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Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. Author/Speaker/Consultant Internet Happenings, Events and Sources |
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![]() Friday, October 31, 2003 W3Schools http://www.w3schools.com/ W3Schools offer full web building tutorials all free. At W3Schools you will find all the web-building tutorials you need, from basic HTML and XHTML to advanced XML, XSL, Multimedia and WAP. W3Schools is one of the largest web developers sites on the net. posted by Marcus | 5:09 AM EdgarScan http://edgarscan.pwcglobal.com/recruit/other.html The EdgarScan toolset allows you an entire new view of company financials brought to you by PricewaterhouseCoopers. posted by Marcus | 5:08 AM Econometric Links Econometrics Journal http://econometriclinks.com/ Econometric Links Econometrics Journal is an extensive and comprehensive site of econometric links. posted by Marcus | 5:07 AM CorpWatch http://www.corpwatch.org/ CorpWatch.org provides news, analysis, research tools and action alerts to respond to corporate activity around the globe. They also talk with people who are directly affected by corporate-led globalization as well as with others fighting for corporate accountability, human rights, social and environmental justice. posted by Marcus | 5:06 AM CountryWatch http://www.countrywatch.com/ CountryWatch.com is an information provider for schools, universities, libraries and individuals who need up-to-date information and news on the countries of the world and for the public and private sector organizations with global operations and interests. The management of CountryWatch.com has extensive international business and academic experience and, using this experience, has created, in a concise and useful form, a key set of political, economic, and business information, daily news and data for its clients in the form of Country Reviews™, the Country Wire™ and CountryWatch Data. posted by Marcus | 5:05 AM CAROL - Company Annual Reports Online http://www.carol.co.uk/ CAROL is an on-line service offering direct links to the financial pages of listed companies in Europe and the USA. CAROL provides direct access to companies’ balance sheets, profit & loss statements, financial highlights etc. Access is free of charge, but they ask you to register for access to annual reports. posted by Marcus | 5:04 AM Business Research Links http://business-research.info/business-research-links.htm Extensive listing of business research links and related sites. posted by Marcus | 5:03 AM Business Ethics Portal by Sharon Stoerger MLS, MBA http://www.web-miner.com/busethics.htm A comprehensive portal on Business Ethics by Sharon Stoerger MLS, MBA; including articles & publications, case studies, corporate codes of ethics, professional organizations & associations, resources & centers and additional ethics resources. posted by Marcus | 5:02 AM Best of the Best - Business Web Sites http://snurl.com/2s54 The Education Committee of the Business Reference and Services Section (BRASS) of the Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) of the American Library Association (ALA) began in 1998 to identify several long-term educational projects that would be developed to fulfill the committee's role of providing educational and developmental opportunities for librarians involved in providing business reference services. The 'Best of the Best' Business Web Sites project was the first of the projects completed in 2000. The exponential growth of the Internet has resulted in an ever-increasing number of Web sites that offer potentially useful business information to researchers. To assist librarians and business researchers in identifying significant sites, BRASS Education Committee members created this Web page to serve as a subject guide to the 'Best of the Best' business Web sites in a number of broad business categories. posted by Marcus | 5:01 AM Feedroll http://www.feedroll.com/rssviewer/ Select a feed and customize it to match the look and feel of your site...then copy and paste the code. posted by Marcus | 5:00 AM Thursday, October 30, 2003 How Much Information? 2003 http://www.sims.berkeley.edu/research/projects/how-much-info-2003/ This study is an attempt to estimate how much new information is created each year. Newly created information is distributed in four storage media – print, film, magnetic, and optical – and seen or heard in four information flows – telephone, radio and TV, and the Internet. This study of information storage and flows analyzes the year 2002 in order to estimate the annual size of the stock of new information contained in storage media, and heard or seen each year in information flows. Where reliable data was available we have compared the 2002 findings to those of our 2000 study (which used 1999 data) in order to identify trends – recognizing that 1999-2002 were years of relatively low economic activity. The 2000 study is located on the Web at http://www.sims.berkeley.edu/how-much-info/. Note that this – the 2003 study – has revised certain of the 1999 estimates when we have found new and better data sources. Senior researchers: Peter Lyman and Hal R. Varian Project coordinator: Kirsten Swearingen Researchers: Peter Charles, Nathan Good, Laheem Lamar Jordan, Joyojeet Pal posted by Marcus | 5:09 AM Software Agents for Business Automation http://cs.newpaltz.edu/~pham/ABA/papers/J2/ The International Journal "Electronic Commerce Research and Applications" Volume 2, Issue 2, Pages 95-198 (Summer 2003) "Software Agents for Business Automation" Guest Editor: Hanh Pham posted by Marcus | 5:08 AM MedWatch http://www.fda.gov/medwatch/ MedWatch, The FDA Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program, serves both healthcare professionals and the medical product-using public. We provide important and timely clinical information about safety issues involving medical products, including prescription and over-the-counter drugs, biologics, medical and radiation-emitting devices, and special nutritional products (e.g., medical foods, dietary supplements and infant formulas). Medical product safety alerts, recalls, withdrawals, and important labeling changes that may affect the health of all Americans are quickly disseminated to the medical community and the general public via this web site and the MedWatch E-list. Select Safety Information to see reports, safety notifications, and labeling changes posted to the website since 1996. posted by Marcus | 5:07 AM LegalRA http://www.legalra.com/ LegalRA.com - a new portal specifically designed to help legal and corporate professionals get the most out of their Internet research efforts. You get a direct route to an organized and reliable selection of Internet legal resources, unique search and tracking capabilities found only on this site, and more posted by Marcus | 5:06 AM sciBASE http://www.thescientificworld.com/DBProducts/sciBASE/ sciBASE aggregates and integrates major bibliographic databases from third party publishers to give its subscribers convenient, digital access to the world's scientific information. It helps keep scientists, educators and medical practitioners up-to-date with advances in their field or related areas of research, as published by colleagues and competitors. sciBASE also facilitates research needs when a scientist wants to investigate a new field, start a new project, find a new technique, solve a specific problem, assess the novelty or patentability of a result, or prepare scholarly papers and other articles. sciBASE provides convenient, digital access to the world's scientific information: * Searching - provides searching of references within 22 million citations and 13 million abstracts from over 35,000 scholarly journals and proceedings in the fields of Science, Medicine, and Technology. * Quick Search and Advanced Search interface available. * Verification - provides over 13 million abstracts. * Article Access - provides access to full text of articles, supplied either by direct article delivery or through document delivery service (online and fax ordering). posted by Marcus | 5:05 AM GenomeWeb Daily News http://www.genomeweb.com/ Daily News feed from the GenomeWeb Intelligence Network. posted by Marcus | 5:04 AM E-STREAMS: Electronic reviews of Science & Technology References http://www.e-streams.com/ E-STREAMS: Electronic reviews of Science & Technology References covering Engineering, Agriculture, Medicine and Science. E-STREAMS is a collaborative venture between H. Robert Malinowsky of the University of Illinois at Chicago and YBP Library Services. E-STREAMS is free of charge and is available only in electronic form. Current issues and a full archive of E-STREAMS are maintained on the e-streams.com web site. posted by Marcus | 5:03 AM EdResearch Online - Australian Council for Educational Research - ACER http://cunningham.acer.edu.au/dbtw-wpd/sample/edresearch.htm The EdResearch Online database is composed of 16,849 online education research documents and articles. These form a subset of the Australian Education Index. 67% of the documents are linked to freely available full text documents. A further 33% can be purchased online for AU$22 per article. There is no charge to search the database or access the free full text documents. You will only incur a charge if you purchase one of the 5,519 articles with copyright protection. EdResearch Online is produced by ACER Cunningham Library which holds the most comprehensive and up to date collection of educational research documents in Australia and hosts access to this collection and a range of similar databases and collections from around the world. posted by Marcus | 5:02 AM Clinical Medicine and Health Research http://clinmed.netprints.org/home.dtl A repository of non-peer reviewed original research. Articles posted on this site have not yet been accepted for publication by a peer reviewed journal. They are presented here mainly for the benefit of fellow researchers. Casual readers should not act on their findings, and journalists should be wary of reporting them. posted by Marcus | 5:01 AM Best Practice Database http://www.bestpracticedatabase.com/ The Best Practice Database offers instant access into the minds at world-class companies, providing proven tactics to eclipse the competition. Originating from research conducted by Best Practices LLC, this information enables you to maximize revenue, enhance productivity and optimize costs! posted by Marcus | 5:00 AM Wednesday, October 29, 2003 CITIDEL - Computing and Information Technology Interactive Digital Educational Library http://www.citidel.org/ A consortium led by Hofstra University, The College of New Jersey , The Pennsylvania State University , Villanova University, and Virginia Tech proposes to build CITIDEL as part of the Collections Track activities in the National SMETE (Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology Education) Digital Library ( NSDL ). In particular, they will establish, operate, and maintain a part of the NSDL that will serve the computing education community in all its diversity and at all levels. This will include computer science, information systems, information science, software engineering, computer engineering, and all other variations of title and substance in these and related fields. posted by Marcus | 11:28 AM PhilSci Archive http://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/ The PhilSci Archive is an electronic archive for preprints in the philosophy of science. It is offered as a free service to the philosophy of science community. The goal of the Archive is to promote communication in the field by the rapid dissemination of new work. posted by Marcus | 11:22 AM DIET Agents http://diet-agents.sourceforge.net The DIET Agents platform has been released as Open Source. It is a light-weight, multi-agent platform for decentralised computing. A bottom-up design was used to ensure that the platform is lightweight, scalable, robust, adaptive and extensible. It is especially suitable for rapidly developing peer-to-peer prototype applications and adaptive, distributed applications that use bottom-up or nature-inspired techniques. The platform is available from the DIET Agents website. The website also provides other resources, such as details about the design philosophy, a tutorial, API documentation, access to mailing lists and a basic visualiser. posted by Marcus | 11:19 AM Our Documents http://www.ourdocuments.gov/ At the heart of this initiative are 100 milestone documents of American history. These documents reflect our diversity and our unity, our past and our future, and mostly our commitment as a nation to continue to strive to “form a more perfect union.” posted by Marcus | 11:16 AM NELLCO Legal Scholarship Repository http://lsr.nellco.org/ The NELLCO Legal Scholarship Repository provides a free and persistent point of access for working papers, reports, lecture series, workshop presentations, and other scholarship created by faculty at NELLCO member schools. Powered by Berkeley Electronic Press technology, the aim of the NELLCO Legal Scholarship Repository is to improve dissemination and visibility of a variety of scholarly materials throughout the academic and legal research communities. posted by Marcus | 11:14 AM ISIHighlyCited http://isihighlycited.com/ This freely accessible Web site gives research professionals working in a variety of occupations an invaluable tool to identify individuals, departments and laboratories that have made fundamental contributions to the advancement of science and technology in recent decades. ISIHighlyCited.com reveals the face of research--the people behind the accomplishments in 21 broad subject categories in life sciences, medicine, physical sciences, engineering and social sciences. These individuals are the most highly cited within each category for the period 1981-1999, and comprise less than one-half of one percent of all publishing researchers--truly an extraordinary accomplishment. posted by Marcus | 11:12 AM SCI-BYTES - What's New in Research - Year 2003 http://in-cites.com/research/2003/index.html ISI®, as a publisher of Web-based information resources, recognizes the need for and value of reliable high-quality information to individual researchers and users as well as to the larger library community. Whether tracking the progress of on-going research or exploring new topics, ISI recognizes that you need to be kept current and aware of what's changing in your intellectual community as well as in the various disciplines that you serve. What's really hot in research? Each week, the ISI Research Services Group provides an update based on their Research Performance & Evaluation Tools. Note: SCI-BYTES is a feature within incites - an editorial component of ISI Essential Science Indicators Web product. posted by Marcus | 11:09 AM Internet Library of Early Journals - ILEJ http://www.bodley.ox.ac.uk/ilej/ ILEJ, the "Internet Library of Early Journals" was a joint project by the Universities of Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester and Oxford, conducted under the auspices of the eLib (Electronic Libraries) Programme. It aimed to digitise substantial runs of 18th and 19th century journals, and make these images available on the Internet, together with their associated bibliographic data. The project finished in 1999, and no additional material will be added. See Final Report for conclusions of the project. posted by Marcus | 10:57 AM Index Translationum http://portal.unesco.org/culture/en/ev.php@URL_ID=7810&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html The Index Translationum is a list of books translated in the world, i.e. an international bibliography of translations. The data base contains cumulative bibliographical information on books translated and published in about one hundred of the UNESCO Member States since 1979 and totalling more than one 1,300.000 entries in all disciplines : literature, social and human sciences, natural and exact sciences, art, history and so forth. It is planned to update the work every quarter. In publishing this list, UNESCO provides the general public with an incomparable global tool by means of continous international cooperation. posted by Marcus | 6:59 AM Tuesday, October 28, 2003 This edition of Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. (October 27, 2003 V1N22) is dedicated to the brand new newsletter Awareness Watch™. Click on the below audblog link to to hear an audio describing this newsletter and its related site. The site is available from the following address: Awareness Watch™ http://www.AwarenessWatch.com/ ![]() ![]() RestaurantWatch http://www.restaurantwatch.com/ RestaurantWatch is a free service that lets you track all new restaurants and inspection ratings for all of your favorite Los Angeles County restaurants. If you like to try new restaurants, RestaurantWatch has the only complete list of new restaurants in LA County. The atmosphere may be great, but how clean are the kitchens of your favorite restaurants? You might be surprised! When you register, you can create your personal restaurant "watch list" that shows the letter grade (A, B, C, or only a score if below 70), numeric score, date of last inspection, and address (including a link to a map with driving directions). You can even see the inspection violations details, such as...well, we don't want to scare you now. You'll see! It might not be that bad, right? IVery interesting site and concept .... I will be adding to my current awareness resources book ( Internet Sources) and newsletter (Awarness Watch) ..... posted by Marcus | 2:28 PM GPO Access Online Resources: A-Z Resource List http://www.gpoaccess.gov/databases.html Comprehensive A-Z resource list from GPO Access. posted by Marcus | 8:39 AM Fulltext Sources Online http://www.fso-online.com FULLTEXT SOURCES ONLINE (FSO) (ISSN 1040-8258) is a directory of publications that are accessible online in full text, from 29 major aggregator products. FSO lists 21,891 periodicals, newspapers, newsletters, newswires, and TV or radio transcripts. It covers topics in science, technology, medicine, law, finance, business, industry, the popular press and more. FSO also lists the URLs of publications with Internet archives, noting whether access to them is free or not. FSO is published in print twice a year, in January and July. Each printed edition is complete in itself and replaces all previous editions. FSO Online is updated weekly. posted by Marcus | 8:37 AM Free/Open Source Research Community Online Papers http://opensource.mit.edu/online_papers.php Free/open source software (F/OSS) is software for which the human-readable source code is made available to the user of the software, who can then modify the code in order to fit the software to the user’s needs. The source code is the set of written instructions that define a program in its original form, and when it’s made fully accessible programmers can read it, modify it, and redistribute it, thereby improving and adapting the software. In this manner the software evolves at a rate unmatched by traditional proprietary software. For many years free/open source software