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Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. Author/Speaker/Consultant Internet Happenings, Events and Sources |
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![]() Sunday, November 30, 2003 UK 2004 - The Official Yearbook of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland http://www.statistics.gov.uk/StatBase/Product.asp?vlnk=5703 The definitive overview of the United Kingdom in text, tables, maps, charts and (in the hardcopy version) colour photographs. The latest edition includes chapters on government, international relations, defence; education and training, the labour market, social protection, health, crime and justice, religion, culture, communications and the media, sport, environment, housing, planning and regeneration, transport, sustainable development, the economy, public finance, international trade and investment, science, engineering and technology, agriculture, fishing and forestry, manufacturing and construction, energy and natural resources, and financial services. Information on England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland is included throughout, and in separate introductory chapters. posted by Marcus | 5:58 PM Digital Reference Research Symposium and Agenda http://quartz.syr.edu/symposium/support.html A listing of materials presented at this symposium by selected leaders in the field. posted by Marcus | 8:41 AM Saturday, November 29, 2003 2004 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI'04) http://www.maebashi-it.org/WI04 Web Intelligence (WI) has been recognized as a new direction for scientific research and development to explore the fundamental roles as well as practical impacts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) (e.g., knowledge representation, planning, knowledge discovery and data mining, intelligent agents, and social network intelligence) and advanced Information Technology (IT) (e.g., wireless networks, ubiquitous devices, social networks, and data/knowledge grids) on the next generation of Web-empowered products, systems, services, and activities. It is one of the most important as well as promising IT research fields in the era of Web and agent intelligence. The 2004 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI'04) will be jointly held with the 2004 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology. The IEEE/WIC/ACM 2004 joint conferences are sponsored and organized by IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Computational Intelligence (TCCI) Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC), and ACM-SIGART. posted by Marcus | 8:30 AM Forum Antiquum : Ancient World Internet Resources http://www.sas.upenn.edu/~ekondrat/ForumAntiquum.html "FORUM ANTIQUUM [is] a 'gateway' site providing easy access to hundreds of internet resources related to the study of the ancient Mediterranean world (between ca. 5,000 B.C.E. to ca. 1500 C.E.). The pages within this site are divided into two groups. Group 1 collates links to websites dedicated to an historical epoch and/or geographical region (e.g. Ancient Egypt); each is internally organized by category (e.g., Archaeological Field Projects, Related Organizations, etc.). Group 2 collates links to sites devoted to disciplines or topics not necessarily anchored in a specific region or historical era (e.g., Numismatics)." posted by Marcus | 8:13 AM Anthromorphemics : Anthropology Glossary http://www.anth.ucsb.edu/glossary This anthropology glossary defines terms used for Anthropology, and is divided into the sections of Archaeology, Cultural Anthropology, and Physical Anthropology. The user can also browse the entire glossary without category restrictions, or use the search form to find a specific word. posted by Marcus | 8:11 AM Anthropology Tutorials http://anthro.palomar.edu/tutorials/ There are 38 different Anthropology Tutorials under the two categories of Physical Anthropology and Cultural Anthropology. Each tutorial opens onto a broad examination of the topic: several sections to learn about the material, related internet sites, visual aids and "web expeditions," questions the learner can use to enhance his/her understanding of the material. Some tutorials are also augmented with current findings, such as excerpts from up-to-date news articles on the topics. Tutorials include: Early Human Evolution, The Primates, Basic Principles of Genetics, and Language and Culture. posted by Marcus | 8:09 AM Research Services The British Library http://www.bl.uk/services/information/research.html The British Library can save you time and money by delivering focused information, to your deadline and budget, which will support sustained growth for your business. British Library researchers are experts in finding information in sources typically unavailable through Web search engines. Areas we cover include: * Patents, trademarks and designs * Biology and medicine * Chemistry * Engineering and technology * Companies and markets * Official publications All searches are carried out in strict confidence. How the British Library can help: * Tracking competitors - news, patents, product launches * Access latest scientific and technological developments * Search patent information * Identify opportunities to license new technologies * They can supply copies of documents located during the search, using the British Library's collections. posted by Marcus | 7:51 AM Friday, November 28, 2003 IDEAS - Internet Documents in Economics Access Service http://ideas.repec.org/ Welcome to the largest bibliographic database dedicated to Economics and available on the Internet. Over 200'000 items of research can be browsed or searched, and over 110'000 can be downloaded in full text! This site is part of a large volunteer effort to enhance the free dissemination of research in Economics, RePEc. IDEAS is a service providing information about working papers and published research to the economics profession. IDEAS stands for "Internet Documents in Economics Access Service", which is not very good English, but you get the idea... The data available here are contributed at no charge by volunteers and made available freely. This service uses the complete data from the RePEc database, which includes bibliographic data contributed by over 330 archives, including many of the major research outlets and publishers. posted by Marcus | 4:25 PM Experts Database http://www.collegenews.org/x2736.xml The Annapolis Group Media Resource Guide has been designed for working journalists seeking commentary on a wide range of topics. This fully searchable database contains brief biographical sketches and contact information for nearly 860 of the most well-informed experts from all across the country. posted by Marcus | 4:16 PM FreeLunch http://www.economy.com/freelunch/ Economy.com's FreeLunch provides you with FREE access to over 900,000 economic and financial data series. posted by Marcus | 2:39 PM GIGA® Quotes http://www.giga-usa.com/index.html Broad collection of 50,000+ ancient and modern quotations, aphorisms, maxims, proverbs, sayings, truisms, mottoes, book excerpts, poems and the like browsable by 4,000+ authors or 1,300+ cross-referenced topics posted by Marcus | 11:22 AM SWRL: A Semantic Web Rule Language Combining OWL and RuleML http://www.daml.org/2003/11/swrl/ This document contains a proposal for a Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) based on a combination of the OWL DL and OWL Lite sublanguages of the OWL Web Ontology Language with the Unary/Binary Datalog RuleML sublanguages of the Rule Markup Language. SWRL includes a high-level abstract syntax for Horn-like rules in both the OWL DL and OWL Lite sublanguages of OWL. A model-theoretic semantics is given to provide the formal meaning for OWL ontologies including rules written in this abstract syntax. An XML syntax based on RuleML and the OWL XML Presentation Syntax as well as an RDF concrete syntax based on the OWL RDF/XML exchange syntax are also given, along with several examples. posted by Marcus | 8:12 AM W3C Semantic Web http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/ When I am asked in my various national presentations or in my radio interviews about current events and happenings on the "semantic" web I highly recommend the above link. It is an excellent starting point for initial and ongoing research into the subject! posted by Marcus | 8:07 AM Thursday, November 27, 2003 Solution for Part of Hilbert's 16th Problem http://snurl.com/3633 Elin Oxenhielm, a 22-year-old mathematics student at Stockholm University, may have solved part of one of the science's great problems. Next week an article will be published revealing her solution for part of Hilbert's 16th problem, Swedish news agency TT reports. The set of 23 problems was put forward by Prussian mathematician David Hilbert in 1900 as challenges for the 20th century. Three remain unsolved, numbers 6,8 and 16. Oxenhielm's solution pertains to a special version of the second part of problem 16, the 'boundary cycles for polynomial differential equations'. The mathematical journal Nonlinear Analysis, published by Elsevier, has examined and endorsed Oxenhielm's solution and will publish it in their next issue. Oxenhielm believes her method can be used to unlock the mystery of the entire 16th problem, newspaper Expressen reports. posted by Marcus | 9:21 AM Desiderata of Interplanetary Internetworking http://snurl.com/362z Desiderata of Interplanetary Internetworking by Scott Burleigh, senior software engineer, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Very interesting reading ...... posted by Marcus | 9:15 AM The Open Video Project http://www.open-video.org/ With the increasing demand for digital videos in the educational and research communities, the Open Video Project aims to provide an easy to-use open source DV archive, while serving as a testbed for digital library research and development at the Interaction Design Laboratory. Currently the collection contains about 2,000 individual segments, in MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4 and QuickTime formats, contributed by government agencies, universities and individual collectors. Most of the 460 hours of video footage have been edited into shorter segments for faster downloading, and include metadata at three levels: entire video, segment and frame. Various kinds of video representations, known as surrogates, have also been created, to speed the process of selecting the desired clip. Surrogates range from a single thumbnail image to a storyboard displaying multiple key frames simultaneously, as well as slide show and fast-forward types. There are also traditional text surrogates like title, keywords and descriptions. Each surrogate category is being evaluated to see how much people could understand from watching only these surrogates, as well as how they interacted with textual and visual information. In the second phase, surrogates have been integrated to create 'Agile View' interfaces for users to explore video content. posted by Marcus | 9:02 AM U.S. Government Recalls http://www.recalls.gov/ To provide better service in alerting the American people to unsafe, hazardous or defective products, six federal agencies with vastly different jurisdictions have joined together to create www.recalls.gov -- a "one stop shop" for U.S. Government recalls." The participating agencies are the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the U.S. Coast Guard, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture (USDA), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). posted by Marcus | 5:00 AM Wednesday, November 26, 2003 Scholar's Portal Project Update http://www.arl.org/access/scholarsportal/ Three research libraries (Iowa State, the University of Arizona, and Arizona State) have implemented federated discovery and delivery tools for their campuses using FD software (ZPORTAL, Z2Web, and related FD products). The remaining four participants expect to introduce the software to their campuses by early 2004. Iowa State University's version of the Scholars Portal, debuted in March 2003, it is often referred to as their "academic Google" for its ability to simply search across numerous core library resources -- often resulting in direct access to full-text journal articles. The Arizona State University Libraries released the Scholars Portal (renamed in its ASU implementation as Multi-Database Search) for the Fall 2003 semester, and the Multi-Database Search (MDS) provides users with a convenient way to simultaneously search groups of related databases. The University of Arizona is developing the technical and organizational requirements to provide the meta-search and direct linking features that enable users to search multiple resources and simultaneously link directly to the appropriate content. posted by Marcus | 6:13 PM Huminity http://www.huminity.com/ Huminity believes the Internet’s greatness is the interaction it brings between people and they hope that Huminity will take this one step further, and through combining Instant Messaging with Social Networks open a whole range of possibilities to enrich everyone’s life. Huminity is built to facilitate friendship, make it easy for people to find and make friends, find jobs faster make better deals and to reach anyone in the world. Above all - to have fun! The Huminity concept has proven itself - after all, Huminity was built on idealism and with the help from friends and friends of friends - all without raising a dime from any institution or angels! Huminity is a "community friendly" entity, a true bootstrap start-up that is built on the honest belief that it can make the world a friendlier place. posted by Marcus | 2:58 PM World Directory of Environmental Organizations http://www.interenvironment.org/wd/index.htm This descriptive directory has over 350 Web pages with thousands of entries and links. It has detailed subject and geographic sections, background pages, and numerous cross-references. It has no advertising. Designed to be the definitive global guide in this field, it is an expanded online version of a standard reference book produced since 1973 by InterEnvironment (a program of the nonprofit California Institute of Public Affairs), in cooperation with IUCN - The World Conservation Union and the Sierra Club. posted by Marcus | 12:59 PM National Electronic Health Library Raises Its Profile http://www.kablenet.com/kd.nsf/Frontpage/FC98B661283BF63680256DE100448458?OpenDocument The U.K.'s National Health Service reports that the number of visitors to its online library -- the National electronic Library for Health (NeLH) -- increased dramatically from 150,000 in September 2003 to more than 200,000 a month later. The e-library is geared primarily toward providing health care professionals with medical information, but the material is available to patients and the public as well. "This is fantastic news for NeLH and due in most part to the hard work of the health community librarians and trainers," says NeLH coordinator Alison Turner. "During the autumn they have significantly stepped up their efforts to raise awareness of the site which in turn means that more health care professionals are using the site's evidence-based resources." The NeLH (www.nelh.nhs.uk/)is planning an annual awareness week beginning 24 November, which will include a free 10-minute training session for health care professionals delivered over the phone to enable them to use the resources effectively. Face-to-face training sessions are also planned as part of the awareness campaign. posted by Marcus | 9:16 AM BusinessLink http://www.businesslink.gov.uk/bdotg/action/home