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Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. Author/Speaker/Consultant Internet Happenings, Events and Sources |
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![]() Saturday, July 31, 2004 ![]() BizMiner BizMiner http://www.bizminer.com/ BizMiner (the Brandow Company, Inc.) has been based in Camp Hill, PA since its establishment in 1990. BizMiner has built its reputation on quality industry research and data development. The company pioneers online delivery of detailed industry analysis to small and large businesses and entrepreneurs through its local and national Marketing Plan Research Profiles, Financial Analysis Profiles, Area Sector Profiles, Best Market Area Profiles, Franchise Profiles and Business Risk Index series. BizMiner’s proprietary research methodology tracks and analyzes the experience of over 18 million US business facilities, condensing millions of data points into the unique measures found in our profile series. This will be added to Business Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuides. This has been added to Business Intelligence Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:25 PM Waypath Topic Streams - Search http://www.waypath.com/topic/search.html Waypath Topic Streams mine millions of weblogs for new posts on specific topics. This topic stream covers search engines, technologies and user experiences. This has been added to my Bots, Blogs and News Aggregators Presentation white paper. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM The Hometown Locator http://gazetteer.hometownlocator.com/index.cfm Here's an easy way to get Census data for your hometown. The Hometown Locator - Gazetteer allows you to type in your hometown and get highly detailed Census information, topographic maps, and aerial photos. While the Census data is not in a geographic format like TIGER data the Hometown Locator provides many attributes you may not find in other sources such as employment facts and income levels. You can even find out how many people drive, walk, or take the bus to work. The site also provides links to TerraServer for downloadable aerial photography, MapQuest, and Topozone. This has been added to Business Intelligence Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog.[EAST GIS News Vol 1, Issue 8] posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM Design of a Parallel and Distributed Web Search Engine by Salvatore Orlando, Raffaele Perego, and Fabrizio Silvestri http://eprints.osti.gov/cgi-bin/dexpldcgi?qry1125085327;2 Abstract by Authors This paper describes the architecture of MOSE (My Own Search Engine), a scalable parallel and distributed engine for searching the web. MOSE was specifically designed to efficiently exploit affordable parallel architectures, such as clusters of workstations. Its modular and scalable architecture can easily be tuned to fulfill the bandwidth requirements of the application at hand. Both task-parallel and data-parallel approaches are exploited within MOSE in order to increase the throughput and efficiently use communication, storing and computational resources. We used a collection of html documents as a benchmark, and conducted preliminary experiments on a cluster of three SMP Linux PCs. This has been added to Bot Research Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM Finding Company Information: Selected Titles and Tips by Pamela Morgan Chicago Public Library http://snipurl.com/82a2 Public Libraries Briefcase No. 9, 3rd Quarter 2004 A publication of the BRASS Business Reference in Public Libraries Committee. Public librarians often receive requests for company information: sales leads, prospective employers, providers of a service, makers of tangible products. For the generalist, it is important to gather some basic information about the company during the reference interview. What does the company do? Is it a public or private company? Where is the company located? What else can you tell me about the company? Finding out as much as possible will allow you to match the patron information need with the appropriate resources. This will be added to Business Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM MSNBC Newsbot http://newsbot.msnbc.msn.com/ The MSNBC Newsbot (beta), powered by MSN Search Technology, is an experimental, automated news service. Newsbot gathers news from over 4,800 sources on the Internet to speed your discovery of the information you care about most. Enter a topic, interest, or news story you want to learn more about and MSNBC Newsbot will bring you up-to-the-minute coverage from around the Internet. Newsbot is built on advanced computer algorithms to determine which stories and photos are most relevant, most popular, and to recommend stories to individual readers based on their interests. Newsbot clusters related news headlines and photos to allow you to compare coverage from multiple sources. Each story links to the publisher's site where you can read the article in full. As news changes, Newsbot continuously updates to keep you current on what stories are being reported around the world. You can search to find news related to particular topics, or browse the sections to find news in Sports, Business, Technology, or World News. This has been added to Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. This will be added to eCurrent Awareness Resources 2004-05. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Friday, July 30, 2004 ![]() Finding People Resources and Sites on the Internet http://www.FindingPeople.info/ The Finding People Subject Tracer™ Information Blog has been updated with the addition of a 13 page freely downloadable white paper featuring all the sources and sites that are listed in this resource. This makes is very easy to print off and/or save to your computer to use in your continued research for "Finding People" on the Internet. Also another new addition is a ten minute online streaming tutorial video presented by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. that "walks" you through all the resources available and gives you some neat research ideas and pointers for "Finding People" on the Internet. Of course the site is constantly updated as well! Additional recommendations are always welcomed from the email submittal link on the site. Please spread the word to all your associates and organization members about this freely available comprehensive resource on the Internet for "Finding People". This is one of thirty five freely available Subject Tracer™ Information Blogs from the Virtual Private Library. posted by Marcus | 9:52 AM ![]() Ping-o-Matic http://pingomatic.com/ After you update your blog postings or create a new posting you need to let the world know that you have something new to say or have added a new exciting resource! Enter Ping-o-Matic .... that allows you to send out "pings" to a number of excellent resources. Why Ping? There a number of services designed specifically for tracking and connecting blogs. However it would be expensive for all the services to crawl all the blogs in the world all the time. By sending a small ping to each service you let them know you've updated so they can come check you out. They get the freshest data possible, you don't get a thousand robots spidering your site all the time. Everybody wins. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM User Guide to Using the Linux Desktop http://www.iosn.net/training/end-user-manual/ IOSN has produced an introductory end user guide to using the Linux desktop. It is now available for review and feedback. This user guide is meant as an introductory guide for a user to use a modern personal computer (PC) running the Linux operating system. The main aim is to provide a self-learning guide on how to use a modern Linux desktop system. It assumes that the user has no prior knowledge of Linux or PC usage. The guide currently formatted for use as printed material, with the acompanying slides to be used by trainers. The training materials are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM International Open Source Network (IOSN) http://www.iosn.net/ The International Open Source Network (IOSN) is a Center of Excellence for FOSS in the Asia-Pacific Region. It shapes its activities around Free/Open Source Software (FOSS) technologies and applications. Via a small secretariat, the IOSN is tasked specifically to facilitate and network FOSS advocates and human resources in the region. The vision is that developing countries in the Asia-Pacific Region can achieve rapid and sustained economic and social development by using affordable yet effective FOSS ICT solutions to bridge the digital divide. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM PartFinder Service http://www.techbriefs.com/partfinder NTB's PartFinder service -- powered by Digi-Key -- features over 400,000 electronic components from more than 280 leading manufacturers, complete with stock status and real-time pricing. This has been added to ShoppingBots Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM WebGrabit http://www.webgrabit.com/ WebGrabit makes retrieving and monitoring news and information from the Internet a breeze! With WebGrabit you can display selected parts of your favourite websites simultaneously and have them automatically updated, all without opening your browser. Each selected item can be displayed in its own sizeable window on your desktop, or can be hidden, to pop-up when its content changes. No more laborious logging-on to websites or switching between multiple browser windows. With WebGrabit, all the news and information you need is always right there on your desktop. This has been added to the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM NewsTrove http://www.newstrove.com/ NewsTrove scours nearly 200,000 sites looking for news-worthy information and generates the RSS newsfeeds, which are read by a newsreader. NewsTrove has partnered with Pluck, a free RSS newsreader that plugs into your Internet Explorer browser to enable you to read the newsfeeds. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. It's the most popular way of syndicating news and information. Businesspeople, researchers, students, journalists, or anybody with an interest use RSS to receive up-to-the-minute news on their favorite subjects. This will be added to eCurrent Awareness Resources 2004-05. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Thursday, July 29, 2004 ![]() Eisenhower National Clearinghouse for Mathematics and Science Education (ENC) http://www.enc.org/ The mission of the Eisenhower National Clearinghouse for Mathematics and Science Education (ENC) is to identify effective curriculum resources, create high-quality professional development materials, and disseminate useful information and products to improve K-12 mathematics and science teaching and learning. This has been added to Student Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM BlogOn 2004 http://www.blogonevent.com/blogon2004/blog/ BlogOn 2004 is a website featuring all the activities and content generated from this bloging event. Included are Agenda, Speakers, Companies, Program Committee, Sponsors, BlogOn Blog, Community Tools, Conference Details, Register, Sponsor and Exhibit. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM Guidelines for Implementing and Maintaining Virtual Reference Services http://www.ala.org/ala/rusa/rusaprotools/referenceguide/virtrefguidelines.htm The purpose of these guidelines is to assist libraries and consortia with implementing and maintaining virtual reference services. The guidelines are meant to provide direction, without being over- prescriptive. Variance among institutions will result in differences in the adherence to these guidelines, but the committee hopes to have cast the model broadly enough to provide a framework for virtual reference which can be widely adopted and which will endure through many changes in the ways in which libraries provide virtual reference services. Prepared by the MARS Digital Reference Guidelines Ad Hoc Committee, Reference and User Services Association, 2004. Approved by the RUSA Board of Directors June 2004. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM Working Draft: Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) 1.1 http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/WD-P3P11-20040720/ http://www.w3.org/P3P/ The P3P Specification Working Group has released an updated Working Draft of the "Platform for Privacy Preferences 1.1 (P3P 1.1)." P3P simplifies and automates the process of reading Web site privacy policies, promoting trust and confidence in the Web. Version 1.1 has new extension and binding mechanisms based on suggestions from W3C workshops and the privacy community. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM DateDex - The Calendar Directory of Days, Dates and Events Worldwide http://www.datedex.com/ DateDex lists the event calendars of many of the worlds most influential organisations, countries, religions, sports, etc. ... where you can upload any 'event' to your Personal Information Manager (PIM) ... and then synchronise with your Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) if you have the necessary 'kit'. This has been added to Reference Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. This will be added to eCurrent Awareness Resources 2004-05. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM Institute for International Economics http://www.iie.com/ The Institute for International Economics is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan research institution devoted to the study of international economic policy. Since 1981 the Institute has provided timely, objective analysis and concrete solutions to key international economic problems. The Institute attempts to anticipate emerging issues and to be ready with practical ideas to inform and shape public debate. Its audience includes government officials and legislators, business and labor leaders, management and staff at international organizations, university-based scholars and their students, other research institutions and nongovernmental organizations, the media, and the public at large. It addresses these groups both in the United States and around the world. This will be added to Business Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Wednesday, July 28, 2004 ![]() Bots, Blogs & News Aggregators Presentation http://www.botsblogs.com/ This site is for the white paper, video and sources that I deliver in my "Current Happenings on the Internet: Bots, Blogs and News Aggregators" presentation. If you would like me to deliver this presentation to your company or organization feel free to contact me for additional information and availability dates. posted by Marcus | 11:00 AM ![]() The Conference Board http://www.Conference-Board.org/ The Conference Board creates and disseminates knowledge about management and the marketplace to help businesses strengthen their performance and better serve society. Working as a global, independent membership organization in the public interest, we conduct research, convene conferences, make forecasts, assess trends, publish information and analysis, and bring executives together to learn from one another. The Conference Board is a not-for-profit organization and holds 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt status in the United States. This will be added to Business Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM AxCrypt http://axcrypt.sourceforge.net/ AxCrypt File Encryption Software - Free Personal Privacy and Security for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2K/XP with AES-128 File Encryption, Compression and transparent Decrypt and Open in the original application. This will be added to Security Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. This has been added to Privacy Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM Spurl http://www.spurl.net/ Spurl is a free online bookmark service with many additional benefits ... Save it With one click Spurl saves the interesting things you find on the web, storing not only the link, but the entire page contents for later re-viewing ... Search it Spurl allows you to easily search through the entire content of all the pages you've ever "spurled" ... Share it By tapping into the user community, Spurl can recommend pages that you are likely to be interested in, and the New and Hot spurls give a unique and up to date view into what is happening on the Internet. This has been added to the tools section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM BlinkX http://www.blinkx.com/ BlinkX changes the way you find and access all kinds of information, from anywhere in the world, without having to search endlessly. blinkx rapidly links you with the information you need from the web, from online news sources and files on your own PC. And you have to do nothing! Whenever you browse a website, read a news story, check your e-mail or write a document, blinkx automatically delivers suggestions from the Web, news or your local files; which you can view by simply clicking the links or rolling over to get a summary of the information found. If you want to search, blinkx understands your question and presents you with links as you search. This will be added to the search engines section of all the Internet MiniGuides. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM UK Children Go Online Website http://www.children-go-online.net/ The project explores the nature and meaning of children's internet use and maps emerging patterns of attitudes and practices across diverse contexts and social groups in the UK. It is part of the ESRC's e-Society Programme and is based at the Department of Media and Communications at the London School of Economics and Political Science. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM The Privacy Place http://theprivacyplace.org/ The Privacy Place is committed to disseminating information in the form of research results and relevant technical privacy developments in an effort to aid policy makers, software developers and American citizens. The Privacy Place is staffed by a inter-disciplinary team of researchers at North Carolina State University's Computer Science and Business Management departments as well as the Georgia Tech College of Computing, the Purdue University Computer Science Department and the University of Lugano Communication Sciences department. This has been added to Privacy Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Tuesday, July 27, 2004 ![]() AwarenessWatch™ Newsletter V2N8 August 2004 AwarenessWatch™ Newsletter V2N8 August 2004 http://virtualprivatelibrary.blogspot.com/Awareness Watch V2N8.pdf Awareness Watch™ Newsletter http://www.AwarenessWatch.com/ The August 2004 V2N8 Awareness Watch™ Newsletter is available as a 26 page .pdf document (487KB) from the above URL. The Awareness Watch Featured Report this month highlights a comprehensive listing of information quality resources. The Awareness Watch Spotters cover many excellent and newly released current awareness research sources and tools as well as the latest identified Internet happenings and resources. The book review highlights Web Dynamics and the Subject Tracer™ Information Blogs have been updated with the latest subject: Artificial Intelligence Resources. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM Global Sourcing Information http://www.nfap.net/researchactivities/globalsourcing/ A comprehensive listing of items of Interest in the Global Sourcing Debate from the National Foundation for American Policy. This has been added to Outsourcing/Offshoring Information and Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM BidRobot http://www.bidrobot.com/ BidRobot says it will win more auctions for you and pay less for the items you win. This site has been added to Auction Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM The Scribbler http://www.zefrank.com/scribbler/ There is much talk in artistic circles about what is that the Web can offer in terms of a new dimension or a new medium for creating art. The Scribbler may be one of the very few Web-based offerings that actually uses the interactivity of the Internet and the randomness of a design software to allow a user to sketch a drawing and then have The Scribbler enhance it -- that is, seek to draw what your mind's eye may be seeing but your untrained hands cannot put on paper. As is noted at the site, "When a new scribble line is created it chooses a few numbers at random that eventually determine what sort of line it will draw. As it begins to draw it fine tunes those values to the type of drawing that you've made." If you enjoy doodling on paper, you'll have try doodling using the Scribbler online. [From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2003. http://scout.wisc.edu/] posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM Shell Extension City http://www.shellcity.net/index.php Shell Extension City offers millions of free Windows power tools, explorer enhancements, windows add-ons, tweaks, system utilities, freeware, ie5 ... according to its meta title. Well worth a visit and a bookmark. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM Oxymorons http://www.oxymorons.info/ While the phrase "never say never" may make some think of a certain suave British spy of the silver screen, to wordsmiths this is a thoroughly noxious example of an oxymoron. Strictly speaking, an oxymoron is a literary figure of speech in which opposite or contradictory words, terms, phrases or ideas are combined to create a rhetorical effect by paradoxical means. For those with a budding love of oxymorons, this website will be of great interest. Here visitors can read growing lists of oxymorons, organized by subject (such as religion, relationships, and household), or breeze through the listings by first letter. The site also has a number of oxymoronic quotes and sayings for perusal, including the oft-quoted phrase from Mark Twain: "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." The site is rounded out by a series of discussion boards where visitors may harangue with other visitors over the merits of such terms as "jumbo shrimp" and "anarchy rules." [From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2003. http://scout.wisc.edu/] posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Monday, July 26, 2004 ![]() Top 50 Law Blogs - EDDix 50 http://www.eddixllc.com/blogs/archives/2004/07/the_eddix_50.asp The top 50 law blogs constantly updated and re-evaluated by the Electronic Data Discovery Information Exchange (EDDix). This will be added to Legal Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ![]() This edition of Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. July 26, 2004 V2N30 highlights a new site titled Sailing the Internet. Click on the below audio posting to hear an audio by Marcus P. Zillman on this site. View this site at: Sailing the Internet http://snipurl.com/809c ![]() Convention Bloggers http://www.conventionbloggers.com/ DNC 2004 Weblogs: News Aggregator. A community site for bloggers participating in the DNC, July 26-29. The home page of this site is now a News Aggregator, showing updates from all the convention-blogger sites covering the DNC in Boston. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM The British Homeopathic Library http://www.hom-inform.org/ The British Homeopathic Library is a library and information service dedicated to the research and practice of homeopathic medicine. We supply comprehensive library services, including: A database of over 25,000 article and book references on homeopathy, free to search from this website. This will be added to Healthcare Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM Asian Studies Network Information Center (ASNIC) http://asnic.utexas.edu/asnic.html This site features links to sites about specific countries in Asia, as well as to information about Asian regions, studying abroad in Asia, and doing business in India. Searchable. From the Department of Asian Studies, University of Texas at Austin. This will be added to International Trade Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM IEBlog http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/ New Blog From IE Browser Team. IEBlog, the Microsoft Internet Explorer Weblog, launched July 21. They will happily post and discuss issues around what features should be in IE, how features work in IE, the importance of application compatibility in IE, tips and tricks in IE, answers to technical issues, security and extensibility in IE, web browsing in general, and what keeps us up at night. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM Kahle's Quest: Universal Access To All Knowledge http://www.acmqueue.com/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=163 "The thing that gets me springing out of bed in the morning and has for the last 20 years is the idea that we could have universal access to all knowledge," says Brewster Kahle, chairman of the board of the Internet Archive. The Archive was founded in 1996 to build an Internet library with permanent access for researchers and scholars to historical collections in digital format. Kahle's quest begins "deep in the human psyche," but is planted in practicality, with detailed analyses of what's to be done: "Let's consider the question of how much information there is. If you break it down, it turns out to be not that big of a deal. The largest print library in the world, which is the Library of Congress, has about 28 million volumes. A book is about a megabyte. That's just the ASCII of a book, if you put it in Microsoft Word. So 28 million megabytes is 28 terabytes, which fits in a bookshelf and costs about $60,000 right now. Storing books in ASCII is no problem, and the scanned images are more but still affordable. Scanning books costs between $5 and $20. ... So books are doable, in terms of technology." posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Sunday, July 25, 2004 ![]() NHGRI Policy and Legislation Database http://www.genome.gov/LegislativeDatabase This database contains Federal and State laws/statutes; Federal legislative materials; and Federal administrative and executive materials, including regulations, institutional policies, and executive orders. The database currently focuses on the following subject areas: privacy of genetic information/confidentiality; informed consent; insurance and employment discrimination; genetic testing and counseling; and commercialization and patenting. This has been added to Biological Informatics Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM Downbursts 1) Downbursts: Severe Localized Downdrafts http://ww2010.atmos.uiuc.edu/(Gh)/guides/mtr/svr/dngr/dburst.rxml 2) Severe Weather Awareness: Downbursts http://www.erh.noaa.gov/er/cae/svrwx/downburst.htm 3) Doppler Radar Verification of Downbursts http://snipurl.com/7yqx 4) Team Investigates Freak Winds http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/low/science/nature/3396173.stm 5) Science Question of the Week: Downbursts http://www.gsfc.nasa.gov/scienceques2003/20040528.htm 6) Severe Weather Watcher Handbook: Downbursts http://www.msc-smc.ec.gc.ca/education/severe_weather/page22_e.cfm#TOP 7) MetLive Boat Safety Tips: Downbursts - The Sudden Winds http://www.uscgboating.org/safety/metlife/downbursts.htm 8) Tetsuya Theodore Fujita (1920-1998) http://www.msu.edu/~fujita/tornado/ttfujita/biography.html First, the University of Illinois discusses the occurrence of damaging thunderstorm winds, called downbursts, and the event's two classifications: macrobursts and microbursts (1). Users can find helpful links to other University of Illinois fact sheets for the meteorological terms addressed in the text. The second website, created by NOAA, also offers a summary of downbursts and compares them with tornados (2). With its great figures and images, visitors can visualize how downbursts happen and why they are dangerous for airplanes. The third web site, created by NOAA, discusses the successfulness of using Doppler radar-derived velocity data to verify downburst occurrences and to validate the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) Wet Microburst Severity Index (WMSI) product (3). Visitors can learn about the cold season convection events that took place in Southeastern Florida, central Mississippi, and the Texas gulf coast. Next, the BBC furnishes a short article about a wind tunnel experiment undertaken to study downbursts (4). Users can discover the many questions still unanswered about this severe weather phenomenon. At the fifth site, NASA scientist, Dr. Halverson, address how scientists determine if storm damage is due to tornados or downbursts (5). Students can learn about the basic differences of tornados and downbursts. Next, Environment Canada supplies fantastic images to help users understand downbursts (6). Visitors can find out about microbursts that take place in dry regions and are not associated with storm situations. At the seventh website, the United States Coast Guard addresses how downbursts can not only be dangerous to aircrafts but also boats (7). After discussing the characteristics of downbursts, the website addresses downburst hazards and how boaters can get protection and help. Lastly, Michigan State University provides a biography honoring Tetsuya Theodore Fujita, the famous severe storm researcher who first named the destructive thunderstorm winds - downbursts (8). Users can discover his great work, not just in downbursts, but also in tornadoes, typhoons, and other severe storm events. [From The NSDL Scout Report for the Physical Sciences, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2003. http://scout.wisc.edu/] posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM Achieving a Perfect Storm of Blogging Tools for Civil Society http://edwebproject.org/andy/blog/000575.html Across the blogosphere this week, folks have been talking about a recent post on Susan Mernit's Blog in which Susan lays out her thoughts on what she'd like to see news organizations do to enhance their coverage of the political conventions this summer. Susan, a media consultant and veteran of the US edtech wars, notes that media outlets appear to have done little to creatively embrace tools like blogs, rss feeds, and social networks such as Orkut.com to make their convention coverage more meaningful for voters.[Andy Carvin's Waste of Bandwidth posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM Confessions of a Science Librarian http://jdupuis.blogspot.com/ This weblog (by John Dupuis) features links and pointers to information of interest to academic science librarians. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM Unified Hyperstructures for Bioinformatics: Escaping the Application Prison by Adam Moore and Tim Brailsford http://jodi.ecs.soton.ac.uk/Articles/v05/i01/Moore/ Abstract The Next Big Thing in hypertext will be unifying different applications in bioinformatics through the ZigZag paradigm, allowing this field to live up to its promise of revolutionising the pharmaceutical industry. The paper outlines ZigZag, Ted Nelson's unique hyperstructural paradigm, and illustrates how, by examining a current bioinformatics task such as structure/binding prediction, the application of this novel paradigm has the potential to revolutionise bioinformatics completely by allowing a unified approach to a task currently fulfilled by fragmented data and applications. This has been added to Biological Informatics Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Saturday, July 24, 2004 ![]() SciencePORT http://www.scienceport.org/ A directory of RSS newsfeeds covering the academic sciences. This is a beta site but looks to have some very good potential and definitely deserves your review as there are more than 1000 listings as of this date. This has been added to Directory Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:26 AM Integrating Reading and Writing of Documents by P. J. Brown and Heather Brown http://jodi.ecs.soton.ac.uk/Articles/v05/i01/Brown/ Abstract Computer users have become accustomed to the writing of documents being regarded as a separate activity from the reading of documents. We believe that this division is unnecessary and limits the effectiveness of virtually every computer user. It is time for a rethink of underlying concepts. A key concept for integrating reading with writing is a general mechanism for annotation. This general mechanism can be combined with hyperlinking to create a single unifying super-concept that provides a base for integrating reading and writing. The paper explains the underlying ideas, and describes the results of a small experiment that supported the viability of the super-concept. We believe that the super-concept might possibly provide the foundations for a revolution in thinking about documents, which would benefit everyone. This will be added to Academic Resources 2004 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM Assessing the Accessibility of Fifty United States Government Web Pages: Using Bobby To Check On Uncle Sam by Jim Ellison http://firstmonday.org/issues/issue9_7/ellison/ This study evaluates the current accessibility of U.S. Government Web pages for people with disabilities. Several Federal laws, and specifically Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act, require Web pages of government agencies to be accessible to people with disabilities. This investigation built on past studies that used the Web accessibility evaluation tool Bobby to assess various types of Web sites. The home pages of fifty U.S. government agencies were reviewed for accessibility based on Section 508 guidelines. This study establishes that the U.S. government has not met its accessibility goals. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM STN International - Databases in Science and Technology http://www.stn-international.de/ Knowledge is the most important resource in high-tech countries. For research and development, for the daily scientific work, appropriate information – comprehensive and easily accessible – is a fundamental prerequisite. The direct route to scientific information leads via STN International, The Scientific & Technical Information Network. This network is operated cooperatively by FIZ Karlsruhe, the American Chemical Society (ACS), and The Japan Science and Technology Corporation (JST). Service Centers in Karlsruhe, Columbus and Tokyo are linked by sea cable (TAT8). Thus, the users have access to one worldwide information service with up-to-date databases in science and echnology. The STN centers have many years of experience in the field of scientific information. With these three scientific organizations in Europe, Japan and the U.S., STN provides an international service for the scientific community and has become, since its start 15 years ago the leading information network for science and technology. This has been added to Deep Web Research Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM Ethereal: A Network Protocol Analyzer http://www.ethereal.com/ Ethereal is used by network professionals around the world for troubleshooting, analysis, software and protocol development, and education. It has all of the standard features you would expect in a protocol analyzer, and several features not seen in any other product. Its open source license allows talented experts in the networking community to add enhancements. It runs on all popular computing platforms, including Unix, Linux, and Windows. This will be added to Security Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM Paros - Web Application Security Assessment http://www.proofsecure.com/index.shtml ProofSecure wrote a program called "Paros" for people who need to evaluate the security of their web applications. It is free of charge and completely written in Java. Through Paros's proxy nature, all HTTP and HTTPS data between server and client, including cookies and form fields, can be intercepted and modified. This will be added to Security Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. This has been added to Privacy Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Friday, July 23, 2004 How Public Opinion Polls Define and Circumscribe Online Privacy by Kim Bartel Sheehan http://firstmonday.org/issues/issue9_7/sheehan/ The advent of new communications technologies and the integration of such technologies into individuals’ lives have resulted in major changes to society. Responding to such privacy concerns is of key interest to legislators, policy–makers, and business leaders as these groups seek to balance consumer privacy needs with the realities of this new society. These groups, and others, use public opinion polls and surveys to measure the current climate of opinion among citizens. This study examines the language of 43 opinion polls and surveys dealing with privacy and the Internet to understand how these polls define and assess online privacy. Results suggest that polls treat the complex construction of privacy in an overly simplistic way. Additionally, pollsters present many poll questions in a way that may lead survey respondents to express stronger negative feelings about privacy than really exist. This has been added to Privacy Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM HANDBOOK of Dynamic Force, Pressure, and Acceleration Measurement http://link.abpi.net/l.php?20040720A1 Professional Dynamic Measurement Handbook Now Available for Download from Endevco. The popular 200+ page "HANDBOOK of Dynamic Force, Pressure, and Acceleration Measurement" can now be downloaded from Endevco's Web site. Information contained in the handbook provides a competitive edge for companies that design or are dependent on measurement systems for test or control applications. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM Bad Search Is Still A Problem http://www.cioinsight.com/article2/0,1397,1610163,00.asp Web usability guru Jakob Nielsen says that one of the most persistent challenges facing the Web is the difficulty in finding anything: "Bad search continues to be a problem today even though, from a technology perspective, great progress has been made. You can see this plainly when you use the public search engines. They're much better today than they were ten years ago. But the search on individual Web sites or inside intranets is, typically, still bad. [On intranets] things are divided up into different knowledge bases, so you've got to know where to search, and if you need to know where to search, then that defeats the entire idea. The other problem about search is the content, which is to say the individual pages, or units of information, are typically poorly described in terms of things like the headline and summaries, which is all people have to choose from when they get the search-results listing. So if there was just one thing we could fix on the Web, and for intranets as well, I would say let's fix search; that's still the number one thing that's causing people problems." Nielsen estimates that an average mid-size company (10,000 employees) could expect a return on investment of 1,000% and a gain of $5 million a year in employee productivity, simply by improving the usability of its intranet. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM DigiCULT Thematic Issue 6 Resource Discovery Technologies for the Heritage Sector, June 2004 Download Thematic Issue 6: Link HiRes .pdf (4,9 MB) http://snipurl.com/7v46 This sixth Thematic Issue concentrates on how resource discovery technologies can ensure that the high value, authoritative information of heritage institutions is effectively found, retrieved, and presented to Internet users. With a key focus on the user, the Issue looks into user-driven approaches in interactive resource discovery. Expert opinion suggests that offering easy to use services and tools able to integrate the research and learning needs and behaviours of their users may form one of the heritage institutions’ answers to the dominance of general-purpose global search engines. However, along with ensuring state-of-the-art interactive access and presentation, the heritage sector will also need to raise the public’s awareness to, and visibility of, its online resources in a more profound manner. Otherwise it faces the risk that the large investment required in creating digital collections, rich descriptive metadata, study and learning material, will fail to realise a high return – in terms of interest and appreciation, discovery and valuable uses of heritage resources. This has been added to Deep Web Research Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM Browser Wars 2004: The Industry Makes An End Run Around Internet Explorer http://homepage.mac.com/jhobbs/essays/ A wild and speculative essay by J. Hobbs on July 10th, 2004 Hey kids! Remember web-browser plug-ins? They're back: http://www.techworld.com/applications/news/index.cfm?newsid=1856 Web browser makers Apple, Opera and Mozilla are collaborating on an expanded plug-in specification that allows for more powerful Web-based scripting - just as security concerns have finally convinced Microsoft to step back from its own scripting system, ActiveX. The companies have signed up plug-in makers Adobe, Macromedia and Sun to back an expanded version of the Netscape Plugin Application Program Interface (NPAPI), a plug-in model used by most non-Microsoft browsers. The updated API will create a standardised way of increasing interactivity between browsers and plug-ins, which will be built into Apple's Safari, Mozilla's Firefox and the Opera browser. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM World Economic Forum: Global Competitiveness Programme http://www.weforum.org/site/homepublic.nsf/Content/Global+Competitiveness+Programme Operating as part of the World Economic Forum, the Global Competitiveness Programme is perhaps best known for its flagship publication, The Global Competitiveness Report. These series of reports are perhaps the most authoritative assessments of national economies throughout the world. The Reports themselves were first published in 1979, and continue to be made available in a variety of formats. And while the entire contents are not available here, visitors may read executive summaries and peruse other data. One of the most recent publications is the Lisbon Review, which assesses the progress made by the 15 EU member states (as of April 2004) in implementing the goals of the Lisbon Strategy of political and economic reforms. Additionally, the site includes competitiveness report summaries on Africa, the Arab world, and the worldwide improvements in global technology. This will be added to International Trade Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. [From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2003. http://scout.wisc.edu/] posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Thursday, July 22, 2004 The 9-11 Commission Report http://www.gpoaccess.gov/911/index.html The Commission’s Final Report provides a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11th, 2001, terrorist attacks, including preparedness for and the immediate response to the attacks. It also includes recommendations designed to guard against future attacks. Above you will find the official Government edition of the Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States. posted by Marcus | 12:27 PM August 2004 Zillman Column - Financial Sources on the Internet http://virtualprivatelibrary.blogspot.com/Financial Sources.pdf http://www.zillmancolumns.com/ The August 2004 Zillman Column is now available and is titled Financial Sources on the Internet. This August 2004 Zillman Column is a comprehensive listing of online financial sites and subject guides currently available on the Internet and is divided into four sections: 1) Corporate Conference Calls Sources, 2) Financial Sources, 3) Financial Sources Search Engines and 4) Venture Capital Sources. Download this excellent 19 page free .pdf column today and stay current in the ever changing exciting financial field! posted by Marcus | 9:09 AM ![]() Information Detective - Free Online Streaming Tutorial Videos http://www.InformationDetective.com/ The Information Detective website brings the latest free online streaming tutorial videos by Internet expert and guru Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A.. These online streaming tutorial videos are available at three streaming speeds ( dial-up, Broadband and Pro Broadband ) that allow all computers to freely access using Windows Media 9.0 software available at no cost from Microsoft®. There are five 4 minute video segments: 1) Introduction, 2) Search Engines, 3) Internet Directories, 4) Intuitive Searching and 5) The Invisible Web. Also included are various links to the many resources created by Marcus that teach the latest resources on the Internet for searching, information retrieval and research tools. Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. is the Executive Director of the Virtual Private Library and creator of more than thirty active Subject Tracer™ Information Blogs that monitor and trace specific subject titles on the Internet. Also available from this site is the free 11 page white paper titled "Searching the Internet" in a .pdf document format. A Spanish version is also available. Please spread the word about these free online streaming tutorial videos and white papers to your local public and school libraries as well as any other persons or institutions that you feel would benefit from these free resources. Click here for Robin Good's review of the Information Detective. Upcoming Information Detective Free Online Streaming Tutorial Videos: Finding People on the Internet Finding Experts on the Internet Healthcare Resources on the Internet Information Quality Resources Netiquette - The Etiquette of the Internet Employment Resources on the Internet Data Mining Resources on the Internet Each of the above free online streaming tutorial videos will be approximately 4 minutes in length including separate audio, white paper with sources and website with intuitive .info name. Each will be presented and hosted by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. . posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM Manifesto for the Reputation Society by Hassan Masum and Yi-Cheng Zhang http://firstmonday.org/issues/issue9_7/masum/ Abstract Information overload, challenges of evaluating quality, and the opportunity to benefit from experiences of others have spurred the development of reputation systems. Most Internet sites which mediate between large numbers of people use some form of reputation mechanism: Slashdot, eBay, ePinions, Amazon, and Google all make use of collaborative filtering, recommender systems, or shared judgements of quality. But we suggest the potential utility of reputation services is far greater, touching nearly every aspect of society. By leveraging our limited and local human judgement power with collective networked filtering, it is possible to promote an interconnected ecology of socially beneficial reputation systems — to restrain the baser side of human nature, while unleashing positive social changes and enabling the realization of ever higher goals. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM Governing: Sourcebook Online Supplement http://www.governing.com/source.htm This on-line supplement provides links of state home pages, legislatures, major cities, major counties, national associations, and research organizations. This has been added to Reference Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM Chambal.com - Compare Book Price and Buy http://www.chambal.com/ Chambal.com Inc. is a New Jersey based company and it provides a free price comparison service at Chambal.com. At this time they are providing price comparison for all types of books. You can compare prices of a book on Chambal.com by either directly typing in the ISBN or by first searching your book by Title and/or Author key words and then comparing the prices by selecting your book in the search results. They are continuously expanding and adding more sellers to get the price information. This has been added to ShoppingBots Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM Uncovering Epistemological and Ontological Assumptions of Software Designers http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/mis/docs/AIM15.pdf A new paper by David King and Chris Kimble of York Univerisity explores the philisophical assumptions about reality behind common software design methods. The paper, titled "Uncovering epistemological and ontological assumptions of software designers" (PDF format), explains that object-oriented design is not based on a rationalist epistemology but, instead, argues that knowledge is the result of observation. OO design further relies on the assumption that once a description is derived by observing reality, the two somehow remain synchronised, allowing a programmer to learn new things about reality by studying his description of it! A "holistic" design method also described seems to be the only method denying the equivalence of both the programmer's mental model to reality and the programmer's code to his mental model. The paper points out embedded software applications in which an almost exact match between model and reality exists. A simplified slide-presentation (PDF format) of the paper is also available. This has been added to Knowledge Discovery Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence http://www.singinst.org/ The Singularity Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization for the pursuit of Friendly AI and responsible intelligence enhancement – a mission of immense potential and consequence. Because intelligence determines how well problems are solved, the responsible enhancement of intelligence – a safe Singularity – will make difficult problems, such as the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's and AIDS, much easier to solve. If intelligence is improved greatly, every humanitarian problem will be more amenable to solution. Because AI is positioned as the first technology to enhance intelligence significantly, the Singularity Institute concentrates on the research and development of humane AI. By solely pursuing a beneficial Singularity, we present the rare opportunity for rational altruism. This has been added to Artificial Intelligence Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Wednesday, July 21, 2004 ![]() Internet Governance Project http://www.InternetGovernance.org/ They are pleased to announce the launch of the Internet Governance Project (IGP), a multi-university partnership to analyze global Internet policy issues. IGP's research agenda is closely related to the on-going United Nations' review of Internet Governance. IGP's member institutions include two research centers at Syracuse University: - The Convergence Center at the School of Information Studies - The Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs at the Maxwell School and one research center at the Georgia Institute of Technology: - The Internet and Public Policy Project (IP3) at the School of Public Policy As its first project IGP is providing the United Nations' Information and Communication Technologies Task Force (UN ICT TF) a detailed analysis of global policy regimes. The resulting study will provide a fact-based "map" of existing global rules for the Internet and the institutions that make those rules. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM m-learning http://www.m-learning.org/index.shtml m-learning is a European research and development project supported by the European Commission's Information Society Technologies (IST) programme. Its mission is "to develop prototype products and services which will deliver information and learning experiences via technologies that are inexpensive, portable and accessible to the majority of EU citizens." The products and services currently being designed are targeted for "young adults (16 to 24) who are not currently taking part in education or training" and who are unemployed, under-employed or homeless. The products employ themes such as football and music and include activities designed to develop aspects of literacy and numeracy. Research reports and Powerpoint presentations are available online, along with video clips and summaries about the group's work. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM Networking and Information Technology Observatory http://www.sdnp.undp.org/observatory/ A comprehensive listing by various themes on networking and information technology issues for developing countries. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM W3C Advisory Committee Elects New Advisory Board http://www.w3.org/2004/02/Process-20040205/organization.html#AB The W3C Advisory Committee has filled five open seats on the W3C Advisory Board. Created in 1998, the Advisory Board provides guidance to the Team on issues of strategy, management, legal matters, process and conflict resolution. Beginning 1 July, the nine Advisory Board participants are Jean-François Abramatic (ILOG), Ann Bassetti (Boeing), Jim Bell (Hewlett-Packard), Klaus Birkenbihl (Fraunhofer Gesellschaft), Eduardo Gutentag (Sun Microsystems), Steve Holbrook (IBM), Ken Laskey (MITRE), Ora Lassila (Nokia), and Lauren Wood (Unaffiliated). Steve Zilles is the interim Advisory Board Chair. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM Anonymity Project Web Site Now Online http://www.anonequity.org The Anonymity Project has launched a web site that provides a description of research areas, interviews with project members, and other project information. Although the project is cross-disciplinary, it is based at the University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law. EPIC is a collaborator. The project consists of three broad research streams -- the nature and value of identity, anonymity and authentication; the constitutional and legal aspects of anonymity; and technologies that identify, anonymize and authenticate. Research results will be made publicly available on the web site. Visit "On the Identity Trail: Understanding the Importance of Anonymity and Authentication in a Networked Society". This has been added to Privacy Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM W3C Director Tim Berners-Lee Knighted by Queen Elizabeth II href="http://www.w3.org/2004/07/timbl_congratulations http://www.w3.org/2004/07/timbl_knighted Queen Elizabeth II has dubbed Sir Timothy Berners-Lee a Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire (KBE) during an Investiture at Buckingham Palace in London on 16 July. UK Honours are available to all who give service to the United Kingdom. Sir Timothy, a British citizen who lives in the United States and is Director of W3C, was knighted in recognition of his services to the global development of the Internet through his invention of the World Wide Web. Please read the congratulations and press release. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Tuesday, July 20, 2004 ![]() Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. - Internet Consultant http://InternetConsultant.BlogSpot.com/ Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. is an international Internet author, speaker, consultant and expert in the area of information retrieval, knowledge discovery, knowledge harvesting, artificial intelligence and bots/intelligent agents. Internet Consultant Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. lists his professional Internet consulting services that are available to public and private businesses and organizations. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ALA: Information Literacy http://www.ala.org/ala/acrl/acrlissues/acrlinfolit/informationliteracy.htm The American Library Association has developed this site as a gateway (and a gathering place) for those looking for resources and discussion on information literacy focused on "improving the teaching, learning, and research role of the higher education community." Visitors arriving at the site would do well to first take a look at the overview section, which offers an introduction to information literacy, and a number of resources for faculty who hope to address the subject of information literacy in their courses. The section also has an excellent standards toolkit, which serves as an integrated set of tools, web pages, and other resources that will help various academic professionals incorporate these tools into their work. Visitors will also want to take a close look at the additional resources and ideas area, which includes information about assessment issues, collaborative efforts in information literacy, and examples of course syllabi that incorporate information literacy. Finally, the site also has an option that allows visitors to sign up to become part of the information literacy instruction listserv. [ From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2003. http://scout.wisc.edu/ posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM GetEducated.com http://www.GetEducated.com/ Online since 1989, GetEducated.com is the safest place in cyberpsace to shop for your online degree (SM). GetEducated.com's FREE downloadable college guidebooks are compiled and edited by distance learning experts. In an active campaign against degree mills, GetEducated.com accepts neither listings nor advertising from unaccredited online universities or online colleges which claim accreditation from bogus agencies. This will be added to Education and Distance Learning Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM GeoCommunity http://spatialnews.geocomm.com/ The original community, news, & information resource for GIS, LBS, and geospatial industry professionals and students, reaching more than 37,000 subscribers every day! GeoCommunity GeoBids - The place for geospatial-related RFP posting and browsing. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM Embedding With A Lisp By William Wong, ED Online (Volume 2004, Number 5) http://www.elecdesign.com/Articles/ArticleID/8420/8420.html "Lisp stands for List Processing, but there have been many other descriptions provided such as Lots of Irritating Superfluous Parentheses. Experienced programmers without Lisp exposure normally go into shock when looking at a Lisp program for the first time, but after a little work Lisp coding becomes natural to the point where other languages now start to look arcane. Trust me. Lisp code is not really totally foreign. Take this little snippet for example.... Assuming you have made it this far, you might be wondering why Lisp has not taken the world by storm. Lisp is actually very old. It is only preceded by Fortran in terms of age for high-level languages. Along the way, Lisp has seen a number of myths built up around it. For example, many consider Lisp to be a language for "artificial intelligence" (AI). While it is true that Lisp is a key language for AI applications, AI is not the only realm for Lisp. Lisp has been used in a range of applications from transportation scheduling to web scripting applications. Emacs was a popular text editor that was based on Lisp." posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM Spam Laws http://www.spamlaws.com/ A very comprehensive listing of spam laws around the world created and maintained by David E. Sorkin since 1999. This has been added to the Anti Spam sites section of Internet Hoaxes Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Monday, July 19, 2004 ![]() This edition of Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. July 19, 2004 V2N29 discusses the eCurrent Awareness Resources 2004-05 Business Intelligence Report. Click on the below audio posting to hear an audio by Marcus P. Zillman on this site. View this Site at: eCurrent Awareness Resources 2004-05 Business Intelligence Report http://www.eCurrentAwareness.com/ ![]() ![]() Virtual Private Library™ http://www.VirtualPrivateLibrary.com/ The Virtual Private Library™ creates private libraries powered by Subject Tracer Bots™ on various subjects and developed exclusively by Bot Pioneer and Guru Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A.. The Virtual Private Library™ is also available for custom subjects created for personal, professional and corporate utilization through the Internet or virtual private networks. Marcus P. Zillman's interview by Robin Hood titled The Future Of News: The Digital Information Librarian was the featured site at the Library Link of the Day on Sunday March 28, 2004. Currently the Virtual Private Library is the gateway to 35 Subject Tracer Information Blogs.....all available directly from the home page. Current Subject Tracer™ Information Blogs: Agriculture Resources http://www.AgricultureResources.info/ Artificial Intelligence Resources http://www.AIResources.info/ Astronomy Resources http://www.AstronomyResources.info/ Auction Resources http://www.AuctionResources.info/ Biological Informatics http://www.BiologicalInformatics.info Bot Research http://www.BotResearch.info Business Intelligence Resources http://www.biresources.info/ ChatterBots http://www.ChatterBots.info/ Data Mining Resources http://www.DataMiningResources.info/ Deep Web Research http://www.DeepWebResearch.info Directory Resources http://www.DirectoryResources.info/ eCommerce Resources http://www.eCommerceResources.info/ Employment Resources http://www.EmploymentResources.info/ Financial Sources http://www.FinancialSources.info/ Finding People http://www.FindingPeople.info/ Games Resources http://www.GamesResources.info/ Genealogy Resources http://www.GenealogyResources.info/ Healthcare Resources http://www.HealthcareResources.info Information Futures Markets http://www.InformationFuturesMarkets.com/ Information Quality Resources http://www.InformationQualityResources.info/ Internet Alerts http://www.InternetAlerts.info/ Internet Demographics http://www.InternetDemographics.info Internet Experts http://www.InternetExperts.info Internet Hoaxes http://www.InternetHoaxes.info Knowledge Discovery http://www.KnowledgeDiscovery.info Outsourcing/Offshoring Information and Resources http://www.OutsourcingOffshore.us/ Privacy Resources http://www.PrivacyResources.info/ Reference Resources http://www.ReferenceResources.info/ Research Resources http://www.ResearchResources.info RestStress™ http://www.RestStress.com/ ShoppingBots http://www.ShoppingBots.info/ Statistics Resources http://www.StatisticsResources.info Student Research http://www.StudentResearch.info Theology Resources http://www.TheologyResources.info/ Unique Genes™ http://www.UniqueGenes.us/ posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM Law Library of Congress http://www.loc.gov/law/public/law.html The mission of this library "is to provide research and legal information to the U.S. Congress as well as to U.S. Federal Courts and Executive Agencies, and to offer reference services to the public." The site features information about using the collection, links to presentations related to the library, and "an annotated guide to sources of information on government and law available online." Searchable. This will be added to Legal Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (eCAM) http://ecam.oupjournals.org/ Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (eCAM) is an international, peer-reviewed journal that seeks to understand the sources and to encourage rigorous research in this new, yet ancient world of complementary and alternative medicine. The Journal seeks to apply scientific rigor to the study of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) modalities, particularly traditional Asian healing systems. eCAM emphasizes health outcome, while documenting biological mechanisms of action. The journal is devoted to the advancement of science in the field of basic research, clinical studies, methodology or scientific theory in diverse areas of Biomedical Sciences. OUP has adopted a policy of 'Open Access' for all eCAM papers online. So, regardless of where you are geographically based, you will be able to read all published research in eCAM at no cost to yourself, and without a subscription. Furthermore publishing authors will not be required to pay an author submission charge for eCAM -- often a common requirement for other Open Access journals. This has been made possible by the generous support of Ishikawa Natural Medicinal Products Research Center (INMPRC).This will be added to Healthcare Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM Word of Mouth Research http://www.WordofMouthResearch.com/ WordofMouthResearch.com is a background research tool that allows users to access the valuable information source known as "word-of-mouth" on an international scale. People submit their shared experiences on people who they know. The authors of such information are either looking for knowledge or have knowledge to share. Users from around the world can search for and find such word-of-mouth information. Once it is found, the user can then contact the author to begin communication regarding the subject of the search. Their mission is to help connect people with one another, wherever they are, to share their experiences, give advice and provide information. This has been added to Finding People Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. This has also been added to my posting on Online Social Networks. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM Benevolent "Virus" Helps Reveal the Hidden Web http://www.syllabus.com/article.asp?id=9680 Perennial problem: locating data in the "deep Web." Ingenious solution: combine the Open Archives Initiative mission to promote interoperability standards with pervasive Apache server modules and add a nice infectious (but benevolent) virus. Thanks to funding by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the melding of these three concepts is helping make it possible to find more treasures on the hidden Web. It's elegantly simple says Phil Long, Ph.D., of the Academic Computing Enterprise at MIT. First you make something for a host that is widely distributed in the population. Then you make it incredibly easy to transmit it symbiotically -- that is, in a way that does not detract from the host's general health, but adds capability. Nearly 64% of Web sites worldwide use the Apache server, which allows programmers to launch new features through easy-to-install modules. The modules to be launched to help tap hidden databases are driven by the Open Archives Initiative's Protocol for Metadata Harvesting, based on the open standards HTTP and XML. So the host is the Apache server, and the "viral" package to distribute is the high-performance federated digital search service implemented as an Apache module, mod_OAI. This has been added to Deep Web Research Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM Sunday, July 18, 2004 ![]() SourceSeries Internet Research Workshops http://www.SourceSeries.com/ SourceSeries Internet Research Workshops by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. are now available on the following subjects as one day workshops. These research and business intelligence workshops offer both the newbie to the Internet as well as the seasoned Internaut the latest Internet research sources to stay current and to keep ahead of your competition. 1) Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations Research Sources on the Internet. 2) Articles, Abstracts, Documents, Papers, Reports, and Literature Research Sources on the Internet. 3) Business Research Sources on the Internet. 4) Competitive Intelligence Research Sources on the Internet. 5) Education and Distance Learning Research Sources on the Internet. 6) Healthcare Research Sources on the Internet. 7) International Trade Research Sources on the Internet. 8) Legal Research Sources on the Internet. 9) Security Research Sources on the Internet. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM Sound 1)Canada Science and Technology Museum: Information on Sound http://snipurl.com/7t3w 2)Art Ludwig's Sound Page http://www.silcom.com/Ealudwig/ 3)Fox Mill Elementary School: Sound Tasks http://www.fcps.k12.va.us/FoxMillES/sound.html 4)Science Museum of Minnesota: The Sound Site http://www.smm.org/sound/ 5)American Institute of Physics: Physics as a Sound Investment http://www.aip.org/success/soundinvestment/index.htm 6)Acoustics Research Institute http://www.kfs.oeaw.ac.at/ 7)Exploratorium: The Science of Music http://www.exploratorium.edu/music/index.html The science of sound is relevant to the music we hear and produce, the ways ships communicate underwater, and much more. The interactive aspect of the World Wide Web provides a fun platform for learning about sound. The websites covered in this Topic in Depth provide an overview of the science of sound, the applications of acoustics, and fun ways to learn about all of it. The Canada Science and Technology Museum provides a nice overview of the science of sound (1). The second website (2) also discusses some of the basics and also provides video and sound files to demonstrate the concepts. The third link takes you to a website that guides the visitor to various websites to get answers to some interesting questions about sound, such as What is the difference between noise and music? and how do dolphins use sound to communicate? (3). The Science Museum of Minnesota offers the Sound Site (4). For more on acoustics research areas, see some of the projects at the Acoustics Research Institute In Austria (6) such as omputational Acoustics and Digital Signal Processing. Last but not least, this website from the Exploratorium (7) takes you through some of the connections between science and music. [ From The NSDL Scout Report for Math, Engineering, and Technology, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2003. http://scout.wisc.edu/] posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM Messenger Taps Social Nets http://snipurl.com/7rn8 It often ends up that the information you need is just beyond your immediate reach, but probably sits at the ready in the mind of an unidentified friend of a friend of a friend. Extending the capabilities of ubiquitous communications tools like instant messaging and email could make that information easier to come by. This has been added to my posting on Online Social Networks. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online http://www.scielo.org/ SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online is a model for cooperative electronic publishing of scientific journals on the Internet. Especially conceived to meet the scientific communication needs of developing countries, particularly Latin America and the Caribbean countries, it provides an efficient way to assure universal visibility and accessibility to their scientific literature, contributing to overcome the phenomena known as "lost science". In addition, the SciELO model comprises integrated procedures for the measurement of usage and impact of scientific journals. This will be added to Academic Resources 2004 Internet MiniGuide. This has been added to Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM Version 54 of the Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography http://info.lib.uh.edu/sepb/sepb.html http://info.lib.uh.edu/sepb/sepb.pdf Version 54 of the Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography is now available. This selective bibliography presents over 2,150 articles, books, and other printed and electronic sources that are useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet. The HTML document is designed for interactive use. Each major section is a separate file. There are links to sources that are freely available on the Internet. It can be can be searched using Boolean operators. This will be added to Academic Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. This has been added to Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM Protecting Your Privacy and Security On a Home PC https://netfiles.uiuc.edu/ehowes/www/ This site contains links to numerous pages on the Web where home users can find software and information relevant to Windows PC privacy and security. It also contains a rudimentary "checklist" of basic steps that home PC users can take to enhance their privacy and security while using the Internet. Finally, you'll find a set of resources developed by the author of this site to help you protect your privacy and security on the Internet, including information about Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) and the Gnu Privacy Guard (GPG). This has been added to Privacy Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. This will be added to Security Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Saturday, July 17, 2004 ![]() Watch Marcus http://www.WatchMarcus.com/ Watch Internet Expert and Guru Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. host Internet-101 Television Shows, present university lectures and other video streaming presentations and events on and about searching the Internet. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM Quantum Crypto Network Debuts http://snipurl.com/7rni Quantum cryptography has been extended beyond point-to-point links with a six-node network under the streets of Cambridge, Massachusetts. The network is the first step toward bringing the potentially perfect security of quantum cryptography to the Internet. This will be added to Security Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM Your Disease Risk http://www.yourdiseaserisk.harvard.edu/ Welcome to Your Disease Risk, the source on prevention. If you were looking for Your Cancer Risk, don’t worry. You’re in the right place. We’ve simply expanded. Now, in addition to cancer, you can find out your risk of four other important diseases and, as always, get personalized tips for preventing them. Your Disease Risk is an educational website developed by the Harvard Center for Cancer Prevention. Based at the Harvard School of Public Health, the Center promotes prevention as the primary approach to controlling cancer and other chronic diseases. The Your Disease Risk site began as the Harvard Cancer Risk Index, a pen and paper cancer risk assessment tool first put together in the mid 1990’s by the Risk Index Working Group at Harvard University. In 1999, the Risk Index was adapted to the Web as Your Cancer Risk. Then, to give even greater emphasis to the importance of healthy behaviors, Your Cancer Risk was expanded to include assessments for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and osteoporosis. The expanded site was renamed Your Disease Risk and offers the follows risks assessments online: What's Your Cancer Risk? What's Your Diabetes Risk? What's Your Heart Disease Risk? What's Your Osteoporosis Risk? What's Your Stroke Risk? This will be added to Healthcare Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM White Papers from OSDN IT Resarch Library http://whitepapers.osdn.com/ Find the latest white papers, case studies, webcasts and product information to help you with your technical purchasing decisions. View the Daily Top 50 Reports for the most popular IT reports on technology products and services. This will be added to Academic Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. This has been added to Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM Spyware Warrior http://netrn.net/spywareblog A very impressive anti-spyware blog. It includes articles that should be of interest to everyone, software updates and security warrnings, tutorials and info, and a lot of links. Including links to freeware and commercial spyware killers (mostly freeware), and links to the forums of every major anti-spyware producer (Ad-Aware, Spybot, HiJack This, Javacool Software, etc.), and even has a forum of it's own. However the real reason you'll actually wan't to visit the forum is this page: http://www.spywarewarrior.com/rogue_anti-spyware.htm A list of all rogue or suspect sites that make cloned, fake, or actively malicious "anti-spyware". This will be added to Security Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. This has been added to Internet Hoaxes Subject Tracer Information Blog under the AntiHoax and AntiVirus section.[Net-Gold] posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM Full-Text Search Working Drafts Published http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/WD-xquery-full-text-20040709/ http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/WD-xmlquery-full-text-use-cases-20040709/ http://www.w3.org/XML/ Through joint efforts the XML Query and XSL Working Groups have released the First Public Working Draft of "XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Full-Text." The "Use Cases" have been updated. The drafts define a language that extends XQuery and XPath to allow full-text searching of XML text and documents. Comments are invited. Read about the XML Activity. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM Geolocation: Don't Fence Web In http://snipurl.com/7qgz The World Wide Web experience is becoming less and less worldwide: What you see and what you are allowed to do these days can depend greatly on where and even who you are. As so-called geolocation technology improves, websites are increasingly blocking groups of visitors and carving the Web into smaller chunks -- in some cases, down to a ZIP code or employer. NWWW? posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Friday, July 16, 2004 ![]() Searching the Internet http://www.SearchingTheInternet.info/ Resources and Sources to Search the Internet by Internet Expert and Guru Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. including comprehensive website, white paper, audio and video. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM Sensis.com.au - Australia's Own Information Source http://sensis.com.au/ sensis.com.au is Australia's own information source. It is an Australian owned and operated search engine featuring global Web content, the largest selection of Australian Web content, and is the only search engine in the world to also search Australian residential and business listings through yellowpages.com.au and whitepages.com.au. This will be added to the search engine section of each Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:23 AM African Journals Online http://www.ajol.info/ African Journals Online is a portal for "African-published journals in agricultural sciences, science and technology, health and social sciences." Abstracts are provided for the journals, and many also contain links to sites with fulltext articles. Reprints can be ordered for those articles that are not available in fulltext online. This will be added to Academic Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM The following papers have been recently posted to New Papers on: http://freesoftware.mit.edu http://opensource.mit.edu Paper 1: Usability Discussions in Open Source Development by Michael B. Twidale and David M. Nichols http://opensource.mit.edu/papers/twidalenichols.pdf Abstract: The public nature of discussion in open source projects provides a valuable resource for understanding the mechanisms of open source software development. In this paper we explore how open source projects address issues of usability. We examine bug reports of several projects to characterise how developers address and resolve issues concerning user interfaces and interaction design. We discuss how bug reporting and discussion systems can be improved to better support bug reporters and open source developers. Paper 2: Contrasting Community Building in Sponsored and Community Founded Open Source Projects by Joel West and Siobhan O'Mahony http://opensource.mit.edu/papers/westomahony.pdf Abstract: Prior research has focused on community-founded open source projects; more recently, firms have spun out existing code to create a new project. We compare the lifecycle differences between these models, and identify identify problems unique to spinout projects, particularly in building an external community. We illustrate these issues by examining a proposed open source project for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM Working Draft: Architecture of the World Wide Web http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/WD-webarch-20040705/ http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/ Addressing a selection of Last Call issues, the W3C Technical Architecture Group (TAG) has released a updated Working Draft of the "Architecture of the World Wide Web, First Edition." The document is written for Web developers, implementers, content authors and publishers. It describes the properties that are desired of the Web and the design choices that have been made to achieve them. Visit the TAG home page. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM OmniMedicalSearch.com http://www.OmniMedicalSearch.com/ OmniMedicalSearch.com, a medical metasearch engine, is open for beta testing. Targeted for both the general public and medical professionals, OmniMedicalSearch.com covers 25 databases including authoritative medical search engines, image libraries and the latest health and medical news. OmniMedicalSearch.com search options include: 12 Medical Search Engines (Default Search) This has been added to Healthcare Resources Subject Tracer™ Information blog and will be added to Healthcare Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Thursday, July 15, 2004 ![]() Internet Sources Manual http://www.InternetSources.info/ Internet Sources™ by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A.; Internet author, speaker, consultant and expert is a 378 page manual listing all the very latest and greatest sources and sites (URLs) on the World Wide Web that have been compiled over the last ten years by surfing, browsing and using his Subject Tracer Bots™. Listed are many sites not available from search engines and called the "invisible" web. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM World Bank: Sustainable Agriculture http://snipurl.com/7p3u Various organizations and institutions have grown increasingly concerned with developing effective strategies for promoting sustainable agricultural systems, and the World Bank has done some good work in this area as of late. The requirements of sustainable agricultural systems require that they be environmentally sound, socially acceptable, and financially and economically feasible. This site provides information about the World Bank's different sectoral programs in this area, ranging from those dealing with aquaculture to those dealing with the subject of effective irrigation and drainage. Within each respective section, there is additional information about the World Bank's latest work in each area, along with several publications that will be of great interest to persons interested in these policies and agricultural analyses. The right-hand side of the site also provides recent publications of note, including significant works dealing with creating sustainable methods of the production of coffee beans. This has been added to Agriculture Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. [From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2003. http://scout.wisc.edu/] posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM Drug Digest http://www.drugdigest.org/ Prozac, aspirin, echinacea or all three? Check the interactions of drugs, vitamins and herbs, mixing medications, whether the medicine is correct at DrugDigest.org with references / scientific evidences physicians and pharmacists use. Consumer info to check drug interactions, a database of more than 5,000 drugs and herbals and 11,500 potential interactions. Drug Library for facts and or to compare drugs, side effects, symptoms, treatments and more. This will be added to Healthcare Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide and has been added to Healthcare Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM OECD Observer http://www.oecdobserver.org/ The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) publishes hundreds of technical reports, working papers, and development updates every year, and as a result it can be hard to stay on top of all the research the group is disseminating to the public. One way to stay on top of all of this material is by taking a close look at the OECD Observer, which is meant to complement the print version of the same name. Here visitors can browse such sections as economy, society, development, and government to find out the latest work being done at the OECD. Some of the more recent topics that have been addressed within the Observer's pages include the so-called knowledge economy, sustainable business practices, taxation, and governmental corruption. At the site, visitors may also sign up to receive email updates from the Observer. This will be added to Academic Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. This has been added to Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. [From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2003.http://scout.wisc.edu/] posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM A-Infos Radio Project http://www.radio4all.net/ The A-Infos Radio Project was formed in 1996 by grassroots broadcasters, free radio journalists and cyber-activists to provide themselves with the means to share their radio programs via the Internet. To their knowledge, the A-Infos Radio Project was the first grassroots media project of it's kind on the internet. Their goal is to support and expand the movement for democratic communications worldwide. They exist to be an alternative to the corporate and government media which do not serve struggles for liberty, justice and peace, nor enable the free expression of creativity. The archived material is available to anyone who wants it free of charge. They welcome submissions from all stations and independent producers in the service of these goals. All material is donated by its producers who are solely responsible for its content. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM National Institute for Nanotechnology http://nint-innt.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/home/index_e.html A joint venture between the National Research Council and the University of Alberta, and funded in part by the Government of Canada, Alberta, and the university, "The National Institute for Nanotechnology is an integrated, multi-disciplinary institution involving researchers in physics, chemistry, engineering, biology, informatics, pharmacy and medicine." At the site, visitors can find all sorts of interesting information about the nano world. Of particular interest is the Our Research link, which leads to all sorts of information about the various research projects at the institute, such as: Supramolecular Nanoscale Assembly, Materials and Interfacial Chemistry, Molecular Scale Devices, and more. Visitors to the site can view publications and learn about the researchers involved in the many projects as well as learn about the institute's facilities and visit the Newsroom link for several press releases.[From The NSDL Scout Report for the Physical Sciences, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2003. http://scout.wisc.edu/] posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Wednesday, July 14, 2004 ![]() Internet MiniGuides 2004-05 http://www.InternetMiniGuides.com/ Each Professional Internet MiniGuide is written by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A.; Internet author, speaker, consultant and expert and is loaded with hundreds of the very best links to relevant and competent resources. All links are listed with complete URLs and verified for activation. The various sections of each miniguide have all links listed alphabetically for quickness and ease of use. Each miniguide comes with a section on research resources, reference resources, search engine resources, directory and database resources, and a resource(s) listing targeted at the subject of the miniguide. This allows the Professional Internet MiniGuides to literally become your private library with all the latest sources to keep you on top of your profession or at the leading edge of your business. Marcus P. Zillman's latest Professional Internet MiniGuides™ include: Academic Resources 2004-05 Advertising, Marketing, and Public Relations Resources 2004-05 Business Resources 2004-05 Competitive Intelligence Resources 2004-05 Education and Distance Learning Resources 2004-05 Healthcare Resources 2004-05 International Trade Resources 2004-05 Legal Resources 2004-05 Security Resources 2004-05 posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM Panos Pictures http://www.panos.co.uk/ Panos Pictures is a London-based independent photo agency representing photojournalists worldwide. Our photographers document issues and geographical areas which are under-reported, misrepresented or ignored. In a media climate dominated by celebrity and lifestyle Panos aims to provide fresh perspectives on the world. Panos photographers are available for assignment on every continent. Their in depth knowledge of local conditions enables them to deliver even in the most difficult situations. This website allows you to search, download and purchase from our ever growing archive of digitised images. If you cannot find the image you require our experienced researchers are on hand to help you locate what you are looking for in our physical archive of over 500,000 images. Half of the profits from the agency are given to the Panos Insititute to further its work on issues around media and communications, globalisation, HIV/AIDS and environment and conflict. This has been added to Reference Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM TheDataWeb http://www.thedataweb.org/index.html TheDataWeb is network of online data libraries. Topics include, census data, economic data, health data, income and unemployment data, population data, labor data, cancer data, crime and transportation data, family dyanmics, vital statistics data . . . As a user you have an easy access to all these kinds of data. As a participant in TheDataWeb you can publish your data to TheDataWeb and, in turn, benefit as a provider to the consumer of data. Have you ever spent days locating, accessing, and formatting data from diverse sources? DataFerrett is application that ferrets out data you are looking for in TheDataWeb. This will be added to the search engines section of all Internet MiniGuides 2004-05. This has been added to the tool section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM The Book Cooperative http://book-cooperative.co.uk/pages/page_1.php This site aims to bring together people looking for books and journals with those looking to dispose of them. The Book Cooperative is primarily used by University, Public and Commercial libraries who wish to dispose of their unwanted items. Listing is free of charge, anyone wishing to obtain a book or journal listed will pay a small nominal fee to obtain the contact details - and they take it from there. This will be added to Academic Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM Internews® Network - Supporting Opem Media Worldwide http://www.internews.org/ Internews® Network is an international non-profit organization that supports open media worldwide. The organization fosters independent media in emerging democracies, produces innovative television and radio programming and Internet content, and uses the media to reduce conflict within and between countries. This will be added to International Trade Resources 2005-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM Microsoft Weighs In On Corporate Blogging http://www.microsoft.com/BusinessSolutions/blogs_explained.aspx "The Four-Letter Word That Can Get People Excited About Your Products: "What do George Bush and John Kerry, IBM, and thousands of small businesses have in common? They all use a Web log—or "blog" for short—to reach potential customers and get them interested in their products. But not all do so with equal success." [beSpacific 07-07-04] posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Tuesday, July 13, 2004 ![]() Awareness Watch™ Newsletter http://www.AwarenessWatch.com/ Welcome to the Awareness Watch™ monthly newsletter website written and produced by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A.; Internet author, speaker, consultant and expert. Awareness Watch™ Newsletter is a free monthly publication that will highlight the latest resources and sites on the Internet that pertain to current awareness happenings, new and reviewed sources for research and search, knowledge discovery, data mining and related updates and alerts. Each newsletter will focus on sites specializing in new topical content for specific research sources that will aid the professional, entrepreneur, student and the layperson to maximize their ability to stay current and obtain the latest information resources on the Internet. You may view the new newsletter Awareness Watch™ by visiting this web site that will host each issue including RSS feeds or you may subscribe. Each monthly newsletter will have the following categories: Awareness Watch™ Featured Report Awareness Watch™ Spotters Awareness Watch™ Book Review Subject Tracer™ Updates posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM Index Mundi http://www.indexmundi.com/ Index Mundi, home of the Internet's most complete country profiles. This excellent site derives it's information from the latest version of the CIA World Factbook. This will be added to International Trade Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM Yale University Manuscripts and Archives Tutorial http://www.library.yale.edu/mssa/tutorial/tutorial.htm Yale University Manuscripts and Archives Tutorial. Using Manuscripts & Archives: A Tutorial - An Instructional Tool For Finding Manuscripts & Archival Materials at Yale and Beyond. This tutorial is designed to orient individuals to the methods for locating primary source material at Yale, particularly in Manuscripts and Archives, and to answer frequently asked questions about doing research in our department. The tutorial can also be helpful to those trying to find manuscript and archival material in other repositories. The instruction provided is of a general nature and cannot address all details and exceptions. For specific requests, please contact the reference staff of Manuscripts and Archives. This will be added to Academic Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM Search the Finding Aid Database http://webtext.library.yale.edu/index.html Finding aids are inventories, indexes, or guides that are created by archival and manuscript repositories to provide information about specific collections. While the finding aids may vary somewhat in style, their common purpose is to provide detailed description of the content and intellectual organization of collections. The Yale Finding Aid database currently contains EAD-encoded files as well as other types of listings that the contributing libraries have chosen not to encode in EAD. New finding aid files, and updates to existing files, are added to the Finding Aid Database monthly. For current holdings, and for the most recent update information, see Database Content Summary. This will be added to Academic Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM Fugitive Documents Evade Federal Depositories http://www.fcw.com/fcw/articles/2004/0621/pol-crisis-06-21-04.asp The Federal Depository Library Program is losing the race to keep up with cataloging and preserving access to Web-only government documents. "This is not a problem; this is a crisis," says Daniel Greenstein, head of the California Digital Library, which serves the 10 libraries in the University of California system. To capture those missing documents, known as fugitive documents, the Government Printing Office is contemplating using Web-harvesting technologies, but GPO officials acknowledge that Web-crawler and datamining technologies might prove inadequate for rounding up much of the information the government publishes online. Greenstein notes that while Web-crawlers are fairly good at capturing documents from the Web's surface, they miss much of the information on the so-called Deep Web, where databases and dynamic Web pages reside. A recent California Digital Library study found that about 85% of the Deep Web is in the .gov domain. GPO officials have enlisted the help of the University of North Texas Libraries to maintain a collection of electronic documents known as the Cyber Cemetery, but they acknowledge they have no idea how many fugitive documents they're missing. "If we knew where they were to count them, then they wouldn't be fugitive," says Judith Russell, superintendent of documents. But other institutions, such as the California Digital Library, say they can't wait for the government to solve the problem and are committing staff and funding to maintain their electronic collections of government information. This has been added to the article section of Deep Web Research Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM The1000JournalsProject http://1000journals.com Librarians might read the title of this website and think, "Huh, 1000 journals, my library subscribes to lots more than that," but these are the type of journals that contain stories, writings, and drawings by people all over the world. The site documents a project that consists of 1000 physical, paper and print journals that have been travelling at random throughout the world since August of 2000, with entries added by many kinds of people (although artists and graphic designers predominate). Visitors can view scans of page spreads from the journals, and find statistics on the project, such as the fact that 999 journals are in circulation, in 36 countries, 2 have been recently updated, and 227 scans are on display at the site. The site also provides instructions on how to get in line for a journal - contact someone who has one. To do this, find a journal at the site (numbers 1-700 work best) and locate the email of the last person to have it.[From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2003 http://scout.wisc.edu/] posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Monday, July 12, 2004 ![]() This edition of Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. July 12, 2004 V2N28 discusses the site Mergers & Acquisitions Business Research. Click on the below audio posting to hear an audio by Marcus P. Zillman on this interesting site. View this Site at: Mergers & Acquisitions Business Research http://www.masourceexpress.com/ibba/index.asp ![]() ![]() Zillman Columns http://www.ZillmanColumns.com The following are 2004 monthly columns from Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A.; Internet author, speaker, consultant and expert and are freely available as a .pdf download. Monthly columns from 1996 are also available from this site. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM Copyscape - Website Plagiarism Search - Web Page Copyright - Find Site Copies http://www.copyscape.com/ Copyscape finds copies of your content on the Web. You can use Copyscape to identify sites that have copied your content without permission. Copyscape will also show you who is quoting your site. Simply type in the URL of your original content, and Copyscape does the rest. Copyscape is powered by Google Alert technology and uses the Google Web APIs. The widely acclaimed and award winning Google Alert service performs automatic daily Google searches to track your interests on the Web. Both Copyscape and Google Alert are provided by Indigo Stream Technologies Ltd and are not affiliated with Google. Copyscape is currently under beta release and works with Roman alphabet languages such as English, French and German. For now, it does not work with non-Roman languages such as Arabic, Hebrew or Russian. This has been added to the tool section of Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog and will be added to the search engine section of all the Internet MiniGuides 2004-05. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM Federal Library and Information Center Committee (FLICC) Publications http://www.loc.gov/flicc/publications.html Find the latest information on information science and the federal library community or the newest FEDLINK program innovations and product and service offerings. The Online Video Library adds another dimension to the resources available online. Featured are: FedLink Technical Notes, New Handbook on Federal Librarianship and the FLICC Newsletter. This will be added to Academic Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM CyberInfrastructure Needs Libraries and Archives http://www.clir.org/pubs/issues/issues40.html#comm A new American Council of Learned Societies initiative provides a unique opportunity for libraries and archives to collaborate with scholars in defining the requirements of the new digital infrastructure -- what the National Science Foundation calls the "cyberinfrastructure." Libraries and archives are asked to redefine their roles, responsibilities and funding strategies while focusing on the needs of scholars in the humanities and social sciences. Humanists, social scientists and engineers will define and build this infrastructure to meet the needs of researchers and scholars in all disciplines. The ACLS commission's areas of emphasis will be applications like Geographic Information Systems, three-dimensional modeling of built environments, and text mining -- ones that have already begun to change the ways in which scholars interrogate primary sources. Libraries and archives are encouraged to attend public information-gathering sessions, participate in discussions, and contribute to the commission's work. The commission is especially interested in these groups' understanding of the impact of current intellectual property and privacy rights on access to information; the value of standards for information markup and searching; the need for interoperable information technology systems; and the imperative of preservation in a world of scholarly inquiry founded on an uninterrupted record of research. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM USITC Interactive Tariff and Trade DataWeb http://dataweb.usitc.gov/ The USITC Interactive Tariff and Trade DataWeb provides international trade statistics and U.S. tariff data to the public full-time and free of charge. U.S. import statistics, U.S. export statistics, U.S. tariffs, U.S. future tariffs and U.S. tariff preference information are available on a self-service, interactive basis. The USITC DataWeb responds to user-defined queries integrating international trade statistics with complex tariff and customs treatment, and allows both expert and non-expert users to create and save customized country and product lists for future re-use from anywhere in the world. International trade data are available for years 1989- present on a monthly, quarterly, annual, or year-to-date basis and can be retrieved in a number of classification systems, including the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS), the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC), or the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Pre-defined reports on international trade statistics are also available by geographic region and partner country. Current U.S. tariffs, which are maintained and published by the USITC as a statutory responsibility, can be accessed via the USITC DataWeb, and retrieved with relevant international trade data. This will be added to International Trade Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM Namedroppers®- Domain Name Search Engine http://www.namedroppers.com/ Namedroppers.com® offers the capability to perform searches for domain names using multiple keywords. It enables you to find every registered domain name in the .com, .net, .org, and .edu zones, that contains all of the search terms you enter, anywhere within the domain name itself. Their database contains over 32 Million Domain Names and is updated nightly to reflect the most recent changes to the Domain Names registered. Use Namedroppers.com® to search for content on the Web based on a site's Domain Name. Click here to learn more about its uses and functionality. This will be added to the search engines section of all the Internet MiniGuides 2004-05. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Sunday, July 11, 2004 ![]() Theology Resources http://www.TheologyResources.info TheologyResources.info is a Subject Tracer™ Information Blog developed and created by the Virtual Private Library™. It is designed to bring together the latest resources and sources on an ongoing basis from the Internet on theology resources. We always welcome suggestions of additional sites and resources to be added to this comprehensive listing and please submit by clicking here. This site has been developed and maintained by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A.. Additional links and resources by Marcus are available by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM From Shore to Sea 1) National Park Service-Canaveral National Seashore: Nature & Science http://www.nps.gov/cana/pphtml/nature.html 2) Surfrider Foundation: Beach Sand at the Base of the Food Chain (pdf file) http://www.surfrider.org/specialplaces/beach_sand.pdf 3) MotherJones.com-Action Atlas: Coral Reefs-Reefs in Trouble http://snipurl.com/7o94 4) Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre-Ask a Scientist: Plants and Algae http://oceanlink.island.net/ask/algae.html 5) Oyster River Middle School: Online Marine Picture Book http://marine.borism.net/ 6) Stony Brook University-Marine Biology Web: Glossary of Marine Biology http://life.bio.sunysb.edu/marinebio/glossary.html As the dog days of summer begin to set in, humans tend to flock like seagulls to the sun and sand of the shore and sea. This Topic in Depth examines several topics of interest from food chain on a beach to coral reefs. The first site (1), from the National Park Service, offers a look at the exceptionally beautiful Canaveral National Seashore. The site gives information about the flora and fauna found at the seashore as well a great photo gallery. The second link(2) leads to a white paper by Peter Entnoyer, Chad Nelson, and Kevin Ranker of the Surfider Foundation on the value of beach sand in the food chain. At the third site (3) from Mother Jones, visitors will find an article about the status of coral reefs. The fourth site, (4) from Ask a Scientist provides several questions and answers about plants and algae. The next link leads to the Online Marine Picture Book (5), a great resource for great photos from everything from crabs to starfish. The last site, from SUNY Stony Brook(6), provides a great glossary of marine biology related terms from Abyssal Plain to Zooxanthellae. [From The NSDL Scout Report for the Life Sciences, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2003. http://scout.wisc.edu/] posted by Marcus | 4:24 AM eFeeds(sm) http://www.public.iastate.edu/~CYBERSTACKS/eFeeds.htm eFeeds(sm): Web Feeds from Electronic Journals is a categorized registry of electronic journals that offer RSS/XML, Atom, or other Web feeds. Publisher-specific and vendor Web feeds are categorized in a separate category. eFeeds(sm) is a companion to B-Feeds(sm) , a registry devoted to sites that offerfeeds, to compilations, directories, or lists of books or monographic works. eFeeds(sm) is compiled and maintained by Gerry McKiernan, Science and Technology Librarian and Bibliographer, Science and Technology Department, Iowa State University Library. Ames, IA 50011. This will be added to Academic Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM B-Feeds(sm) http://www.public.iastate.edu/~CYBERSTACKS/B-Feeds1.htm B-Feeds(sm): Web Feeds for Books and Monographs is a categorized registry of site that offer RSS/XML, Atom, or other Web feeds, to compilations, directories, lists, or reviews for academic or scholarly books or monographic works. B-Feeds(sm) is a companion to eFeeds(sm), a registry devoted to electronic journals that offer Web feeds. B-Feeds(sm) is compiled and maintained by Gerry McKiernan, Science and Technology Librarian and Bibliographer, Science and Technology Department, Iowa State University Library. Ames, IA 50011. This will be aded to Academic Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM Scraping the Web for Implied Data http://searchenginewatch.com/searchday/article.php/3374821 Dr. Gary Flake, Principal Scientist & Head of Yahoo! Research Labs, thinks that there is more implied data (or inferable metadata) than "raw" data on the Web, and that we are barely scratching the surface of it. "Today, all search engines are scraping for some simple forms of implied data: language, locality, etc. What's missing from this list is a nearly infinite collection of relationships that are obvious to most any human reader but extremely difficult to infer from a single document." He gives the example of a very technical document about protein folding, which assumes that the reader would know the specification language and much else about the material being presented. An ordinary reader might sense the document "makes reference to physics in a non-trivial way," an expert would note even more implied facts ("the article may be out-dated by now," "the author is considered an authority in this domain," or "there's an expectation that diseases will be curable if these advances continue," etc.). Flake says: "In total, all of the implied data amounts to the stuff that all of us carry in our heads but no one bothers to write down; yet these factoids are essential to understanding and meaning. Some people in AI have been trying to codify these factoids for decades (and in many forms, from ontologies to databases of common sense). We are now starting to scrape the web for these subtle relationships. The key insight is that it is not enough to look at words, concepts, or documents; one must also look at how all of these things relate to one another. This article has been added to the articles section of Deep Web Research Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. http://searchenginewatch.com/searchday/article.php/3374821 posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM Craig's Phone Finder http://www.craigball.com/phonefind.html Just type your search criteria into the search engine on the far left (Yahoo). Fill in as much information as you have. Your entries will automatically be copied to the other search blanks. Then hit the "Go" button below any service you want to check. A new browser window will open containing the search results. To submit your search to another service, just go back to the first window and click another "Go" button. No single service contains all records, so try as many as it takes to find what you're looking for. This has been added to Finding People Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Saturday, July 10, 2004 ![]() Student Research http://www.StudentResearch.info StudentResearch.info is a Subject Tracer™ Information Blog developed and created by the Virtual Private Library™. It is designed to bring together the latest resources and sources on an ongoing basis from the Internet to aid the student in performing research for their independent research projects as well as undergraduate and graduate subject research. We always welcome suggestions of additional sites and resources to be added to this comprehensive listing and please submit by clicking here. This site has been developed and maintained by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A.. Additional links and resources by Marcus are available by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM UL Alarm Finder http://www.ulalarmfinder.com/ UL Alarm Finder - Your source for finding UL Listed Alarm Service Companies and the online search engine designed to locate UL-certified alarm service companies in your area. This easy-to-use database includes UL Listed alarm service companies that have been audited for compliance to UL Standards for Safety and national safety codes where applicable, giving you added peace of mind in your choice of alarm vendor. This has been added to Security Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM ![]() Sailing the Internet http://www.SailingTheInternet.com/ Sailing the Internet in the 40 foot Sailing Vessel RA on the beautiful Biscayne Bay. Watch the magnificant skyline of downtown Miami while learning about the latest happenings on the Internet ( Bots, Blogs and News Aggregators) presented personally by Internet expert and guru Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A.. Your host and Captain of the Sailing Vessel RA is Asaad N. Masoud, Ph.D. Click here for flyer on Sailing Vessel RA Click here for flyer on Sailing the Internet posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM Essential eMail Etiquette http://www.techsoup.org/howto/articlepage.cfm?ArticleId=510&topicid=5 Overview of the key elements of e-mail etiquette such as thinking of an appropriate subject line, addressing recipients properly, selecting an appropriate tone and editing your message. Additional Sources for eMail Etiquette: Fixing Poorly-Formatted Email http://www.techsoup.org/howto/articlepage.cfm?articleid=180&topicid=5 Using E-mail Effectively http://www.techsoup.org/howto/articlepage.cfm?articleid=118&topicid=5 Using Email as an Advocacy Tool http://www.techsoup.org/howto/articlepage.cfm?articleid=184&topicid=5 What Can Email Do For You? http://www.techsoup.org/howto/articlepage.cfm?articleid=193&topicid=5 How to Create a 'BCC' Email List http://www.techsoup.org/howto/articlepage.cfm?articleid=262&topicid=5 Overcoming E-mail Overload http://www.overcomeemailoverload.com/advice/TopTenTips.html An Introduction to E-mail Listservs and Internet Mailing Lists http://www.techsoup.org/articlepage.cfm?topicid=5&ArticleId=147 Listservs and e-newsletters that focus on issues relating to nonprofits and technology http://snipurl.com/7l6m [Net-Gold George Lessard 07-05-04] posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM Disinfopedia http://www.disinfopedia.org/ Disinfopedia is a collaborative project to produce a directory of public relations firms, think tanks, industry-funded organizations and industry-friendly experts that work to influence public opinion and public policy on behalf of corporations, governments and special interests. Sponsored by the Center for Media and Democracy, the Disinfopedia was started in February 2003 and are now working on 5022 articles. Disinfopedia is an open content, WikiWiki encyclopedia of public relations firms, corporate-funded front groups and anti-environmental think tanks. This has been added to Research Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM AlwaysOn http://www.alwayson-network.com/index.php AO is the only media brand to combine traditional news and analysis, participatory journalism (blogging), and a powerful social network (AO Zaibatsu) for a growing membership base of senior executives, technology geeks, and investors from a broad selection of industries. No other media brand has dared allow such openness and collaboration amongst its readers and event participants. This has been added to the posting on Online Social Networks. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Friday, July 09, 2004 ![]() Statistics Resources http://www.StatisticsResources.info Statistics Resources is a Subject Tracer™ Information Blog developed and created by the Virtual Private Library™. It is designed to bring together the latest resources and sources on an ongoing basis from the Internet on statistics. We always welcome suggestions of additional sites and resources to be added to this comprehensive listing and please submit by clicking here. This site has been developed and maintained by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A.. Additional links and resources by Marcus are available by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM ![]() M & A Business Research Mergers & Acquisitions Business Research http://www.masourceexpress.com/ibba/index.asp Mergers & Acquisitions (M & A) Business research site offers a comprehensive listing of resources designed for indepth research into business activities on the Internet. The Virtual Private Library as well as four Subject Tracer™ Information Blogs are part of this extensive research collection. Also featured are my white papers on Searching the Internet and Using the Internet for Competitive Intelligence. This has been added to Business Intelligence Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. This will be added to Competitive Intelligence Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide and Business Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM Frequently Asked Questions: The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) http://www.federalreserve.gov/generalinfo/faq/faqfomc.htm Questions and answers about the "monetary policymaking body of the Federal Reserve System," which consists of the members of the Federal Reserve System Board of Governors and the Federal Reserve Bank presidents. Includes links to meeting statements and minutes, a meeting calendar, a list of committee members, and information about the structure and monetary policy of the committee. This has been added to Financial Sources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM ![]() Business Link Business Link http://www.businesslink.gov.uk/bdotg/action/home Business Link is a site dedicated to the practical guide to business from the UK. Items included: 1) Starting Up, 2) Finance and Grants, 3) Taxes, Returns & Payroll, 4) Employing People, 5) Health, Safety, Premises, 6) Exploit Your Ideas, 7) IT & e-Commerce, 8) Sales and Marketing, 9) International Trade, 10) Improve Your Business, 11) Buy or Sell a Business, and 12) In Your Sector. This will be added to Business Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM Gossip's Bootleg RSS Feeds Palooza http://bootleg-rss.g-blog.net/ On average, they serve 54,097 RSS requests (216.327 megabytes) per day. The last two months looked like this: 1,517,354 polls in Jun 2004, 264,851 polls in Jul 2004, and still counting..... Selected RSS feeds covering 1) News Sites, 2) Game Sites, 3) Advertising/Marketing Sites 4) Gaming/Hardware Sites 5) Programming/Design Sites 6) People Sites, 7) Music Sites 8) Organizations Sites 9) Science Sites 10) WebComics Sites, and 11) Humor Sites. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM The Futurist - The Intelligent Internet - The Promise of Smart Computers and E-Commerce By William E. Halal - Government Computer News Daily News (GCN) http://www.gcn.com/vol1_no1/daily-updates/26338-1.html "Information and communication technologies are rapidly converging to create machines that understand us, do what we tell them to, and even anticipate our needs. We tend to think of intelligent systems as a distant possibility, but two relentless supertrends are moving this scenario toward near-term reality. Scientific advances are making it possible for people to talk to smart computers, while more enterprises are exploiting the commercial potential of the Internet. ... [F]orecasts conducted under the TechCast Project at George Washington University indicate that 20 commercial aspects of Internet use should reach 30% 'take-off' adoption levels during the second half of this decade to rejuvenate the economy. Meanwhile, the project's technology scanning finds that advances in speech recognition, artificial intelligence, powerful computers, virtual environments, and flat wall monitors are producing a 'conversational' human-machine interface. These powerful trends will drive the next generation of information technology into the mainstream by about 2010. ... The following are a few of the advances in speech recognition, artificial intelligence, powerful chips, virtual environments, and flat-screen wall monitors that are likely to produce this intelligent interface. ... IBM has a Super Human Speech Recognition Program to greatly improve accuracy, and in the next decade Microsoft's program is expected to reduce the error rate of speech recognition, matching human capabilities. ... MIT is planning to demonstrate their Project Oxygen, which features a voice-machine interface. ... Amtrak, Wells Fargo, Land's End, and many other organizations are replacing keypad-menu call centers with speech-recognition systems because they improve customer service and recover investment in a year or two. ... General Motors OnStar driver assistance system relies primarily on voice commands, with live staff for backup; the number of subscribers has grown from 200,000 to 2 million and is expected to increase by 1 million per year. The Lexus DVD Navigation System responds to over 100 commands and guides the driver with voice and visual directions. ... BCC Corporation estimates total AI sales to grow from $12 billion in 2002 to $21 billion in 2007. ... This scenario is not without uncertainties. Cynicism persists over unrealized promises of AI, and the Intelligent Internet will present its own problems. If you think today's dumb computers are frustrating, wait until you find yourself shouting at a virtual robot that repeatedly fails to grasp what you badly want it to do. ... The main obstacle is a lack of vision among industry leaders, customers, and the public as scars of the dot-com bust block creative thought." posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Thursday, July 08, 2004 ![]() Artificial Intelligence Resources http://www.AIResources.info Artificial Intelligence Resources is a Subject Tracer™ Information Blog developed and created by the Virtual Private Library™. It is designed to bring together the latest resources and sources on an ongoing basis from the Internet on Artificial Intelligence on the Internet. We always welcome suggestions of additional sites and resources to be added to this comprehensive listing and please submit by clicking here. This site has been developed and maintained by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A.. Additional links and resources by Marcus are available by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 10:00 AM ![]() Virtual Private Library™ http://www.VirtualPrivateLibrary.com/ When searching for "private library" the Virtual Private Library™ was ranked #1 out of 4,480,000 listings on Google™ at 9:25am EDST on July 8, 2004. posted by Marcus | 9:27 AM BugMeNot.com http://www.BugMeNot.com/ BugMeNot.com was created as a mechanism to quickly bypass the login of web sites that require compulsory registration and/or the collection of personal/demographic information. This has been added to Privacy Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. This will be added to Security Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM IR and IE on the Web - PhD and MSc Dissertations http://www.webir.org/phd.html A nice resource of information retrieval (IR) and information extraction (IE) PhD and MSc dissertations available on the Internet. This will be added to Academic Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. This has been added to Deep Web Research Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM Into the Blogosphere http://blog.lib.umn.edu/blogosphere/ This online, edited collection explores discursive, visual, social, and other communicative features of weblogs. Essays analyze and critique situated cases and examples drawn from weblogs and weblog communities. Such a project requires a multidisciplinary approach, and contributions represent perspectives from Rhetoric, Communication, Sociology, Cultural Studies, Linguistics, and Education, among others. This has been added to Academic Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM 20Q.net - 20 Questions - The Neural-Net on the Internet http://www.20q.net/ 20Q.net is an experiment in artificial intelligence. The program is very simple but its behavior is complex. Everything that it knows and all questions that it asks were entered by people playing this game. 20Q.net is a learning system; the more it is played, the smarter it gets. This has been added to Artificial Intelligence Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM Internet Mathematics http://www.InternetMathematics.org/ This new journal publishes research papers that address fundamental problems, both conceptual and algorithmic, that arise in dealing with large complex information networks such as the Internet. Broad in scope, the journal will allow for flexible adjustment to the evolving needs that arise in real-life applications and the theoretical foundations. This has been added to Bot Research Subject™ Tracer Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Wednesday, July 07, 2004 ![]() ShoppingBots http://www.ShoppingBots.info ShoppingBots Resources is a Subject Tracer™ Information Blog developed and created by the Virtual Private Library™. It is designed to bring together the latest resources and sources on an ongoing basis from the Internet on ShoppingBots on the Internet. We always welcome suggestions of additional sites and resources to be added to this comprehensive listing and please submit by clicking here. This site has been developed and maintained by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A.. Additional links and resources by Marcus are available by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM Center for Pest Research http://research.pestpatrol.com/ Welcome to the Center for Pest Research - Analyses from 2,757,537 pest reports submitted by PestPatrol users in the past 4 weeks, information on 124,146 pest objects (registry entries, directories, files), descriptions of 20,844 pests, and more. This has been added to Internet Hoaxes Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine http://base.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/projekt_english.html BASE is a project at Bielefeld University Library. BASE offers an integrated search in heterogeneous scientific resources worldwide. This has been added to Deep Web Research Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. This will be added to Academic Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM Search Engine Technology and Digital Libraries - Libraries Need to Discover the Academic Internet by Norbert Lossau, Bielefeld University Library, Germany D-Lib Magazine June 2004 Volume 10 Number 6 http://www.dlib.org/dlib/june04/lossau/06lossau.html This article is the revised and elaborated version of a presentation that was delivered at the invitation of the American Digital Library Federation (DLF) at their Spring Forum meeting in New Orleans (http://snipurl.com/7kqx). It will be followed by "Search engine technology and digital libraries: Moving from theory to praxis" as a collaborative article from this author and Friedrich Summann, Head of IT at Bielefeld University Library. With the development of the World Wide Web, the "information search" has grown to be a significant business sector of a global, competitive and commercial market. Powerful players have entered this market, such as commercial internet search engines, information portals, multinational publishers and online content integrators. Will Google, Yahoo or Microsoft be the only portals to global knowledge in 2010? If libraries do not want to become marginalized in a key area of their traditional services, they need to acknowledge the challenges that come with the globalisation of scholarly information, the existence and further growth of the academic internet. This has been added to Deep Web Research Subject Tracer™ Information Blog This will be added to Academic Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM Academy of Achievement http://www.achievement.org/ This is no ordinary museum. This is an experience that can change your life. The Academy of Achievement brings you face to face with the extraordinary individuals who have shaped our times. It is an amazing collection, not of mere artifacts, but of people and ideas that fill you with inspiration, encouragement, and the will to achieve. You control the presentation by selecting a field of achievement or a quality essential for success. Meet the leaders, discoverers and creators who shape the world in which we live. From them you will learn the secrets to achieve more than you ever dreamed possible. This has been added to Student Research Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM New Ideas, Data, and Analysis in Communications Policy http://www.galbithink.org/ Welcome to Douglas Galbi's communications industry analysis and policy home page. He would like this page to be a forum for new, different, and interesting ideas, data, and analysis relating to communications policy. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Tuesday, July 06, 2004 ![]() Research Resources http://www.ResearchResources.info Research Resources is a Subject Tracer™ Information Blog developed and created by the Virtual Private Library™. It is designed to bring together the latest resources and sources on an ongoing basis from the Internet on research. We always welcome suggestions of additional sites and resources to be added to this comprehensive listing and please submit by clicking here. This site has been developed and maintained by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A.. Additional links and resources by Marcus are available by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM British Library Zeroes In On E-Learning http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla70/papers/102e-Brindley.pdf "Inspiring Learning for All" is a framework for a new program developed by the British Library for creating accessible learning in museums, archives and libraries. It is founded on four simple principles, which describe the characteristics of an accessible and inclusive organization: People (providing effective learning opportunities); places (creating accessible and inspiring learning environments); partnerships (building creative e-learning partnerships); and polices/plans/performance (placing learning at the heart of the institution). The framework is designed to stimulate professionals to focus on and improve the way learning is supported. Working from a broad definition of learning -- i.e., it is not related solely to formal curriculum, but rather to everyone's ability to access information, cultural resources or entertainment in order to develop as individuals -- the program recognizes that people learn in different ways and require a variety of stimuli to engage them in the learning process. It stresses that museums, libraries and archives need to remove barriers to access; cater for individual learning styles (not just ages); create exciting environments; use innovative methods; value learning experts; consult with users; and reach out to new users. The program will be discussed at the International Federation of Library Associations conference in August. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM Digital Library of MIT Theses http://theses.mit.edu The MIT theses library provides digitized Master's and Doctoral theses from 1879 to the present. Theses are presented as scanned images, with PDFs and hardcopy available for ordering from the MIT Libraries. The page also links to MIT's Barton catalog, where users can perform a search on all MIT theses. This will be added to Academic Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM Microbes.Info : The Microbiology Information Portal http://www.microbes.info A collection of news articles, web resources and forums for microbiology. Web links are presented in many microbiological categories: environmental, food, industrial, medical, and veterinary. There are also links to organizations, companies, and publications. This has been added to Biological Informatics Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM American Customer Satisfaction Index http://www.theacsi.org/overview.htm The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) is a uniform and independent measure of household consumption experience. The ACSI is a powerful economic indicator; it tracks trends in customer satisfaction and provides valuable information about the consumer economy for companies, industry trade associations, and government agencies. The ACSI is produced through a partnership of the University of Michigan Business School, the American Society for Quality (ASQ), and the international consulting firm, CFI Group. Data is collected from consumers via telephone and the internet. The site features information regarding what the ACSI measures, how data is measured, the methodology, past conclusions, current research, reports, press releases, frequently asked questions, and a fact sheet for quick reference. This will be added to Business Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. This has been added to Statistics Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM The International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) http://www.iaae-agecon.org The International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) is a worldwide confederation of agricultural economists and others concerned with agricultural economic problems, including problems related to the use of renewable resources and the environment. Goals include fostering the application of agricultural economics to improve rural economic and social conditions, advancing knowledge of agriculture's economic organization, and facilitating communication and information exchange among those concerned with rural welfare. The site contains links to further related information, conference and event information, and information on the association itself. This has been added to Agriculture Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Monday, July 05, 2004 ![]() This edition of Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. July 5, 2004 V2N27 discusses the latest Subject Tracer™ Information Blog Artificial Intelligence Resources. Click on the below audio posting to hear an audio by Marcus P. Zillman on this latest Subject Tracer™. View this Subject Tracer™ Information Blog at: Artificial Intelligence Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog http://www.AIResources.info/ ![]() ![]() Reference Resources http://www.ReferenceResources.info/ Reference Resurces is a Subject Tracer™ Information Blog developed and created by the Virtual Private Library™. It is designed to bring together the latest resources and sources on an ongoing basis for reference information. We always welcome suggestions of additional sites and resources to be added to this comprehensive listing and please submit by clicking here. This site has been developed and is maintained by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A.. Additional links and resources by Marcus are available by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM Web Harvesting by Russell Kay, Computerworld http://snipurl.com/7hjp It's hard to argue with the proposition that the World Wide Web is the largest repository of information that has ever existed. In just over a decade, the Web has moved from a university curiosity to a fundamental research, marketing and communications vehicle that impinges upon the everyday life of most people in the developed world. But there's a catch, of course. As the amount of information on the Web grows, that information becomes ever harder to keep track of and use. This vast amount of freely available information is spread over billions of Web pages, each with its own independent structure and format. So how do you find the information you're looking for in a useful format -- and do it quickly and easily without breaking the bank? This has been added to Data Mining Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM In Search of Good Results http://www.emarketer.com/Article.aspx?1002877 A recent survey by FIND/SVP found that 84% of business executives queried thought Web searches using commercial search engines took longer than they should because they tended to deliver too many irrelevant results, resulting in an estimated loss of $31 billion in lost productivity. In addition, 74% expressed doubts that the results were reliable and 39% felt that information found online is outdated. Despite their reservations, 67% indicated it would be difficult or impossible to do their jobs without Web-based search tools, with 28% reporting they spend between 6 and 10 hours a week researching online. The most sought after information was financial information and reports, followed by information on competitors. "The commercial search market is dominated by search engines that must target the broadest consumer audience possible, with the broadest scope of content, in order to sell advertisements for any and every product and service possible," says a META Group VP. "The commercial search market has barely begun to address the untapped demand for highly specialized and screened content and we believe this market is poised for growth in the next three to five years." posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM Global Grids and Software Toolkits: A Study of Four Grid Middleware Technologies by Parvin Asadzadeh, Rajkumar Buyya, Chun Ling Kei, Deepa Nayar, and Srikumar Venugopal http://www.gridbus.org/papers/gmchapter.pdf Grid is an infrastructure that involves the integrated and collaborative use of computers, networks, databases and scientific instruments owned and managed by multiple organizations. Grid applications often involve large amounts of data and/or computing resources that require secure resource sharing across organizational boundaries. This makes Grid application management and deployment a complex undertaking. Grid middlewares provide users with seamless computing ability and uniform access to resources in the heterogeneous Grid environment. Several software toolkits and systems have been developed, most of which are results of academic research projects, all over the world. This chapter will focus on four of these middlewares--UNICORE, Globus, Legion and Gridbus. It also presents our implementation of a resource broker for UNICORE as this functionality was not supported in it. A comparison of these systems on the basis of the architecture, implementation model and several other features is included. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM China's New Generation Of Ipv9 Network Technology Ready? http://www.chinatechnews.com/index.php?action=show&type=news&id=1405 At the New Generation Internet Ten-Digit Network Industrialization & Development Seminar held on June 25th at Zhejiang University, it was announced that China's Internet technology, IPv9, had been formally adapted and popularized into the civil and commercial sectors. After ten years of research and development, IPv9 will be used on projects with the National Safety Defense System, National Digital TV Network, IPv9 network experimental programs and many other organizations. Update Note: Evidence is growing that IPv9, hyped up the widely-adopted foundation of a next generation Internet infrastructure in China, is really a marginal project backed by few even in China. Reports http://www.theregister.co.uk/2004/07/06/ipv9_hype_dismissed/ posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM ![]() Growthink Research http://www.growthinkresearch.com/ Growthink Research is a full-service market research firm. 1) Venture Capital Research: Growthink Research publishes venture capital reports on a quarterly and annual basis that analyze financing trends for emerging companies. Growthink Research’s reports are recognized as the most comprehensive source of venture funding news. Tony Nash, Director of Red Herring Research, called our reports the “most comprehensive and professional sources of venture funding information I've read.” Clients include venture capital firms, angel investors, investment banks, emerging ventures/entrepreneurs, established companies and related product and service providers. 