can be used to build collaborative web spaces, pubic web sites, and data driven business applications. posted by Marcus | 1:15 PM Information Futures Markets Portal http://www.InformationFuturesMarkets.com A just announced portal that will bring the latest articles and resources on the Information Futures Markets is now freely available. This site will be continuously updated using the Virtual Private Library (VPL) Subject Tracer Bots™. Bookmark this site and return often to discover the markets of the future! An RSS News Feed is also available by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 10:45 AM Overture Launches World's Largest Search Index http://snurl.com/2466 Overture Services, Inc. announced the launch of the world's largest search index of approximately 3.2 billion documents. The index was developed by the former Web search unit of Fast Search and Transfer (FAST), which Overture acquired in April. In addition to increasing the size of the index by over 1 billion documents, the launch features several significant relevance enhancements that will improve the ranking of URLs. These features include a new method of determining how authoritative a page or site is on a specific topic as well as overall page quality. The release of the expanded index follows Overture's announcement earlier this summer that AltaVista (www.altavista.com) provides consumers with the largest multimedia index available on the Web today. The AltaVista multimedia index includes approximately 550 million files, with 125 million more audio/video files than the next highest competitor. Overture acquired the business of AltaVista in April. posted by Marcus | 9:43 AM New RSS Feeds from NewsIsFree http://www.newsisfree.com/?page=4 An excellent resource to check back daily to find the latest added RSS News Feeds on NewsIsFree. These new RSS News Feeds can then be easily added to your news aggregator for ongoing hourly monitoring. I will be adding this resource to my eCurrent Awareness Resources™ 2003. posted by Marcus | 8:27 AM Wednesday, August 20, 2003 Web Ontology Language (OWL) Is a W3C Candidate Recommendation http://www.w3.org/News/2003#item138 W3C is pleased to announce the advancement of the OWL Web Ontology Language to Candidate Recommendation. OWL is used to publish and share sets of terms called ontologies, providing advanced Web search, software agents and knowledge management. Comments are welcome. Read the press release and FAQ and more about the Semantic Web Activity. The OWL Web Ontology Language in six parts: * Overview * Guide * Reference * Semantics and Abstract Syntax * Test Cases * Use Cases and Requirements posted by Marcus | 2:10 PM Intellectual Property on the Internet: A Survey of Issues http://ecommerce.wipo.int/survey/index.html World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO has published a report, "Intellectual Property on the Internet: A Survey of Issues," that addresses the far-reaching impact that digital technologies – the Internet in particular – have had on intellectual property (IP) and the international IP system. After a brief introduction describing general trends affecting the evolution of the Internet, the Survey addresses the evolving digital economy and the migration of intellectual property to the Internet, as well as the broader questions raised for intellectual property by the impact of information and communications technologies in the digital environment. The Survey focuses on recent developments in the traditional fields of copyright, trademarks and patents, as well as domain names, and progress in private international law and alternative dispute resolution. It also explores the particular concerns that face developing countries in e-development, and outlines the ways in which WIPO is addressing these various issues. posted by Marcus | 9:03 AM Maileet - Powerful File Transfer Using eMail http://www.maileet.com/ Maileet is a solution for transferring files between people, regardless the file size or if the people are behind the meanest firewall. Maileet can transfer the file to many recipients where the sender upload the file once. The principle behind Maileet is quite simple; it cuts any file size into little segments (2Megs max) and uses a mail server (SMTP/POP3) to transfer them to the peers. Since virtually every computer accepts emails, regardless of the firewall configuration, the file will be received by virtually any computer. On the receiver side, Maileet client downloads the segments and combines them back. Maileet has many features that help you manage the send, like queuing, pause/resume, session saving, re-send requests and more. Some of Maileet unique features: *Works behind any firewall. *Can handle any file size. *One upload and multi downloads. *Optimized speed. *Low bandwidth usage. posted by Marcus | 8:46 AM CiteSeer Browser http://www.pmbrowser.info/citeseer.html CiteSeer Browser powered by TouchGraph is a tool for browsing scientific literature in the CiteSeer database, by exploring links between related articles. posted by Marcus | 8:01 AM OCLC Releases Algorithm http://www.oclc.org/oclc/press/20030811.shtm Online Computer Library Center OCLC, the world's largest library cooperative, is making an algorithm available free of charge to organizations interested in converting their bibliographic databases to the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) model. The FRBR model was created to help information providers deliver the most appropriate records for people seeking specific items of interest. The algorithm was developed by the OCLC Office of Research following a 1998 recommendation by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) to restructure catalog databases based on particular works rather than on the various forms in which these works are expressed. “OCLC is making this open-source algorithm available to the library community as a public service and will provide updates and other communications on its ongoing development,” said Jay Jordan, OCLC president and CEO, who announced the availability of the algorithm August 5 during the IFLA Annual Conference in Berlin. The FRBR algorithm will make it possible for users to write computer programs to generate sets of records that can be grouped for display as single works, making it easier for information seekers to find what they are looking for. The algorithm is available from the OCLC Research site at http://www.oclc.org/research/software/frbr/. posted by Marcus | 7:54 AM Tuesday, August 19, 2003 Overture Research http://research.overture.com/ Overture Research invents, disrupts, innovates, improves — working continuously to position Overture as a pioneer in the next online revolution...and the next...and the next. Developing novel algorithms or employing existing technologies in new ways, we strive to power our products and businesses to provide unparalleled service to our partners, advertisers and consumers. Their