has been building momentum. Beginning amidst the technical cultures that produced the Internet and World Wide Web, it is now causing quite a stir in the commercial world as large software corporations are finding themselves competing against commercially available open source software. information. This new demand for free and open source software has piqued interest among scholars in disciplines ranging from sociology to economics to social psychology, and has raised questions in fields of application ranging from innovation processes to strategic management. The online papers archives represents the latest thinking and current happenings. posted by Marcus | 7:27 AM Fields of Knowledge http://www.fieldsofknowledge.com/index.html Fields of Knowledge is deeply rooted in academia. Ninety-three percent of the subject specialists who provide content to The Infography are college professors. We are dedicated to the immediate mission of better enabling librarians, students, and others to identify good information for learning. The mission of Fields of Knowledge is to deliver the research recommendations of professors and other learned experts to the public in ways that will benefit both the experts and the masses, without breaching the privacy of the experts. posted by Marcus | 7:22 AM Educational Research Abstracts (ERA) http://www.tandf.co.uk/era/default.asp ERA is a comprehensive database comprising specially selected high-quality abstracts which cover the current international research in education. A versatile research tool, ERA is supported by a fully-flexible search engine, and comprises links to the full-text online versions of articles where possible. Searches can be conducted by a choice of criteria and full search histories are stored. The product is backed by an online document request feature, which supports PDF and RealPage® delivery formats. ERA is primarily aimed at researchers, academics, and students studying all fields of education but is also valuable to practitioners in the discipline. Coverage is broad ranging and includes subjects such as educational technology, multicultural education, higher education, organisation and management, sociology of education, special needs and technical education and training. posted by Marcus | 7:16 AM eScholarship Repository http://repositories.cdlib.org/escholarship/ The repository is a service of the eScholarship initiative of the California Digital Library. Research and scholarly output included here has been selected and deposited by the individual University of California units. The eScholarship Repository offers faculty a central location for depositing any research or scholarly output deemed appropriate by their participating University of California research unit, center, or department. posted by Marcus | 5:28 AM Emerald's Journals of the Week http://miranda.emeraldinsight.com/vl=400489/cl=150/nw=1/rpsv/jotw/ Emerald's Journals of the Week offer provides free full text access to the current and past volumes of two different journals every week. It's the best way to find out more about individual journals and experience the many benefits of online access - a key part of Emerald's comprehensive subscription package. Click here for a list of forthcoming journals featured as Journals of the Week. posted by Marcus | 5:25 AM E-LIS http://eprints.rclis.org/ E-LIS is an electronic open access archive for scientific or technical documents, published or unpublished, in Librarianship, Information Science and Technology, and related application activities. E-LIS is an archive to deposit preprints, postprints and other LIS publications, it is a service for finding and downloading documents in electronic format, offered as a free service to the international LIS community. The goal of the E-LIS Archive is to promote communication in the field by the rapid dissemination of papers. Eprints for LIS has been established as a community service by rclis (Research in Computing, Library and Information Science) to promote open access to papers on these fields. RCLIS is a project to build a database about current and past documents in computing, librarianship, information science and technology and related application activities. posted by Marcus | 5:20 AM HCI Bibliography http://www.hcibib.org/ An excellent resource for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) posted by Marcus | 5:15 AM Monday, October 27, 2003 DSpace at MIT http://www.dspace.org/ https://hpds1.mit.edu/index.jsp DSpace is a newly developed digital repository created to capture, distribute and preserve the intellectual output of MIT. As a joint project of MIT Libraries and the Hewlett-Packard Company, DSpace provides stable long-term storage needed to house the digital products of MIT faculty and researchers. posted by Marcus | 12:42 PM MedRef-L http://www.kovacs.com/medref-l/medref-l.html MedRef-L is a discussion list for health and medical reference issues. The focus of this discussion is on reference services, marketing and promoting library services and the role of the health/medical library in the organization or in the community served, professional continuing education and training, etc. MedRef-L is primarily for reference librarians with responsibilities and interests in medical information, reference and collection development. The list is also intended for professionals who have an interest in medical research, information sources or who need to learn how to expedite needs to find medical or related resources for their information needs and research. MedRef-L is for sharing useful medical, biology, science, organizational management, information science and general reference resources either in the form of publications, electronic publications or internet resources. posted by Marcus | 12:27 PM DiVA - Academic Archives Online http://www.diva-portal.se/index.xsql?lang=en In DiVA you can find theses, dissertations and other publications in full-text from the universities of Stockholm, Södertörn, Umeå, Uppsala and Örebro. The publications are stored in pdf which requires Acrobat Reader to open and print them. DiVA has been developed by the Electronic Publishing Centre at Uppsala university library. posted by Marcus | 12:16 PM Congressional Reports http://www.gpoaccess.gov/serialset/creports/ Congressional Reports originate from congressional committees and deal with proposed legislation and issues under investigation. There are two types of reports House and Senate Reports and Senate Executive Reports. The database for the current Congress is updated irregularly, as electronic versions of the documents become available. Reports are available as ASCII text and Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files. posted by Marcus | 12:13 PM CISTI http://cisti-icist.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/cisti_e.shtml CISTI, the Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information, is one of the world's major sources for information in all areas of science, technology, engineering and medicine. Whether you need an article from a journal, an in-depth literature search, or a referral to an expert, CISTI can provide the information you need. Easy-to-use electronic information tools that enable clients to stay on top of new developments in their field are also available. CISTI's headquarters in Ottawa houses one of the world's most comprehensive collections of publications in science, technology and medicine. NRC Research Press is CISTI's publishing arm, with 15 international journals of research plus several books and conference proceedings. posted by Marcus | 12:11 PM eLib http://elab.vanderbilt.edu/elib/index.cfm eLab was chartered with a unique mission: to perform high impact, cutting edge research that explores critical business, economic and organizational issues, while simultaneously addressing important social policy dilemmas facing both start-up and established businesses seeking success in the digital domain. The research philosophy shared by the eLab faculty centers around the three key propositions: the Web is unique, the Web is the "real world, and progress requires theory and practice. eLib is a large-scale interactive electronic research exchange project intended to promote the dissemination and sharing of the social, behavioral, managerial and policy aspects of research on the Internet and emerging computer-mediated environments. The database, which contains 39 documents and has 49 registered users, allows scholars worldwide to immediately access important and timely research regarding the Internet. For a working electronic library, it is unprecedented in ease of use. eLib also gives academic users complete control over the papers they have submitted to eLib. posted by Marcus | 10:07 AM EINS GEM http://www.gemcatcher.com/ GEM is a resource for scientific, technical and medical information. Complementary Services additionally provide news, business and legal information. GEM allows you to search scientific, technical and medical databases. These are produced by many different organisations and made available by a range of Service Providers. posted by Marcus | 10:01 AM eLab - Research for a Digital World http://elab.vanderbilt.edu/ Vanderbilt University's eLab, founded in 1994 by Professors Donna L. Hoffman and Thomas P. Novak, is the nation's first academic research center dedicated to the study of the Internet. The New York Times calls eLab "one of the premiere research centers in the world for the study of electronic commerce" and the Wall Street Journal recognizes the effort as the "electronic commerce pioneer among business schools." eLab practices what it preaches. Since its founding, the center has applied the results of its e-commerce research to help over two dozen corporate sponsors integrate the Internet into their business strategies. In 2001, eLab became the first research center to build an entire infrastructure to study actual online consumer behavior. eLab consists of virtual experiments and online marketing surveys, live destination web sites, an e-commerce research library and an online consumer panel that provides an extensive subject pool for Web-based e-commerce surveys and marketing experiments fielded in the virtual lab. posted by Marcus | 5:20 AM Texas Advertising - The University of Texas at Austin Department of Advertising http://advertising.utexas.edu/world/ The Department of Advertising at UT-Austin defies categorization because it offers such diverse resources. It is both a training ground for creatives, account executives, media planners, account planners, interactive specialists, and researchers, as well as an academic institution for the study of advertising. Whether regarded as an academic research institution or a professional school, all indications are the TexasAdvertising ranks among the best. posted by Marcus | 5:14 AM Sunday, October 26, 2003 Marketing Terms http://www.marketingterms.com Comprehensive Internet marketing reference site covering the following classifications: advertising metrics, advertising specifications, affiliate marketing, business and ebusiness, content and community, controversial marketing, domain names, email marketing, free web site promotion, linking strategy, online advertising, search engine marketing, web design and marketing. posted by Marcus | 9:36 AM Marketing Forum Watch http://www.mikes-marketing-tools.com/marketing-forum/ Marketing Forum Watch offers constantly updated, searchable, customizable headlines from 82 internet marketing and search engine optimization (plus a few ecommerce) discussion forums and message boards posted by Marcus | 9:30 AM Market Search Directory http://www.marketsearch-dir.com/ Guide to over 20,000 published market research studies on markets worldwide and you may search their database free: * Studies from 700 Research Firms * Industrial & Consumer Products & Services * Comprehensive Index * Nothing older than 5 years * World standard database for 20 years * Updated continuously posted by Marcus | 9:24 AM Plunkett Research http://www.plunkettresearch.com Plunkett Research, Ltd., established in 1985, is a leading provider of business and industry information to the corporate, library, academic and government markets. Plunkett Research provides market research and competitive intelligence on a custom project basis, in online and reference book formats, and on CD-ROM. In many cases, Plunkett's highly regarded research publications are the only comprehensive guides covering the specific industries involved. Thjey specialize in market research that 1) analyzes market trends, provides competitive intelligence and determines the scope and qualities of market leaders, 2) analyzes the total size and scope of our selected sectors, and 3) creates thorough and objective profiles of appropriate industry-leading companies within those sectors. posted by Marcus | 9:06 AM Market Research http://www.marketResearch.com/ MarketResearch.com is an aggregator of global business intelligence representing one of the most comprehensive collections of published market research available on-demand. posted by Marcus | 9:02 AM LearnMarketing.net http://www.LearnMarketing.net This site gives users a basic introduction to the subject of Marketing. The site covers theoretical marketing topics such as marketing mix, research, segmentation as well as other topics. These include: Ansoffs Matrix, SWOT Analysis, BCG Matrix, Product lifecycle, Market & Marketing Research, Marketing Environment, including PEST or STEP analysis, Marketing Mix - 4'ps, Marketing Plan, SMART objectives, Marketing quiz, Marketing Crossword and Online virtual marketing lectures. posted by Marcus | 9:00 AM Marketing Experiments http://www.MarketingExperiments.com/ MarketingExperiments.Com is an online laboratory with a simple (but not easy) five-word mission statement: To discover what really works. They test every conceivable marketing method on the Internet and publish the results in the Marketing Experiments Journal with over 110,000+ subscribers. posted by Marcus | 8:47 AM Saturday, October 25, 2003 Awareness Watch™ Newsletter http://www.AwarenessWatch.com/ Awareness Watch™ Newsletter is a brand new monthly publication (inauguration issue November 2003) that will highlight the latest resources and sites on the Internet that pertain to current awareness happenings and alerts. Each newsletter will focus on specific research sources that will aid the professional , entrepreneur, student and layperson to maximize their ability to stay current and obtain the latest information resources on the Internet. The November Issue will be highlighting Research Browsers that allow an entirely new perspective for observing and discovering information awareness on the Internet. To subscribe to the new newsletter Awareness Watch™ you may visit the web site that will host each issue including RSS feeds or you may subscribe by sending a blank eMail request by clicking here. Additional eMail addresses may be subscribed to by placing the additional email addresses in the body of the email. posted by Marcus | 7:06 AM Achieving E-Government for All: Highlights from a National Survey http://www.benton.org/publibrary/egov/access2003.html Achieving E-Government for All: Highlights from a National Survey Working Paper Prepared by Darrell M. West, Director, Taubman Center for Public Policy, Brown University and commissioned by the Benton Foundation and the New York State Forum of the Rockefeller Institute of Government - Published October 22, 2003 posted by Marcus | 6:55 AM BzzAgent http://www.bzzagent.com BzzAgent is a network of volunteer brand evangelists, who participate in Word-of-Mouth Marketing campaigns. It is a community of communicators. BzzAgent's proprietary Word-of-Mouth platform - the BzzEngine - automates the process of creating a full-fledged Word-of-Mouth Marketing Campaign. Built in-house, this platform is the first and only of its kind. The system may be private labeled for clients seeking to build their own branded Word-of-Mouth system. posted by Marcus | 6:51 AM Test Constructor http://www.keepsoft.com/tc.htm Test constructor is a universal program for testing knowledge. The program can be used both at home and to perform testing in any educational institutions. The program makes it possible to use the unlimited number of topics, questions and answers. The program supports five types of questions, which gives the opportunity to perform any tests. It is possible to use music, sounds, images and video clips in tests. Any data can be printed out or exported into the files of various formats (Word, Excel, Access, HTML, XML, TXT, Paradox, DBase etc.). A number of people can be independently tested on one computer using their own names to enter the program. posted by Marcus | 6:41 AM Friday, October 24, 2003 ABI Research http://www.abiresearch.com ABI Research is a technology research think tank. When ABI was founded in 1990, the initial focus of our research was on low noise and power semiconductor components. As the end-use markets of these components began to proliferate beyond their traditional role of military applications, ABI expanded its analytical coverage to commercial markets that represented opportunities for radio frequency (RF) semiconductor manufacturers. This expansion in the early 1990s helped ABI grow into the definitive source for the wireless industry's research needs. As semiconductor technology continued to expand into emerging markets, technology and market convergence have become the core of ABI's research philosophy. posted by Marcus | 6:00 PM NIST Computer Security Division (CSD) http://csrc.nist.gov/ The Computer Security Division (CSD) - (893) is one of eight divisions within NIST's Information Technology Laboratory. The mission of NIST's Computer Security Division is to improve information systems security by: Raising awareness of IT risks, vulnerabilities and protection requirements, particularly for new and emerging technologies; Researching, studying, and advising agencies of IT vulnerabilities and devising techniques for the cost-effective security and privacy of sensitive Federal systems; Developing standards, metrics, tests and validation programs: to promote, measure, and validate security in systems and services to educate consumers and to establish minimum security requirements for Federal systems Developing guidance to increase secure IT planning, implementation, management and operation. posted by Marcus | 2:33 PM Grants.gov http://www.grants.gov/ The federal government has thousands of grant programs, and navigating the numerous Web sites administered by the various grant-making agencies and departments can be difficult at times. Stepping into that breach is Grants.gov, which serves as an electronic storefront for federally-administered grant programs. From the homepage, visitors may want to begin by browsing through a list of grant topics, which range from housing to the humanities. Clicking on each topic will lead to another list detailing which federal agencies provide (or may provide) grant monies within each area. Visitors looking for greater search capabilities will want to move to the grants synopsis search area, which allows for customizable