Practical help and advice for business from the UK. East access to objective information and support. posted by Marcus | 7:57 AM Mathematics Education Resources on the Internet http://www.istl.org/03-summer/internet.html This guide is designed primarily for the mathematics educator, whether in the role of teacher or as the student in a college education program. The majority of resources included here focus on primary and secondary education, but many may easily apply to college level. Librarians will also find the databases, reference tools, and the biographic sites helpful. Because the number of Internet sites covering mathematics education is so vast, a guide to the most essential ones is useful. To illustrate this, a search on the Google search engine under "mathematics education" found 218,000 hits and over 2 million sites when searched without the quotes. Sections in this guide describe the principal Internet sites in each category that provide high quality information. These resources have been chosen based on currency and depth and breadth of coverage. All selected sites provide their resources freely and, with only two exceptions, are hosted by educational institutions, government offices, or non-profit organizations. This guide updates and expands on previous math education bibliographies and focuses on the educator as researcher, as well as instructor. Resources were selected to facilitate the research of the educator and librarian. Links to math education online bibliographic databases, math reference tools, and professional development are included. posted by Marcus | 7:51 AM The Scannery http://www.thescannery.com/ The Scannery is an investor focused web search platform that only searches the websites of public companies from around the world. The Scannery covers over 11,000 companies and includes the S&P 500, Euro 400, and the Global 1000. posted by Marcus | 7:27 AM Tuesday, November 25, 2003 Chinese Experts Converge for Development of Artificial Intelligence http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2003-11/19/content_1188149.htm The event, titled the 2003 National Academic Conference of the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI), is also meant to mark the 20th anniversary of the creation of extenics, a cross-section discipline created by a Chinese professor 20 years ago. ... [Zhong Yixin, president of the CAAI] said that it has long been a dream of the Chinese people to create various machines able to perform almost all functions of humans, and this kind of imagination can be found in both ancient and modern Chinese literature, especially novels. ... Founded in 1981 with the aim of exploring the secrets of human wisdom and transplanting them to machines, the CAAI has grown from less than 100 members to more than 2,500 members. posted by Marcus | 4:23 PM Scientific American Names Its Annual List's Top 50 by Ying Lou http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/2003-11-24-sciam-honors_x.htm Scientific American names its annual list's top 50. By Ying Lou. USA Today. The Scientific American50 list in the December magazine honors a host of contributions to science, technology and to society itself. ... iRobot was named for developing the first truly mass market household robot. posted by Marcus | 4:20 PM ToolBot http://www.toolbot.com/ Toolbot.com is a collection of small, browser-based internet tools and toys. There are other sites that do some of these things, of course. The mission of toolbot.com, such as it is, is to keep the implementation fast and the interface clean; to have fun making stuff; and to encourage the discovery and use of publicly available information. posted by Marcus | 7:39 AM Collect Britain http://www.collectbritain.co.uk/ Collect Britain is the British Library's largest digitisation project to date. The site went live on May 21st 2003. By summer 2004 you can view and hear a staggering 100,000 images and sounds from our world-renowned collections without ever needing to visit the prestigious building in London. posted by Marcus | 7:19 AM The Xapian Project http://www.xapian.org/ The Xapian Project is an Open Source Probabilistic Information Retrieval library, released under the GPL. It's written in C++, and bindings are under development to allow use from other languages (Perl, Python, and PHP are working; Java will be available shortly). Xapian is designed to be a highly adaptable toolkit to allow developers to easily add advanced indexing and search facilities to their own applications. If you're after a packaged search engine for your website, you should take a look at Omega, which is an application built upon Xapian. But unlike most other website search solutions, Xapian's versatility allows you to extend Omega to meet your needs as they grow. posted by Marcus | 7:14 AM Monday, November 24, 2003 The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press http://people-press.org/ The Center is an independent opinion research group that studies attitudes toward the press, politics and public policy issues. They are best known for regular national surveys that measure public attentiveness to major news stories, and for our polling that charts trends in values and fundamental political and social attitudes. Formerly, the Times Mirror Center for the People & the Press (1990-1995), they are now sponsored by The Pew Charitable Trusts. The Center's purpose is to serve as a forum for ideas on the media and public policy through public opinion research. In this role it serves as an important information resource for political leaders, journalists, scholars, and public interest organizations. All of their current survey results are made available free of charge. Their research program includes five principal areas of investigation: * The People & The Press - explores public attitudes about the credibility, social value and salience of the news media. * The People, The Press & Politics - features a typology which divides the American electorate into distinct voting groups and identifies the basic values and attitudes that animate political behavior. * The News Interest Index - measures on a regular basis how closely the public follows the major news stories and links this to views about politics and policy issues. * America's Place in the World - a series of in-depth surveys and analyses of the public and opinion leaders on international policy in the post-Cold War era. * Media Use - major surveys that measure the public's use of, and attitudes toward, the Internet and traditional news outlets. posted by Marcus | 3:40 PM This edition of Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. (November 24, 2003 V1N26) is dedicated to the latest Subject Tracer™ Information Blog ShoppingBots. Click on the below link to to watch and listen to Marcus P. Zillman describing this new site focusing on ShoppingBots on the Internet. ShoppingBots.info Introduction Video http://www.in-sightstudios.com/ShoppingBotsMod.wmv ShoppingBots http://www.shoppingbots.info/ ![]() Pew Report: Consumption of Information Goods and Services in the United States http://www.pewinternet.org/reports/toc.asp?Report=103 A new study by the Pew Internet & American Life Project finds that as people surround themselves with the latest technological gadgets and services, the landline telephone plays a less prominent role in their communication routines and the television recedes in importance as an information appliance. The most enthusiastic tech savvy Americans are the ones most likely to report a decrease in telephone calling because of the Internet and a tendency to use cell phones as a way to make long distance calls. These users are also the ones most likely to have either canceled a home phone line because of their cell phone or have seriously considered doing so. Although only 2% of all Americans have cancelled a wireline phone since getting a cell phone, 7% of the most enthusiastic tech users have done this. Another 20% have seriously considered doing so. Since these tech enthusiasts are also the most likely to have connected to the Internet wirelessly and placed a phone call online, many of these technologically sophisticated young Americans are heading toward a style of communication that is untethered to a specific place. This trend is likely to be hastened by the Federal Communication Commission's new rule that lets users have their home wireline phone number as their wireless number. "For some of the most enthusiastic tech users in America, the wireline telephone may be going the way of the transistor radio," said John B. Horrigan, principal author of the report and senior research specialist at the Pew Internet & American Life Project. "It's not that tech enthusiasts don't value the capabilities a wireline phone offers, it's just that those capabilities now come bundled in new services and gadgets that offer additional features with greater flexibility and at comparable cost." posted by Marcus | 3:02 PM Virtual High School http://www.usatoday.com/tech/webguide/internetlife/2003-11-23-virtual-school-michigan_x.htm The Michigan Virtual High School program has become the second-largest such program in the country, with more than 7,200 student enrollments. The program allows students to take courses over the Internet to earn credit for a variety of classes not offered in their own schools. One student in the program says: "It's not as hard as I thought it would be. You don't have to sit in a classroom and listen to teachers talk. I can only listen to a teacher for so long." Out of 13 states with the program, Florida has the highest enrollment, with an expected 20,000 student enrollments this school year. posted by Marcus | 1:11 PM OneLook Reverese Dictionary http://www.onelook.com/reverse-dictionary.shtml OneLook's reverse dictionary lets you describe a concept and get back a list of words and phrases related to that concept. Your description can be a few words, a sentence, a question, or even just a single word. Just type it into the box and hit the "Find words" button. (Keep it short to get the best results.) In most cases you'll get back a list of related terms with the best matches shown first. posted by Marcus | 1:09 PM Portlet Open Source Trading (POST) http://portlet-opensrc.sourceforge.net/ Plumtree, Documentum, BEA Systems and SUN Microsystems are working together to support the freedom to build standards-based application components that can be assembled within any portal. The POST site provides a forum for portlet development by taking advantage of the new JSR 168 and WSRP portal standards. POST aims to help companies kickstart their portal deployments, leading to faster time to value for all portal customers by providing open source portlets and a forum to exchange and learn about how these emerging new standards. Separate areas within POST exist for sharing JSR-168 and WSRP portlets. As with any open-source site on SourceForge.net, any registered organization can contribute portlets to POST, which become available to all other members of the open-source community. Using POST, participants can: * see lists of newly available portlets; * post requests to the community for the development of new portlets; * search for portlets; * upload new portlets; * download available portlets; * submit modified or enhanced versions of downloaded portlets; and * discuss portlet development best practices, issues and solutions. posted by Marcus | 1:04 PM Japan Focus http://www.japanfocus.org/ Japan Focus presents writings about Japan, Japan in Asia and the world, as well as Japanese and international perspectives on contemporary Japanese politics, economics and society. It offers translations from Japanese and Japan Focus originals. posted by Marcus | 9:48 AM TibetMed http://www.tibetmed.org/ This site is maintained by the Alternative Medicine Foundation, Inc. which is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, dedicated to providing impartial information resources about alternative medicine and traditional systems of medicine, and to promote novel ways to blend ancient practice and modern science for the promotion of health. posted by Marcus | 8:44 AM Sunday, November 23, 2003 Learn to TCPIP.com http://www.learntcpip.com/ Although this website was "developed to teach computer professionals Internet and TCP/IP technologies," many of the resources can be useful and informative for many people with an interest in fundamental network operations. For example, visitors can view a 36-minute audio presentation with accompanying lecture slides about Internet protocols (IPs), Network Access Points, and the connectivity of the Internet as a whole. Another slide presentation describes the Domain Naming System. For more advanced topics, a series of lectures delves deeper into specific protocols, Ethernet, and network communication. Subnetting and IP addressing are discussed in the final lecture series. (The NSDL Scout Report for Math, Engineering, and Technology) posted by Marcus | 8:07 PM 3rd Quarter E-commerce Sales for the United States http://www.census.gov/mrts/www/current.html The Census Bureau of the Department of Commerce announced on Friday, November 21, 2003; that the estimate of U.S. retail e-commerce sales for the third quarter of 2003, not adjusted for seasonal, holiday, and trading-day differences, was $13.291 billion, an increase of 27.0 percent (±4.2%) from the third quarter of 2002. Total retail sales for the third quarter of 2003 were estimated at $872.5 billion, an increase of 6.1 percent (±0.3%) from the same period a year ago. The third quarter 2003 e-commerce estimate increased 6.6 percent (±1.5%) from the second quarter of 2003 while total retail sales increased 1.6 percent (±0.3%) from the prior quarter. E-commerce sales in the third quarter of 2003 accounted for 1.5 percent of total sales, while in the third quarter of 2002 e-commerce sales were 1.3 percent of total sales. In the second quarter of 2003 e-commerce sales were 1.5 percent of total sales. Release dates for 2004 are February 23, May 21, August 20, and November 19. posted by Marcus | 8:05 PM Canada Launches Digital Library for the Blind http://www.globetechnology.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20031113.gtblindnov13/BNStory/Technology/ Canadian Institute for the Blind has launched the CNIB Digital Library, touted as the most advanced collection of alternative formats in the world and a model for 175 international libraries producing alternative-format information. The CNIB Digital Library features more than 10,000 audio, text and Braille titles available online, and users can search and order from an additional 60,000 titles. The library is designed to work with adaptive technology products, such as screen-reading programs and Braille keyboards. Users can listen to an audio book directly from their computers by clicking on the link to that title. In addition, the library carries 40 daily, national and community newspapers from across Canada, as well as access to thousands of magazines and the online version of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. "The CNIB Digital Library will open up worlds of opportunity and knowledge. I can now read a newspaper the same day it hits the newsstand. And the new service is particularly exciting for young CNIB clients, who will be able to visit a Web site that is just as much fun, attractive and informative as any other children's site," says CNIB president Jim Sanders, referring to the Children's Discovery Portal, which offers visually impaired children access to online games, books, homework help, and the opportunity to chat with other visually impaired children across Canada. posted by Marcus | 8:00 PM The 2002 Turing Award Lectures http://www.acm.org/turingawardlecture/RSA/ The 2002 Turing Award was presented on June 7, 2003, to Drs. Ronald L. Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard M. Adleman, the developers of the RSA encryption code, for their seminal contributions to the theory and practical application of public key cryptography. The presentations were recorded in three sections at the Turing Award Lecture event in San Diego, CA, on June 8, 2003. Available for viewing are Dr. Ronald L. Rivest’s presentation on the "Early Days of RSA", Dr. Adi Shamir's talk on "Cryptology: A Status Report", and Dr. Leonard M. Adleman's address on "Pre-RSA." The presentations can be viewed as a complete series with slides, or separately as lectures, audio portions or slides alone. posted by Marcus | 6:05 PM Statistics Online Compute Resources (SOCR) http://socr.stat.ucla.edu/ The SOCR website contains "a hierarchy of portable online interactive aids for motivating, modernizing and improving the teaching format in college-level probability and statistics courses." Each section of the site consists of an instructional applet with many customizable settings, and three sections are worth noting. First, Interactive distributions provides graphical illustrations of over 30 different statistical data distributions. An especially useful feature of this applet is the Info button -- when pressed, it takes the user to a detailed description of the selected distribution. The second section allows the user to perform a variety of statistical analyses on pre-defined or manually input data. These include analysis of variance (ANOVA), regression and correlation, and more. The third section is a modeler for a user-defined function. The user can draw a curve and the applet will fit a trend line to the curve. A serious shortcoming of this site is the lack of documentation provided with certain applets; while this is not an issue with the aforementioned sections, it makes the two remaining sections nearly unusable. (The NSDL Scout Report for Math, Engineering, and Technology) posted by Marcus | 5:56 PM CSERD: Computational Science Educational Reference Desk http://www.shodor.org/cserd/Resources/index.php The Computational Science Educational Reference Desk (CSERD) promotes the use of "computers to do science." Several diverse activities, tutorials, and other resources that support the CSERD mission are available on this website. Several Java applets demonstrate various concepts in mathematics, and two lesson plans cover basic vector operations. Several detailed programming tutorials are available, covering Java and parallel programming. The code libraries contain downloadable source code for C++ and Java. Other applications and activities related to math, biology, physics, and astronomy are also provided. (The NSDL Scout Report for Math, Engineering, and Technology) posted by Marcus | 5:52 PM Saturday, November 22, 2003 Online Streaming Videos http://www.in-sightstudios.com/marcusPage.htm Some of the presentations and lectures that I have delivered during the last month. Requires Windows Media Player and best with the latest version 9.0 available freely from Microsoft®. Welcome and Introduction to ShoppingBots.info http://www.in-sightstudios.com/ShoppingBotsMod.wmv Links By Marcus™ http://www.in-sightstudios.com/LinksByMarcus1stWebCast.wmv Florida Gulf Coast University Lecture on Bots, Blogs and News Aggregators http://www.in-sightstudios.com/MarcusFLGCUClip2.wmv posted by Marcus | 9:18 AM Artifact : Arts and Creative Industries Resource Catalog http://www.artifact.ac.uk/ Artifact is the arts and creative industries hub of the Resource Discovery Network (RDN). Artifact provides an interface for locating internet resources in the categories of advertising, architecture, antiques, crafts, design, designer fashion, software, music, performing arts, publishing, TV, Radio, Film and Video. posted by Marcus | 9:00 AM BBC : Audio Interviews http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/audiointerviews Cultural greats of the 20th century talk about their work. The British Broadcasting Corporation offers audio interviews on the website for the BBC Four television network. The interviews come from a variety of BBC and European radio and television sources. Interviews are accessed by selecting from an A to Z alphabetical listing of the subjects' names, or by the profession of the subject. Included on the interview subject pages are brief biographies and links to other sites. posted by Marcus | 8:51 AM Digital Art Resource For Education http://www.dareonline.org/ DARE is an online education resource for contemporary international visual arts being developed through the Digital Arts Education Research initiative... This resource is aimed at a broad education audience, but primarily teachers, student teachers and pupils of Art & Design, working at secondary or high school level. In addition to providing bibliographies, Digital Art Resource For Education has printable activity pages, links to a changing list of digital art interactive websites, lesson plan modules for teachers, and a glossary of art terms. DARE has links to over 200 artist, gallery and education sites worldwide. DARE asks questions and suggests over 100 projects. posted by Marcus | 8:46 AM Friday, November 21, 2003 Cyber Times Navigator http://www.nytimes.com/navigator/ Cyber Times Navigator is the home page used by the newsroom of The New York Times for forays into the Web. Its primary intent is to give reporters and editors new to the Web a solid starting point for a wide range of journalistic functions without forcing all of them to spend time wandering around blindly to find a useful set of links of their own. Its secondary purpose is to show people that there's still a lot of fun and useful stuff going on out there. The list is by its nature highly selective and constantly changing. posted by Marcus | 3:15 PM SWAIS http://www.gpoaccess.gov The U.S. Government Printing Office, which provides free access to official Federal government information at http://www.gpoaccess.gov, will discontinue its SWAIS dial-up service as of 12/31/2003, due to the technological evolution of the public's Internet capabilities and the capacity of GPO Access. SWAIS, a text-only dial-in entry to GPO Access databases, was originally offered as an alternative to the GPO Access Web site for those without full Internet access. The necessity for SWAIS has declined over the years as GPO Access incorporated more multimedia content and Internet connections have become more common. For those without Internet access, almost 1,300 Federal depository libraries nationwide http://www.gpoaccess.gov/libraries.html offer computers with Web connections for free public access to GPO Access. posted by Marcus | 2:47 PM Personality Determines How We Search http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/11/10/1068329472603.html We have more information at our fingertips than any generation before us, yet there is little evidence that our ability to make good decisions has improved in correlation. Instead, many people find it increasingly difficult to separate good information from bad. The goal of improving information literacy is one that a number of countries have established, and broad-based information literacy training will certainly help. But one researcher has found that personality plays a big role in the development of information literacy. In her study last year, Fast Surfers, Broad Scanners and Deep Divers, on how personality affects our ability to find and absorb information, information literacy researcher Jannica Heinstrom found that "personality and approach to studying influence (our) information-seeking habits.” She finds the neurotic, easily distracted and lazy "Fast Surfers" have difficulty formulating searches and then interpreting what they find. "Deep Divers" are identified by their willingness to consider viewpoints and link ideas. Strategic thinkers, or "Broad Scanners," are conscientious and have clear goals. The last two categories are highly motivated, Heinstrom says, and often able to find the information they seek, although for different reasons. While discipline and education can improve the way information sources are used once located, Heinstrom concludes that "personality (will) create boundaries and unique possibilities for the way information seeking is executed." posted by Marcus | 2:43 PM ELearningGlossaries http://www.edtechpost.ca/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/EdTechPost/ELearningGlossaries An excellent reference source Glossaries of Elearning Terminology. posted by Marcus | 1:50 PM Zimmerman Research Guide http://www.lexisone.com/zimmermanguide/index.html Researchers now have available to them the answers they need for helping them perform even more thorough and proficient research – all free of charge. LexisNexis U.S., a leading provider of legal, news and business information services, today announced that Zimmerman’s Research Guide is now available to librarians and other researchers exclusively through the LexisNexis InfoPro Web site and through the lexisONE® portal for solo and small-firm attorneys. Zimmerman’s Research Guide is an extensive listing of legal, business and other information sources designed to help researchers get to the answer of a research question. Developed by a researcher for researchers, the Guide contains more than 1,000 subject headings that are continually updated by librarian Andrew Zimmerman. It covers a variety of information formats, publishers and providers, and helps researchers determine what to do next, no matter where they are in their research. posted by Marcus | 1:30 PM Lectures and Speeches by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. http://www.in-sightstudios.com/marcusPage.htm View streaming videos of Marcus P. Zillman's latest university lectures and speeches talking about the latest happenings on the Internet including bots, blogs, current awareness, knowledge discovery, information retrieval and the latest Subject Tracer™ Information Blogs. His freely available online streaming tutorial videos covering various aspects of searching the Internet is available by clicking here. Additional white papers by Marcus P. Zillman on information retrieval(IR), information extraction(IE), knowledge discovery, online social networks, blogs bots and news aggregators are all freely available by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 8:59 AM Mathing the Internet http://www.econtentinstitute.org/issues/ISarticle.asp?id=142271&story_id=191739114443&issue=11012003&PC Move over, Google, say mathematicians working to crack some of the algorithms that deliver too many or too few Internet search results: The competition is heating up. In fact, one researcher uses that thermodynamic concept to describe how her group's project works. "Our focused crawler is based on the interplay between the links and the text. I like to describe it like the child's game. You've hidden something and you tell people they are getting closer -- hotter and hotter or colder and colder," says Dr. Jeannette Janssen, of Canada's Dalhousie University. This crawler would observe a user's behavior, analyze it, and use that knowledge to search for pages the user would likely be interested in. If, for example, a user is interested in computer science conferences, there's often a link to a conference on a college professor's home page, which is connected to a computer science department page, which is connected to a university page. If the crawler lands on a university Web page, even though none of the keywords are on that page, it would know it's getting closer to relevant content. Users also can "train" the browser by clicking a button on pages of interest. posted by Marcus | 8:54 AM Bristol Biomedical Image Archive http://www.brisbio.ac.uk/ The Bristol Biomedical Image Archive (Bristol BioMed for short) is an online collection of about 8500 medical, dental, and veterinary images for use in teaching and learning. All the images have been donated by academics working in the biomedical fields in different countries. There are several ways of finding images in the archive. The different options include basic search, advanced search, browsing by keywords, browsing by terms derived from the image descriptions, and thesaurus search. Information on how these different search options work can be found on the help page. posted by Marcus | 7:46 AM Thursday, November 20, 2003 The Churchill Papers Online http://www.chu.cam.ac.uk/churchill_papers/ The site contains information about the Churchill Papers, the life of Sir Winston Churchill, and the Internet version of the electronic catalogue of the Churchill Papers. The Churchill Papers consist of the original documents sent, received or composed by Sir Winston Churchill during the course of his long and active life. The Churchill Papers have been catalogued in a project lasting over 6 years. This catalogue, containing over 70,000 entries is now available online and allows you to locate references to individual people, subjects or events at the touch of a button. posted by Marcus | 1:42 PM RSS in Government http://www.rssgov.com/ News about how RSS is being used by international, federal, state, and local governments. posted by Marcus | 12:53 PM Speed Reading the news with RSS http://www.edocmagazine.com/vault_articles.asp?ID=27204&header=e_columns_header.gif Tim Bray, one of the architects of XML, says that the advent of RSS (Really Simple Syndication) technology has changed the way he tracks information. "RSS… is a syndication format. It's a simple XML tag to describe what's changed about a Web site recently. Doesn't sound like much, except that there are programs called aggregators that poll Web sites and read the RSS every so often. For example, I don't go to the New York Times' Web site anymore because I read the paper's RSS feed and I've got a little application that I check back with every so often that tells me when there is new stuff. I don't even really use the notion of the home page anymore because I'm notified when something new pops up on the sites that I like to read, enabling me to keep track of an immensely wider range of information. Anyone in the business of publishing info to an audience should think about implementing an RSS feed by this time next week. It's useful and falling-off-a-log easy." posted by Marcus | 11:58 AM Awareness Watch™ Newsletter V1N1 December 2003 by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. http://virtualprivatelibrary.blogspot.com/Awareness Watch V1N1.pdf http://www.AwarenessWatch.com/ The Inaugral Issue (V1N1 December 2003) of the Awareness Watch™ Newsletter has just been released and is available freely as a 15 page .pdf document (320KB). Each monthly newsletter will have the following categories: Awareness Watch™ Featured Report Awareness Watch™ Spotters Awareness Watch™ Book Review Subject Tracer™ Updates The inaugral issue's featured report is on research browsers and information visualization tools on the Internet. Enjoy! posted by Marcus | 10:11 AM Digital Book Index http://www.digitalbookindex.com/ This index is intended as a "Meta-index" for most major eBook sites, along with thousands of smaller specialized sites. In some subject categories, the resources you find here are more comprehensive than those of all but the largest of research libraries, due to the budget & space constraints of smaller institutions. Digital Book Index provides access to more than 80,000 titles records from more than 1800 commercial and non-commercial publishers, universities, and various private sites. About 30,000 