new web site lists staff, research, publications, news, about and home. Their publications are excellent and well worth looking at for anyone interested in Internet search and the future of Internet search. posted by Marcus | 5:45 PM Amazon Browser http://www.pmbrowser.info/amazon.html Amazon Browser powered by TouchGraph is a tool for browsing the mass of literature, music and film contained in the Amazon database, by exploring links between related items. This will launch Amazon Browser in a new window, containing your search terms in the central node, with links to the first 10 search results in the surrounding nodes. Double-clicking on one of the surrounding nodes will expand the graph to include the first 10 related articles. Clicking on the 'inf' icon above each node will display a hint window containing the summary, a link to prices from international Amazon stores, one recommended customer review, and a link that will direct you to the item at Amazon.com, from where you can read more information, add to your shopping cart or wishlist and checkout. posted by Marcus | 6:28 AM Monday, August 18, 2003 Online Corporate Identity Risks http://www.OnlineCorporateIdentityRisks.com TrademarkBots® new portal offers comprehensive research on the topic of “Online Corporate Identity Risks”. The company’s first report, published in August 2003, addresses the global banking industry with a special focus on the leading banks within North America as well as the top 200 banks in Florida. The report addresses a series of factors that are contributing to a high level of online corporate identity risks for banks. posted by Marcus | 2:13 PM This edition of Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. (August 18, 2003 V1N12) is dedicated to the latest and most competent sources and will be discussing two sites: World FactBook 2003 and The Alexa Browser. Click on the below audblog for my audio summary and additional information! Click on the following sites to read my postings and a direct URL to the site. World FactBook 2003 The Alexa Browser ![]() ![]() Scirus - For Scientific Information Only http://www.scirus.com/ Scirus is the most comprehensive science-specific search engine on the Internet. Driven by the latest search engine technology, Scirus searches over 150 million science-specific Web pages, enabling you to quickly: • Pinpoint Scientific, Technical and Medical data on the Web. • Find the latest reports, peer-reviewed articles and journals. • Locate university sites and scientists' home pages that other search engines miss. Scirus has proved so successful at locating science-specific results on the Web that the Search Engine Watch Awards voted Scirus 'Best Specialty Search Engine' in 2001 and 2002. posted by Marcus | 11:29 AM PubMed Browser http://www.pmbrowser.info/pubmed.html PubMed Browser powered by TouchGraph is a tool for browsing 40 years of medical literature contained in the MEDLINE database, by exploring links between related articles. This will launch PubMed Browser, containing your search terms in the central node, with links to the first 10 search results in the surrounding nodes. Double-clicking on one of the surrounding nodes will expand the graph to include the first 10 related articles. Double-clicking on the central node will retrieve the next 10 search results for your search terms (but you'll have to switch 'show first' to 'all' to be able to see them). Clicking on the 'inf' icon above each node will display a hint window containing the title, abstract and citation details, as well as a link to HubMed for extra information and external links. posted by Marcus | 9:47 AM Sunday, August 17, 2003 BlogMatcher http://www.blogmatcher.com/ BlogMatcher is a program that helps people find weblogs that match their interests and find like-minded blogs. When given an URL to a weblog (called "Reference Blog") the system finds other blogs that appear to discuss similar topics. The basic premise of BlogMatcher is that two blogs that link to the same sites share some sort of topical commonality. If you link to an article in your blog, then the chances are, you'll be interested in reading other people's opinions about the same article. posted by Marcus | 9:37 PM BlogStreet Browser http://www.pmbrowser.info/blog.html BlogStreet Browser: powered by TouchGraph is a tool for browsing weblog neighborhoods, by exploring links between related sites. This will launch BlogStreet Browser, containing your URL in the central node, with links to the first 10 related sites in the surrounding nodes. Double-clicking on one of the surrounding nodes will expand the graph to include further related sites. Clicking on the 'inf' icon above a central node will display a hint window containing a link to the site and the most recent items from the site's RSS feed. posted by Marcus | 7:54 AM Saturday, August 16, 2003 I have just updated two of my publications. The first publication is eCurrent Awareness Resources™ 2003: ![]() I have also just updated Zillman Blog Directory and it is freely available as a .pdf eDocument by clicking here. It is also listed in one of my previous blog postings by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 1:15 PM HTML Codes, Tags, Tutorial, Help, Code... http://www.html-html.com/ Design better web sites by improving your knowledge of HTML. This link offers a 818 page HTML tutorial, including a complete guide to HTML codes and tags, absolutely free! posted by Marcus | 11:31 AM Google Relator Google Relator Google Relator powered by TouchGraph is a tool for browsing Google's internet database, by exploring links between related sites. This will launch Google Relator, containing your search terms in the central node, with links to the first 10 search results in the surrounding nodes. Double-clicking on one of the surrounding nodes will expand the graph to include the first 10 related articles. Double-clicking on the central node will retrieve the next 10 search results for your search terms (but you'll have to switch 'show first' to 'all' to be able to see them). Clicking on the 'inf' icon above each node will display a hint window containing a summary and a link to the site itself. posted by Marcus | 11:25 AM Friday, August 15, 2003 Security Advice from Microsoft http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/030815/sff017_1.html Genie Tyburski of TVC Alert and The Virtual Chase posted this excellent information this morning: (15 Aug) A lot of folks probably aren't too happy with Microsoft this week. Nonetheless, it wants to help you secure your computer. You can follow the advice in this press release. It will keep you safe some of the time. But if you really want to secure your computer, first set the Windows Update default so that it allows you to review the details of the patches Microsoft wants to install. Doing this requires affirmation and lets you to decide whether or not to allow the installation. Sometimes