searches for quick access to the relevant grants and application documents. Equally helpful is the federal grant notification service that allows individuals to be notified when new grant announcements are released by various agencies. Through this notification service visitors may also register to receive all notices from selected agencies, funding categories, eligibility groups, or funding opportunity number. posted by Marcus | 2:17 PM Hidden Collections, Scholarly Barriers http://www.arl.org/collect/spcoll/ehc/HiddenCollsWhitePaperJun6.pdf A study commissioned by the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) has been looking at ways libraries can bring hidden collections of rare books, manuscripts and archival materials to light, thereby enabling patrons to find and use them. The problem exists because libraries are simply unable to keep up with the backlog of materials awaiting processing -- especially when those materials are in a non-traditional format -- and so they often languish uncataloged in boxes and storerooms. Finding a method to catalog these items in a meaningful way -- yet one that minimizes time and resources -- is a significant challenge. Researchers suggest that one answer lies in the use of flexible, case-specific cataloging. While still working within national cataloging standards, libraries can choose to catalog collections, rather than individual items. Particular resources within the collection can be added later as sub-listings. Another option is for libraries to share the burden of cataloging. If one library does individual cataloging on a collection, that record could be shared by libraries worldwide. The report cautions, "The cost to scholarship and society of having so much of our cultural record sitting on shelves, inaccessible to the public, represents an urgent need of the highest order to be addressed by ARL and other libraries." (Hidden Collections, Scholarly Barriers: Creating Access to Unprocessed Special Collections Materials in North America's Research Libraries 6 Jun 03) posted by Marcus | 7:58 AM FTC Concerned About Paid-Inclusion Search Engine Programs http://news.com.com/2100-1024-5090701.html The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is concerned that consumers may not be able to tell when search results are advertiser-sponsored, and says it wants the search engines "to be cognizant that these are issues we hope they approach and make disclosure as visible as possible, so that consumers understand what they're pulling up and that there's some advertising linked to it." Yahoo is a target of special concern because in the last year it bought three of the largest Web crawlers that operate paid-inclusion programs (Inktomi, AltaVista, and Fast's AlltheWeb). But Yahoo and the other search engines contend that since paid inclusion does not guarantee marketers placement in their indices, their services are not a wholly commercial enterprise. Gary Ruskin of Commercial Alert, a consumer nonprofit organization, says that conspicuous disclosure should more than a 5-point type "about" link in the corner of a search results page. "As search engines grow in importance, it's ever more important if search engines are being hijacked by commercial advertisers that the public know it." posted by Marcus | 7:55 AM The Congressional Directory http://www.gpoaccess.gov/cdirectory/ The Congressional Directory is the official directory of the U.S. Congress, prepared by the Joint Committee on Printing (JCP). Published since 1888, the Congressional Directory presents short biographies of each member of the Senate and House, listed by state or district, and additional data, such as committee memberships, terms of service, administrative assistants and/or secretaries, and room and telephone numbers. It also lists officials of the courts, military establishments, and other Federal departments and agencies, including D.C. government officials, governors of states and territories, foreign diplomats, and members of the press, radio, and television galleries. posted by Marcus | 7:45 AM Thursday, October 23, 2003 NewsTrove - News Search Engine http://www.newstrove.com/ NewsTrove.com was launched in January of 2001. It provides a news search engine that indexes and categorizes news articles gathered twenty-four hours per day from over 7,000 individual high-quality news sources. The news sources are English-language publications primarily from the United States, Great Britain, Australia, Canada, and India, plus English editions of publications from the Middle East, Asia, Europe, Africa, and South America. The news database is accessible both through a search engine website, and through a highly affordable subscription service for websites and intranets. Search results returned with RSS feed availability. posted by Marcus | 12:56 PM Search Inside the Book http://www.amazon.com/ Amazon.com (Nasdaq:AMZN) today announced the launch of its latest innovation for customers, Search Inside the Book, an entirely new way for customers to find and discover books by searching the full text inside them, not just matches to author or title keywords. In collaboration with publishers, Amazon.com is enabling customers to find books at Amazon.com based on every word inside more than 120,000 books -- more than 33 million pages of searchable text. Customers can also preview the inside text of these books. Search Inside the Book is integrated into Amazon.com's standard search and includes books from all genres. posted by Marcus | 12:04 PM Spam: Hurting e-Mail and Degrading the Internet Environment http://www.pewinternet.org/reports/toc.asp?Report=102 A new report entitled "Spam: Hurting e-mail and degrading the Internet environment," by the Pew Internet & American Life Project, includes scores of stories gathered in a Web-survey by the Washington-based Telecommunications Research & Action Center about how spam has affected people's experience with e-mail and changed their views about the value of e-mail. The huge increase in email spam in recent years is beginning to take its toll on the online world. Some email users say they are using electronic mail less now because of spam. More people are reporting they trust the online environment less. Increasing numbers are saying that they fear they cannot retrieve the emails they need because of the flood of spam. They also worry that their important emails to others are not being read or received because the recipients’ filters might screen them out or the emails might get lost in the rising tide of junk filling people’s inboxes. In short, our new data from a national survey suggest that spam is beginning to undermine the integrity of email and to degrade the online experience. Summary of findings available by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 8:00 AM Mooter Search Engine http://www.mooter.com/ The Mooter Search Engine employs artificial intelligence based on psychological modelling to process and understand the information users seek. Mooter analyses the choices you make while searching, then reorders the results based on what you are actually looking for at that moment without you having to go back and rephrase your exact needs. So instead of giving users long lists of scrambled results, Mooter displays simple, sensible categories of information. As users search, the algorithms shuffle the results in the background, ensuring that more relevant results are displayed. posted by Marcus | 7:31 AM The Genomics Jump Station http://www.highveld.com/pages/genomics.html The Genomics Jump Station: The ultimate Web page for information and links on all aspects of Genomics Research. Institutes and groups involved in functional genomics, companies involved in functional genomics, publications on functional genomics, analysis of protein sequences, analysis of DNA sequences. posted by Marcus | 6:39 AM O'Reilly Hack Series http://hacks.oreilly.com/ O'Reilly's Hacks Series reclaims the term "hacking" for the good guys - innovators who explore and experiment, unearth shortcuts, create useful tools, and come up with fun things to try on your own. Each Hacks book offers 100 industrial-strength tips and tools, contributed by experts who apply what they know in the real world every day. Each Hack can be read in just a few minutes, but can save you hours of research. posted by Marcus | 5:24 AM NCBI Human Genome Resources http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genome/guide/human/ A challenge facing researchers today is that of piecing together and analyzing the plethora of data currently being generated through the Human Genome Project and scores of smaller projects. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI's) Web site serves an an integrated, one-stop, genomic information infrastructure for biomedical researchers from around the world so that they may use these data in their research efforts. posted by Marcus | 5:19 AM Metalog 2.0b Released http://www.w3.org/RDF/Metalog/ Metalog 2.0b is a reasoning system built for the Semantic Web that adds a query layer on top of RDF. Developed by Massimo Marchiori, Antonio Epifani and Samuele Trevisan, Metalog is user friendly and makes reasoning and thinking about the Web easy through an interface similar to natural language. Download Metalog for Windows and Linux. Free source code is available. posted by Marcus | 5:15 AM Wednesday, October 22, 2003 Shorter URLs http://www.lights.com/weblogs/shorterurls.html Peter Scott lists these services that allow you to create shorter URLs, which are easier to remember and work better in e-mail. There are now a number of these services available and Peter has done an excellent job of listing them in this posting titled Shorter URLs. posted by Marcus | 9:09 PM Evaluating Internet Research Sources http://www.virtualsalt.com/evalu8it.htm An older article but with many still very pertinent points on evaluating Internet Research Resources. posted by Marcus | 9:06 PM N-LITER Golden Retriever http://www.n-liter.com/ Retriever is a Web e-photocopier N-LITER Golden Retriever embeds in Internet Explorer (version 6.0 or later) so that you can e-photocopy Web pages with your own notes and highlights right on the page. Then Retriever lets you retrieve the page anytime you want - online OR off-line. How does it work? Retriever remembers all of your notes and highlights AND the Web page content, not just URLs or metadata. Then we use their proprietary research tool, ReSearch², to fetch the EXACT information you want quickly and efficiently. You'll never lose important information again! posted by Marcus | 9:04 PM TradeStats Express (TSE) http://tse.export.gov A new, state-of-the-art Web tool for accessing U.S. merchandise trade statistics at both the national and state levels. The TradeStats Express (TSE) features a user-friendly interface that enables visitors to retrieve, visualize, analyze, print and download trade data with ease. Graphics, data tables, and thematic maps can be custom-tailored to user needs and generated on-the-fly. Data on major geographic regions (e.g., Middle East) and trade preference regions (e.g., NAFTA) are pre-aggregated, permitting quick retrieval. Visitors also can tabulate national trade statistics using any of three major product classification systems (HS, NAICs, or SITC). posted by Marcus | 9:00 PM BlogRunner http://www.blogrunner.com/ BLOGRUNNER is a portal for blog content. The site features an index of weblog entries from across the web. These entries are grouped together according to interest topics and news stories. BLOGRUNNER makes it easier to track stories and conversation threads that develop across blogspace. BLOGRUNNER also highlights the interdependency of mainstream media with the blogosphere by closely integrating weblog entries with the stories they track from traditional media. posted by Marcus | 8:58 PM ClusteredHits http://www.clusteredhits.com/ Distribute all hits returned from a keyword search into meaningful clusters and sub-clusters. This site uses the Open Directory Project (DMOZ) database and software developed by ClusteredHits.com. Any intranet or portal can use their own data and our software to display the results of a keyword search. Displays will always show the hits in well-organized clusters and sub-clusters. posted by Marcus | 8:54 PM Tuesday, October 21, 2003 Guide to Selected Bioinformatics Internet Resources http://www.istl.org/istl/02-winter/internet.html To find the resources listed in this webliography, the author read the books and articles listed in the Recommended Reading section of this guide, and consulted with graduate students and faculty in the bioinformatics program at the University of California Santa Cruz and with other academic librarians with interests in the field. The resources that bioinformatics faculty web pages point to were reviewed, as were the search results from the prominent search engines such as Google using the most likely keywords. Many of the resources listed by the Comprehensive Web Sites themselves were also assessed. The annual list of molecular biology databases from the journal Nucleic Acids Research was reviewed. posted by Marcus | 5:05 PM Bots, Blogs and News Aggregators http://virtualprivatelibrary.blogspot.com/Bots Blogs and News Aggregators.pdf http://www.zillmancolumns.com/ The November 2003 Zillman Column is now available and is titled Bots, Blogs and News Aggregators. This column brings together the many resources that Mr. Zillman has been presenting in his keynote presentation titled Bots, Blogs & News Aggregators. This convergence of bots, blogs and news aggregators have created the Subject Tracer™ Information Blogs. posted by Marcus | 8:02 AM Research and Markets http://www.researchandmarkets.com/index.asp Research and Markets are the leading source for international market research and market data. They hold ‘000’s of major research publications from most of the leading publishers, consultants and analysts. They provide you with the latest data on international and regional markets, key industries, the top companies, new products and the latest trends posted by Marcus | 5:04 AM 2003 Current Economic Conditions by Federal Reserve District http://www.federalreserve.gov/FOMC/BeigeBook/2003/ 2003 Summary of Commentary on Current Economic Conditions by Federal Reserve District. Commonly known as the Beige Book, this report is published eight times per year. Each Federal Reserve Bank gathers anecdotal information on current economic conditions in its District through reports from Bank and Branch directors and interviews with key business contacts, economists, market experts, and other sources. The Beige Book summarizes this information by District and sector. posted by Marcus | 5:03 AM The Competitive Intelligence Center: Library http://www.competitivereviews.com/library.html A library of some suggested sites related to competitive intelligence to keep you current on competition and research. posted by Marcus | 5:02 AM Open Archives Initiative Service Providers http://www.openarchives.org/service/listproviders.html This page lists parties that provide services based on metadata that is harvsted using the OAI metadata harvesting protocol. posted by Marcus | 5:01 AM 4200 Research Essay about the Internet http://www.netzwissenschaft.de/sem/pool.htm This is the very heart of the netzwissenschaft project. Most research essays listed here are from 2003 down to 1999. It's a personal linklog of, in their view, persuasive contributions to the emerging field of Internet Studies and Network Research. Please find the latest entries on top. Updates at least twice a month. posted by Marcus | 5:00 AM Monday, October 20, 2003 This edition of Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. (October 20, 2003 V1N21) is dedicated to Internet MiniGuides. Click on the below audblog link to to hear an audio describing this site on these various subject specific Internet MiniGuides. The site is available from the following address: Internet MiniGuides™ http://www.InternetMiniGuide.com/ ![]() ![]() Knowledge Interchange Format (KIF) http://logic.stanford.edu/kif/dpans.html This dpANS specifies the syntax and semantics of Knowledge Interchange Format (KIF) and a syntactic variant of KIF in "infix" form. Knowledge Interchange Format (KIF) is a language designed for use in the interchange of knowledge among disparate computer systems (created by different programmers, at different times, in different languages, and so forth). KIF is not intended as a primary language for interaction with human users (though it can be used for this purpose). Different computer systems can interact with their users in whatever forms are most appropriate to their applications (for example Prolog, conceptual graphs, natural language, and so forth). KIF is also not intended as an internal representation for knowledge within computer systems or within closely related sets of computer systems (though the language can be used for this purpose as well). Typically, when a computer system reads a knowledge base in KIF, it converts the data into its own internal form (specialized pointer structures, arrays, etc.). All computation is done using these internal forms. When the computer system needs to communicate with another computer system, it maps its internal data structures into KIF. The purpose of KIF is roughly analogous to that of Postscript. Postscript is commonly used by text and graphics formatting systems in communicating information about documents to printers posted by Marcus | 3:08 PM Health Informatics Glossary http://www.bacts.org.uk/glossary.htm This glossary includes definitions of acronyms and other phrases from health informatics with the emphasis on terminologies, standards and the internet. posted by Marcus | 3:05 PM Medical Trade Directory http://www.global-medical.com/ International Import Export trade leads for importers, exporters, manufacturers, suppliers, traders, buyers, sellers of medical and pharmaceutical industry, hospital disposable products, hospital equipment suppliers, healthcare products, cosmetics companies, homeopathic medicine, veterinary medicine, raw materials and machinery for medical and pharmaceutical manufacturing. Interesting resource that allows one to monitor for the latest happenings and prices in the medical supplies/equipment/raw materials fields. posted by Marcus | 1:45 PM The CAPTCHA Project http://www.captcha.net/ The CAPTCHA Project tells humans and computers apart automatically. A CAPTCHA is a program that can generate and grade tests that most humans can pass and current computer programs can't pass. For example, humans can read distorted text but current computer programs can't. Some Publications: Telling Humans and Computers Apart (Automatically) (to appear in CACM) http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~biglou/captcha.pdf CAPTCHA: Using Hard AI Problems for Security(Eurocrypt) http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~biglou/captcha_crypt.pdf posted by Marcus | 1:34 PM Internet Legal Research Weekly http://www.inter-alia.net/ Internet Legal Research Weekly, a newsletter that delivers relevant and timely legal research information, and other neat stuff, to your inbox every