2) Strategic Market Research: Growthink Research also performs client-specific market and competitive research projects. As an independent market research firm with a strong strategic orientation, we can often source information and primary competitive intelligence unavailable to direct market participants. To date, we have researched and assessed over 200 markets and micro-markets, and can conduct a wide range of market research projects to meet our clients’ needs. This will be added to Business Resources 2004-05 Internet Miniguide. This has been added to Financial Sources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Sunday, July 04, 2004 ![]() Privacy Resources http://www.PrivacyResources.info PrivacyResources.info is a Subject Tracer™ Information Blog developed and created by the Virtual Private Library™. It is designed to bring together the latest resources and sources on an ongoing basis for privacy resources. We always welcome suggestions of additional sites and resources to be added to this comprehensive listing and please submit by clicking here. This site has been developed and maintained by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A.. Additional links and resources by Marcus are available by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM Aerodynamics Aerodynamics General Information http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/airplane/bga.html Theoretical Aerodynamics for Students http://www.ae.su.oz.au/aero/aerodyn.html Aerodynamics Text: Flight The National Business Aviation Association: Principles of Aeronautics http://wings.avkids.com/Book/Sports/ Exploratorium: Aerodynamics of Bicycles http://www.exploratorium.edu/cycling/aerodynamics1.html ThinkQuest:: AeroNet http://library.thinkquest.org/25486/?tqskip1=1 Aerodynamics is the study of what makes things go fast, right? More specifically, it’s the study of the interaction between bodies and the atmosphere. If you’ve been watching Wimbeldon lately, you might have been wondering about the aerodynamics of tennis. Or maybe you were riding your bike the other day and wondering how you could pick up a little more speed next time. This topic in depth highlights some fun websites on the science of aerodynamics. The first site (1) provides some general information on aerodynamics. For those wanting a little more on the theory of aerodynamics, the University of Sydney has published this web textbook, Aerodynamics for Students (2). When people think of aerodynamics, they generally think of aviation and flight, which is explained on this site (3). Aerodynamics also has applications in sports, such as tennis, sailing and cycling. This website provides explanations for sports applications whether you are a beginner in the study of aerodynamics or an instructor (4). The next website reviews the aerodynamics of cycling and has a form that lets you Calculate the Aerodynamic Drag and Propulsive Power of a Bicyclist (5). The last site, AeroNet (6), is an interactive site designed to provide information about topics involved with aviation in a fun way for anyone casually interested in flight, someone thinking about aviation as a profession, or a student doing research for physics class. [From The NSDL Scout Report for Math, Engineering, and Technology, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2003. http://scout.wisc.edu/] posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM The Metasearch Initiative: Looking for Data in All the Right Places http://snipurl.com/7ig2 Whether you call it metasearch, federated search or broadcast search, the idea of exploring multiple resources using a single interface has long been the pipe dream of libraries. Unfortunately, most of the disparate data resources patrons want to search serve their data in many different ways, or not at all. While Google and the like search anything, the challenge for the library profession is to create ways to search well in all the right places. At the 2003 ALA Midwinter Meeting, three vendors -- EBSCO, Gale and ProQuest -- met to discuss the problem. Led by the National Information Standards Organization, workshop meetings were held and the Metasearch Initiative was formed. With a mix of librarians, publishers and library-software providers, the Metasearch Initiative has drawn the participation of more than 60 individuals from five countries. Even large publishers who have already developed proprietary XML gateways are involved. The Metasearch Initiative intends to identify, develop, and frame the standards and other common understandings needed to enable an efficient and robust information environment. The Metasearch Initiative's goals are to enable service providers to offer more effective and responsive services, help content providers deliver enhanced content while protecting their intellectual property, and enable libraries to deliver services that distinguish their offerings from Google and other free Web search services. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM Libraries: How They Stack Up—Canadian Edition http://www.oclc.org/ca/en/index/compare/default.htm This report for Canadian libraries, Libraries: How they stack up, provides a snapshot of the economic impact of libraries in Canada. The report contains some interesting comparisons of library economics and activies to other sectors, professions and destinations in the worldwide economy. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM QuackWatch http://www.quackwatch.org/index.html Your Guide to Quackery, Health Fraud, and Intelligent Decisions Operated by Stephen Barrett, M.D.. This has been added to Internet Hoaxes Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Saturday, July 03, 2004 ![]() Outsourcing/Offshoring Information and Resources http://www.outsourcingoffshore.us Outsourcing/Offshoring Information and Resources is a Subject Tracer™ Information Blog developed and created by the Virtual Private Library™. It is designed to bring together the latest resources and sources on an ongoing basis on Outsourcing/Offshoring. We always welcome suggestions of additional sites and resources to be added to this comprehensive listing and please submit by clicking here. This site has been developed and maintained by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A.. Additional links and resources by Marcus are available by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM W3C Workshop on Web Applications and Compound Documents: Summary and Papers http://www.w3.org/2004/04/webapps-cdf-ws/summary http://www.w3.org/2004/04/webapps-cdf-ws/papers/ http://www.w3.org/2003/08/Workshops/ http://www.w3.org/Interaction/ The summary and minutes have been published from the W3C Workshop on Web Applications and Compound Documents held in San Jose CA, USA on 1-2 June. All of the 43 position papers are publicly available. The workshop concluded that W3C should consider starting work on a specification that combines W3C document formats for the mobile computing market, and should produce a roadmap for future work in Web applications. This wil be added to Academic Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Literacy http://www.ictliteracy.info/ This Web site is the "public face" of a fast growing international movement focused on promoting Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Digital Literacy. Building an international consensus is critical for advancing meaningful educational initiatives, training high skilled workforce, and understanding issues related to economic development. This website provides a rich, centralized portal for the repository of ICT Literacy resources, highlights innovative efforts and partnerships promoting ICT Literacy, and facilitates the interaction between researchers, business, government and educational segments. The resources are intended to build awareness, encourage debate, and promote the importance of digital literacy. They provide practical information for business, government, and educational leaders, and encourage communication by employing technology tools in the most collaborative sense. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM Text Mining Begins Digging Through Unstructured Data http://snipurl.com/7gpp A good 85% of an organization's knowledge is in the form of unstructured data. Easy to quantify, hard to find. "We are drowning in information but are starving for knowledge," says an R&D technical leader at Dow Chemical. But a new generation of text mining tools is allowing companies to extract key elements from large unstructured data sets, discover relationships and summarize the information. Dow, for example, uses ClearResearch to extract data from chemical patent abstracts, published research papers and the company's own files. And the University of Louisville uses SAS's Text Miner on text files, such as patient charts, and analyzes flat-file snapshots of billing and pharmaceutical databases as text, rather than as database entries. Researchers there have pinpointed certain medications that can prolong hospital stays for patients. Because of some limitations in the new software (such as understanding linguistics), text miners are still niche products, generally restricted to specific parts of an organization and requiring specialized analytical skills to implement and deliver truly useful information. It'll be awhile before they're commonly available. But some vendors are already incorporating text mining tools as a background function to improve the effectiveness of more familiar search or document management applications. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM RDF and OWL Working Groups Complete Deliverables, Close http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/ W3C is pleased to announce that the RDF Core and Web Ontology Working Groups have successfully completed all deliverables. Together these W3C Working Groups developed twelve W3C Recommendations specifying the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and the OWL Web Ontology Language. The W3C thanks all participants and Chairs Brian McBride (HP Labs), Dan Brickley (W3C), Jim Hendler (University of Maryland) and Guus Schreiber (Ibrow) for their contributions. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM Framsticks - Artificial Life - 3D Evolution and Simulation http://www.frams.alife.pl/ Framsticks is a three-dimensional life simulation project. Both mechanical structures (“bodies”) and control systems (“brains”) of creatures are modeled. It is possible to design various kinds of experiments, including simple optimization (by evolutionary algorithms), coevolution, open-ended and spontaneous evolution, distinct gene pools and populations, diverse genotype/phenotype mappings, and species/ecosystems modeling. Current Framsticks users work on evolutionary computation, artificial intelligence, neural networks, biology, robotics and simulation, cognitive science, neuroscience, medicine, philosophy, virtual reality, graphics, and art. The system can be interesting for experimenters who would like to evolve their own artificial creatures and see them in a three-dimensional, virtual world. You can also manually design and test creatures. This software is a versatile tool for research and education. This has been added to Artificial Intelligence Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Friday, July 02, 2004 ![]() Knowledge Discovery http://www.KnowledgeDiscovery.info/ KnowledgeDiscovery.info is a Subject Tracer™ Information Blog developed and created by the Virtual Private Library™. It is designed to bring together the latest resources and sources on an ongoing basis for knowledge discovery. We always welcome suggestions of additional sites and resources to be added to this comprehensive listing and please submit by clicking here. This site has been developed and maintained by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A.. Additional links and resources by Marcus are available by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM VoIP Awareness in America http://www.pewinternet.org/report_display.asp?r=129 One Quarter of Online Americans Have Heard of VOIP Telephone Service; About One in Eight are Considering Getting it at Home. While telephone calling using Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has attracted considerable attention in the business community and among policymakers, 27% of Internet users in the United States – or 17% of all Americans – have heard of the service. This is another Pew Internet & American Life Project. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM International Agreement to Expand PubMed Central http://www.nlm.nih.gov/news/press_releases/intlpubmed04.html Additional medical journals, some dating back more than 125 years, will be made freely available on the Internet. The Wellcome Trust, in partnership with the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC), and the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) are joining forces to digitize the complete backfiles of a number of important and historically significant medical journals. The digitized content will be made freely available on the Internet – via PubMed Central (http://www.pubmedcentral.gov/) and augment the content already available there. With funding of £1.25 million [£750,000 from the Trust, £500,000 from the JISC] the project plans to digitize around 1.7 million pages of text. The NLM, a part of the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, will manage the project, host the archive, and ensure that the digital files are preserved in perpetuity. The list of journals to be digitized will include the Annals of Surgery, Biochemical Journal, Journal of Physiology and Medical History. Digitization will commence in Summer 2004 and the first titles will be online early in 2005. Once the backfiles are digitized, a significant new body of medical literature will be freely available on the Internet. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM Business Executives Rank 'Emotional Intelligence' More Important Than Traditional Leadership Attributes, Men and Women Equal in Rating Their EI http://snipurl.com/7esg New Studies Provides Valuable Data to Support Role of Emotional Intelligence In Developing Effective Leaders For Success In Today's Business World. Two ground-breaking research studies just released find that experienced business leaders rank Emotional Intelligence capabilities as critical to the success of today's leaders. The research studies titled "What Makes A Successful Leader" and "Leaders Speak Out On Emotional Intelligence," were conducted by three experts in the field of Emotional Intelligence and personality type. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM Stocking the Virtual Ready Reference Collection - Appendices B, C, and D http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~danianne/appendices.htm Stocking the Virtual Ready Reference Collection - Appendices B, C, and D by Elizabeth Mahoney and Danianne Mizzy published in The Reference Librarian Volume 38, Issue 79/80, 2002/2003, pp. 67-99. Appendix B - Exemplary Virtual Ready Reference Guide Sites ( A list of the top VRRC available to the public). Appendix C - Selection Aids Appendix D - Current Awareness This has been added to Reference Resources Subject Tracer™ Information Blog. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM Country Profiles The following is a listing of country profile resources that is taken from International Trade Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. ABCnews.com - Country Profiles http://abcnews.go.com/sections/world/DailyNews/geography.html Altapedia-Online http://www.atlapedia.com/ BBC News - Country Profiles http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/europe/country_profiles/default.stm CIA - The World Factbook http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/index.html European Platform for Conflict Prevention and Transformation http://www.euconflict.org/euconflict/sfp/counsurv_f.html Incore - Internet Country Guides http://www.incore.ulst.ac.uk/cds/countries/ Infoplease - Countries of the World http://www.infoplease.com/countries.html International Business and Law Factbook - Country Profiles http://www.ibl.com/worldinfo/indexfld.html#Intro Library of Congress - Country Studies http://memory.loc.gov/frd/cs/cshome.html Library of Congress - Portals to the World http://www.loc.gov/rr/international/portals.html Reliefweb - Background by Country http://wwww.reliefweb.int/w/rwb.nsf/vBkC?OpenView&Start=117 UN - InfoNation http://www.un.org/Pubs/CyberSchoolBus/infonation/e_infonation.htm US State Department- Background Notes http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/ WHO Statistical Information System http://www.who.int/whosis/ Yahoo - Country Profiles http://dir.yahoo.com/Science/Geography/Country_Profiles/ posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM Thursday, July 01, 2004 ![]() Internet Hoaxes http://www.InternetHoaxes.info/ InternetHoaxes.info is a Subject Tracer™ Information Blog developed and created by the Virtual Private Library™. It is designed to bring together the latest resources and sources on an ongoing basis for Internet hoaxes. We always welcome suggestions of additional sites and resources to be added to this comprehensive listing and please submit by clicking here. This site has been developed and maintained by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A.. Additional links and resources by Marcus are available by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 4:25 AM Introduction to Online Journalism http://www.abacon.com/dewolk/ This site, accompanying the Allyn & Bacon textbook "Introduction to Online Journalism", is designed to enhance the textbook, and in particular, to make it easy for students and teachers to get the most out of each chapter. The original subtitle to the textbook was to have been "How to Use the Power of the Internet for News and Information in the 21st Century." If not for running out of space on the cover, that subtitle would have stood. A full collection of links in the book are here as are extra tips and assignments to help conquer the important mission before us: creating quality journalism in a true multimedia environment on the World Wide Web. This in-depth accompaniment and workbook is expressly to maximize the textbook experience. posted by Marcus | 4:20 AM ExpressionEngine http://www.pmachine.com/ Introducing ExpressionEngine, the next-generation publishing system from pMachine. Over a year in the making and designed from the ground up, ExpressionEngine is the most flexible, modular, and scalable web publishing system on the planet. posted by Marcus | 4:15 AM SpoofStick http://www.corestreet.com/spoofstick/ SpoofStick is a simple browser extension that helps users detect spoofed (fake) websites. A spoofed website is typically made to look like a well known, branded site (like ebay.com or citibank.com) with a slightly different or confusing URL. The attacker then tries to trick people into going to the spoofed site by sending out fake email messages or posting links in public places - hoping that some percentage of users won't notice the incorrect URL and give away important information. This practice is sometimes known as “phishing". SpoofStick makes it easier to spot a spoofed website by prominently displaying only the most relevant domain information. This will be added to Security Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:10 AM LiNE Zine: Learning in the New Economy e-Magazine http://www.linezine.com/ Times feel uncertain. Will the economy pick up, worklife improve, a new and unexpected crisis arise over the horizon, what next? Organizational readiness tops our lists of must-dos. Readiness to confront any situation. Readiness to effectively act-and-react wisely and decisively. As we gain our footing and learn to navigate the unpredictable roads ahead, the current issue of Learning in the New Economy e-Magazine (LiNE Zine) features leaders, innovators, and some everyday people who teach us about organizational readiness, and shine important light on the values of courage, truth, and wisdom. Please join us. This will be added to Education and Distance Learning Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:05 AM The Digital Equity Toolkit http://nici-mc2.org/de_toolkit/pages/toolkit.htm The toolkit points educators to free and inexpensive, high quality resources that help address the digital divide in the classroom and community. The toolkit, edited by Joy Wallace, senior associate at the National Institute for Community Innovations, is made possible in part through funding from the U.S. Department of Education's PT3 (Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers to use Technology) and Technology Innovation Challenge Grant programs. We are committed to continually enhancing the toolkit's contents; therefore, you may want to consider revisiting the toolkit at least monthly as new resources are added each week. Printed copies of the toolkit have been made available through funding generously provided by the AOL Time Warner Foundation, a leader in bridging the digital divide. This will be added to Education and Distance Learning Resources 2004-05 Internet MiniGuide. posted by Marcus | 4:00 AM |
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