patches do more harm than good, and it might be worth making sure you have an un-do plan in place. Second, before you make changes to your computer, check its vulnerability at Gibson Research (GRC) < Follow the Shields UP links until you see a button for User Specified Custom Port Probe. Enter 135, 139, 445 in the search box. If the check responds with anything other than "closed" or "stealth," you need to close these ports. (While you're at Shields Up, you should also probe the common ports on your PC. Click the Common Ports button.) Windows XP users can close these ports by following instructions available at MS Using the Internet Connection Firewall <http://snurl.com/2263>. Others should install current versions of software and hardware firewalls, and then test them at GRC. (Even Windows XP users may want to install a hardware firewall. I run both a hardware and software firewall on my Windows XP machine.) ALSO, How Firewalls Work HowStuffWorks.com http://www.howstuffworks.com/firewall.htm Note from Marcus: Just received this Alternative Download Site for Microsoft Security Patches by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 10:23 AM Symantec Security Response - W32.Blaster.Worm http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/w32.blaster.worm.html Based on the number of submissions received from customers and based on information from the Symantec's DeepSight Threat Management System, Symantec Security Response has upgraded this threat to a Category 4 from a Category 3 threat. W32.Blaster.Worm is a worm that exploits the DCOM RPC vulnerability (described in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS03-026) using TCP port 135. This worm attempts to download the msblast.exe file to the %WinDir%\system32 directory and execute it. Block access to TCP port 4444 at the firewall level, and then block the following ports, if they do not use the applications listed: * TCP Port 135, "DCOM RPC" * UDP Port 69, "TFTP" The worm also attempts to perform a Denial of Service (DoS) on Windows Update. This is an attempt to prevent you from applying a patch on your computer against the DCOM RPC vulnerability. Click here for more information on the vulnerability that this worm exploits, and to find out which Symantec products can help mitigate risks from this vulnerability. Symantec Security Response has developed a removal tool to clean infections of W32.Blaster.Worm. posted by Marcus | 8:00 AM National Database for Research into International Education http://aei.dest.gov.au/general/research.htm AEI’s (The Australian Government International Education Network) searchable web database of research relevant to international education contains details of over 2500 books, articles, conference papers and reports on various aspects of international education from publishers in Australia and overseas and will help you to keep up to date with emerging trends and to quickly locate research relevant to your needs. The database encompasses Australian and international research and, where possible, includes links to the full text of catalogued research. It also includes links to over forty relevant websites, other useful databases and a range of international education journals and publishers. The database is updated monthly. posted by Marcus | 6:00 AM Thursday, August 14, 2003 Snippy http://www.researchagent.com/snippy/ Use Snippy to save, organize, annotate and share snippets of useful web content. Simply "drag and drop" text and/or graphics to Snippy and save into a category or project. Snippy date-stamps snippets alongside your comments and the original URL. * Use Snippy to save and categorize information in realtime, before it disappears or the links change. * Create your own snippet folders and categories for work or personal internet research topics. * Share with colleagues via email, or via your office network. * You can even add snippets from other applications such as Word documents, emails and even PDFs! Internet research surveys show that over 25% of user bookmarks become obsolete within a year,and over 70% are rarely, if ever, re-used. Use Snippy to save information now, before it disappears forever This is an excellent resource and tool dor the serious researcher and the company offers a free 30 day trial. posted by Marcus | 12:10 PM Alexa Browser http://www.pmbrowser.info/alexa.html The Alexa Browser powered by TouchGraph is a tool for browsing related websites, by exploring links between related sites. This will launch Alexa Browser, containing your URL in the central node, with links to the first 10 related sites in the surrounding nodes. Double-clicking on one of the surrounding nodes will expand the graph to include further related sites. Clicking on the 'info' icon above a central node will display a hint window containing a link to Alexa's details for that site and a snapshot image which links directly to the site itself. An excellent resource for determining web site relationships and discovering new and related links of information. posted by Marcus | 9:39 AM CIA World Factbook 2003 http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/index.html The World Factbook 2003 is now available on the Central Intelligence Agency Web site (http://www.cia.gov). The World Factbook remains the CIA's most widely disseminated and most popular product, averaging more than 3 million visits each month since the beginning of the year. In addition, tens of thousands of government, commercial, academic, and other Web sites link to or replicate the online version of the Factbook. This reference work provides a snapshot, as of 1 January 2003, of wide-ranging, hard-to-locate information about the background, geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for countries from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. The nine primary information categories and 134 subcategories for most entities include geographic coordinates, Gross Domestic Product, number of telephones, natural resources, legal systems, political parties, illicit drugs, mortality rates, and more. Included among the 268 geographic listings is one for the "World," which incorporates data and other information summarized where possible from the other 267 listings. The World Factbook 2003 is available for download in Zip file format for both high-bandwidth users and low-bandwidth users via the “Download This Publication” link on the Factbook home page. The press release announcing the availability of the CIA World Fact Book 2003 is available by clicking here. This has been and continues to be an excellent reference resource for information about world facts and related country information. posted by Marcus | 7:26 AM Wednesday, August 13, 2003 RSS Readers http://www.lights.com/weblogs/rss.html Peter Scott's excellent The Weblogs Compendium just updated its comprehensive list of RSS Readers. More and more ways to view those wonderful RSS feeds!! posted by Marcus | 