of these books, texts, and documents are available free, while many others are available at very modest cost. posted by Marcus | 7:34 AM Documentation Research & Training Centre (DRTC) Digital Library - Indian Statistical Institute http://drtc.isibang.ac.in/DRTC/library.html The information available in electronic/digital form has many advantages over the traditional print formats, like, ease of access from anywhere, easy to maintain, requires less space, etc. The volume of information generated in electronic and digital formats is growing like never before. It has become imminent to manage the information available in these formats. The digital libraries have been defined as the library without walls. DRTC is test-bed for following Digital Library software: Greenstone Digital Library Software Harvest CDSware WWWISIS posted by Marcus | 5:24 AM The LEAF Project: New Ways of Sharing and Using Authority Information http://www.dlib.org/dlib/november03/lieder/11lieder.html This article presents an overview of the LEAF project (Linking and Exploring Authority Files), which has set out to provide a framework for international, collaborative work in the sector of authority data with respect to authority control. Elaborating the virtues of authority control in today's Web environment is an almost futile exercise, since so much has been said and written about it in the last few years.2 The World Wide Web is generally understood to be poorly structured—both with regard to content and to locating required information. Highly structured databases might be viewed as small islands of precision within this chaotic environment. Though the Web in general or any particular structured database would greatly benefit from increased authority control, it should be noted that our following considerations only refer to authority control with regard to databases of "memory institutions" (i.e., libraries, archives, and museums). Moreover, when talking about authority records, we exclusively refer to personal name authority records that describe a specific person. Although different types of authority records could indeed be used in similar ways to the ones presented in this article, discussing those different types is outside the scope of both the LEAF project and this article. posted by Marcus | 5:12 AM Wednesday, November 19, 2003 Spidering Hacks http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/spiderhks/ Written for developers, researchers, technical assistants, librarians, and power users, Spidering Hacks provides expert tips on spidering and scraping methodologies. You'll begin with a crash course in spidering concepts, tools (Perl, LWP, out-of-the-box utilities), and ethics (how to know when you've gone too far: what's acceptable and unacceptable). Next, you'll collect media files and data from databases. Then you'll learn how to interpret and understand the data, repurpose it for use in other applications, and even build authorized interfaces to integrate the data into your own content. Excellent book written by Kevin Hemenway and Tara Calishain. posted by Marcus | 5:38 PM ShoppingBots http://www.ShoppingBots.info/ ShoppingBots Ten Minute Streaming Video http://www.in-sightstudios.com/ShoppingBotsMod.wmv ShoppingBots is a Subject Tracer™ Information Blog developed and created by the Virtual Private Library™. It is designed to bring together the latest resources and sources on an ongoing basis from the Internet on ShoppingBots and Online Shopping Resources. We always welcome suggestions of additional sites and resources to be added to this comprehensive listing and please submit by clicking here. This site has been developed and maintained by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. . Additional links and resources by Marcus are available by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 12:16 PM Information Security Research Papers http://www.sans.org/rr Particularly useful new rsources ... 1,250 Original Research Papers In the Information Security Reading Room. More than 7,000 people visited the Information Security Reading Room on Tuesday and they looked at more than 1,000 of the 1,250 available papers. Out of the 75 categories, these six were the most popular: (1) Firewalls & Perimeter Protection, (2) Wireless Access, (3) Encryption & VPNs, (4) Auditing & Assessment, (5) Windows 2000 Issues, (6) Security Policy Issues. The Reading Room is by far the richest security research library in the world. None of the papers appear anywhere else. And it is all free as a public service from SANS. Especially useful is the list of the most popular 25 papers and the 25 papers most recently added to the Reading Room. posted by Marcus | 12:15 PM NIH Senior Health: Site Index http://nihseniorhealth.gov/siteindex.html NIHSeniorHealth.gov makes aging-related health information easily accessible for adults 60 and older. It is also a useful tool for family members and friends who are seeking online health information for their older relatives. This site was developed by the National Institute on Aging (NIA) and the National Library of Medicine (NLM), both part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The web site is organized by health topic and currently includes information on Alzheimer's Disease, Caring for Someone with Alzheimer's, and Exercise for Older Adults. Within each topic there are sections containing general background information, open-captioned videos, short quizzes, and frequently asked questions (FAQs). Other health topics of interest to older adults will be added in the future. I have added this to the Virtual Private Library's Subject Tracer™ Information Blog Healthcare Resources. posted by Marcus | 8:18 AM Tuesday, November 18, 2003 December 2003 Zillman Column - Online Shopping 2004 http://virtualprivatelibrary.blogspot.com/Online Shopping 2004.pdf http://www.zillmancolumns.com/ The December 2003 Zillman Column is now available and is titled Online Shopping 2004. This column brings together the many resources for shopping online including ShoppingBots during the upcoming holiday period as well as throughout 2004. This is a "must" read for anyone even thinking about doing some shopping on the Internet! Shop until you drop with the ShoppingBots! posted by Marcus | 7:20 PM Workshop: Current Happenings on the Internet: Blogs, Bots and News Aggregators by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. Chamber of Commerce of the Palm Beaches http://www.palmbeaches.org/index.php?src=events&srctype=profile&id=557 Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A., Executive Director of the Virtual Private Library™, author, speaker and creator/founder of BotSpot.com will be speaking on the latest happenings on the Internet with emphasis on the growing areas of blogs (weblogs), bots and intelligent agents and news aggregators. Mr. Zillman will be showing these new resources live on the Internet and how they will relate to helping you search and find the information you require for both personal and academic research. His presentations are designed both for the “newbie” to Internet searching as well as the seasoned “Internaut”. The Internet continues to change at a record pace, and discovering the latest tools to make your Internet search both easy and competent is the goal of this presentation. Will eMail soon be replaced by RSS and news aggregators? Are blogs, currently the fastest growing area of the Internet, a fad or will they change the entire Internet landscape? These and other questions will be discussed during this presentation by one of the Internet’s pioneers and bot and artificial intelligence experts, Marcus P. Zillman. His latest links and resources are available by clicking here. Time: 5:30pm - 7:30pm Date: Tuesday, February 3, 2004 Location: Chamber of Commerce of the Palm Beaches, 401 North Flagler Drive, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 posted by Marcus | 3:34 PM Bookchecker.com http://www.Bookchecker.com/ Bookchecker.com compares prices, shipping costs and delivery times in 40 online bookstores. posted by Marcus | 2:32 PM Microsoft Tests Answer to Google News http://internetnews.com/IAR/article.php/3110201 Microsoft is testing MSN Newsbot in Europe as an answer to Google's news site. MSN Newsbot collects headlines from 4,000 sources on the Internet and displays them according to algorithms developed by the company. The news service is the latest salvo in the search engine wars, as companies seek to topple Google from its perch as top dog in the search and paid listings market. posted by Marcus | 2:21 PM The Atlantic World: America and the Netherlands http://international.loc.gov/intldl/awkbhtml/awkbhome.html Developed by the Library of Congress in cooperation with the National Library of the Netherlands, this is the first stage of an ongoing project, The Atlantic World: America and the Netherlands, being produced under a cooperative agreement signed by the two institutions earlier this year. The companion site of the National Library of the Netherlands, is the The Memory of the Netherlands. The Atlantic World is available in both English and Dutch, and is intended for use in schools and libraries and by the general public in both countries and around the world. It includes more than 70 items totaling some 11,737 images from the collections of the Library of Congress, the National Library of the Netherlands, and six other Dutch institutions that are cooperating with the National Library on the project: the Netherlands National Archives, the Municipal Archives of Amsterdam, the Plantage Library of the University of Amsterdam, and the National Maritime Museum. Among the items digitized for the project are a letter describing the purchase of Manhattan from the Native Americans in 1626, an etching of the Mohawk Sychnecta, early land grants and patents from Dutch settlers, seventeenth- century maps, and an early description of the Dutch colony on the eve of its transfer to the British. posted by Marcus | 1:47 PM Monday, November 17, 2003 This edition of Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. (November 17, 2003 V1N25) is dedicated to his latest book Internet Sources™. Click on the below audblog link to hear the author Marcus P. Zillman discuss this just released today book!. The site to learn more about this book including a downloadable table of contents and to immediately purchase and download this 378 page book is available below. A complete listing of all the latest links created by Marcus P. Zillman is also available at the Links By Marcus™ link listed below: Internet Sources™ Book by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. http://www.InternetSources.info/ Links By Marcus™ http://www.LinksByMarcus.com/ ![]() ![]() ![]() posted by Marcus | 4:18 PM The Year in Books 2003 http://publishersweekly.reviewsnews.com/index.asp?layout=article&articleid=CA336073 The books of 2003 reflected a return to relative normality after the emotional and financial fallout of 9/11, which meant a publishing year characterized by both the predictable and the unexpected. If one name emerged from the Fiction pack, it was Dan Brown; if one theme dominated Nonfiction, it was the Iraq War and its aftermath. The editors responsible for the following discussions and Best Books lists are: Fiction, Natasha Wimmer, Emily Chenoweth and Jeff Zaleski; Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror, Peter Cannon; Mass Market, Brianna Yamashita; Comics, Calvin Reid, Heidi MacDonald and Douglas Wolk; Nonfiction, Sarah Gold, Lynn Andriani, Mark Rotella, Michael Scharf, Emily Chenoweth and Marcela Valdes; Illustrated Books, Michael Scharf; Lifestyle, Mark Rotella; Poetry, Michael Scharf; Religion, Jana Reiss. See their "best books" in the following categories Fiction, Comics, Mystery, SF/Fantasy/Horror, Mass Market , Nonfiction, Ilustrated Books, Lifestyle, Poetry: Found in Translation, and Religion. posted by Marcus | 7:41 AM Herb Research Foundation http://www.herbs.org/ The Herb Research Foundation is the world's first and foremost source of accurate, science-based information on the health benefits and safety of herbs---and expertise in sustainable botanical resource development. What sets HRF's work apart is their vast storehouse of information resources, including a specialty research library containing more than 300,000 scientific articles on thousands of herbs. They also have extensive field experience in sustainable development of botanical resources. Founded in 1983 with a mission of herb research and public education, HRF remains committed to supporting the public's right to truthful information about the health benefits of herbs. posted by Marcus | 7:28 AM The Open Bioinformatics Foundation http://www.open-bio.org The Open Bioinformatics Foundation is a non profit, volunteer run organization focused on supporting open source programming in bioinformatics. The foundation grew out of the volunteer projects Bioperl, BioJava and Biopython and was formally incorporated in order to handle our modest requirements of hardware ownership, domain name management and funding for conferences and workshops.The Foundation does not participate directly in the development or structure of the open source work, but as the members of the foundation are drawn from the member projects, there is clear commonality of direction and purpose. posted by Marcus | 5:00 AM Sunday, November 16, 2003 Zooknic http://www.zooknic.com/ The Zooknic Internet Geography Project is an ongoing effort to understand and analyze the Internet through the development of a series of metrics on its use and composition. As part of this effort they have become experts on domain name use and markets, the global spread of the Internet and the makeup of users worldwide. Their website offers a combination of free and premium products that reflect this research. posted by Marcus | 5:57 PM TOP500™ SuperComputer Sites List for November 2003 http://www.top500.org/lists/2003/11/ The 22nd TOP500 List will be introduced during the Supercomputer Conference (SC2003) in Phoenix, AZ. The BOF session will be held Tuesday, November 18, 5:00PM - 6:00PM, Room 36-37 at the SC2003 conference. A comprehensive list of the top 500 supercomputers throughout the world. posted by Marcus | 3:08 PM Working Draft: SOAP Optimized Serialization http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-soap12-os-ucr-20031112/ http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/ The XML Protocol Working Group has released a Working Draft of "SOAP Optimized Serialization Use Cases and Requirements." The document illustrates the reasons for optimizing the serialization of SOAP messages. It distills constraints and the features necessary for interoperability with existing protocols, bindings, and serialization formats such as SOAP 1.2, WSDL and MIME. posted by Marcus | 7:47 AM Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 2.0 Working Drafts Published http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-wsdl20-20031110/ http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-wsdl20-patterns-20031110/ http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/ The Web Services Description Working Group has released two Working Drafts of the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0: "Part 1: Core Language" and "Part 2: Message Patterns." WSDL is a model and XML format for describing network services. The language enables separate, fundamental stages for abstract function and concrete details. posted by Marcus | 7:45 AM MathML Working Group Notes Published http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/NOTE-mathml-units-20031110/ http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/NOTE-mathml-types-20031110/ http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/NOTE-mathml-bvar-20031110/ http://www.w3.org/Math/ The Math Working Group has released "Units in MathML," "Structured Types in MathML 2.0" and "Bound Variables in MathML" as Working Group Notes. MathML is an XML application that allows mathematical notation and content to be served, received and processed on the Web. Visit the Math home page. posted by Marcus | 7:38 AM Saturday, November 15, 2003 Netpia Offers Non_English Search Tools http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=topNews&storyID=3731264 Netpia specializes in catering to non-English-speaking Web users seeking information and has proven a great success in South Korea already. Rather than employing the complex algorithms of a search engine, the Netpia system works by just typing keywords directly into the address bar of a browser. Web site operators register appropriate keywords with Netpia for a fee, and when a user types one of those words, he or she is whisked off to the related site. The company has already sold 800,000 Korean language addresses so far this year at 60,000 won ($51) each. A similar concept was tested in the U.S. by a company called Realnames, but it ceased operation last year after a partnership with Microsoft to use the Realnames technology with Internet Explorer ended. "Two thirds of the world use non-English language and if this technology is adopted, it will make it much easier to find a Web site and thus boost cyber transactions and accessibility to Web information," says Netpia CEO Lee Pan-jung. "People feel more comfortable with their mother language and this technology is a very useful tool to spur the use of the Internet as it appeals even to children and elderly people with no knowledge of English." Building on its success in South Korea, Netpia plans to test its technology in 95 other languages. posted by Marcus | 1:54 PM The Opte Project http://www.opte.org/ The goal of this project is to use a single computer and single Internet connection to map the location of every single class C network on the Internet. It is obvious that the Internet is not routed as a bunch of class-c networks, but it is easy to see that by treating the Internet IP space as a bunch of class C networks, it will be possible to make a detailed map of the entire Internet. The global Internet address space currently offers 32 bits worth of unique host addresses, or a theoretical maximum of 2^32=4,294,967,296 hosts. posted by Marcus | 6:16 AM GILS - Government Information Locator Service http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/gils/index.html The Government Information Locator Service (GILS) is an effort to identify, locate, and describe publicly available Federal information resources, including electronic information resources. GILS records identify public information resources within the Federal Government, describe the information available in these resources, and assist in obtaining the information. GILS is a decentralized collection of agency-based information locators using network technology and international standards to direct users to relevant information resources within the Federal Government. posted by Marcus | 6:07 AM Friday, November 14, 2003 Personal Search Engine Knows What You Want http://www.econtentinstitute.org/issues/ISarticle.asp?id=142271&story_id=191739114443&issue=11012003&PC No matter how good our search terms are, when a search engine maps the entire Web based on a "group consensus," things get missed. As good as it is, Google doesn't know anything about us -- not our interests nor our particular information needs. Google delivers the same results to everyone who enters the same search terms. Several teams of computer scientists think there's a better way -- a search engine that personalizes the results of your search, depending on your interests and passions. So the hunt is on for a better algorithm. One company getting a lot of attention is Kaltix. Started by three members of Stanford's PageRank team, including Google founder Larry Page, their chief technology seems to be a faster way to compute page rankings, which opens up new possibilities for recalculating search results on a per-user basis. Meanwhile, a Canadian research team is working on a "focused crawler," which, unlike Google, will index only those pages and documents that match specific topics. The goal is creating a personalized browser - one that will automatically gather pages you're interested in -- and focused search engines that will only index content on a particular topic, like medicine. "Our focused crawler is based on the interplay between the links and the text," explained the team's leader. "It's like the child's game. You've hidden something and you tell people they are getting closer -- hotter and hotter or colder and colder." posted by Marcus | 7:31 PM Inbox Robot – Business & Competitive Intelligence News Retrieval System http://www.inboxrobot.com/ The Inbox Robot is a news retrieval system that allows you to search thousands of news headlines and / or receive customized newsletters directly to your email inbox. You can choose any topic and you will always get fresh news. If you would like to know more or have any question visit their help section. posted by Marcus | 6:32 PM Library-Oriented Lists and Electronic Serials http://www.aladin.wrlc.org/gsdl/cgi-bin/library?p=about&c=liblists This document is a compilation of electronic discussion lists, distribution lists and serials which are of interest to library professionals and staff. posted by Marcus | 12:46 PM WorldCat® http://www.oclc.org/worldcat/ WorldCat is a worldwide union catalog created and maintained collectively by more than 9,000 member institutions. With millions of online records ( 52 million and counting ) built from the bibliographic and ownership information of contributing libraries, it is the largest and most comprehensive database of its kind. WorldCat is the foundation of many OCLC services that let your library process, manage and share information resources and let your users search for and obtain them. posted by Marcus | 6:56 AM Thursday, November 13, 2003 Google™ and Beyond http://www.infotoday.com/online/nov03/plosker.shtml George Plosker says that he and his fellow panelists at the Special Libraries Association conference "became increasingly concerned that professionals and researchers sincerely believe that searching the Open Web, particularly Google, is 'good enough.' Groups with degrees from excellent schools, Ph.D.s in environments that included technical R&D, and even biomedical and pharmaceutical professionals were using Google, not recognizing the significant differences in authority and quality between the Open Web and premium subscription content typically provided by the information centers/libraries." Google now gets 250 million search requests a day, and Searcher editor Barbara Quint says it is getting more searches in three days than all libraries combined globally get in one year. An amazing service! Plosker and his colleagues conclude that "what remains to be done is to inform and educate users that there is more to the content world than the Open Web." At the same time, the profession "can no longer resist these influences on the content environment, nor maintain dated points of view. What we learned in library school is not enough. We cannot sit at the reference desk and proclaim, 'We only support premium content databases.'" posted by Marcus | 6:34 PM W3C Security Resources http://www.w3.org/Security/ Web security is a complex topic, encompassing computer system security, network security, authentication services, message validation, personal privacy issues, and cryptography. This page contains links to various aspects of Web and Internet security. The World Wide Web Security FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions with answers) provides an overview of Web security issues, security hole alerts, and practical advice for avoiding unpleasant surprises. It is recommended as a starting point for exploration. posted by Marcus | 4:23 PM SOSIG: Law Gateway http://www.sosig.ac.uk/law/ The SOSIG Law Gateway provides guidance and access to global legal information resources on the Internet.The service aims to identify and evaluate legal resource sites offering primary and secondary materials and other items of legal interest. Descriptive records and links are created for legal service sites and specific documents. posted by Marcus | 5:03 AM Public Access to Court Records http://www.courtaccess.org/ This site is an information clearinghouse on the topic of public access to court records and the current debate on privacy concerns that arise as courts improve and expand their court information systems and put more information on the Internet. posted by Marcus | 5:02 AM EISIL – Electronic Information System for International Law http://www.eisil.org/ Comprehensive database of International Law information created by the American Society of International Law. posted by Marcus | 5:01 AM BriefBank – Techlaw Briefs for the Public Domain http://fusion.sims.berkeley.edu/briefbank/ BriefBank is a free, community-supported resource that collects and redistributes briefs in the area of law, technology, and public policy. Briefs are generously donated by legal scholars and partner organizations. BriefBank is housed at the School of Information Managment and Systems and is administered by the Samuelson Law, Technology, and Public Policy Clinic at Boalt Hall School of Law, UC Berkeley. posted by Marcus | 5:00 AM Wednesday, November 12, 2003 MSU-CIBER - A Resource for International Business http://ciber.msu.edu/ The Center for International Business Education and Research in The Eli Broad Graduate School of Management at Michigan State University (MSU-CIBER) was designated in 1990 as one of the pioneer National Resource Centers in international business by the U.S. Department of Education. In this capacity, the mission of MSU-CIBER is to provide world-class education, research, and assistance to businesses on issues of importance to international trade and global competitiveness. posted by Marcus | 1:43 PM BISNIS http://www.bisnis.doc.gov/bisnis/bisnis.cfm BISNIS is the U.S. Government's primary market information center for U.S. companies exploring business opportunities in Russia and other Newly Independent States. BISNIS provides U.S. companies with the latest market reports and tips on developments, export and investment leads, and strategies for doing business in the NIS. Since opening in 1992, BISNIS has facilitated more than $3.2 billion worth of U.S. exports and overseas investments. posted by Marcus | 1:39 PM The Federation of International Trade Associations http://www.fita.org/ The International Trade / Import-export Portal is the official Web site of the Federation of International Trade Associations (FITA). FITA's goal for this site is: - To provide the most content-rich international trade site - To provide a comprehensive global trade shop featuring goods and services needed by those involved in international trade. posted by Marcus | 8:28 AM Tenders Info http://www.tendersinfo.com/ TendersInfo is a one stop shop for Business Opportunities worth billions of dollars from throughout the world. This has been placed in my Trading Boards section of Business Sources classification of my upcoming book Internet Sources™. posted by Marcus | 8:17 AM OFFSTATS - Official Statistics on the Web http://www2.auckland.ac.nz/lbr/stats/offstats/OFFSTATSmain.htm OFFSTATS - The official statistics on the web including free and easily accessible statistics from official sources, current data, time series are frequently available and much data is downloadable as text or spreadsheet files. posted by Marcus | 8:09 AM TDC Trade http://www.tdctrade.com/ TDC enhances your efforts to expand your business in international trade by providing marketing opportunities, business matching services, market intelligence and SME development programmes. TDC is the global marketing arm and service hub for Hong Kong-based manufacturers, traders and service exporters. They have more than 40 offices around the world. posted by Marcus | 8:07 AM NationMaster – Where Stats Come Alive http://www.nationmaster.com/ NationMaster.com is a massive central data source and a handy way to graphically compare nations. Using their form, you can generate maps and graphs with ease on all kinds of statistics. What's more, you can select exactly which countries you want to include. They currently have 646 stats, and this number is increasing all the time. You can also view profiles of individual countries including their maps and flags, as well as a full encyclopedia. posted by Marcus | 7:54 AM Japan Reference Page http://www.japanreference.com/ Comprehensive set of reference links on Japan. posted by Marcus | 7:40 AM International Monetary Fund Publications http://www.imf.org/external/pubind.htm IMF Publications page allowing you to search for International Monetary Fund publications. posted by Marcus | 7:34 AM Tuesday, November 11, 2003 This edition of Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. (November 11, 2003 V1N24) is dedicated to his latest lecture. Click on the below link to view a brand new 90 minute streaming lecture presented by Marcus P. Zillman at Florida Gulf Coast University titled Bots, Blogs and News Aggregators. A complete listing of all the latest URLs created by Marcus P. Zillman is available at the Links By Marcus™ link listed below: Bots, Blogs and News Aggregators - 90 Minute Lecture by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. http://www.in-sightstudios.com/marcusPage.htm Links By Marcus™ http://www.LinksByMarcus.com/ ![]() MedBioWorld - Medical & Bioscience Journals, Associations, & Databases http://www.sciencekomm.at/ With 25,000 links, Medbioworld is the largest medical reference site, including all medical journals and medical associations, and similar resources in the biological sciences. Links include 6,000 medical journals in 80 subspecialties, and the home pages of 4,000 medical associations. Other research tools include medical glossaries, disease databases, clinical trials and guidelines, and medical journals offering full-text articles posted by Marcus | 5:08 AM Who Named It? http://www.whonamedit.com/ Whonamedit.com is a biographical dictionary of medical eponyms. It is our ambition to present a complete survey of all medical phenomena named for a person, with a biography of that person. Eventually, this will include more than 15.000 eponyms and more than 6.000 persons. 