Sunday. Excellent resource and I have added it to Research Resources. posted by Marcus | 11:52 AM Bills to Watch, U.S. Congress http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/congress/bills_to_watch.html Congressional Quarterly and the Washington Post present a chart showing the status of hot topics bills in the current Congress. posted by Marcus | 11:35 AM IBM Center for the Business of Government http://www.businessofgovernment.org The IBM Center for the Business of Government offers: * Audio files of Business of Government Hour radio interviews with government executives * Transcripts of Business of Government lectures by national leaders * Quarterly issues of the Business of Government journal from January/February 1998 to present * Information about and application forms for grants from The IBM Endowment for The Business of Government * Lists of grant award winners, descriptions of the grant projects, and grant reports "Through grants for research and forums, The IBM Endowment for The Business of Government stimulates research and facilitates discussion on new approaches to improving the effectiveness of government at the federal, state, local, and international levels. ... The Endowment focuses on the future of the operation and management of the public sector." posted by Marcus | 11:33 AM Cites & Insights: Crawford at Large 3:13 (November 2003) http://cites.boisestate.edu/civ3i13.pdf This 20-page issue (PDF as always) includes: *A scholarly access perspective: Getting That Article: Good News *Bibs & blather *Scholarly article access *Interesting & peculiar products *Feedback: Your insights *Trends & quick takes *Copyright currents posted by Marcus | 11:21 AM Operations, Analysis, and Research Center (OARC) http://oarc.isc.org/ The Domain Name System (DNS), born 20+ years ago, has become the primary governor of traffic flows on the Internet. When the DNS stops working, so do all applications: no email, no web browsing, no instant messaging, no FTP, no e-commerce. Despite the critical nature of the DNS, responses to attacks have been handled informally, testing of software is not coordinated, and long-term analysis to better performance, stability, and security is sorely lacking. ISC's Operations, Analysis, and Research Center (OARC) brings together key operators, implementers, and researchers on a trusted platform so they can coordinate responses, share information, and learn together. Operated by Internet Software Consortium (ISC), the leading provider of public infrastructure for the global DNS, the OARC includes as participants many root nameserver operators, and leading research institutions such as the University of California at San Diego's CAIDA. The OARC has five key functions: * Incident Response. The OARC provides a trusted, shared platform to allow the DNS operations community to share critical information during attacks or other incidents that effect the operation of the global DNS. Stringent confidentiality requirements and secure communications mean that proprietary information can be shared (or not) on a bilateral basis. * Operational Characterization. As Internet traffic levels continue to grow, the demand on root and other key nameservers will outgrow the current infrastructure: this year's DDoS attack traffic levels will become next year's steady state load. OARC measures the performance and load of key nameservers and publish statistics on both traffic load and traffic type (including error types). * Testing. A testing laboratory containing common DNS implementations and network elements allows rigorous analysis of fixes, patches, and performance levels in both a real-world operational environment and under simulated attack conditions. * Analysis. Leading researchers and developers provide long-term analysis of DNS performance and post-mortems of attacks so that institutional learning occurs. A well-provisioned system allows members to upload traces and logs, and to perform their own analysis. * Outreach. Many problems with the DNS are the result of misconfigurations by end users, vendors, or large corporate networks. Outreach insures that critical information about the global DNS reaches those that need to know. posted by Marcus | 7:04 AM Sunday, October 19, 2003 Research White Papers by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. Using the Internet As a Dynamic Resource Tool for Knowledge Discovery http://zillman.blogspot.com/2003_08_01_zillman_archive.html#106198657492603187 Current Awareness Discovery Tools on the Internet http://zillman.blogspot.com/2003_10_01_zillman_archive.html#106648219377744380 posted by Marcus | 7:47 PM Henk's Portaal http://www.geocities.com/hno1/ An excellent portal of links for current awareness and happenings on the Internet. posted by Marcus | 9:57 AM Special Digital Collections: An Analysis of Practice http://www.firstmonday.org/issues/issue8_10/normore/index.html To better understand the issues involved in collection description and access, a study interviewed people responsible for digital collections. "We wanted to find out what people were really doing and hoped to get insight into the reasons behind the choices that were being made," wrote project leader Lorraine Normore. It is important to realize that the goal is not just preserving a set of items, but our cultural heritage, the story of our past, reflected in the things that were made by natural or social forces. Metadata is needed to preserve both information about the thing and about its physical and cultural context. Metadata provides needed information and a way to support access to the material and to its framework of knowledge. The value of a collection's content derives from access, Normore points out. If people don't know the content is available, it won't be used. If it's not used, it won't be valued. Yet, effective access demands both metadata creation and preservation, both of which are costly. Funding agencies can help; they should demand that supported projects create usable metadata and appropriate access mechanisms as an inextricable part of the process. While the institutions studied shared a common culture, no solid body of standards or tools were widely used. Without standard procedures, there were frequent duplication of effort and a failure of interoperability of access mechanisms across institutions. Funding agencies should support the development of these tools and procedures, and demand that funded projects use them. Finally, the study concludes that the task is simply too big for any single institution. Large-scale cooperative ventures stand the best chance for success, although cooperation is difficult. posted by Marcus | 9:51 AM NFAIS Releases Reference Linking Guidelines http://www.nfais.org/press/2003_press_release_Linking_Guidelines.htm NFAIS, an association of organizations involved in information management, has released a set of guiding principles for reference linking, and is encouraging groups to support linking in their products and services. "The organization strongly believes that industry-wide collaboration in support of reference linking is essential to managing the flow of scholarly communication," says NFAIS President Marjorie Hlava. "Reference linking provides a seamless navigation between bibliographic and full-text databases, speeding the research process and ultimately accelerating discovery across all scholarly disciplines as well as in business." The NFAIS Guiding Principles state: "Linking between electronic resources owned or licensed by a single entity should be strongly encouraged and widely permitted. Full-text publishers, information aggregators, and abstracting & information services should pro-actively engage in collaborative efforts to link their resources as long as a secure information environment is in place. Information purchasers and users should expect and request broad-based linking capabilities from their information and technology providers in order to maximize the return on their investment in those resources." posted by Marcus | 9:48 AM Digital Medical Archive Debuts http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/1/hi/health/3162704.stm A two-year project to digitize the entire archive of The Lancet -- the venerable weekly medical journal founded in 1823 -- will put an online treasure trove of medical wisdom accrued over the past 180 years at the fingertips of medical researchers and historians. A total of 340,000 articles are now compiled in a searchable database, including the earliest reports of medical breakthroughs such as blood transfusions and antibiotics, and modern scourges such as HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C. Lancet editor Richard Horton says: "It is a marvelously inspiring chronicle, one that will encourage every reader to celebrate the unique contribution medicine makes to society." posted by Marcus | 9:45 AM JMIR- Journal of Medical Internet Research http://www.jmir.org/index.htm The "Journal of Medical Internet Research" (JMIR; Medline-abbreviation: J Med Internet Res), founded in 1999, is the first international scientific peer-reviewed journal on all aspects of research, information and communication in the healthcare field using Internet and Intranet-related technologies; a broad field, which is nowadays called "eHealth" [see also What is eHealth and What is eHealth (2)]. This field has also significant overlaps with what is called "consumer health informatics.". As eHealth is a highly interdisciplinary field we are not only inviting research papers from the medical sciences, but also from the computer, behavioral, social and communication sciences, psychology, library sciences, informatics, human-computer interaction studies, and related fields. posted by Marcus | 8:59 AM Saturday, October 18, 2003 The Psi Café: A Psychology Resource Site http://www.psy.pdx.edu/PsiCafe/ Designed and maintained by Nicole Sage (a doctoral student at Portland State University), the Psi Café site is a clearinghouse of important links and resources dealing with the field of psychology and its many specialties, including behavioral psychology, experimental psychology, and social psychology. The site's homepage is well-organized, with sections that allow visitors to review the top headlines in psychology news (culled from a host of periodicals, newspapers, and journals), examine important dates in the history of psychology, and a What's New? area. For those seeking to enter the field of psychology, there is an area on applying to graduate programs, with additional links to related Web sites. Equally valuable is the section dedicated to key theorists in the field, which visitors can browse by last name or by their particular perspective from which they are known. Numerous theorists are covered in this area, such as Jerome Bruner, Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow, Erik Erikson, and Howard Gardner. [Copyright 1994-2003 Internet Scout Project - http://scout.wisc.edu] posted by Marcus | 11:07 AM I have just completed my latest research white paper titled "Current Awareness Discovery Tools on the Internet" and the 22 page research paper lists many resources both new and existing that will help anyone who is attempting to do information and knowledge research about current awareness tools currently available the Internet. It is freely available as a .pdf file (1.43MB) from the below link from the Virtual Private Library™.It was updated 05-30-05. Other white papers are available by clicking here. Current Awareness Discovery Tools on the Internet a White Paper by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. http://virtualprivatelibrary.blogspot.com/Current Awareness Discovery Tools.pdf ![]() Census Finder http://www.censusfinder.com/ A Directory of Free Census Records. They have compiled this directory of census links to help locate free census records online. This is an ongoing census project with 18,236 links to free census records currently online. posted by Marcus | 8:56 AM eBusiness Research Center (eBRC) http://www.smeal.psu.edu/ebrc/ The Pennsylvania State University, has established the eBusiness Research Center (eBRC), which has now become the pre-eminent center for research in e-business, e-business on demand and adaptive organization. The eBusiness Research Center is an expert resource and information clearinghouse for e-business decision-makers in industry, academia, government, and the Penn State community. The eBRC achieves its purpose by carrying out three main agendas. Please explore these three: Research Networking / Interchange / Services Education Programs eBRC Advisory Board posted by Marcus | 7:17 AM Friday, October 17, 2003 Virtual Reference Desk (VRD) http://www.vrd.org/ The Virtual Reference Desk (VRD) is a project dedicated to the advancement of digital reference and the successful creation and operation of human-mediated, Internet-based information services. VRD is sponsored by the United States Department of Education. Digital reference, or "AskA", services are Internet-based question-and-answer services that connect users with experts and subject expertise. Digital reference services use the Internet to connect people with people who can answer questions and support the development of skills. posted by Marcus | 10:22 AM AskERIC http://www.askeric.org/ In response to questions they have received at AskERIC, their network information specialists have compiled over 3000 resources on a variety of educational issues. This collection includes Internet sites, educational organizations, and electronic discussion groups. posted by Marcus | 10:19 AM ERIC/IT - ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology http://ericit.org/ ERIC/IT is hosted by the Information Institute of Syracuse at Syracuse University. We are affiliated with the School of Information Studies, and the School of Education (especially the Instructional Design, Development & Evaluation (IDD&E) program). ERIC/IT is one of 16 clearinghouses in the ERIC system. They specialize in library and information science and educational technology. ERIC/IT acquires, selects, catalogs, indexes, and abstracts documents and journal articles in these subject areas for input into the ERIC Database. Each year, ERIC/IT publishes Books, Digests, and Minibibliographies in the fields of educational technology and library and information science. posted by Marcus | 10:11 AM National Science Digital Library (NSDL) http://nsdl.org NSDL is a digital library of exemplary resource collections and services, organized in support of science education at all levels. Starting with a partnership of NSDL-funded projects, NSDL is emerging as a center of innovation in digital libraries as applied to education, and a community center for groups focused on digital-library-enabled science education. posted by Marcus | 10:03 AM Elvin - Content Based Messaging http://elvin.dstc.edu.au/ Elvin is a publish-subscribe notification/messaging service suitable for many application domains. Currently, Elvin is in use for such tasks as instant messaging, network management, distributed gaming, workflow, legacy application integration and as an infrastructure for computer supported cooperative work (CSCW). Elvin is a network communications product with a difference; rather than messages being directed by applications from one component to another, Elvin messages are routed to one or more locations, based entirely on the content of each message. Elvin provides an extremely simple, flexible and secure communications infrastructure. It is high performance, low-latency and massively scalable. Elvin supports dynamic definitions of messages and subscriptions and is fully internationalised. Related Article: Faster, better, with Less Junk http://abc.net.au/science/news/stories/s968628.htm posted by Marcus | 9:32 AM Smart Software Watches the Skies http://www.astro.ex.ac.uk/estar/pages/media.html Intelligent Agents are helping astronomers find out more about the Universe. The software has been developed to monitor the vast amount of information generated by telescopes and help the scientists track rapid and violent events, like massive supernova explosions. The problem facing astronomers is the unpredictability of the Universe. Often many astronomical events happen suddenly and without warning. It could mean that astronomers miss things like a subtle change in the brightness of stars which may indicate planets in orbit around them. To deal with this issue, the Intelligent Agents were created by the eScience Telescopes for Astronomical Research project, a joint venture by the University of Exeter and the Liverpool John Moores University. The Intelligent Agents take advantage of Grid technologies, which allow individual computers to be used as one massive processing resource. In the future, the software could even be sending messages or images to a mobile phone, alerting an astronomer to new and interesting events in the skies. posted by Marcus | 5:50 AM Turning a PC Into a Supercomputer! http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,60791,00.html/wn_ascii A small US chip-design firm has unveiled a new processor it says will transform ordinary desktop PCs and laptops into supercomputers. An ordinary desktop PC outfitted with six PCI cards, each containing four of ClearSpeed Technologies' CS301 chips, would perform at about 600 gigaflops. At this level of performance, the PC would qualify as one of the 500 most powerful supercomputers in the world. The souped-up PC would cost about $25,000, ClearSpeed said. By comparison, most of the supercomputers on the Top 500 list are clusters of hundreds of processors and cost millions of dollars. ClearSpeed said the new chip is also very low-power, operating at about 2 watts, which would allow it to run off a laptop battery and would not require special cooling. The company said it will be providing prototypes to computer manufacturers by the end of the year. posted by Marcus | 5:44 AM XForms and XML Events Are W3C Recommendations The World Wide Web Consortium released "XForms 1.0" and "XML Events" as W3C Recommendations. The specifications have been reviewed by the W3C Membership, who favor their adoption by industry. Written for authors and implementers alike, XForms is the new generation of Web forms. XForms separate presentation and content, minimize round-trips to the server, offer device independence, and, using XML Events, reduce the need for scripting. Read the press release and testimonials and visit the XForms home page. http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/REC-xforms-20031014/ http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/REC-xml-events-20031014/ http://www.w3.org/2003/10/xforms-pressrelease http://www.w3.org/2003/10/xforms-testimonial http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/ posted by Marcus | 5:25 AM Web Survey Methodology http://websm.org/ This site is located at the Center for Methodology and Informatics at the Faculty of Social Sciences , University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. The core research team (Katja Lozar Manfreda, Zenel Batagelj, Gašper Koren, Vesna Dolnièar), lead by dr. Vasja Vehovar, studied the Web survey methodology for three