12:19 PM EContent™ Leadership Series http://www.econtentmag.com/WhitePapers/LeadershipSeries/ContentStrategies.html A White Paper series focusing exclusively on content and content-related issues for executives and professionals. posted by Marcus | 8:57 AM Tuesday, August 12, 2003 Hoover's Unveils Enhanced Online Services http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=104&STORY=/www/story/08-12-2003/0001999306&EDATE= Hoover's press release dated today announces the enhancement of their online services. They have expanded their services and changed their website to improve navigation and ease of finding business information. TrademarkBots® reports are available through the Hoover's site listed with company and business reports or available on each business as you visit the business information. posted by Marcus | 11:06 AM E-Learning Needs Analysis http://www.darwinmag.com/read/080103/needs.html A hands-on approach to figuring out where you need to expend your training energies by John Sloan in the August 2003 issue of Darwin Magazine. posted by Marcus | 9:28 AM WhittleBit Search Engine http://www.whittlebit.com/ Have you ever searched for something and wished you could tell the search engine that it was totally on the wrong track and it should try again? Well now you can! WhittleBit works much like most other search engines, except it can help you to refine your searches by allowing you to give positive or negative feedback on each search result. Simply rate the search results by clicking on the positive or negative buttons then click on Whittle to get a refined set of search results based on your feedback This is like training my Subject Tracer Bots™ that I have been telling folks to do for years. It really makes sense to improve the search results by interactively communicating with the search entity and finally we are seeing developers implementing. By the way, the creator of WhittleBit is Ian Clarke, the founder of the excellent Freenet Project. posted by Marcus | 4:30 AM JavaScript 2 http://www.javascript-2.com/ Find free JavaScript codes quickly and easily with the only search engine that searches all the top Java Script libraries, offering a total of over 8,000 free JavaScripts compliments of Michael Wong and his Internet marketing Column. posted by Marcus | 3:13 AM Monday, August 11, 2003 Nutch Open-Source Web Search Engine http://www.nutch.org/ The Nutch Project is a nascent effort to implement an open-source web search engine. Web search is a basic requirement for internet navigation, yet the number of web search engines is decreasing. Today's oligopoly could soon be a monopoly, with a single company controlling nearly all web search for its commercial gain. That would not be good for users of the internet. Nutch provides a transparent alternative to commercial web search engines. Only open source search results can be fully trusted to be without bias. (Or at least their bias is public.) All existing major search engines have proprietary ranking formulas, and will not explain why a given page ranks as it does. Additionally, some search engines determine which sites to index based on payments, rather than on the merits of the sites themselves. Nutch, on the other hand, has nothing to hide and no motive to bias its results or its crawler in any way other than to try to give each user the best results possible. Nutch aims to enable anyone to easily and cost-effectively deploy a world-class web search engine. This is a substantial challenge. To succeed, Nutch software must be able to: * fetch several billion pages per month * maintain an index of these pages * search that index up to 1000 times per second * provide very high quality search results * operate at minimal cost Nutch is looking for donations and developers. Open source projects continue to benefit Internauts as well as Newbies to the Internet and we need to give full support to this project both in time and money! Additional information on the Nutch Project may be found at their website or at their SourceForge development site by clicking here. Another open source project that has been around for awhile is Grub's Distributed Web Crawling Project with additional information by clicking here. Leveraging the power of distributed computing, Grub allows everyone with an Internet connection to participate in the last frontier of discovery. By downloading the unique screensaver, you can donate your computer's unused bandwidth to probing the hidden depths of the Web. Another interesting and well deserving project that will benefit all! posted by Marcus | 10:48 AM Oxford Scholarship Online http://www.OxfordScholarship.com Oxford Scholarship Online combining excellence with innovation, Oxford Scholarship Online will be a unique and invaluable tool for both research and teaching... * The complete text of 700-750 carefully-selected Oxford books available online at launch in October 2003 * Subject modules available in Philosophy, Religion, Political Science, and Economics and Finance * Keywords and abstracts at both book and chapter level, the vast majority written by the original author, available alongside journal abstracts through a wide range of online services * Reference linking from bibliographies and footnotes to available online content, such as journals from a wide range of publishers * Digital object identifiers (DOIs) at book and chapter level make Oxford Scholarship Online ideal for online course packs and reading lists * Wide range of search options including full text, subject, keyword, author, title, and publication date or range posted by Marcus | 10:14 AM This edition of Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. (August 11, 2003 V1N11) is dedicated to the latest and most competent sources and will be discussing Marcus P. Zillman's latest directory/listing titled: Zillman Blog Directories. Click on the below audblog for my audio summary and additional information! To download a freely available .pdf copy of the Zillman Blog Directories click here. ![]() ![]() Courts.net http://www.courts.net/ The Nation's Courts Directory - This site has been developed to provide access to web sites maintained by courts nationwide. The directory listings at Courts.net are organized in sections, covering courts in all states, the Federal system, Guam, D.C., Canada and Australia. posted by Marcus | 8:18 AM UN Wire http://www.unwire.org/ The daily news summary covering the United Nations, global affairs and key international issues. U.N. Wire is available free of charge and covers a wide range of issues, including: * Health * Environment and Sustainable Development * Women and Population * International Human Rights * UN Reform * Peacekeeping and Security posted by Marcus | 8:07 AM Who Owns What? http://www.cjr.org/owners/ CJR's Web guide to what the major media companies own. The resource guide is maintained by Aaron Moore, Ph.D., a Publishing/Media writer and a professor of