6564 eponyms described in 3179 main entries. These eponyms are linked to 2630 persons: 72 female and 2558 male. posted by Marcus | 5:07 AM WHO Statistical Information System (WHOSIS) http://www3.who.int/whosis/ The WHO Statistical Information System is the guide to health and health-related epidemiological and statistical information available from the World Health Organization. Most WHO technical programmes make statistical information available, and they will be linked from here. You also have the possibility to search by keywords within the WHOSIS or throughout the entire WHO site. posted by Marcus | 5:06 AM TOXINZ http://www.toxinz.com/ TOXINZ is an Internet database containing information regarding toxic compounds and the management of poisoned patients. Under construction to meet Australasian requirements the database contains some 60,000 listed chemical products, pharmaceuticals, plants and hazardous creatures; and is rapidly expanding to accommodate more. This system is designed to enable standardised, seamless management of the poisoned patient from home to hospital by providing three distinct formats: • TOXINZ First-aid • TOXINZ Primary Management • TOXINZ Full Management The information, while comprehensive, is succinct, easily navigated, and contains clear recommendations on patient management. Advice, supported with images and nomograms, is fully referenced and reviewed by an international editorial board. Updates are made weekly. posted by Marcus | 5:05 AM Health and Medical Dictionaries and Glossaries http://mel.lib.mi.us/health/health-dictionaries.html Excellent listing of medical dictionaries and glossaries on the Internet. posted by Marcus | 5:04 AM Medical Dictionary Online http://www.online-medical-dictionary.org/ A free online medical dictionary search engine for definitions of medical terminology, pharmaceutical drugs, healthcare equipment, health conditions, medical devices, specialty terms and medical abbreviations. posted by Marcus | 5:03 AM MedHist http://medhist.ac.uk/ MedHist offers free access to a searchable catalogue of Internet sites and resources covering the history of medicine. MedHist now describes and indexes over 800 Internet resources. posted by Marcus | 5:02 AM Lab Tests Online http://www.labtestsonline.com/ A public resource on clinical lab testing from the laboratory professionals who do the testing. posted by Marcus | 5:01 AM State Health Facts Online http://www.statehealthfacts.kff.org/cgi-bin/healthfacts.cgi? The Kaiser Family Foundation's State Health Facts Online. This resource contains the latest state-level data on demographics, health, and health policy, including health coverage, access, financing, and state legislation. posted by Marcus | 5:00 AM Monday, November 10, 2003 IFLA Digital Reference Guidelines http://www.ifla.org/VII/s36/pubs/drg03.htm The purpose of these guidelines is to promote digital reference best practices on an international basis. The online environment is uniquely suited to consortial models of work and to the development of shared resources. Libraries in different countries may have different traditions of public service, which both affect their current reference practices and their patrons' expectations. But it is also important to recognize that new technologies will enable librarians to redefine the scope of their public services. These guidelines attempt to create some common standards from diverse traditions in the hope that this will allow the worldwide community of librarians to freely explore the possibilities. posted by Marcus | 11:31 AM De Humani Corporis Fabrica/ Andreas Vesalius; Translation and Annotation by Daniel Garrison and Malcolm Hast http://vesalius.northwestern.edu/ This website presents Andreas Vesalius' Renaissance anatomical atlas On the Fabric of the Human Body (1543, 1555) in an exciting new way and explains the work in progress at Northwestern University to translate and annotate this historic work. Never before completely translated into English, Vesalius' detailed account of human anatomy transformed its subject and forever changed medical edication in the West. Its woodcut illustrations became the basis for medical art and illustrations for generations to come, and continue to influence the way we look at the human body. posted by Marcus | 10:18 AM CHID Online - Combined Health Information Database http://chid.nih.gov/ CHID is a bibliographic database produced by health-related agencies of the Federal Government. This database provides titles, abstracts, and availability information for health information and health education resources. CHID lists a wealth of health promotion and education materials and program descriptions that are not indexed elsewhere. New records are added quarterly and current listings are checked regularly to help ensure that entries are up to date and still available from their original sources. Some older records are retained for archival purposes. CHID is updated four times a year. The updated database is available at the end of these months: January, April, July, and October. posted by Marcus | 9:58 AM CancerQuest http://www.cancerquest.org/ This site was created to teach the biology of cancer. No assumptions have been made about prior knowledge of biology or cancer. The target audience for our site includes cancer patients, their families and friends, medical workers and those interested in the subject. We hope to inform the curious and empower current cancer patients and survivors of cancer with a better understanding of the disease process and the approaches currently taken in cancer treatment. posted by Marcus | 9:42 AM iBIEN http://www.bienhealth.org/ ˇBIEN! ( Border Health Information and Education Network) is a health education network funded through a grant from the National Library of Medicine to provide the best in health information free of charge for the people of the border region, both healthcare consumers and healthcare providers. The seventeen members of the ˇBIEN! network include hospitals, health organizations, and public and academic libraries. They chose the name ˇBIEN!, the Spanish word for "well", because they believe that reliable health information is a key to improving the quality of people's lives. This web site is a part of their mission: to bring the ever-expanding world of health information directly to you. posted by Marcus | 9:03 AM Resources for Electronic Resource Management http://www.joanconger.net/ERIL/resources.html ERIL - Electronic Resources in Libraries community offers a comprehensive list of electronic resource managemet tools and information. posted by Marcus | 8:37 AM NLM eMail Lists http://www.nlm.nih.gov/listserv/emaillists.html NLM Email Lists is a service which allows users to subscribe to announcement and discussion lists hosted by the National Library of Medicine. Through this service, users can receive list postings, access list archives, and post messages to a list. The NLM Email List service is administered by the Center for Information Technology (CIT) at the National Institutes of Health using LISTSERV®, an email list management software package. posted by Marcus | 8:30 AM America's Best Hospitals 2003 http://www.usnews.com/usnews/nycu/health/hosptl/tophosp.htm America's Best Hospitals 2003 ... If you're looking for the best in medical care, check out the 14th annual edition of "America's Best Hospitals." They rank 203 top medical centers in 17 specialties. View the U.S. News Honor Roll. posted by Marcus | 7:31 AM AHLA - Links to Selected Health Care and Health Law Sites http://www.healthlawyers.org/weblinks/weblinks_health.cfm American Health Lawyers Association comprehensive set of links to selected healthcare and health law sites. posted by Marcus | 7:25 AM AccessMedicine http://www.accessmedicine.com/ McGraw-Hill's AccessMedicine.com is an innovative online resource that provides complete references and services for physicians, students, and health professionals who need immediate access to authoritative and current medical data - updated daily. The service's central resource is a repository of medical knowledge from internal medicine, cardiology, genetics, pharmacy, diagnosis and management, basic sciences, patient care, and more. Continuously expanding, all databases in the repository contain the latest editions of world-class medical titles respected for their excellence in both print and online formats. posted by Marcus | 7:21 AM Sunday, November 09, 2003 Library in the Sky - Educational Web Resources http://www.nwrel.org/sky/ The Library in the Sky is a database of interesting and useful educational Web sites for those involved in education. Find the information you want through the Search, User Tabs, by Department, or Materials. Currently there are 1546 educational Web sites listed in the Library in the Sky. Search the entire database of resource links, or narrow your search to those Web sites that will most likely be of interest to you. posted by Marcus | 3:32 PM Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE) http://www.dlese.org/dds/index.jsp The Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE) is a grassroots community effort involving educators, students, and scientists working together to improve the quality, quantity, and efficiency of teaching and learning about the Earth system at all levels. DLESE supports Earth system science education by providing: * Access to high-quality collections of educational resources * Access to Earth data sets and imagery, including the tools and interfaces that enable their effective use in educational settings * Support services to help educators and learners effectively create, use, and share educational resources * Communication networks to facilitate interactions and collaborations across all dimensions of Earth system education DLESE resources include electronic materials for both teachers and learners, such as lesson plans, maps, images, data sets, visualizations, assessment activities, curriculum, online courses, and much more. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation, DLESE is being designed, built, and governed by community members from around the country. To this end, the DLESE Steering Committee has developed the DLESE Strategic Plan. posted by Marcus | 2:26 PM Commonly Confused Words http://www.pnl.gov/ag/usage/confuse.html The following terms are frequently used (and sometimes misused) in Battelle publications. Several source books are available to provide more comprehensive lists and explanations. The two that were consulted most heavily in preparing this list were Harry Shaw's Dictionary of Problem Words and Expressions (McGraw-Hill 1975) and William A. Sabin's The Gregg Reference Manual, 6th ed. (McGraw-Hill 1985) and 9th ed. (McGraw-Hill 1999). The American Heritage Dictionary, 2nd College ed. (Houghton Mifflin 1985) also contains useful discussions and examples under many entries. posted by Marcus | 2:19 PM Web Tools for Learning http://wwwtools.cityu.edu.hk/ Web Tools for Learning is a one-stop resource for university instructors interested in the World Wide Web as a teaching tool. Here you'll find: * free software tools in support of teaching; * a directory of available course-delivery tools & methods; * an active forum for technology-in-education issues; * a weekly newsletter on tech/ed issues, challenges, tools & resources; * a searchable catalog of our favorite online resources--add yours! * announcements of conferences worldwide related to technology in education. A + next to any link indicates a recent update. posted by Marcus | 10:27 AM The Ultimate Portal for Educators http://www.teachers-connect.net/edres/portal.htm The Ultimate Porta; for Educators including Content Area Assets, Teacher Internet Assets, Multimedia Assets, Raw Material Search Engines, Web Page Design, and Copyright. posted by Marcus | 10:17 AM The Technology Source http://ts.mivu.org/default.asp The purpose of The Technology Source (ISSN 1532-0030), a peer-reviewed bimonthly periodical published by the Michigan Virtual University, is to provide thoughtful, illuminating articles that will assist educators as they face the challenge of integrating information technology tools into teaching and into managing educational organizations. posted by Marcus | 5:02 AM Teacher Resource for Instructional Planning (TRIP) http://trip.mcpss.com/ Teacher Resources for Instructional Planning (TRIP) - Within this site you will find over 5,000 links to lesson plans and educational resources that support national, state, and local standards for Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and Math in the K-12 curriculum. posted by Marcus | 5:01 AM SERI – Special Education Resources on the Internet http://seriweb.com/ Special Education Resources on the Internet (SERI) is a collection of Internet accessible information resources of interest to those involved in the fields related to Special Education. This collection exists in order to make on-line Special Education resources more easily and readily available in one location. This site will continually modify, update, and add additional informative links posted by Marcus | 5:00 AM Saturday, November 08, 2003 Resources for Distance Learning Library Services http://www.lib.odu.edu/services/disted/dersrcs.html Resources for distance learning library services including ACRL, CLA, LAA & LA Guidelines, Electronic Discussion Groups, Conferences/Workshops, Organizations, Publications, Selected Readings, Library Websites, and Related Links. posted by Marcus | 3:10 PM Literature Webliography http://www.lib.lsu.edu/hum/lit/lit.html A comprehensive literature webliography from LSU Libraries including General Guides, Bibliographies, Library Catalogs, Dictionaries, Discussions, Organizations, Periodicals, Style Guides, Electronic Texts, and Individual authors. posted by Marcus | 2:57 PM The Semantic Web, Syllogism, and Worldview http://www.shirky.com/writings/semantic_syllogism.html Here's a interesting syllogistic slap in the face of proponents of the Semantic Web, metadata from Clay Shirky. It always good to listen to all sides of the Semantic Web's metadata. posted by Marcus | 2:22 PM OneStep Industry News http://www.eevl.ac.uk/onestepnews/ OneStep Industry News is a new free service produced by EEVL, the Internet Guide to Engineering, Mathematics and Computing. The OneStep Industry News service is part of a suite of One Step Services which aggregate the very latest information from top sources and present them in an easily accessible format. OneStep Industry News gives you the latest news stories from top sources in one place. OneStep content is updated many times each day. Included in OneStep Industry News are headlines from: e4engineering.com, Buildingtalk, Manufacturingtalk, Electronicstalk, Nature - Materials Update, Moreover, LTSN Engineering, LTSN Materials, the Institute of Physics (Optics.org News, Fibers.org News, Nanotechweb.org News, Compoundsemiconductor.net News), scenta, LTSN Maths, The Register, Slashdot, Nanodot, and general technology newsfeeds such as BBC Tech News and CNN Technology. More sources will be added in the future. This is an excellent example of how RSS and World Wide Web sites can give the latest and most current information to the Internet community.....great job Roddy!! posted by Marcus | 8:34 AM Eduseek http://www.eduseek.com/ Eduseek is a portal to millions of Educational web sites. Only top quality sites are included and the suitable age range is listed for every site. You can choose the age range you wish to search for by ticking the boxes to the right of "Age Groups". posted by Marcus | 5:04 AM Educational Software Directory http://www.educational-software-directory.net/ Educational Software Directory - Your Guide to Learning Software Resources on the Web. posted by Marcus | 5:03 AM Education-Line http://www.leeds.ac.uk/educol/ Education-line is a freely accessible database of the full text of conference papers, working papers and electronic literature which supports educational research, policy and practice. posted by Marcus | 5:02 AM COL Knowledge Finder Portal http://www.colfinder.org/public/index.jsp The COL knowledge finder indexes about one million documents on education and development from selected websites related to education and development. New documents are added regularly as are “dead links” removed. The contents of this virtual library includes documents from around the world and aims to support and enhance the work of learners, educators, administrators and policy makers. You may also make use of customized access pages to locate documents. posted by Marcus | 5:01 AM The Asian Studies WWW Monitor http://coombs.anu.edu.au/asia-www-monitor.html The Asian Studies WWW Monitor (ISSN 1329-9778) was