years. They work on two Web surveys, the national RIS (Research on Internet in Slovenia) project and the RINE (Research on Internet in New Europe) project. They actively participate at conferences, and their results are available on the Web. posted by Marcus | 5:20 AM NIST Security Guides http://www.fcw.com/fcw/articles/2003/1013/web-nist-10-14-03.asp The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released the final versions of five special publications dealing with various aspects of information security last week. The five special publications, drafts of which had been circulating around government for months, should help agencies comply with the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) of 2002 and address concerns frequently expressed by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The security guides range from the technical to the general and deal with information security products and technology services, awareness and training, network security testing and the information system development life cycle, among other things. posted by Marcus | 5:00 AM Thursday, October 16, 2003 Project Gutenberg http://gutenberg.net/ Project Gutenberg has just released their 10,000th eBook, exactly 18 months, to the week, after their 5,000th. All of these eBooks, except the Human Genome Project and the audio books, due to size limitations, and the Project Gutenberg of Australia eBooks, due to copyright, will hopefully be available shortly on a single DVD. Congratulations goes to Michael S. Hart, Founder and Executive Coordinator and all the volunteers!! Keep up the excellent work!! posted by Marcus | 9:27 AM WonderWeb - Ontology Infrastructure for the Semantic Web http://wonderweb.man.ac.uk/owl/ OWL Members of the WonderWeb consortium have been active participants in the W3C WebOnt Working Group, contributing to the production of the OWL specification. We have also been working on implementations that support OWL. An API for OWL A draft release of the API is now available. Please note that this is work in progress and should at best be considered alpha quality code. In the short term we are unlikely to be able to offer much in the way of support, although comments and suggestions are welcome. The code is now available as an open source project to which they hope the community at large will contribute. Source and binary distributions can be obtained from: http://sourceforge.net/projects/owlapi. A simple OWL Species Validator has been developed using the API. This will check OWL-RDF documents for basic syntactic errors and will determine which particular sub-species of the language that the document belongs to. posted by Marcus | 6:04 AM The Gateway to Educational Materials(sm) http://www.thegateway.org/ The Gateway to Educational Materials(sm) is a Consortium effort to provide educators with quick and easy access to thousands of educational resources found on various federal, state, university, non-profit, and commercial Internet sites. GEM is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education. Teachers, parents, administrators can search or browse The GatewaySM and find thousands of high quality educational materials, including lesson plans, activities, and projects from over 320 of the 518 GEM Consortium members posted by Marcus | 5:07 AM Electronic Resources for Information Research Methods http://informationr.net/rm/ The entries in this database have the appearance of catalogue entries, but the elements have been created according to somewhat different rules. The date, given in parentheses, is the date the page was created or last revised, as far as can be established from the document, or elsewhere on the Web site. (n.d.) signifies that no date could be found. The 'imprint', which would normally identify place of publication and publisher, identifies the location of the Web site on which the page has been found, and there is no assumption that the page has been officially approved. posted by Marcus | 5:06 AM Species Analyst http://speciesanalyst.net/ The Species Analyst is a research project developing standards and software tools for access to the world's natural history collection and observation databases. The Species Analyst project is based at the University of Kansas and Natural History Museum and Biodiversity Research Center. There are currently over 120 natural history collection databases being served through the Species Analyst Network, with collections located all over the world. All of these collections may be searched simultaneously through the Species Analyst, with the combined information returned to you in one of a variety of formats. The original, and currently dominant form of the Species Analyst network is based on the ANSI/NISO Z39.50 standard for information retrieval. DiGIR, a replacement for Z39.50, is being actively developed by a number of developers including the creator of the Species Analyst network, and will gradually replace the Z39.50 infrastructure over time. The Species Analyst project has given rise to, or provides the technical infrastructure for a number of other projects including: FishNet MaNIS (the first full DiGIR implementation) HerpNET (following on from MaNIS) Canadian Biodiversity Information Facility Global Biodiversity Information Facility (using DiGIR as the primary information retrieval protocol) posted by Marcus | 5:05 AM Weblogs of AOIR http://randgaenge.net/outlines/AOIR_blogs.html A listing of weblogs of the members of the Association of Internet Researchers (AOIR). posted by Marcus | 5:04 AM The Twenty Most Critical Internet Security Vulnerabilities - (Updated) ~ The Experts Consensus http://www.sans.org/top20/ The vast majority of worms and other successful cyber attacks are made possible by vulnerabilities in a small number of common operating system services. Attackers are opportunistic. They take the easiest and most convenient route and exploit the best-known flaws with the most effective and widely available attack tools. They count on organizations not fixing the problems, and they often attack indiscriminately, scanning the Internet for any vulnerable systems. The easy and destructive spread of worms, such as Blaster, Slammer, and Code Red, can be traced directly to exploitation of unpatched vulnerabilities. Three years ago, the SANS Institute and the National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC) at the FBI released a document summarizing the Ten Most Critical Internet Security Vulnerabilities. Thousands of organizations used that list, and the expanded Top Twenty lists that followed one and two years later, to prioritize their efforts so they could close the most dangerous holes first. The vulnerable services that led to the examples above Blaster, Slammer, and Code Red, as well as NIMDA worms - are on that list. This updated SANS Top Twenty is actually two Top Ten lists: the ten most commonly exploited vulnerable services in Windows and the ten most commonly exploited vulnerable services in UNIX and Linux. Although there are thousands of security incidents each year affecting these operating systems, the overwhelming majority of successful attacks target one or more of these twenty vulnerable services. The Top Twenty is a consensus list of vulnerabilities that require immediate remediation. It is the result of a process that brought together dozens of leading security experts. They come from the most security-conscious federal agencies in the US, UK and Singapore; the leading security software vendors and consulting firms; the top university-based security programs; many other user organizations; and the SANS Institute. A list of participants may be found at the end of the document. posted by Marcus | 5:03 AM Name Statistics http://www.namestatistics.com/ Have you ever wondered how your name stacks up against all the others? Do you have one of the most common names or a rare name? Try your first name out and then try your last name out above! This search engine will tell you what your name's rank really is! posted by Marcus | 5:02 AM Historical Research - Primary Resources on the Web http://www.lib.washington.edu/subject/History/RUSA/ Students and researchers now have greater access to primary source materials for historical research than ever before. The traditional use of sources available in print and microfilm continues to be the foundation for research, but in some cases documents, letters, maps, photographs of ancient artifacts and other primary material are available online in different formats from free websites or subscription services on the internet. Users of primary sources have always needed to examine their sources critically, but now with the proliferation of electronic resources from a wide variety of web site producers, evaluation is more important than ever before. Users of web resources must now consider the authenticity of documents, what person or organization is the internet provider, and whether the electronic version serves their needs. This brief guide is designed to provide students and researchers with information to help them evaluate the internet sources and the quality of primary materials that can be found online. posted by Marcus | 5:01 AM Recall Warnings http://recalls.justia.com/ Free recall warnings and alerts listing categorized by subject. posted by Marcus | 5:00 AM Wednesday, October 15, 2003 Life Insurers Fact Book 2003 http://snurl.com/2on4 ACLI's Life Insurers Fact Book 2003 is now available online. Trends and statistics for the life insurance industry are covered, including assets, liabilities, income, and expenditures, as well as reinsurance, life insurance, and annuity markets. The Fact Book is available here in PDF format by individual chapter. posted by Marcus | 2:15 PM 20 Great Google Secrets by Tara Calishain http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,4149,1306756,00.asp An excellent article in PC Magazine titled 20 Great Google Secrets by Tara Calishain creator and founder of ResearchBuzz!. I also recommend very highly Tara's book Google Hacks with more information by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 7:49 AM Current Happenings on the Internet: Blogs, Bots and News Aggregators by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. Wesley Foundation Forum Series http://www.umiami.edu/wesley/forums.html eVeritas http://www.miami.edu/UMH/CDA/UMH_Main/1,1770,2593-1;3574-3,00.html Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A., Executive Director of the Virtual Private Library™, author, speaker and creator/founder of BotSpot.com will be speaking on the latest happenings on the Internet with emphasis on the growing areas of blogs (weblogs), bots and intelligent agents and news aggregators. Mr. Zillman will be showing these new resources live on the Internet and how they will relate to helping you search and find the information you require for both personal and academic research. His presentations are designed both for the “newbie” to Internet searching as well as the seasoned “Internaut”. The Internet continues to change at a record pace, and discovering the latest tools to make your Internet search both easy and competent is the goal of this presentation. Will eMail soon be replaced by RSS and news aggregators? Are blogs, currently the fastest growing area of the Internet, a fad or will they change the entire Internet landscape? These and other questions will be discussed during this presentation by one of the Internet’s pioneers and bot and artificial intelligence experts, Marcus P. Zillman. His latest links and resources are available by clicking here. Time: 7:00pm - 8:00pm Date: Tuesday October 21, 2003 Location: Wesley Foundation at the University of Miami, 1210 Stanford Drive, Miami, Florida posted by Marcus | 6:55 AM Collaborative Live Reference Services http://www.lis.uiuc.edu/~b-sloan/collab.htm This is a listing of collaborative live reference services, i.e., real-time reference services offered by two or more libraries. Bernie Sloan has listed the services in alphabetical order by sponsoring organization. If there is no one sponsoring organization, the service is listed alphabetically by the name of the service. Excellent resource ..... posted by Marcus | 6:43 AM Fyuze http://fyuze.com/zero/ Fyuze is a "news aggregator," a program that automatically collects information so that you don't have to. Often times, news aggregator software runs on your desktop, meaning that you must first download and install software. However, fyuze runs over the web, meaning there is no software to download or install. It also means that you can access your information from wherever you are, no need to sync subscription lists or transfer software. Fyuze's centralized aggregator also makes it possible for you to monitor thousands of sites for news on a particular topic, something you just can't do with desktop aggregators. posted by Marcus | 5:29 AM Center for International Scholarship in School Libraries http://www.cissl.scils.rutgers.edu The Center for International Scholarship in School Libraries is a new research center at Rutgers University dedicated to finding evidence that well-equipped school library media centers can boost student achievement. posted by Marcus | 5:02 AM WayPath http://www.waypath.com/ Waypath is an attempt to network the weblog community, connecting weblogs that share common themes, ideas, and topics. Waypath's Related Weblog Navigation engine analyzes weblog entries to determine their core conceptual makeups, compares them with one another to find out how related they are, and presents you with its best guess as to what's related to your original input. This is done all automatically, using available technology. WP makes use of public weblog update lists, which it crawls several times each day. They use a custom spider to grab changed files from individual weblogs. They make their best effort to grab new weblog entries the same day they are posted, depending on resource availability. posted by Marcus | 5:01 AM Turning The Pages on the Web: Leonardo's Notebooks http://www.bl.uk/collections/treasures/digitisation.html The British Museum now offers you a chance to virtually thumb through selected pages of Leonardo Da Vinci's famous notebooks. The museum's award winning web presentation allows you to turn pages and view the sketches and thoughts of the Renaissance master. Audio commentary and text translation are part of the experience. Other books available online include Sultan Baybars' Qur'an, and 40 pages from the Lindisfarne Gospels, a remarkable illuminated manuscript written about 1300 years ago. This system works best on a PC with a high speed Internet Connection, although a dial-up modem version is also available. Consider a high tech visit to Turning the Pages on the Web for a glimpse of the past! posted by Marcus | 5:00 AM Tuesday, October 14, 2003 RedLightGreen – Free Library Database http://www.redlightgreen.com/ RedLightGreen – Free Library Database (formerly known as the Union Catalog Project) is now online. This impressive and free library database uses records from member libraries, archives, and museums around the World. RLG claims over 130 million bibliographic records on 42 million titles. This site has many impressive features including the ability to search the catalogs of local libraries (if they belong to the project). A clever citation system is in place that will email you citations in MLA, APA, Chicago, Turabian. A valuable free tool for anyone interested in books. The RLG service will remain available to the public at no charge for at least the next year. posted by Marcus | 4:12 PM Current Happenings on the Internet: Blogs, Bots and News Aggregators by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A., Executive Director of the Virtual Private Library™, author, speaker and creator/founder of BotSpot.com will be speaking on the latest happenings on the Internet with emphasis on the growing areas of blogs (weblogs), bots and intelligent agents and news aggregators. Mr. Zillman will be showing these new resources live on the Internet and how they will relate to helping you search and find the information you require for both personal and academic research. His presentations are designed both for the “newbie” to Internet searching as well as the seasoned “Internaut”. The Internet continues to change at a record pace, and discovering the latest tools to make your Internet search both easy and competent is the goal of this presentation. Will eMail soon be replaced by RSS and news aggregators? Are blogs, currently the fastest growing area of the Internet, a fad or will they change the entire Internet landscape? These and other questions will be discussed during this presentation by one of the Internet’s pioneers and bot and artificial intelligence experts, Marcus P. Zillman. His latest links and resources are available from http://www.LinksByMarcus.com/. Time: 11:00am - 1:45pm Date: Tuesday October 14, 2003 Location: Florida Gulf Coast University - Reed Hall 146 posted by Marcus | 5:04 AM RDF Core Working Group Last Call Working Group Last Call of Six Working Drafts The RDF Core Working Group has released the second Last Call of six Working Drafts. The Resource Description Framework (RDF) supports the exchange of knowledge on the Web. Comments are welcome through 7 November. Also updated is the Working Group Note "LBase," a framework for specifying the meaning of Semantic Web languages. RDF Primer http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-rdf-primer-20031010/ RDF Concepts and Abstract Syntax http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-rdf-concepts-20031010/ RDF Semantics http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-rdf-mt-20031010/ RDF/XML Syntax Specification (Revised) http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-rdf-syntax-grammar-20031010/ RDF Vocabulary Description Language 1.0: RDF Schema http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-rdf-schema-20031010/ RDF Test Cases http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-rdf-testcases-20031010/ Read about the Semantic Web Activity: http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/ posted by Marcus | 5:04 AM Bloogz The Blogs Search Engine http://www.bloogz.com/ Another Blog Search Engine complete with search guide. posted by Marcus | 5:03 AM Current Space Weather http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/spaceweather/ Current Space Weather defined as "conditions on the Sun and in the solar wind, magnetosphere, ionosphere and thermosphere that can influence the performance and reliability of space-borne and ground-based technological systems and can endanger human life or health." This is a comprehensive site displaying all the real time monitors and sources. posted by Marcus | 5:02 AM Cosmic Distance Scales http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/cosmic/cosmic.html Cosmic Distance Scales graphically portrays the distances in outer space. Zoom out from Earth to the solar system to nearest star system to solar neighborhood to Milky Way Galaxy to nearest galaxies to .... At each stopping point there is information about the image, the object, "what kinds of units astronomers use