Sports Media at Ithaca College. posted by Marcus | 8:02 AM Information Research FAQ http://spireproject.com/faq.htm This FAQ 100 pages of search techniques, tactics and theory by David Novak of the Spire Project (SpireProject.com) addresses information literacy; the skills, tools and theory of information research. Particular attention is paid to the internet as both a reservoir and gateway to information resources. addresses information literacy; the skills, tools and theory of information research. Particular attention is paid to the internet as both a reservoir and gateway to information resources. This FAQ is an element of the Spire Project, a primary free reference for information research and an important source for search assistance. Do visit http://spireproject.com . It is free and compliments this FAQ with links, forms and tools. posted by Marcus | 7:57 AM Sunday, August 10, 2003 DevilFinder - Finding Stuff Since 1979 http://www.devilfinder.com/ DevilFinder was orginally made to provide a means of getting information from search engines with one difference: Show More Results!. How can we do this?? Popular search engines like Google show only 10 per page! You have to do an "Advanced Search" to get at most 100 per page. What if you want 200 per page without the need of clicking on "Next" everytime to see the other results? DevilFinder offers 200, 300, 400, 500 and 600 results per page!!!! posted by Marcus | 11:42 PM Yellow Book: Health Information for International Travel 2003-2004 http://www.cdc.gov/travel/yb/index.htm The Yellow Book is published every two years by CDC as a reference for those who advise international travelers of health risks. The Yellow Book is written primarily for health care providers, although others might find it useful. A biennial publication such as this cannot remain absolutely current, given the speed of global travel and disease transmission. Therefore, use the Yellow Book in conjunction with the resources on Travelers' Health Website. The CDC posts current information there promptly, including: * notices about changes in vaccine requirements; * disease outbreaks; * drug availability; * emerging infections. posted by Marcus | 10:24 AM listen to marcus™ http://www.listentomarcus.com/ listen to marcus™ presents a weekly (every Monday) audblog audio of Currrent Happenings on the Internet which include either sites and/or downloadable recent resource discoveries to aid Internauts both seasoned and newbies to have a better understanding and grasp of staying current with your profession, job or special interest using current awareness tools and sites from the Internet. The audio is freely available as a mp3 file. Also archives are available from past weekly audblogs of Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet. The site also features other audio happenings as well as excerpts and examples of keynote presentations of Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A.. posted by Marcus | 10:05 AM Model for Motivational Bias http://www.dylan.org.uk/OptimismAISB.html The evolution of optimism: An agent-based model of adaptive bias presented by Dylan Evans, Annerieke Heuvelink and Daniel Nettle. This project is inspired by the phenomenon of 'motivational bias'. It shows how the principle of maximum expected utility (MEU), can - in certain types of environment - be outperformed by 'biased' decision rules. In this model, three types of agent live in a 2D gridworld consisting of 441 (21 x 21) patches, each of which represents an 'opportunity'. Each opportunity has a probability of success (p, ranging from 0-1), a benefit for success (b, ranging from 0.0001 to 10 energy points) and a cost of failure (c, ranging from 0.0001 to 10 energy points).The colour of the patch is determined by the probability of success, with darker patches representing more difficult opportunities. Agents have only one goal - to maximise their energy points. In other words, their utility function is a linear function of their energy level. Agents have some knowledge of the probability of success (p), the benefit for success (b), and the cost of failure (c), for each opportunity they face. Those c, b and p are properties of the patch they are on an that moment. The level of noise affecting the agents' knowledge of these values can be set by means of the sliders on the interface. For a more detailed explanation of the model, download the PDF file of The evolution of optimism: a multi-agent based model of adaptive bias in human judgement, a paper first presented at the AISB'03 Symposium on Scientific Methods for the Analysis of Agent-Environment Interaction at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, on 9 April 2003. posted by Marcus | 9:16 AM Star War Asciimation http://www.asciimation.co.nz/ Star War Asciimation has been created by the hard work of Simon Jansen. Please allow time for this site to download if you are using a dial up internet service provider. This is an excellent example of how ascii text is used to create animations and could be one of the finest examples available today on the Internet! If you are a Star Wars fan then this is a double treat showing both Star Wars and ascii animation. Ascii graphics and clip art have been around for many many years with a good example by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 9:09 AM YW MetaSearch Engine http://yes.wacked.us/ YW is yet another metasearch engine that has a comprehensive listing of directories, search engines and metasearch engines. You may select up to four search option to return results. posted by Marcus | 8:59 AM Saturday, August 09, 2003 I have created my initial listing of niched weblog (blogs) directories and it is below. I would greatly appreciate receiving any additional niched directories that I have overlooked and will be more than happy to include in this listing. I will be updating the listing every thirty days or as needed. I have created a .pdf document of this listing and it will be part of my Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet weekly audio that will be posted on this site as well as my listen to marcus™ site on Monday August 11, 2003. Click here to download a complimentary .pdf copy. Zillman Blog Directories http://www.listentomarcus.com Blawg - Law Blog - Links & Information on Legal Weblogs - Blawgs - Web Links http://www.blawg.org/ BLAWGDEX - Law Blogs http://jurist.law.pitt.edu/paperchase/ BlogChalking http://www.blogchalking.tk/ BlogPulse - Automated Trend Discovery for Weblogs http://www.blogpulse.com/ Blogs by Women http://ringsaround.net/blogsbywomen/ Blogspotting http://groups.msn.com/Blogspotting/weblogindexlist.msnw BlogStreet : Blog Neighborhood http://www.blogstreet.com/ CyberJournalist.net: The CyberJournalist List http://www.cyberjournalist.net/cyberjournalists.html EatonWeb Portal [alphabetically] http://portal.eatonweb.com/alpha.php3?letter=a Globe of Blogs http://www.globeofblogs.com/ Library