established 21 April 1994. The journal, a pioneering and the only publication of this kind in the world, provides daily abstracts and reviews of new/updated online resources of significance to research, teaching and communications dealing with Asian Studies. It is published by the Internet Publications Bureau, RSPAS, National Institute for Asia and the Pacific, ANU. The periodical forms a key element of the global, cooperative project Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library. For further details see a page About the Asian Studies WWW Monitor. The journal is complemented by its sister publication Pacific Studies WWW Monitor which was established in April 2000. posted by Marcus | 5:00 AM Friday, November 07, 2003 Design of a Primitive Nanofactory by Chris Phoenix http://www.jetpress.org/volume13/Nanofactory.htm Design of a Primitive Nanofactory by Chris Phoenix Director of Research, Center for Responsible Nanotechnology. Molecular manufacturing requires more than mechanochemistry. A single nanoscale fabricator cannot build macro-scale products. This paper describes the mechanisms, structures, and processes of a prototypical macro-scale, programmable nanofactory composed of many small fabricators. Power requirements, control of mechanochemistry, reliability in the face of radiation damage, convergent assembly processes and joint mechanisms, and product design are discussed in detail, establishing that the design should be capable of duplicating itself. Nanofactory parameters are derived from plausible fabricator parameters. The pre-design of a nanofactory and many products appears to be within today's capabilities. Bootstrapping issues are discussed briefly, indicating that nanofactory development might occur quite soon after fabricator development. Given an assembler, a nanofactory appears feasible and worthwhile, and should be accounted for in assembler policy discussions. posted by Marcus | 3:52 PM Catching Digital Cheaters http://www.edu-cyberpg.com/Teachers/plagiarism.html Catching Digital Cheaters - A compendium of links to valuable information about plagiarism and the internet. posted by Marcus | 3:32 PM Amaya 8.2 Pre-Release http://www.w3.org/Amaya/ http://www.w3.org/2001/Annotea/ Amaya is W3C's Web browser and authoring tool. Available for testing, the 8.2 pre-release includes new features and enhancements for selection, CSS and CSS debugging, backup files, loaded objects and images, undo, structure and source view, SVG, HTML, and annotations. Download Amaya binaries for Solaris, Linux and Windows, and Debian and RPM packages. Source code is available. The final is expected about 12 November. posted by Marcus | 3:01 PM National Association of Legal Investigators – Investigator Links http://www.nali.com/investigativelinks.html A very comprehensive site of business intelligence and investigative links presented by the National Assocaition of Legal Investigators posted by Marcus | 2:05 PM ResourceFinder http://www.eevl.ac.uk/resourcefinder.htm The ResourceFinder is a tool which helps you find quality internet resources in a number of subject areas, including biomedical sciences, engineering, mathematics, computing, the humanities, the physical sciences and the social sciences. It is provided by the Resource Discovery Network (RDN) and includes the following services - ALTIS, Biome, EEVL, GEsource, Humbul, PSIgate, SOSIG. posted by Marcus | 1:12 PM eCommerce Resources http://www.eCommerceResources.info eCommerce Resources is a Subject Tracer™ Information Blog developed and created by the Virtual Private Library™. It is designed to bring together the latest resources and sources on an ongoing basis from the Internet on eCommerce. We always welcome suggestions of additional sites and resources to be added to this comprehensive listing and please submit by clicking here. This site has been developed and maintained by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. . Additional links and resources by Marcus are available by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 5:00 AM A Guide to Institutional Repository Software http://www.soros.org/openaccess/software/ Universities and research centers throughout the world are actively planning the implementation of institutional repositories. Such planning entails policy, legal, educational, cultural, and technical components, most of which are interrelated and each of which must be satisfactorily addressed for the repository to succeed. The Open Society Institute intends this document to help organizations with one facet of their repository planning: selecting a software system that best satisfies an institution's needs. An institution's system needs will be driven by its content policies and by the procedures required to implement those policies. A well designed and carefully planned repository program can function well with any of the systems discussed here-but none of these systems can help a poorly designed or inadequately planned repository succeed. Therefore, where necessary, the notes to the System Feature & Functionality Table (Section 2.2) attempt to explain the relevance of system technical features in the context of a repository's broader planning, design, and policy framework posted by Marcus | 4:06 AM InfoNation http://www.cyberschoolbus.un.org/infonation/info.asp InfoNation is an easy-to-use, two-step database that allows you to view and compare the most up-to-date statistical data for the Member States of the United Nations. In this first menu, you can select up to seven countries. Then, you can proceed to the data menu where you will be able to select statistics and other data fields. posted by Marcus | 3:11 AM Thursday, November 06, 2003 Information Explosion Confirmed http://www.sims.berkeley.edu/research/projects/how-much-info-2003/ The quantity and flow of information is exploding at an amazing rate, according to a new study by the School of Information Management and Systems at University of California-Berkeley. Among their jaw-dropping findings: the amount of new information stored on paper, film, magnetic and optical media has roughly doubled in the last three years. Five exabytes of new information -- roughly five billion gigabytes -- was created in 2002 alone. How big are five exabytes? Imagine half a million libraries as big as the Library of Congress print collections, and you're on the right track. Each year almost 800 MB of recorded information is produced per person. If stored on paper, that would take about 30 feet of books. But 92% of all that new information is stored on magnetic media, mostly hard disks, rather than on paper, film or optical media. But there's much more than stored information. Information flowing through electronic channels -- telephone (both cellular and landline), radio, TV and the Internet -- is far larger. Almost 18 exabytes of new information was generated in 2002, three and a half times more than the amount stored. Five billion instant messages per day produce 274 terabytes a year. (A terabyte is about 1,000 gigabytes.) E-mail racks up about 400,000 terabytes of new information each year worldwide. About 31 billion e-mails are sent daily, a figure which is expected to double by 2006. E-mail ranks second behind the telephone as the largest information flow. E-mail users include 35% of the total U.S. population and accounts for over 35% of time spent on the Internet. The UC-Berkeley study estimates that about one-third of all e-mail is spam. posted by Marcus | 10:33 AM Research-Based Web Design & Usability Guidelines http://usability.gov/pdfs/guidelines.html An excellent publication on current research-based guidelines on web design and usability issues. posted by Marcus | 5:05 AM FRED II http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/ FRED II is a database of over 1000 U.S. economic time series. With FRED II you can download data in Microsoft Excel and text formats and view charts of data series. Categories include: Business/Fiscal, Commercial Banking, Consumer Price Indexes (CPI), Employment and Population, Exchange Rate, Balance of Payments, and Trade Data, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Components, Interest Rates, Monetary Aggregates, Producer Price Indexes (PPI), Regional, including Employment and Banking Data, Reserves and U.S. Financial Data. posted by Marcus | 5:04 AM Economic and Competitive Intelligence Resources http://www.loyola.edu/dept/politics/ecintel.html Comprehensive site of economic and competitive intelligence links and resources. posted by Marcus | 5:03 AM Digital Information Access: Nn Online Journal of e-Publishing http://www.sparcinfo.blogspot.com/DIAhome2.html Welcome to the inaugural issue of DIA, the quarterly, peer-reviewed electronic-only journal for tertiary librarians interested in the provision of digital information. This new electronic journal is the creation of TeL-SIG, the Tertiary Libraries Special Interest Group (SIG) of the Library and Information Assocation of New Zealand Aotearoa (LIANZA). DIA represents one of several initiatives TeL-SIG has undertaken this year to more effectively communicate with and provide professional development opportunities for TeL-SIG members. DIA offers a new medium for tertiary librarians and related information professions from New Zealand and around the world to address the complex digital information issues facing the profession. posted by Marcus | 5:02 AM Resources for Entrepreneurs - The Harold Price Center for Entrepreneurial Studies http://www.anderson.ucla.edu/research/esc/EntrResour.html The Harold Price Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, a recognized leader in entrepreneurial education and research, oversees all teaching, research, extracurricular, and community activities related to entrepreneurship at the John E. Anderson Graduate School of Management at UCLA. Working closely with its Board of Advisors, the Price Center's goal is to provide a set of academic and extracurricular experiences that advance both the theory and practice of entrepreneurship. An excellent resource list for entrepreneurs. posted by Marcus | 5:01 AM The CELCEE Database - Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership / Clearinghouse on Entrepreneurship Education http://www.celcee.edu/ Our database contains abstracts of materials on entrepreneurship education at all levels. The database primarily covers material from 1996 to the present and is updated weekly. CELCEE also publishes digests on entrepreneurship education and houses a collection of links to organizations dealing with entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education. You may wish to read the CELCEE Search Primer before using the database. posted by Marcus | 5:00 AM Wednesday, November 05, 2003 Commerce Portal http://www.sims.berkeley.edu/resources/infoecon/Commerce.html A comprehensive academic commerce portal with extensive links to General Sites, Digital Cash, Network Payment & Online Banking, Pricing Information Goods, Internet Commerce Protocols & Standards, Commercial Sites and Marketing & Advertising posted by Marcus | 5:09 AM Guide to eCommerce http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/library/subjectGuides/ecommerce.html E-Commerce is the practice of buying and selling products and services over the Internet, utilizing technologies such as the Web, electronic data interchange, email, electronic fund transfers, and smart cards. This Web guide may be viewed as a beginner's introduction to the topic, providing links to various aspects of e-commerce including international commerce, technical information, legal resources, online journals and newspapers, industry and association guides, and government policies posted by Marcus | 5:08 AM VIBES - Virtual International Business & Economic Sources http://libweb.uncc.edu/ref-bus/vibehome.htm VIBES provides over 2,000 links to Internet sources of international business and economic information that are in English and available free of charge. Links include: • Full-text files of recent articles and research reports • Statistical tables and graphs • Portals (pages with links to other sources) posted by Marcus | 5:07 AM Resources for Economists on the Internet - RFE http://www.aeaweb.org/ This guide is sponsored by the American Economic Association. It lists 1,291 resources in 96 sections and sub-sections available on the Internet of interest to academic and practicing economists, and those interested in economics. Almost all resources are also described posted by Marcus | 5:06 AM Nouriel Roubini's Global Macroeconomic and Financial Policy Site http://www.stern.nyu.edu/globalmacro/ Nouriel Roubini's Global Macroeconomic and Financial Policy Site at the Stern School of Business, New York University. posted by Marcus | 5:05 AM Economy.com's FreeLunch http://www.economy.com/freelunch/default.asp Economy.com's FreeLunch provides you with free access to over 900,000 economic and financial data series. posted by Marcus | 5:04 AM EconWPA - Economics Working Paper Archives http://econwpa.wustl.edu/ This award winning service (provided by the Economics Department of Washington University ), is devoted to the free distribution of working papers in economics. There are 22 subject areas, along with a test posting area, a meetings area, an area for programs and an area for data. Other areas are added when demand dictates. Some graphs of number of submissions. posted by Marcus | 5:03 AM EconData - Guide to Regional Economic Data on the Web http://www.econdata.net/ EconData has thousands of links to socioeconomic data sources, arranged by subject and provider, pointers to the Web's premiere data collections, and their own list of the ten best sites for finding regional economic data. posted by Marcus | 5:02 AM Browse the 1998-2003 Economic Indicators http://www.access.gpo.gov/congress/eibrowse/broecind.html 1998-2003 Economic Indicators are prepared and published monthly for the Joint Economic Committee, by the Council of Economic Advisers). Selecting one of the months provides access to the corresponding Economic Indicators browse table. The table permits downloading the entire issue, and/or selected pages of the issue, in TEXT or PDF format. posted by Marcus | 5:01 AM AgEcon Search http://agecon.lib.umn.edu/ AgEcon Search: Research in Agricultural and Applied Economics is a World Wide Web site developed and maintained at the University of Minnesota by Magrath Library and the Department of Applied Economics. AgEcon Search collects, indexes, and electronically distributes full text copies of scholarly research in the broadly defined field of agricultural economics including sub disciplines such as agribusiness, food supply, natural resource economics, environmental economics, policy issues, agricultural trade, and economic development. AgEcon Search will serve as the permanent archive for this literature and encourages authors and organizations to use this electronic library as the storehouse for additional appropriate scholarly electronic works. posted by Marcus | 5:00 AM Tuesday, November 04, 2003 BELL: The Business Ethics Links Library http://libnet.colorado.edu/Bell/ BELL: The Business Ethics Links Library - Resources for Research in Business Ethics and Social Responsibility. BELL is a comprehensive starting point for research in corporate ethics and social responsibility. The database provides access to codes of ethics for U.S. companies and trade and professional associations, ethics sites at college and university business programs, industry information resources, and company promotion of social responsibility covering such topics as arts assistance, environmental clean up, charitable giving and community programming. posted