when referring to distances of that magnitude ..., how distances to that kind of object are determined, why these distances are important to astronomers, and how long it would take for us to travel from Earth to that object." posted by Marcus | 5:01 AM 1Jump® - The Ultimate Company Research & Business Information Tool http://www.1jump.com/ 1Jump is a cutting-edge company information service. It's both a standalone Windows software program, and a web-based application, designed specifically to help business professionals conduct research on companies. It includes over 1,000,000 selected companies; provides up to 35 pieces of business information on each of them; and uses 29 proprietary research methods to help you pinpoint the information you need. posted by Marcus | 5:00 AM Monday, October 13, 2003 This edition of Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. (October 13, 2003 V1N20) is dedicated to HealthcareResources.info a Subject Tracer™ Information Blog by the Virtual Private Library™ . Click on the below audblog link to to hear an audio describing this brand new information blog. The site is available from the following address: Healthcare Resources http://www.HealthcareResources.info/ ![]() ![]() Research Blogs http://huminf.uib.no/~jill/txt/researchblogs.html This is an annotated list of weblogs compiled by Jill Walker that are used by researchers and academics as a part of their research practice. These kinds of weblogs are also called knowledge logs, or k-logs or klogs. There's a mailing list about this called k-logs. posted by Marcus | 7:20 PM Healthcare Resources http://www.HealthcareResources.info Healthcare Resources is a Subject Tracer™ Information Blog developed and created by the Virtual Private Library™. It is designed to bring together the latest resources and sources on an ongoing basis from the Internet on healthcare. We always welcome suggestions of additional sites and resources to be added to this comprehensive listing and please submit by clicking here. This site has been developed and maintained by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. . Additional links and resources by Marcus are available by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 12:57 PM Computing Research Repository (CoRR) http://xxx.lanl.gov/archive/cs/intro.html Computing research relies heavily on the rapid dissemination of results. As a result, the formal process of submitting papers to journals has been augmented by other, more rapid, dissemination methods. Originally these involved printed documents, such as technical reports and conference papers. Then researchers started taking advantage of the Internet, putting papers on ftp sites and later on various web sites. But these resources were fragmented. There was no single repository to which researchers from the whole field of computing could submit reports, no single place to search for research results, and no guarantee that information would be archived at the end of a research project. This changed in September 1998. Through a partnership of ACM, the arXiv.org e-print archive (originally at Los Alamos, now based at Cornell), and NCSTRL (Networked Computer Science Technical Reference Library), an online Computing Research Repository (CoRR) has been established. The CoRR is available to all members of the community at no charge. We encourage you to use the service right away. It gains in value as more researchers use it. Submitting your research articles to the repository will be the surest way to have your work reach a wide audience posted by Marcus | 12:52 PM Ten Best Intranets of 2003 http://www.useit.com/alertbox/20031013.htm This year's winning intranet designs emphasized workflow support, self-service content management, and offloading tasks from email to collaboration tools. On average, companies spent three years between redesigns, and one year on the redesign itself. posted by Marcus | 12:35 PM Internet Business Logic http://www.reengineeringllc.com/ Business Rules in English + Semantic Data Integration + English Explanations + Your Oracle Databases. Showing how your business rules, using your English vocabulary, can be up and running using your Oracle database, on the Web... posted by Marcus | 8:17 AM PLoS Biology http://www.plosbiology.org PLoS Biology is the premier open-access journal published by the Public Library of Science. PLoS Biology features works of exceptional significance in all areas of biological science, from molecules to ecosystems, including works at the interface with other disciplines. This is definitely an excellent first step in allowing open access to scientific works and papers!! Congratulations on a job well done ..... posted by Marcus | 8:11 AM OAI Registry at UIUC http://oai.grainger.uiuc.edu/registry/ Grainger Engineering Library at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Their OAI Registry have collected Identify, ListSets, and ListMetadataFormats information from all of the OAI compliant repositories they could find from various sources, added it to a database, indexed it, and made it searchable. They have also created several standard reports from the data. This system is driven entirely from database queries against their database, and not from live queries to the OAI repositories. Therefore, at any given time the data will be out-of-date by one to two weeks. The data in their database will be periodically refreshed from the original OAI repositories. posted by Marcus | 8:02 AM Cyber Behavior Research Center - Human Web interaction http://www.cio.com/research/behavior/ Human behavior is an unquestionable component of Internet development. Existing ways that we act upon the world infiltrate and shape the Web while at the same time new ones are created. This research center attempts to explore the impact behavior has on shaping the Web and to detect novel behaviors that emerge as a result of this newer communications technology. The general guideline for inclusion of resources on these pages is information that explores the reciprocal relationship between behavior and the Web, not one or the other as separate entities. posted by Marcus | 7:59 AM Sunday, October 12, 2003 Statistics Resources http://www.StatisticsResources.info Statistics Resources is a Subject Tracer™ Information Blog developed and created by the Virtual Private Library™. It is designed to bring together the latest resources and sources on an ongoing basis from the Internet on statistics. We always welcome suggestions of additional sites and resources to be added to this comprehensive listing and please submit by clicking here. This site has been developed and maintained by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. . Additional links and resources by Marcus are available by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 9:59 AM ARL-NEWMEAS List http://www.arl.org/stats/newmeas/newmeas_list.html The ARL-NEWMEAS list has been established as a communication mechanism for those individuals interested in ARL's work to develop new measures for research libraries. Members of the list are welcome to share ideas and information about performance measures, quality initiatives, and characterization of research libraries for discussion. Notices of events, readings, web sites, and organizations who are working in this area are also welcome. posted by Marcus | 9:58 AM TeleRead http://www.teleread.org/ TeleRead is a nonpartisan plan to get electronic books and other educational resources into American homes--through a well-stocked national digital library system and small, sharp-screened computers that eventually could sell for under $100 or even $50. The same idea could apply to many other countries, and in fact TeleRead has advocates as far off as India. Supporters have ranged from William F. Buckley, Jr., to the founder of CompuServe's forum on Afro-American culture, and the proposal appears in an information science collection from The MIT Press and the American Society for Information Science. Unlike most educational plans, TeleRead would aid business directly and even reduce commercial and federal bureaucracy somewhat. In effect it would help shift resources from paperwork to learning, not just smarten up the workforce for the long run. posted by Marcus | 9:56 AM National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) http://www.nber.org/ The NBER is the nation's leading nonprofit economic research organization. Twelve of the 31 American Nobel Prize winners in Economics and three of the past Chairmen of the President's Council of Economic Advisers have been researchers at the NBER. The more than 600 professors of economics and business now teaching at universities around the country who are NBER researchers are the leading scholars in their fields. These Bureau associates concentrate on four types of empirical research: developing new statistical measurements, estimating quantitative models of economic behavior, assessing the effects of public policies on the U.S. economy, and projecting the effects of alternative policy proposals. posted by Marcus | 9:50 AM Saturday, October 11, 2003 Research Resources http://www.ResearchResources.info Research Resources is a Subject Tracer™ Information Blog developed and created by the Virtual Private Library™. It is designed to bring together the latest resources and sources on an ongoing basis from the Internet on research. We always welcome suggestions of additional sites and resources to be added to this comprehensive listing and please submit by clicking here. This site has been developed and maintained by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. . Additional links and resources by Marcus are available by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 8:42 AM Winners Do Not Take All: Characterizing the Competition for Links on the Web http://modelingtheweb.com/ Winners Do Not Take All: Characterizing the Competition for Links on the Web by David Pencock, Gary Flake, Steve Lawrence, Eric Glover and C.Lee Giles. As more people use the web for more tasks, changes in how people find information can have substantial effects on competition and diversity in society. Earlier research has shown that the distribution of links to web sites approximates a "power law" (Science, 286; Nature, 401), where a small number of sites receive the majority of links, and most sites receive very few links. The distribution has been attributed to a process called "preferential attachment", wherein new links on the web are more likely to go to sites that already have many links. NEC researchers discovered that the degree of "rich get richer" or "winners take all" behavior varies in different categories and may be significantly less than previously thought. A new model has been developed which can be used to predict and analyze competition and diversity in different communities on the web. posted by Marcus | 8:40 AM Southwest Research Institute® http://www.swri.org/ Southwest Research Institute® (SwRI®), headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, is a multidisciplinary, independent, nonprofit, applied engineering and physical sciences research and development organization with 11 technical divisions. posted by Marcus | 7:51 AM WebStat - Statistics on the Web http://seitti.funet.fi:5000/etusivu_en.html WebStat is a database of statistical sources available via the Internet. The material is classified by subject field and by country. The search result contains both a description of the source and a direct link to it. The database is compiled and maintained by the Library of Statistics Finland. posted by Marcus | 7:49 AM Friday, October 10, 2003 Repositories of Primary Sources http://www.uidaho.edu/special-collections/Other.Repositories.html A listing of over 5250 websites describing holdings of manuscripts, archives, rare books, historical photographs, and other primary sources for the research scholar. All links have been tested for correctness and appropriateness. Those added or revised within the last thirty days or so are marked {New}. posted by Marcus | 8:23 AM RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) http://www.repec.org/ RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) is a collaborative effort of over 100 volunteers in 41 countries to enhance the dissemination of research in economics. The heart of the project is a decentralized database of working papers, journal articles and software components. Any institution is welcome to join in contributing its research materials. All RePEc material is freely available. posted by Marcus | 8:21 AM British Library Inside http://www.bl.uk/online/inside/ Researchers are demanding people. They need details of the latest articles across a range of specialist fields. Once they know what's published, they then want to see the full text of key papers. The information world is increasingly complex and it can sometimes seem hard to keep up, but Inside can make your life easier. Inside: One tool for all jobs * Seamlessly integrates searching, alerting and automated ordering * One of the world's most comprehensive databases, covering a decade of research in all subjects - from archaeology to nanotechnology * Use Inside to order any item on the database, delivered to you within 2 hours * Over a million articles from major publishers can be downloaded instantly, using free Adobe® software posted by Marcus | 8:19 AM American Notes: Travels in America, 1750-1920 http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/lhtnhtml/ American Notes: Travels in America, 1750-1920 comprises 253 published narratives by Americans and foreign visitors recounting their travels in the colonies and the United States and their observations and opinions about American peoples, places, and society from about 1750 to 1920. Also included is the thirty-two-volume set of manuscript sources entitled Early Western Travels, 1748-1846, published between 1904 and 1907 after diligent compilation by the distinguished historian and secretary of the Wisconsin Historical Society Reuben Gold Thwaites. Although many of the authors represented in American Notes are not widely known, the collection includes works by major figures such as Matthew Arnold, Fredrika Bremer, William Cullen Bryant, François-René de Chateaubriand, William Cobbett, James Fenimore Cooper, J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur, Charles Dickens, Washington Irving, Benjamin Henry Latrobe, Sir Charles Lyell, William Lyon Mackenzie, André Michaux, Thomas Nuttall, Frederick Law Olmsted, and Robert Louis Stevenson. The narratives in American Notes therefore range from the unjustly neglected to the justly famous, and from classics of the genre to undiscovered gems. Together, they build a mosaic portrait of a young nation. posted by Marcus | 8:17 AM AskERIC Search http://ericir.syr.edu/Eric/ AskERIC is a personalized Internet-based service providing education information to teachers, librarians, counselors, administrators, parents, and anyone interested in education throughout the United States and the world. It began in 1992 as a project of the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology and is now, with the ERIC Clearinghouse, a component of the Information Institute of Syracuse at Syracuse University. Today, AskERIC encompasses the resources of the entire ERIC system and beyond, using the subject expertise of the 16 ERIC Clearinghouses to respond to your education requests. AskERIC search allows you to search the entire ERIC system database. posted by Marcus | 8:14 AM The Annenberg Foundation and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) http://www.learner.org Advancing Excellent Teaching in American Schools "Annenberg/CPB, a partnership between The Annenberg Foundation and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) uses media and telecommunications to advance excellent teaching in American schools. This mandate is carried out chiefly by the funding and distribution of educational video programs with coordinated Web and print materials for the professional development of K-12 teachers. Annenberg/CPB videos help teachers increase their expertise in their fields and assist them in improving their teaching methods. The programs are also intended for viewers at home and students in the classroom. All Annenberg/CPB videos, however they are used, exemplify excellent teaching. posted by Marcus | 8:08 AM DoIS (Documents in Information Science) http://dois.mimas.ac.uk/ DoIS (Documents in Information Science) is a service for finding and downloading the latest research results in Information Science. DoIS is a database of articles and conference proceedings published in electronic format in the area of Library and Information Science. DoIS is a volunteer effort to create a free bibliographic resource of scientific texts specialized in Information Science. posted by Marcus | 8:05 AM Internet Resource Newsletter Comment http://www.hw.ac.uk/libwww/irn/irn109/irn109.html#COMMENT In Roddy MacLeod's current issue (Issue 109 - October 2003) of Internet Resource Newsletter he addressed in a very effective manner in his comment section the step by step procedure to set up a web application for a news aggregator. He used as an example Bloglines and listed the top blogs that he subscribes to to receive the latest and current information. I was very proud to see that Roddy listed this blog (http://www.zillman.us) as one of those blogs! posted by Marcus | 7:29 AM Yahoo! News Search RSS URL Generator http://jeremy.zawodny.com/ynews-search-rss.php The form on this page helps construct the URL you can use to subscribe to RSS feed produced by a search of Stories on Yahoo! News. For more information see the blog entry Jeremy Zawodny wrote about this. posted by Marcus | 5:24 AM Directory of North American Research Libraries http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/units/cts/directory/ This directory is a listing of managerial personnel in the research libraries of North America. It is an online version of one that has existed in hard-copy form in Central Technical Services at the University at Buffalo since August 1983. Since it was created to serve the needs of a technical services area the most detailed listings are for technical services personnel. This directory started with the libraries of the members of the American Association of Universities (AAU) and then expanded to include other libraries. Our current goal is to provide listings for all members of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) and the Independent Research Libraries Association (IRLA). posted by Marcus | 5:20 AM Thursday, October 09, 2003 Reference Staff Daily Reads for Eugene, Oregon Library http://www.ci.eugene.or.us/library/staffref/dailyreads.html A list of daily reads for the reference staff at the Eugene, Oregon Library. Excellent resource list for keeping current with the latest happenings on the Internet! This is a very comprehensive list and I am pleased that they have listed my blog as one of their daily reads! posted by Marcus | 9:27 AM Research List of Lists http://www.aoir.org/list.php A very comprehensive list of lists related to research. Listservs® have been available on the Internet for