Weblogs http://www.libdex.com/weblogs.html Medical Weblogs http://www.medlogs.com/ Open Directory - Computers: Internet: On the Web: Web Logs: Directories http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/On_the_Web/Weblogs/Directories/ Professors Who Blog http://rhetorica.net/professors_who_blog.htm Root Blog - The Root Of All Blogs http://www.rootblog.com/ Scholar-Bloggers http://jacobtlevy.blogspot.com/2002_09_01_jacobtlevy_archive.html#81283697 Semantic Weblogs http://journal.dajobe.org/journal/2003/07/semblogs/ The Korean Blog List - Korean related weblogs written in English http://korea.banoffeepie.com/ WebLog Technology Directory http://dir.gigablog.com/ Weblogs Journals and RSS || Fagan Finder http://www.faganfinder.com/blogs/ ![]() © 2003 Virtual Private Library™ posted by Marcus | 1:37 PM ilectric info portal http://www.ilectric.com/ ilectric info portal is a robust suite of lightning fast research tools. Created in September 2000 by Justin Schlecter, owner of UpsideOut Web Services, ilectric has grown into one of the most relevant metasearch engine on the web. Nice clean interface and well worth adding to your bookmark list of metasearch engines! posted by Marcus | 9:27 AM Friday, August 08, 2003 Medical.com Search Engine http://www.medical.com/ Medical.com Search Engine's description taken from its website: "Medical.com is a free-to-the-public search engine dedicated to assisting consumers and professionals with health-related online searches. Medical.com also relies on a technology known as "brokering" as opposed to the more common "indexing" method used by general search engines such as Yahoo, Google, MSN and AOL. The difference to you is that when you perform a search, we search each website real-time and return only the links that are currently active. This avoids the frustration of finding an interesting link, only to click on it and realize the page is gone. Finally, through the use of our predictive and intelligent algorithms, proprietary keyword association databases, therapeutic "zones," and other advanced technologies, we can ensure that you receive meaningful, targeted and personally relevant results to your health queries. These technologies allow us to deliver more meaningful results sooner in your searching efforts." A definitive bookmark both for the interested individual as well as the exacting professional! posted by Marcus | 9:56 AM Population Index http://popindex.princeton.edu/ Population Index is the primary reference tool to the world's population literature. It presents an annotated bibliography of recently published books, journal articles, working papers, and other materials on population topics. This website provides a searchable and browsable database containing 46,035 abstracts of demographic literature published in Population Index in the period 1986-2000. posted by Marcus | 9:10 AM Marketing Forum Watch http://www.mikes-marketing-tools.com/marketing-forum/ Marketing Forum Watch offers constantly updated, searchable, customizable headlines from your favorite internet marketing and search engine optimization (plus a few ecommerce) discussion forums and message boards - at no cost! Customize your preferences by selecting the forums to display, number of latest posts, and your local timezone. The page refreshes every 5 minutes with the latest posts. Excellent real-time resource for current awareness information, questions and happenings on internet marketing and search engine optimization. posted by Marcus | 7:35 AM Thursday, August 07, 2003 Ringlink Webring Directory http://ringdir.ringlink.org/ Webrings are a fun and easy way to find groups of websites with related content. Each website in a webring is linked to another by a simple navigation bar, allowing you to easily visit each website in the ring. Each webring is managed by a RingMaster or ring owner. Questions or comments about one of the rings in our directory should be directed to the RingMaster for that ring. posted by Marcus | 3:43 PM NewsNow http://www.newsnow.co.uk/ NewsNow automatically searches 11070 news sources every 5 minutes. Started in 1997, NewsNow's services include NewsNow.co.uk, one of the UK's most popular news portals. Their corporate services include online press cuttings, market intelligence, competitor tracking and web site and intranet content. Today NewsNow monitors breaking news in 15+ languages from thousands of the Internet's most important online publications, including international, national and regional titles, newswires, magazines, press releases and exclusively online news sources. Multiple news feeds are available from Hot Topics (9), Business and Finance (37), Industry Sectors (38), I.T. (39), Internet (17), Current Affairs (71), Regions (75), Sport (39), Football (160), Entertainment (27), and Special Report: Iraq (7). Each of the sub topics have numerous news articles constantly updated that will keep you current and up to date. An excellent resource that literally brings the world of news to your computer! This competent resource for both personal and business use is listed in my current edition of eCurrent Awareness Resources™ 2003. posted by Marcus | 1:58 PM MedWebPlus http://www.medwebplus.com/ The goal at MedWebPlus is to give users tools to quickly locate and assimilate good and reliable information covering the entire spectrum of healthcare. They have been described by others as a "healthcare Internet context provider." They provide the context for users to access content on the Web. MedWebPlus is one of the largest health sciences index on the Internet. With nearly 25,000 web links and thousands of offline sources, it is comprehensive. Yet, with their exclusive, proprietary database engine powering the site, it is fast, accurate and easy to navigate. And with a proven track record dating back to 1994, it has become one of the most relied upon health science information search sites on the Web. MedWebPlus is designed as an information space centered around a catalog of biomedical resources both on-line and in print. That information space can be searched in a variety of ways: keyword, subject, geographic location . Searches display a comprehensive list of links relating to a specific keyword, subject, or location. Some of the links listed contain peer reviews, and all are given ratings for accessibility. posted by Marcus | 9:24 AM Power Reporting http://www.powerreporting.com/ Power Reporting lists thousands of free research tools for journalists and is a partner of Columbia Journalism Review. Power Reporting is edited by Bill Dedman. Many recent links were selected and annotated by Sarah Secules and Nick Engstrom of Columbia Journalism Review, and earlier ones by Sarah Doyle, Patty Pensa and Justin Dedman. An excellent resource for serious researchers and journalists! posted by Marcus | 9:17 AM Wednesday, August 06, 2003 Fagan Finder Translation Wizard http://www.faganfinder.com/translate/ Fagan Finder