by Marcus | 4:29 PM Top Internet Sites for Business Research http://www.washingtonresearchers.com/public/InternetGuide/InternetGuide.html Washington Researchers has compiled a list of web sites that they have found to be particularly helpful; they range from search engines and online databases to directories and sources for background and contact information on industries. Some of these sites are free; others require you to pay fees to obtain data. This has been added to Business Intelligence Subject Tracer™ Information Blog as well as Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 1:47 PM BizStats - Useful Business Statistics Online http://www.bizstats.com/ Instant access to useful financial ratios, business statistics & benchmarks, effective and understandable online analysis of businesses & industries. posted by Marcus | 10:15 AM Federal Acquisition Jumpstation http://prod.nais.nasa.gov/pub/fedproc/home.html Comprehensive links to federal acquisitions on the Internet. posted by Marcus | 9:14 AM BidLine http://www.bidline.com/ BidLine molds federal, state and local government bids into one format that makes finding new work easier. posted by Marcus | 9:07 AM A Dictionary of Units, Measures and Conversions http://www.ex.ac.uk/cimt/dictunit/dictunit.htm This provides a summary of most of the units of measurement to be found in use around the world today (and a few of historical interest), together with the appropriate conversion factors needed to change them into a 'standard' unit of the SI. posted by Marcus | 8:49 AM MInd - The Meetings Index http://www.interdok.com/mind/ MInd: The Meetings Index offers free access to locate future conferences, congresses, meetings and symposia. Resulting proceedings from many events are referenced in their Directory of Published Proceedings. If you are interested in searching for event literature, visit DoPP. If multiple parameters are used, fewer records will be returned. The subject categories consist of four areas: Science/Technology Medical/Life Sciences Pollution Control/Ecology Social Sciences/Humanities Results are sorted by date and city. If you locate a listing, click the event link and the full record will appear. We provide all sponsoring organization as well as contact information, including deadlines for abstracts and papers, where noted. Should you have information on future events you would like to include in MInd, please visit their MInd E-Form to submit your listings. If you wish to review previously listed events, which convened more than two months ago, visit their MInd Archive. posted by Marcus | 8:08 AM Acquiring Goods and Services Via the Internet: Consumer Shopping Perceptions by Lori N.K. Leonard http://firstmonday.org/issues/issue8_11/leonard/ The Internet is transforming communication, collaboration, and commerce. This research focuses on the commerce function and examines the nature of Internet transactions, in terms of the consumer needs fulfilled, the Internet as a contact vehicle (in purchasing) and the Internet’s acquisition function. A questionnaire is administered to undergraduate students to capture their perceptions on the above issues. The findings indicate that the largest number of items being purchased via the Internet is to fill love and affiliation needs, with physical needs being second. The Internet is also considered to be convenient and flexible, but less reliable and secure. Finally, the Internet is perceived to be least similar to purchasing from a store. These findings will help organizations conducting business via the Internet to better address the needs and wants of consumers, and system designers, marketers, managers, etc. can use these findings when assessing their organization’s Web transaction activity. posted by Marcus | 7:58 AM Monday, November 03, 2003 This edition of Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. (November 3, 2003 V1N23) is dedicated to the Subject Tracer™ Information Blog Business Intelligence Resources. Click on the below audblog link to to hear an audio describing this new site focusing on Business Intelligence. The site is available from the following address: Business Intelligence Resources http://www.BIResources.info/ ![]() ![]() Business Intelligence Resources http://www.BIResources.info Business Intelligence Resources is a Subject Tracer™ Information Blog developed and created by the Virtual Private Library™. It is designed to bring together the latest resources and sources on an ongoing basis from the Internet on business intelligence. We always welcome suggestions of additional sites and resources to be added to this comprehensive listing and please submit by clicking here. This site has been developed and maintained by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. . Additional links and resources by Marcus are available by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 8:00 AM YellowPen Research Engine http://www.YellowPen.com/ YellowPen complements the most commonly used Internet tools--the web browser and the search engine--by helping people digest the information they find online. Using YellowPen, people can capture the information "highlights" they encounter in the course of their searches into a powerful database. Storing information in YellowPen is as simple as dragging a selection from a source document (such as a web page) and dropping it in the YellowPen window. Users can freely edit their research results, organize them in "notebooks", add comments and source citations, and search their collections using keywords. They can also share their findings using "teams" or via instant e-mail reports. posted by Marcus | 7:45 AM Most-Cited Researchers, 1983-2002 http://www.sciencewatch.com/sept-oct2003/sw_sept-oct2003_page2.htm A very interesting page from ScienceWatch listing the top 25 most-cited researchers from 1983 - 2002. The Number one spot goes to Bert Vogelstein of HHMI/Johns Hopkins in the field of Molecular Biology & Genetics with 361 papers and 106,401 citations! posted by Marcus | 7:30 AM OAI for Beginners - the Open Archives Forum Online Tutorial http://www.oaforum.org/tutorial/ This tutorial is an introduction to the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). Working through this tutorial you will: * gain an overview of the history behind the OAI-PMH and an overview of its key features; * achieve a deeper technical insight into how the protocol works; * learn something about some of the main implementation issues; * find some useful starting points and hints that will help you as an implementer. The Overview, History and Development of OAI-PMH, and Glossary may be used on their own to gain information about OAI and OAI-PMH without going into technical implementation details. posted by Marcus | 5:22 AM Sunday, November 02, 2003 W3C Requests '906 Patent Re-Examination http://www.w3.org/2003/09/pag http://www.w3.org/2003/10/28-906-briefing Acting on the advice of the W3C HTML Patent Advisory Group, W3C has presented the United States Patent and Trademark Office with prior art establishing that US Patent No. 5,838,906 (the '906 patent) is invalid. W3C Director Tim Berners-Lee has written an unprecedented request to James E. Rogan, US Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property, to take action to remove the patent to allow operation of the Web. Please refer to the briefing. posted by Marcus | 9:27 AM XML 1.0 Third Edition Is a Proposed Edited Recommendation http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/PER-xml-20031030/ http://www.w3.org/XML/ The XML Core Working Group has published the Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 Third Edition as a Proposed Edited Recommendation. The third edition is not a new version of XML. It brings the XML 1.0 Recommendation up to date with second edition errata, and clarifies its use of RFC 2119 key words like must, should and may. Comments are welcome through 1 December. Visit the XML home page. posted by Marcus | 9:24 AM Researching Medical Literature on the Internet -- 2003 Update http://www.llrx.com/features/medical2003.htm The proliferation of medical web sites is good news for the researcher with a small to non-existent medical collection. Legal researchers often have to consult medical sources, so it is fortunate that the Internet provides free access to a great deal of the medical literature, either in full text or citation/abstract format, and that it offers search capabilities good enough to fulfill most information needs. In addition, public demand for medical information on the World Wide Web is constant. Many professionally-oriented health care sites have evolved to meet consumer needs, and consumer-oriented sites often include professional literature. Journals, dictionaries, textbooks, indexes - all can be found on the Net in growing numbers. The sources are varied; they include publishers, government agencies, professional organizations, and health libraries. posted by Marcus | 9:20 AM Medical Reference For Non-Medical Librarians http://denison.uchsc.edu/outreach/medbib3.htm#.docdel An excellent reference resource for non-medcial librarians received from the Virtual Private Library's (VPL) Healthcare Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 9:13 AM Saturday, November 01, 2003 Top Internet Sites for Business Research http://www.washingtonresearchers.com/public/InternetGuide/InternetGuide.html Washington Researchers has compiled a list of web sites that they have found to be particularly helpful; they range from search engines and online databases to directories and sources for background and contact information on industries. posted by Marcus | 5:08 AM Rutgers University Libraries - Subject Research Guides - Business http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rul/rr_gateway/research_guides/busi/business.shtml This Research Guide provides assistance in doing research in a variety of business and management topics, with descriptions of databases and hundreds of reference books in the collections of the Rutgers University Libraries. Links to more than 3,000 selected business and management-related Internet resources are included. While the Dana Library is designated the business research library of the Rutgers University Libraries, materials in business and related areas can also be found at the Alexander Library, with its strong United States, foreign and international documents collections; the Kilmer Library, serving the Rutgers Business School in New Brunswick; the Robeson Library, which supports the School of Business in Camden; and the School of Management and Labor Relations Library, which focuses on industrial relations. posted by Marcus | 5:07 AM IPAnet http://www.ipanet.net/ Established in 1995 as part of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA's) mandate to enhance Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in developing regions, the Investment Promotion Network (IPAnet) is the leading international investment-specific portal Web site providing free access to online foreign investment and privatization resources. IPAnet provides an extensive searchable database of over 12,000 Web-based documents which include research on economies and product markets, investment-related laws and treaties, as well as specific investment opportunities. This database of documents, catalogued by country, sector and topic, are obtained primarily from the World Bank Group, investment promotion agencies and privatization agencies. The IPAnet business directories comprise contact information for over 30,000 organizations and individuals involved in foreign investment. The online service also provides links to a large number of other investment highlights and particulars, including links to its subsidiary websites - PrivatizationLink and PrivatizationLink-Russia. posted by Marcus | 5:06 AM PDF Converter http://www.scansoft.com/pdfconverter/ ScanSoft PDF Converter for Microsoft Word instantly converts PDF files into Microsoft Word documents that look just like the original - complete with all formatting and graphics! Information is set free - free to be edited and free to be integrated into your documents. Your organization will reach new levels of productivity by leveraging the power of Microsoft Word to edit and collaborate with PDF files. Best of all, because it is a plug-in, PDF Converter gives you superior speed and ease of use from within your favorite applications - Word, Outlook, Windows Explorer, and Internet Explorer. posted by Marcus | 5:05 AM Overview of Latest Search Engines http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue37/search-engines/ Phil Bradley gives us an overview of emerging, new and newly discovered search engines that we might want to keep an eye on as they develop. There have been several additions to the world of search engines over the summer, and he thought he would do a quick round-up of them to see how they perform. ZapMeta Netnose Wotbox posted by Marcus | 5:04 AM FinanceWise http://www.financewise.com/ FinanceWise, the first search engine to focus specifically on financial-only content. Unlike other search technologies, FinanceWise doesn't aim to index the Internet in its entirety, only sites which possess content of interest to the financial world. Every topic, from risk management to syndicated finance and equities is indexed in depth, with the contents of each site evaluated by our editorial staff before sites are allowed into FinanceWise's search index. posted by Marcus | 5:03 AM Best of the Web Awards from the Center for Digital Government http://www.centerdigitalgov.com/center/highlightstory.phtml?docid=71844 The Center for Digital Government, an international research and advisory institute on information technology (IT) in government and education, has granted its 2003 "Best of the Web" awards for state, city and county government portal categories, with the entries judged on their innovation, Web-based delivery of public services, efficiency, economy and functionality for improved citizen access. Cathilea Robinett, the CDG's executive director, says "Utah, Washington, D.C., and Montgomery County have highly functional Web sites. All three winners take advantage of online government and are setting the bar for the rest of the nation. Capturing first place in the Best of the Web contest reflects their true commitment to the citizens and businesses of their respective jurisdictions." The top winners in the various categories are: State Portal: Utah, Maine, Indiana, Washington, and Arkansas; City Portal: Washington DC, Virginia Beach, Boston, Phoenix, and Dallas; County Portal: Montgomery (MD), Santa Clara (CA), Fairfax (VA), Marion County/Indianapolis (IN), and King County (WA). posted by Marcus | 5:02 AM Search Engine Decoder http://www.search-this.com/search_engine_decoder.asp The Search Engine Decoder allows you to visualize the relationships between the various serach engines in primary, secondary, directory and paid search results. posted by Marcus | 5:01 AM Pandora Bots http://www.pandorabots.com/ Welcome to pandorabots.com, the place where you can create and unleash virtual personalities. Pandorabots.com is an experimental software robot (bot) hosting service based on the work of Dr. Richard Wallace and the A.L.I.C.E./AIML free software community (www.alicebot.org). From any browser, you may create, design and publish your own software robots – and make them available to anyone via the Internet. Click here to sign-up for an account to begin creating your own virtual robots. If you already have an account, please sign-in below with your email address and password. posted by Marcus | 5:00 AM |
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