years and still represent the number one way of staying current on the areas of your profession even though RSS feeds are breathing down their necks! posted by Marcus | 8:03 AM Association of Internet Researchers (AOIR) Links http://www.aoir.org/links.html A listing of links from the Association of Internet Researchers ( I am proud to be a member) covering internet research areas of associations, companies, conferences, journals, and on-line resources. posted by Marcus | 7:59 AM Quick Introduction to OWL Web Ontology Language http://www.xfront.com/owl-quick-intro/sld001.htm Quick Introduction to OWL Web Ontology Language by Roger L. Costello and David B. Jacobs of MITRE Corporation and the creation of this slide presentation tutorial was sponsored by DARPA. posted by Marcus | 7:55 AM Universal Data Element Framework (UDEF) http://www.udef.org/ The Universal Data Element Framework (UDEF) is a cross-industry metadata identification strategy designed to facilitate convergence and interoperability among e-business and other standards. The objective of the UDEF is to provide a means of real-time identification for semantic equivalency, as an attribute to data elements within e-business document and integration formats. posted by Marcus | 7:49 AM DevArticles http://www.devarticles.com/ An excellent list of articles and forum posts on development for developers. Numerous subject headings to guide you through the various development areas. posted by Marcus | 7:47 AM Bloomsbury Research Centre http://www.bloomsbury.com/ARC/Arc_home.asp The Bloomsbury Research Centre is a free on-line database of reference books. Over 17,000 entries are cross-referenced providing a wealth of information all linked and all fully indexed. Use our search engine to search on a wide range of subjects including literature, art, myth, human thought, quotations and a thesaurus or browse through each book at your leisure. posted by Marcus | 7:43 AM IR and IE On the Web Using Hypertext Meta-Data and Structure http://www.webir.org/ This site is a collection of online resources for research in the field of information retrieval and information extraction from the Web. These pages contain materials that are related to the state of the art IR and IE techniques used for and on the Web. Such techniques use, as well as traditional techniques, hypertext structure and meta-data, the structure and nature of the Web, observed human behaviour on the Web, other search engines, and more. posted by Marcus | 7:41 AM Internet Review Archives http://www.bowdoin.edu/~samato/IRA/ College and Research Libraries News Internet Reviews Archive posted by Marcus | 6:00 AM Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) http://www.fda.gov/cber/ The Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) regulates biological products. Current authority for this responsibility resides in Section 351 of the Public Health Service Act and in specific sections of the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act. CBER is committed to advancing the public health through innovative regulations that ensure the safety, effectiveness and timely delivery to patients of biological products. The mission of CBER is to protect and enhance the public health through the regulation of biological and related products including blood, vaccines, tissue, allergenics and biological therapeutics. posted by Marcus | 5:56 AM Wednesday, October 08, 2003 Poetry on the Internet http://www.humbul.ac.uk/topics/poetry.html Poets and poetry-lovers are well served by the Internet. It provides an almost free medium for the publication of new or experimental work, and it is relatively easy to reproduce works that are beyond their copyright. Innumerable resources exist for scholars studying poetry and poetics. The downside to this freedom of publication, and consequent explosion of Web sites, is that it takes time to explore which of the many are the best for your purpose, time which could be more usefully spent if you knew where to go before you set out. This is where Humbul can help. Whether you are searching the ‘English Studies’ records for poetry written in English, or an equivalent Humbul subject for poems in another language, the record descriptions let you know what features may be found on each site. For this topic, they have selected a handful of the best Internet sites for various purposes, from locating Old English poems to exploring the avant-garde. posted by Marcus | 9:46 AM Koha - Open Source Library System http://www.koha.org/ Koha is the first open source integrated library system. Koha is made in New Zealand by Katipo Communications Ltd. and maintained by a team of volunteers from around the globe. The Koha system is a full catalogue, opac, circulation and acquisitions system and is available free. It is released under the GNU General Public License and is available for download over the Internet. posted by Marcus | 8:52 AM Blog - Technology Review: MIT's Magazine of Innovation http://www.technologyreview.com/blog/index.asp Daily weblog (currently without RSS feed) from MIT's Magazine Technology Review. posted by Marcus | 8:06 AM Fact Squad http://www.factsquad.org/ Fact Squad is a new resource for information regarding technology and its effects on society, dedicated to cutting through the self-serving hype, spin, misinformation, and propaganda that all too often is fed to media, politicians, business leaders, and the citizens of the world regarding technological issues. Fact Squad provides information from acknowledged and respected experts (many with decades of experience in their fields), not from vested interests attempting to skew available information regarding these topics exclusively for their own betterment. posted by Marcus | 7:40 AM JISC Plagiarism Advisory Service http://online.northumbria.ac.uk/faculties/art/information_studies/Imri/JISCPAS/site/jiscpas.asp The Plagiarism Advisory Service web-site is a new service, funded by the JISC, and based in the Information Management Research Institute at Northumbria University. The service, which was inaugurated in September 2002, aims to raise awareness of plagiarism in the academic community by providing: * Generic advice for institutions, academic staff and students * Educational tools for students in the area of plagiarism * A portal to external online resources on the issue of plagiarism * Guidance on copyright and data protection issues relating to plagiarism * A link to the electronic detection service and training on its use posted by Marcus | 7:27 AM Computer Ethics and Professional Responsibility http://www.southernct.edu/organizations/rccs/textbook/index.html A website with related resources for the book titled Computer Ethics and Professional Responsibility edited by Terry Bynum and Simon Rogerson. Simon is Director of Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility, De Montfort University, UK. posted by Marcus | 5:25 AM A Study of Search Result Clustering Interfaces: Comparing Textual and Zoomable User Interfaces ftp://ftp.cs.umd.edu/pub/hcil/Reports-Abstracts-Bibliography/2003-34html/2003-34.htm An interesting report titled A Study of Search Result Clustering Interfaces: Comparing Textual and Zoomable User Interfaces by Walky Rivadeneira and Benjamin B. Bederson showing a systematic evaluation of zoomable versus textual clustered search results. posted by Marcus | 5:20 AM Tuesday, October 07, 2003 Video Lectures - Media, Education and the Marketplace - MIT OpenCourseWare http://snurl.com/2lcc Visit these excellent video lectures from MIT OpenCourseWare on the media, edcuation and the marketplace. Thank you MIT!! posted by Marcus | 3:44 PM OpenBiblio http://obiblio.sourceforge.net/ OpenBiblio is an easy to use, open source, automated library system written in PHP containing OPAC, circulation, cataloging, and staff administration functionality. The purpose of this project is to provide a cost effective library automation solution for private collections, clubs, churches, schools, or public libraries. posted by Marcus | 3:10 PM This edition of Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. (October 6, 2003 V1N19) is dedicated to Subject Tracer™ Blogs created by Marcus. Click on the below audblog link to to hear an audio describing these new information blogs. A complete listing of all the latest Subject Tracer™ Blogs is available at the following link: Subject Tracer™ Blogs http://www.SubjectTracerBlogs.com/ ![]() ![]() Chemistry Specific Search Engine http://www.chemistry.de/guides/ Germany’s "Chemistry Information Centre" (Fachinformationszentrum Chemie, FIZ CHEMIE Berlin) announced it now offers tools to tackle the problem of the hidden Web—three new subject-specific Internet search engines. posted by Marcus | 10:06 AM Cancellations.com http://www.cancellations.com/ Cancellations.com is a free public service presented by Lazerpro Digital Media Group, Inc. They utilize the latest technology, to collect, aggregate, store, and present data for on-demand public access. In addition, Cancellations.com protects the privacy of this data in a variety of ways to ensure the security of this web service. Initially, Cancellations.com was presented to the public as the Internet alternative for weather-related closings and delays for schools, business, local governments, and various other organizations. This system is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year for use by registered members who wish to communicate emergency or priority announcements to the people in their communities, as well as to display schedules and information about their organizations for public access. posted by Marcus | 7:25 AM Studying Special Collections and the Web: An Analysis of Practice by Lorriane Normore http://firstmonday.org/issues/issue8_10/normore/ Many digital library collections are the virtual analogs of special collections in libraries, museums, historical societies and archives today. A field study of people responsible for collection maintenance across a variety of institutions was carried out. It aimed at improving our understanding of issues involved in collection description and access. A second study examined the current state of Web access to materials from the previously studied special collections. Data concerning the availability of online finding aids, externally accessible databases for collection content, digitized images and Web exhibits are presented. posted by Marcus | 5:22 AM Monday, October 06, 2003 PubMed Central http://pubmedcentral.com/ PubMed Central (PMC) is the U.S. National Library of Medicine's digital archive of life sciences journal literature. Access to PMC is free and unrestricted. Learn more about how publishers can participate in PMC. Also, read about how NLM is scanning the back issues of PMC journals and making these digitized copies available in PMC. posted by Marcus | 6:02 PM Trademark Trial and Appeal Board http://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/dcom/ttab/ The Trademark Trial and Appeal Board hears and decides adversary proceedings involving: * oppositions to the registration of trademarks * petitions to cancel trademark registrations * proceedings involving applications for concurrent use registrations of trademarks. The Board also decides appeals taken from the trademark examining attorneys' refusals to allow registration of trademarks. posted by Marcus | 8:34 AM Academic Conferences Worldwide http://www.conferencealerts.com/ Academic Conferences Worldwide lists upcoming academic conferences by topic and by country. Search for conferences by date, city, country, and/or keyword. You may "subscribe to receive free e-mailed updates of conferences matching your interests, available dates and preferred destinations. posted by Marcus | 8:31 AM Online Journal Database http://ojdb.library.caltech.edu/ojdb/onlinejrnl.htm An excellent list of journal titles for which there is online access: some are available in fulltext, others are limited to tables of contents with or without abstracts. posted by Marcus | 7:35 AM Herodotus: A Peer-to-Peer Web Archival System by Timo Burkard http://www.pdos.lcs.mit.edu/papers/chord:tburkard-meng.pdf In this thesis, he presents the design and implementation of Herodotus, a peer-to-peer web archival system. Like the Wayback Machine, a website that currently offers a web archive, Herodotus periodically crawls the world wide web and stores copies of all downloaded web content. Unlike the Wayback Machine, Herodotus does not rely on a centralized server farm. Instead, many individual nodes spread out across the Internet collaboratively perform the task of crawling and storing the content. This allows a large group of people to contribute idle computer resources to jointly achieve the goal of creating an Internet archive. Herodotus uses replication to ensure the persistence of data as nodes join and leave. Herodotus is implemented on top of Chord, a distributed peer-to-peer lookup service. It is written in C++ on FreeBSD. The analysis based on an estimated size of the World Wide Web shows that a set of 20,000 nodes would be required to archive the entire web, assuming that each node has a typical home broadband Internet connection and contributes 100 GB of storage. posted by Marcus | 7:04 AM Bitpipe http://www.bitpipe.com/ Bitpipe, Inc. is the leading syndicator of in-depth information technology (IT) content including white papers, webcasts, case studies and product literature. Bitpipe distributes content from over 3,500 leading IT vendors and over 60 top analyst firms including IDC, Aberdeen Group, Meta Group, and Yankee Group via the Bitpipe Network. The Bitpipe Network reaches a qualified audience of technology buyers through agreements with InformationWeek, eWeek, CIO Insight, Network Computing, PC Magazine, Forbes.com and over 70 other leading IT and business-related websites. posted by Marcus | 6:47 AM Sunday, October 05, 2003 Bot Research Resources and Sites http://www.BotResearch.info Bot Research is a Subject Tracer™ Information Blog developed and created by the Virtual Private Library™. It is designed to bring together the latest resources and sources on an ongoing basis from the Internet on bot research. We always welcome suggestions of additional sites and resources to be added to this comprehensive listing and please submit by clicking here. This site has been developed and maintained by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. . Additional links and resources by Marcus are available by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 11:56 AM International Intellectual Property Links http://www.ip-links.de/ International Intellectual Property links listed by Intellectual Property Offices, Intellectual Property Organizations, Database Providers, Official Registers and Databases, Official Gazettes, Official Examination Guidelines and Publications, Courts, Texts of Legal Regulations, Case Law Databases and Dictionaries. posted by Marcus | 9:11 AM Research Tools - The Library of Congress http://www.loc.gov/rr/tools.html The Library of Congress offers a wide variety of online databases and Internet resources to the public via the Web, including its own online catalog. In addition, LC provides an easy-to-use gateway for searching other institutions' online catalogs and extensive links to resources on the Internet. posted by Marcus | 8:51 AM Country Studies - Federal Research Division - Library of Congress http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/ This website contains the on-line versions of books previously published in hard copy by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress under the Country Studies/Area Handbook Program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Army. Because the original intent of the Series' sponsor was to focus primarily on lesser known areas of the world or regions in which U.S. forces might be deployed, the series is not all-inclusive. At present, 102 countries and regions are covered. Notable omissions include Canada, France, the United Kingdom, and other Western nations, as well as a number of African nations. The date of information for each country appears on the title page of each country and at the end of each section of text. posted by Marcus | 8:47 AM The Harrow Technology Report http://www.TheHarrowGroup.com Insight, analysis, and commentary on the innovations and trends of contemporary computing, and on its growing number of related technologies. An ongoing journey towards understanding, and profiting from, a world of exponential technological growth! Available as an eMail or audio file. Nice job Jeffrey R. Harrow!! posted by Marcus | 8:24 AM Saturday, October 04, 2003 Explore Open Archives http://opcit.eprints.org/explorearchives.shtml Explore Open Archives - Core Metalist of Open Access Eprint Archives. The original, annotated version of this metalist appeared in the ARL Bimonthly Report, No. 227, April 2003. A truly excellent resource and metalist for exploring all open archives for knowledge discovery! posted by Marcus | 9:50 AM NSF - Online Document System http://www.nsf.gov/pubsys/index.htm Documents are sorted by document type, subtype, and date (most recent first). Documents that are assigned to multiple types and/or subtypes will appear more than once. Document Types include: Directory of Projects, Forms, General Information, News Releases, Newsletters/Journals, Policies and Procedures, Program Announcements & Information, Reports, Statistical Reports on U.S. Science, Summary of Awards, and Vacancy Announcements posted by Marcus | 9:25 AM National Information Standards Organization - NISO http://www.niso.org/ Information is the key ingredient for success in business and scholarship today and standards are the foundation of all information systems. Technical standards provide the infrastructure that makes information systems and databases less expensive to develop, easier to use, and universal in value. NISO, the National Information Standards Organization, a non-profit association accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), identifies, develops, maintains, and publishes technical standards to manage information in our changing and ever-more digital environment. NISO standards apply both traditional and new technologies to the full range of information-related needs, including retrieval, re-purposing, storage, metadata, and preservation. A NISO standard developed through consensus, identifies model methods, materials, or practices for libraries, bibliographic and information services, and publishers. NISO is the only standards organization that makes its standards available freely on the web. For a complete listing of NISDO Standards click here. posted by Marcus | 9:15 AM Golden Zip Codes http://www.newsmax.com/archives/ic/2003/9/23/164511.shtml If your postal ZIP code is 60611, on Chicago’s fabled Gold Coast, the median home price is $1.39 million. In 11545, the code for Long Island’s Old Brookville, the median home price is $1.7 million. Those are two of the nation’s richest ZIP codes. Forbes magazine asked DataQuick Information Systems, a public records database company in La Jolla, Calif., to find the plushest ZIP codes and determine the median cost of single-family