Translation Wizard goes live today in beta status. Currently it is by far the largest and most complex tool on Fagan Finder. See About the Translation Wizard. Features include translation of words, sentences, and web pages. Web pages can be SWF or PDF files. Many translators are available, including more than one for many language pairs. Quite a few languages are available, each with its own informational page. Virtual keyboards are available for Latin, Cryillic, Greek, Hebrew, and Arabic. Input may be written in right-to-left (i.e. Hebrew, Yiddish, Arabic, Farsi, Urdu). One-click translation for language pairs where only dictionaries are available. And that’s just a start: many other features, languages, and translators will be added. This could be easily the single translation resource that you will need! posted by Marcus | 6:10 PM Google News Alerts http://www.google.com/newsalerts Google News Alerts has been released as a BETA and looks to be another excellent resource from Google. The web page says: Google News Alerts are sent by email when news articles appear online that match the topics you specify. Some handy uses of Google News Alerts include: * monitoring a developing news story * keeping current on a competitor or industry * getting the latest on a celebrity or event * keeping tabs on your favorite sports teams I have used many many alert services over the years and I must admit that this one looks to be one of the very easiest and intuitive that I have used. Keep up the excellent work Google!! I will be adding this current awareness alert tool to my eCurrent Awareness Resources™ 2003. posted by Marcus | 10:37 AM Web Search Alerts http://tinyurl.com/iwyj An excellent article in eContent Institite written by Gwen Harris on Web Search Alerts for current awareness. She lists a number of web search alerts that are freely available today on the world wide web. Staying current with search alerts is just one additional tool to keep you current with all the brand new resources, events and happenings on the Internet! posted by Marcus | 9:40 AM Google Advanced Search Made Easy http://www.google.com/help/refinesearch.html Google Advanced Search Made Easy is a page from Google that gives an excellent explanation and tutorial for all the really neat advanced features that Google offers including the latest synonyms search using the tilde sign. A must bookmark and read for everyone in serious searching using Google! posted by Marcus | 9:30 AM Syndigator - RSS Feed Reader for Linux http://syndigator.sourceforge.net/ The Syndigator Project is a RSS Feed Reader that operates on Linux. Finally a reliable resource for the many Linux operating systems and now that can read the RSS feeds from my blogs! posted by Marcus | 9:24 AM Internet Research Toolbar http://www.internet-research-toolbar.com/ Internet Research Toolbar provides a built-in way for Internet Explorer web browser to save, and really manage the content of any web page that ever had value to you. It's like having an enhanced, Google-like search engine just for online information you've saved. posted by Marcus | 9:19 AM Tuesday, August 05, 2003 MyWireService http://www.mywireservice.com/ MyWireService delivers the headlines and summaries to you in an easy to scan page. It also allows you to categorize your news sources for added convenience. An excellent new service and I highly recommend it!! Bloglines http://www.bloglines.com/ Bloglines is a free service that makes it easy to keep up with your favorite blogs and newsfeeds. With Bloglines, you can subscribe to the RSS feeds of your favorite blogs, and Bloglines will monitor updates to those sites. You can read the latest entries easily within Bloglines. Both of these web services are unlike other aggregators which require you to download and install software. The above web applications run on their servers and requires no installation. Because your accounts are accessible through a web browser, you can access your account from any Internet-connected machine. Now you can easily keep up to date on all your current awareness news feeds while you are on the road or on vacation!! posted by Marcus | 8:02 AM Medical WebLogs http://www.medlogs.com/ Medical Weblogs is a weblog aggregator of medical weblogs and is constantly adding new medical weblogs. The source is available online without adding additional software as it is a web application. Just click and browse the latest postings to various medical weblogs from throughout the world. MedServ Medical News Syndication http://www.medserv.dk/modules.php?name=Syndication Another example of medical news syndication from MedServ Medical News posted by Marcus | 7:40 AM ZapMeta Search Engine http://www.zapmeta.com/ A new search engine that uses meta searching. The design and navigation seem to flow very smoothly and allow for ease of use. posted by Marcus | 7:32 AM RSSJobs http://www.rssjobs.com/ RSSJobs allows you to create and save searches for Monster, Dice, HotJobs,and more in one location, then delivers the results to your favorite RSS Reader. posted by Marcus | 7:23 AM Monday, August 04, 2003 Blogging and the eCommunication Paradigms: 10 principles of the new media scenario http://mccd.udc.es/orihuela/blogtalk/ Blogging and the eCommunication Paradigms: 10 principles of the new media scenario is a presentation by Dr. José Luis Orihuela Colliva delivered at BlogTalk A European Weblog Conference. His abstract reads as follows: The digital age arrives with a set of big challenges for traditional mainstream media, most of them could be understood as new paradigms: blogging represents the ultimate challenge for the old communication system. The media and communication landscape emerging from this changes is called eCommunication and ten are the paradigms proposed to explain them and to examine the crucial role of blogs in the new scenario. The user becomes the axis of communication process, the content is the identity of media, multimedia is the new language, real time is the only time, hypertext is the grammar , and knowledge is the new name of information. I highly recommend reading the entire document as it represents an excellent real time scenario of what is and will be happening in the Blogosphere. posted by Marcus | 6:46 PM FreeMind http://freemind.sourceforge.net/ FreeMind is a premier free mind-mapping software written in Java. The recent development has hopefully turned it into high productivity tool. Current users of FreeMind use it for the following purposes: 1) Keeping track of projects, including subtasks, state of subtasks and time recording 2) Project workplace, including links to necessary files, executables, source of information and of course information 3)Workplace for internet research using Google and other sources 4)Keeping a collection of small or middle sized notes with links on some area which expands as needed 5) Essay writing and brainstorming, using colors to show which essays