homes. posted by Marcus | 9:06 AM E-Government for All - A Virtual Conference - November 3 - 14, 2003 http://www.egov4all.org/ E-Government for All will bring together leaders in government, the private sector, community activists, academia and civil society to discuss the relationship between e-government initiatives and the need for policy strategies to bridge the digital divide. While e-government presents us with powerful opportunities for making government more accessible and efficient, there are still millions of people lacking both Internet access and the skills to use it effectively. The conference, therefore, will explore what can be done to ensure that e-government initiatives lessen the digital divide rather than widen it. E-Government for All is free and open to the public. posted by Marcus | 8:57 AM Links By Marcus™ Streaming Video http://www.in-sightstudios.com/marcusPage.htm A 12 minute streaming video presented by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A., Executive Director of the Virtual Private Library, highlighting the many resources and links that he has developed and created including his latest Subject Tracer™ Information Blogs. The sites highlighted are from Links By Marcus™ available here. posted by Marcus | 8:45 AM Friday, October 03, 2003 START - Natural language Question Answering System http://www.ai.mit.edu/projects/infolab/globe.html START, the world's first Web-based question answering system, has been on-line and continuously operating since December, 1993. It has been developed by Boris Katz and his associates of the InfoLab Group at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Unlike information retrieval systems (e.g., search engines), START aims to supply users with "just the right information," instead of merely providing a list of hits. Currently, the system can answer millions of English questions about places (e.g., cities, countries, lakes, coordinates, weather, maps, demographics, political and economic systems), movies (e.g., titles, actors, directors), people (e.g., birth dates, biographies), dictionary definitions, and much, much more. posted by Marcus | 9:18 AM JISC Resource Guides http://www.jisc.ac.uk/index.cfm?name=resguides Each Guide is compiled by a dedicated Resource Guide Adviser who selects the key resources for the subject area and presents them in both print and Web format. Advisers offer a programme of outreach activities in response to your subject needs, including hands-on workshops and training events. They also play a crucial role in soliciting community feedback, helping to ensure that communication about the provision and use of resources and support and advisory services remains two-way. The seven subject areas are: * Arts and Humanities * Engineering, Mathematics and Computing * Geography and the Environment * Health and Life Sciences * Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism * Physical Sciences * Social Sciences Resource Guide Advisers compile each Guide in consultation with subject-based advisory groups comprising librarians, academics and other relevant parties. Resources considered for inclusion include those from partner organisations, such as the Learning and Teaching Support Network (LTSN) and the Research Councils. The resources are arranged in six categories: * Bibliographic, reference and research information * Publications online * Subject gateways * Data services * Learning and teaching * Support services posted by Marcus | 7:32 AM SWIM - Streaming Web-Based Information Modules http://www.swiminfo.dk/english.html The vision behind the SWIM project is to develop a web-based multimedia programme that furthers the development of students' information literacy skills. The programme is designed as a contextually relevant, interactive tutorial, which is divided into well-defined modules and integrated in various web environments relevant to library users and teaching environments. The project objective is to support students in the acquisition of information literacy skills, particularly when using web-based information resources supported by Denmark's Electronic Research Library. The SWIM group will develop an easy to use tutorial consisting of modules that relate to relevant information resources, thus offering the user the possibility of just-in-time learning when using e.g. a specific database. Another objective is to secure the integration and use of those information resources and facilities that can be accessed through the research libraries in the teaching environments of the various educational institutions. posted by Marcus | 7:15 AM "info" URI Scheme for Information Assets with Identifiers in Public Namespaces http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-vandesompel-info-uri-00.txt This document defines the "info" Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) scheme for information assets with identifiers in public namespaces. Namespaces participating in the "info" URI scheme are regulated by an "info" Registry mechanism. This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with all provisions of Section 10 of RFC 2026. posted by Marcus | 7:10 AM Knowledge Discovery Resources and Sites http://www.KnowledgeDiscovery.info Knowledge Discovery is a Subject Tracer™ Information Blog developed and created by the Virtual Private Library™. It is designed to bring together the latest resources and sources on an ongoing basis from the Internet on knowledge discovery research. We always welcome suggestions of additional sites and resources to be added to this comprehensive listing and please submit by clicking here. This site has been developed and maintained by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. Additional links and resources by Marcus are available by clicking here. posted by Marcus | 4:31 AM MonsterMedia - Monstrosity in the Face of Weblogs http://randgaenge.net/stories/2003/09/30/monstermediaenglish.html A very nice paper/thesis by Thomas N. Burg. This paper is trying to setup the grounds for researching the newly established blogosphere and the media culture in general in terms of cultural practices vis a vis the new phenomenon. Martijntje Smits theory on how society reacts on new technologies forms the basis of the research on weblogs. Her „pragmatic monster-ethics" outline social and cultural reaction in view of the emergence of new technologies. This paper elaborates on weblogs, the blogosphere and its practice of linking as new technologies and techniques of content creation that challenge our established public media space. On the grounds of this outline the discourse within the blogosphere as well outside of it will be researche posted by Marcus | 4:22 AM Tree of Knowledgebases http://students.washington.edu/lmon/knowledgebases.html A nice one page resource for KnowledgeBases. posted by Marcus | 4:17 AM Techwatch: Technology and Standards Watch http://www.jisc.ac.uk/index.cfm?name=techwatch_home Technology and Standards Watch helps keep track of developments in information and communications technologies that might have high impact on the core business of Further and Higher Education in a few years' time. It commissions reports on specific technologies and provides many links from this site to technology resources elsewhere on the internet. posted by Marcus | 4:16 AM BRINT 'The BizTech Network' http://www.brint.com/ BRINT 'The BizTech Network' is the premier knowledge resource and global community network for Business Technology, Information Economy, and, Knowledge Management executives, professionals, researchers, and entrepreneurs. Recommended by Business Week, Fortune, Wall Street Journal, Computerworld, Information Week, CIO Magazine, KM World, New York Times, and hundreds of other worldwide publications, it is the largest, deepest, and most reputed resource on leading-edge knowledge in these practice areas. posted by Marcus | 4:14 AM Thursday, October 02, 2003 UNITeS WSIS www.unites.org/wsis The United Nations Information Technology Service (UNITeS), part of the UN Volunteers program, has updated its web site with news about its plans for participation at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), December 10 - 12 in Geneva, Switzerland. At the summit, UNV will showcase both UNITeS and its online volunteering service at NetAid (www.netaid.org/ov). As part of these activities, UNV will create a "mock" community telecenter at the ICT4D Platform exhibition area to demonstrate how community technology centers operate in the developing world. UN Volunteers from the field will help staff this center, along with local volunteers and staff from UNV headquarters, to help give visitors an idea of what helping people in the developing world is like and why collaborations among different groups is so important. UNV is also planning to have onsite and online events during the summit. Plans include online chats with particular themes (such as online volunteering), special guests, onsite presentations, and a live web cast. These pages on the UNITeS web site also include extensive information about why the involvement of volunteers is essential to the successful achievement of fair and inclusive information societies, and UNV's contributions to WSIS prepatory meetings. posted by Marcus | 10:29 AM New Tool Exposes the (Corporate) Ties That Bind http://www.cspinet.org/integrity/database.html The financial ties between industries and the scientists, academic and nonprofit groups that conduct studies on them are sometimes difficult to discern, but a new resource from the Center for Science in the Public Interest is making that job easier. The Integrity in Science Internet Database covers the fields of nutrition, environment, toxicology and medicine. The information contained in the database has been culled from scholarly publications, news articles, resumes, industry bulletins, federal agencies, corporate and university Web sites, conference programs and direct contacts. But the Center cautions users that its information is not comprehensive, and that because of the complexity of the subject and its rapidly changing nature, the database should be used in addition to other sources. (Center for Science in the Public Interest) posted by Marcus | 9:45 AM Economic Analysis of Scientific Research Publishing http://www.wellcome.ac.uk/en/scipub/index.htm An Economic Analysis of Scientific Research Publishing, a report commissioned by the Wellcome Trust, provides a comprehensive analysis of an industry that generates some £22 billion annually. Most research findings are published in journals, generally run either by commercial publishers or learned societies. The growth of the web has created new opportunities for the dissemination of scientific information, but although scientific information is made available on the web, its use is restricted by the access policies of publishers. Journal subscriptions are a significant financial burden on institutional libraries and individual researchers, and present a major obstacle to the timely and comprehensive sharing and use of scientific information. The report has been published to support constructive dialogue between key players in the scientific publishing field - publishers, researchers, academic institutions and funders. The ultimate aim of this dialogue would be to develop a publishing system that meets the needs of all groups, and best promotes the public good of scientific work - that is, disseminates research outputs to all who have an interest in them. The findings of this report contributed to the Trust’s position statement in support of Open Access Publishing. An Economic Analysis of Scientific Research Publishing [PDF 1300k] posted by Marcus | 9:36 AM RDF Review Vocabulary http://ideagraph.net/xmlns/rev/ Table of contents: Introduction, Namespaces, RDF Classes, RDF Properties, and Examples. Appendices: A RDF Schema, B License & Copyright posted by Marcus | 7:27 AM Charity Navigator http://www.charitynavigator.org/ Charity Navigator, independent charity evaluator, works to advance a more efficient and responsive philanthropic marketplace by evaluating the financial health of America's largest charities. Searchable database of over 2,500 charities. posted by Marcus | 7:22 AM Trumping Google? Metasearching's Promise by Judy Luther http://libraryjournal.reviewsnews.com/index.asp?layout=article&articleid=CA322627&publication=libraryjournal Interesting and well debated article on various library listservs®. posted by Marcus | 7:19 AM Scholars Portal http://www.arl.org/access/scholarsportal/ ARL Scholars Portal Working Group, Staff Liaison, Project Advisors and Information available from this site. posted by Marcus | 7:14 AM Wednesday, October 01, 2003 DART™ http://www.dynago.com/dart/ DART™ is a research application built primarily to help users quickly filter through online information and preview relevant content. Unlike conventional search engines, that provide you a list of search results, DART™ helps you search deeper, summarize the results, pin point the most relevant content and even generate related search topics. posted by Marcus | 7:45 AM MailBucket http://www.mailbucket.org/ MailBucket is an experiment in alternative methods of email management. For now its only feature is a public email-to-RSS gateway. The service is probably most useful to those who lurk on high-traffic mailing lists, but it could also be used as a rudimentary bridge between applications, with email as the transfer protocol. The generated RSS feeds are valid and compressed (if your client supports compressed content); they are also public and impermanent, which may be a disadvantage for you. posted by Marcus | 7:42 AM The eBizSearch Engine http://gunther.smeal.psu.edu/index.html eBizSearch is an experimental niche search engine that searches the web and catalogs academic articles as well as commercially produced articles and reports that address various business and technology aspects of e-Business. The search engine crawls websites of universities, commercial organizations, research institutes and government departments to retrieve academic articles, working papers, white papers, consulting reports, magazine articles, and published statistics and facts. For certain documents, the database only stores the hyperlinks to those documents. eBizSearch performs a citation analysis of all the academic articles accessed and lists them in order of their citation rates in academic papers (the most cited articles are listed first). Articles available through the eBizSearch engine can be downloaded (for fair use) without any charges. However, some articles may have only the abstracts listed, and may have to be purchased directly from the appropriate sources. eBizSearch gratefully acknowledges the support of the NEC and Dr.Steve Lawrence in the development of eBizSearch. eBizSearch is the only search engine focused on e-Business that can: - automatically gather and index specific research information such as author, title, abstract, and citations. - perform key-word searches on the full content of all documents selected. - conduct citation searches to identify the most influential articles. - accept article submissions from users, ensuring the most complete and current database in the e-biz world. posted by Marcus | 7:36 AM The SMEALSearch Engine http://smealsearch.psu.edu/ SMEALSearch is a niche search engine that searches the web and catalogs academic articles as well as commercially produced articles and reports that address any branch of Business. The search engine crawls websites of universities, commercial organizations, research institutes and government departments to retrieve academic articles, working papers, white papers, consulting reports, magazine articles, and published statistics and facts. For certain documents, the database only stores the hyperlinks to those documents. SMEALSearch performs a citation analysis of all the academic articles accessed and lists them in order of their citation rates in academic papers (the most cited articles are listed first). Articles available through the SMEALSearch engine can be downloaded (for fair use) without any charges. However, some articles may have only the abstracts listed, and may have to be purchased directly from the appropriate sources. The SMEALSearch Engine gratefully acknowledges the support of NEC and Dr.Steve Lawrence in the development of SMEALSearch. SMEALSearch is the only search engine focused on Business that can: - automatically gather and index specific research information such as author, title, abstract, and citations. - perform key-word searches on the full content of all documents selected. - conduct citation searches to identify the most influential articles. - accept article submissions from users, ensuring the most complete and current database in the Business world. posted by Marcus | 7:31 AM iQ NewsNet http://www.iqnewsnet.com/ iQ NewsNet serves senior executives and professionals who need to scan the latest developments in science and technology and quickly understand their significance. posted by Marcus | 7:26 AM DARPA Fact File http://www.darpa.mil/body/pdf/FINAL2003FactFilerev1.pdf Short summaries of selected DARPA programs, intended as a ready reference for those interested in DARPA’s research portfolio. The DARPA mission is to develop imaginative, innovative and often high-risk research ideas offering a significant technological impact that will go well beyond the normal evolutionary developmental approaches; and, to pursue these ideas from the demonstration of technical feasibility through the development of prototype systems. posted by Marcus | 7:22 AM Latin America Business Intelligence Some resources covering Latin American business intelligence: The Latin Business Chronicle http://www.latinbusinesschronicle.com/ LatinTrade.com http://www.latintrade.com/ Latin American Online Sources http://snoopy.tblc.lib.fl.us/utlibrary/globe/latam.htm Latin American Information Sources http://www.ibiblio.org/slanews/conferences/sla1998/lasources.html posted by Marcus | 7:14 AM Report on the Evaluation of Criteria Sets for Assessing Health Web Sites http://www.consumerwebwatch.org/news/health/index.html Consumers need better help to navigate the rapidly growing amount of health care information available on the World Wide Web, as dozens of sets of guidelines and criteria for improving health Web site quality proliferate. At the same time, newspapers, trade journals and other media should do more to call attention to those attributes that make a health Web site relevant and useful, according to two studies published by Consumer WebWatch. The first study, a collaborative research project undertaken with the Health Improvement Institute, evaluates existing criteria sets for health sites put forth by medical institutions, professional groups, government organizations and others. Access the report in pdf and html format from the above URL. The second study, from the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania, analyzes discussions of health Web site information in the medical and popular media. The report can be read in pdf format here. posted by Marcus | 5:28 AM |
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