are open, completed, not yet started etc, using size of nodes to indicate size of essays. I don't have one map for one essay, I have one map for all essays. I move parts of some essays to other when it seems appropriate. posted by Marcus | 5:14 PM This edition of Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. (August 4, 2003 V1N10) is dedicated to the latest and most competent sources for Search the Internet: Three Powerful Search Approaches. Click on the below audblog for my audio summary and additional information! Click here to view the site that I highlighted at the University of California Berkeley Library's Search the Internet: Three Powerful Search Approaches resources and URLs. ![]() World News eXchange http://us.newsfutures.com/ The World News eXchange is like a stock market of news events. But instead of investing in securities, players trade on outcomes for the hottest issues of the day. What will happen next in Sports, Politics, Money, Tech, etc..? What will be tomorrow's news? With all the current press on predicitng the future I thought this site would be of interest and I have placed it in my eCurrent Awareness Resources™ 2003 as well. Other related future exchanges include Iowa Electronic Markets and American Action Market. posted by Marcus | 8:11 AM The MeSH Browser is an online vocabulary look-up aid available for use with MeSH® (Medical Subject Headings). It is designed to help quickly locate descriptors of possible interest and to show the hierarchy in which descriptors of interest appear. Virtually complete MeSH records are available, including the scope notes, annotations, entry vocabulary, history notes, allowable qualifiers, etc. The browser does not link directly to any MEDLINE or other database retrieval system and thus is not a substitute for the PUBMED system. The MeSH Browser points to the newest version of MeSH and so it will also find new Supplementary Concepts as these are added and updated weekly. The MeSH Browser may be used to find descriptors, qualifiers, or Supplementary Concepts of interest and see these in relationship to other concepts. The browser is part of the MeSH Web pages. It finds descriptors of interest without assuming knowledge of the often-complex vocabulary structure and rules. MeSH Browser http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/meshhome.html posted by Marcus | 8:06 AM Sunday, August 03, 2003 WotBot Search Engine http://www.wotbot.com/ Wotbot is a new and independant Search Engine, and has been in development since October 2002. Wotbot aims to become a market and technological leader with its new and innovative suite of experimental features that will change the way users search. Currently in Alpha testing mode, Wotbot is planning to move into Beta later this year. The index is currently very small (only 6 million pages) and is intended to only serve as ‘test data’ to help build and test the system. Wotbot will soon begin crawling again to dramatically increase the index size. We hope to reach 100 million by the end of the year. posted by Marcus | 8:59 PM D-Lib® Magazine is a solely electronic publication with a primary focus on digital library research and development, including but not limited to new technologies, applications, and contextual social and economic issues. The magazine is published eleven times a year and is released monthly, except for the July and August issues which are combined and released in July. The full contents of the magazine, including all back issues, are available free of charge at the D-Lib web site as well as multiple mirror sites around the world. The primary goal of the magazine is timely and efficient information exchange for the digital library community. To meet this goal, both the articles and the shorter pieces are solicited or selected from among unsolicited submissions. D-Lib® Magazine http://www.dlib.org/ posted by Marcus | 10:07 AM Resources for Distance Learning http://www.lis.uiuc.edu/~b-sloan/libdist.htm Bernie Sloan and Sharon Stoerger, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, have compiled and maintain "Library Support for Distance Learning," a website listing links to distance education organizations, websites, articles, and policies. posted by Marcus | 10:03 AM Saturday, August 02, 2003 Ariadne eMagazine http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue36/ Taken from Peter Scott's Library Blog: Issue 36 - published 30 July 2003. Ariadne magazine is targeted principally at information science professionals in academia, and also to interested lay people both in and beyond the Higher Education community. Its main geographic focus is the UK, but it is widely read in the US and worldwide. Definitely a bookmark for information professionals and those serious about information retrieval from the Internet. posted by Marcus | 2:36 PM Friday, August 01, 2003 Virtual Private Library™ will be announcing a number of private projects in August/September 2003 that are in the process of being created that will be powered by the Virtual Private Library™ Subject Tracer Bots™. These projects are very exciting and will be discussed in detail in the future. Virtual Private Library™ http://www.VirtualPrivateLibrary.com/ posted by Marcus | 3:53 PM A newly released data memo from The Pew Internet Project finds that two-thirds of those who download music files or share files online say they don't care whether the files are copyrighted or not. The "Music Downloading, File-sharing and Copyright" data memo contains fresh data on the size and demographics of the music downloading population and the file-sharing population, as well an updated read on Americans' views about copyrighted files. Among the findings included in the report: *There are currently 35 million U.S. adults who download music files online and about 26 million who share files online. *The downloading population has grown by approximately 5 million users since February of 2001. *Young adults and students are still among the most likely to download music and share files. They're also the least likely to say they care about the copyright status of those files. *Sixty-seven percent of Internet users who download music and 65% of users who share files say they don't care about copyright. *There is considerable variation in downloading and sharing behavior. Out of all Internet users, 17% download music but do not share files online, 9% share files online but do not download music, 12% both download music and share files, and 62% do not download music or share files at all. For the full report, please visit: http://www.pewinternet.org/reports/toc.asp?Report=96 posted by Marcus | 8:00 AM Search Engines: Weblog Search Engines http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue36/search-engines/intro.html Author:Phil Bradley Publication Date: 30-July-2003 Publication: Ariadne Issue 36 posted by Marcus | 8:00 AM |
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